-Oh…! How good ... I feel today!
Involuntarily speaking those words upon awakening. Since it was what my body wanted to express the most.
I feel light as a feather today !!
It was so! But so loaded until yesterday! Than after releasing all that annoying stress! Today I feel wonderful ... It is as if I were reborn again.
I no longer have any pending accounts on my list and I am free of any annoying feelings. From now on ... My days will be as relaxed as they were in the old days.
-Knock! Knock! Knock!-
Damn! Who is interrupting my internal festivities?
-Young gentleman. I have prepared breakfast for you… can I come in?
Hey ... is that damn old lady again?
It really is annoying as always. But like today I woke up in a good mood. I'm going to let him pass.
-Old woman l. I'm going to have breakfast at the table. leave it there ... I'll get up right away.
-I get it. as ordered by the gentleman.
After hearing my answer. I hear the steps of the old woman walking away from the door.
"Oh, my God! That really was disgusting! "
That old woman who just knocked on my door. her name is old lady li ... something or whatever ... I only remember the first syllables of her name. Which is why I just call her old lil. And the idiot is happy with that. Since she thinks I call her that because I love her or something similar. And I know that very well because sometimes she gives me those looks that grandmothers usually give their grandchildren in the movies that I usually see abroad.
If you're wondering why I just said it's "disgusting"
It is simple.
Why before I used to have a beautiful and elegant maid who was like an older sister named mine. She was the daughter of one of the upper-class families in all of Osaka and she was the one who was entrusted by my parents to cover all my daily needs.
How to say it. Normally that would never happen in a high class family. But that is how important the presence of my family is in this place. Even going so far as to make some of the proudest high-class nobles. They stoop to sending one of their daughters to work as a servant to a future heir. As long as you have some connection with them.
Well getting back to the topic. Mine, my dear maid was taking care of me for almost a whole year. And we became very close during that time. She was like a very reliable one-san in a sense.
At first when I met her, she was nervous and behaved very rigid. But as time went by she became completely relaxed and confident… which didn't bother me. Since it was quite annoying that everyone around me treated me in a formal and careful way. Having someone who treats me informally. Especially if that someone is a beautiful, high-class girl who sincerely cared about me. I must say it was kind of nice.
Besides that there was also the fact that she got along very well with kisaki. My second most favorite person after sakura. It would not be an exaggeration if I called their relationship with the label of "friends" since they had known each other before.
The thing is that mine ... who used to be my personal maid called me with the synonym of "gentleman kenji" and only on special occasions or when I was about to do some mischief in one-san mode she called me kenji-kun. But now in this cruel reality I have to live the nightmares of every morning having an old woman of more than seventy years ... calling me with the synonym of "young man".
"It really is a nightmare"
By the way. Mia was fired after it was announced that there would be an engagement between me and sakura.
I'm not lying. I was forced to send mine to work at the kisaki house. Since even though I was a bit reluctant to do it because of how comfortable I felt with her. I thought that if he stayed here, he would be in danger from the looks that miyuki gave him at that time. To be completely honest there was a time when I had to stop her because she wanted to attack me… for a reason that I still don't know. On that occasion, in exchange for saving my life ... I had to go through more than three weeks with my arm in a cast from the blows and the forced insistence with which miyuki wanted to hurt her.
In fact… now that I remember. It was the next day after that incident when mine went to visit me at the hospital that I told her to leave home for a while until I spoke well with Sakura about what was really happening. She was a bit reluctant to do that. But she seemed to be very worried about that incident at the same time. So in the end I reluctantly accept my suggestion.
After that I called kisaki and said if I could take care of her for some time. To which she gladly accepted.
Some time later I asked Sakura ... if I could bring mine back to the house. To which she told me a resounding "No!" Besides that I was forbidden to have any maid in the house. To which I clearly objected for it. Since I didn't want some spoiled old man or handsome boy to wake me up in the morning. Besides that it would begin to doubt my preferences as heir if I let that happen. To which she reluctantly agreed, unable to counter my arguments. And so after deciding unilaterally and searching without telling me for a whole week. And finally she was able to find out of all the candidates this shameless old woman who was already retired.
But… first of all. I'll make something clear to all of you ill-considered.
The suspicions they are having of me are unfounded. My relationship with mine was close… But not the lovers type but the healthy type. As close as brothers or something like that. Since my heart was occupied by sakura almost completely. Of course I will not deny that mine was very attractive and that she once had one of those sinful dreams that every teenager has with her. But no more than that. Since I am an heir and a right man. I am only true to my words and to my beloved sakura.
By the way. Even though I went through all that tragedy back then. I have to admit that seeing Sakura jealous for me… made my heart pound. What a tender woman she is when she pouts.
But… I must also say unfortunately.
That some time later I found out that among all the elderly candidates that she had chosen ... I wanted to make sure that each one met the minimum requirement that they were not "single or widowed" something that really gave me a little chills.
"Ah ... just to think that I felt so free and happy until just a moment ago"
-But that joy had to last me so little.
When I get off the file ... I can't unconsciously stop slipping those words.
-Well Alfred. I will be waiting for you in this same place in the afternoon. Now I will have to spend my time in this cage… I mean school. See you.
-Yes ... be careful, sir. I will look for it at the time of departure. See you later ... And have a nice day.
Without turning around I wave my hand towards Alfred in goodbye. And then I take a step towards what it represents. A cage full of cockroaches.
“What the hell is all this damn fuss about… move garbage. They block my way "
Walking these damn hallways I find a group of cockroaches huddled near the entrance of the classroom.
-Hey you fucking pig! Don't cause trouble for the student president!
-It is true! Also… Don't bring those weird gadgets with you Damn otaku pig!
-Hears! Don't ignore me pig!
-You don't feel ashamed about it. It doesn't seem like it's time to at least try to limit your fetishes and diminish your disgusting existence.
-Yes! The girls are already scared by your cameras that were found in the bathrooms!
-The president found out everything… And you still have the courage to keep bringing those devices with you! Perverted pig !!
"What the hell!" "Is this the typical cliche scene that comes up in the manga?"
"Does this really happen ... in the lives of commoners?"
I couldn't help but wonder that a little annoyingly. Because of the cheap drama that was playing all over the place.
From what you can hear around… it was a group of four bravado cockroaches plus a fat cockroach which was the one being pointed out.
Normally I would ignore an event as insignificant as this. But unfortunately for me I have to go through this corridor… so I have to go through the scene of this cheap drama.
-They get in the way!
I yell at the cockroaches piled up on the road which upon hearing me look in my direction with great annoyance and anger.
But before I can even say "korococo" they quickly swallow their words and glare at me as they step out of the way with their heads down.
"I see that at least some neurons still work in these commoners"
As I made my way through the crowd. The cheap drama scene jumps out.
Four grubby commoners staring hostilely and swearing at an obese commoner. Which holds several mini cameras trapped in his arms.
I watch the obese commoner's face out of an instinctive curiosity that arose in me.
And seeing it. I couldn't help but release a small surprised voice from my lips. Since it was too strange for me to be curious about a miserable commoner.
But luckily my instincts weren't wrong.
Because the obese partner they are harassing is not a commoner.
"What is someone like him doing here?"
He is nothing more and nothing less than one of the representatives of the prestigious Osaka families. His family is only below the three main families… he is in the same position as Kiriha Karen as heir to his family here in Osaka….
"How is it that the son of one of the most influential and important families in all of Japan is in this kind of school?"
I was a bit surprised to find a compatriot in this place.
But I decided to ask him later ... why the rage burned inside me when I realized that the companion harassed by these cockroaches was none other than a worthy human being.
“Calm down myself. If I do something like break a couple of bones to these smelly commoners and that old shit finds out. I will have to extend my stay in this damn place or maybe go to a much worse place "
-To sigh-
-Listen to pieces of shit. I politely ask you to leave this place now and not bother this colleague of mine anymore ... otherwise you will have to abstain from the consequences.
-What did you say-
-Who are you calling piece-
-You really have val-
-You looked for it-
As if a rat had eaten their tongues ... The four monsters ... they stopped midway and looked at my face in a totally scared way.
They obviously know their place.
Or that's what I thought ... but-
-You… This has nothing to do… with you. Do not mess.
One of these disgusting monsters ... had the courage to defy me in a totally cowardly way in front of everyone.
"He's obviously looking for his death."
I take a short breath. And I suppress all the anger that I could feel right now.
-Tell me toxic cockroach ... Do you know what happened today near the bridge a few blocks from here and which was broadcast on the news?
-What… What does that have to do with it?
-Answer back!
Hi! -Scared-
"A dead teenager was… found on one side of the bridge." Nobody knows who the culprit was.
-Yes! It is a time saver to know that at least the cockroaches are informed about what is happening in the world.
"And I don't want to waste any more words on someone like you"
-Why? Why you ask?
-It's easy to tell, monstrosity. I ask you because with just one call I can make you experience that event in the first person ... Do you want it?
"As expected of the scum"
I can't help but think that. As I watch the spawn stumble and run.
At the end of the ridiculous show.
I ignore the others and enter the classroom.
-A few hours later-
-Oh! By the way! Thanks for earlier.
-Hey?! Oh that! It was nothing ... But what has that scene come to?
-Well you see… it's because I had my cameras and they-
-Not! I don't mean that… you know what I'm really asking you don't you?
I couldn't help but answer him unethically. Since he had acted pathetic in such a situation.
So that pissed me off a bit.
-Oh! You talk about it. Well… it's honestly not like I can do anything.
-What do you mean?
-Good classmate Takashi. Tell me…
-Why would someone like you come to this school?
-Of course I'm asking you if you want to offend. And not out of curiosity.
-Good. Anyway ... I was going to ask you the same thing. So to be fair I'll answer you.
-Thank you.
-I've come to this damn place. Because of a fucking old man who found it funny to punish his son by sending him here without any objection!
-Hahaha ...
“What are you laughing at, you damn obese. I'll beat you up if you don't shut up- "
-Sorry! Sorry! It's just that I am amused. Since I am in a similar situation.
-Oh! So that's it.
-But what's that about letting yourself be harassed by those cockroaches.
-Well you'll see. My situation unlike yours is that I cannot attract attention to be detected. So I am totally independent and cannot use my bank account.
-Wuou- -Surprised-
It really surprised me that this guy is faced with such a restriction.
Since for us the heirs of the upper class. Cutting our access to our bank account… It would be the same as cutting off our hands and throwing ourselves into a river without salvation.
-What damn shit is that!
-That's really bad…. I'll lend you money if you need it. You will return it to me when you can resolve your bank account problems.
-Oh! Seriously! I really appreciate it mate ...
"Besides, there is another reason why I cannot retaliate against them." And that reason is that they… have great support.
As we talked and left the room. Me and my new colleague… we headed towards the cafeteria to have lunch.
And after hearing that last word. The topic of conversation… really caught my attention.
I was really surprised to hear that.
Because by his words he is giving me to understand that those miserable cockroaches are protected by someone of equal or superior status to him.
-Yes… it's how you are thinking. And that damn backup is-
Just when you are about to tell me the name of that supposed backup…. he stops his steps and looks in front of me.
I follow that puzzled look and what is in front of my eyes is-
-What the hell are you doing here !!
"Hahahahahaha ..."
I can't stop laughing from inside myself. And the beautiful memories with the person in front of me begin to gush from the depths of my dearest soul.
-How long without seeing each other "Kiriha Karen" -
-Answer back!!!
- In Serial63 Chapters
The Botched Summoning
People know of the Summoning Ritual: it brings the greatest of heroes in a new world to defeat the evil at the horizon! High and mighty adventurers, guardians of light, here to defend the oppressed humanity from their despicable foes. But what if the plea, the 'desperate' call for help, was met with contempt and disdain ? What would happen if the ritual fails? What horrid things could come out of a botched ritual? A man can personify the most feared beast known of man while being the sole hope of the kingdom. Emotions can cloud even gods judgement. Balance of power if a fragile thing, oaths and scorn can disturb it easily. This is the story of Fafnir as he has to survive his new life. But things are not always as they appear." i want to thank mejinzs for his gift of cover art, and both rouge and mejinzs for the proofreading support and rouge for the help with the abstract R15+ for violence... i guess and possible strong language... i guess (doing this as a better safe than sorry sort of deal.) now posting on my blogspot site as well (https://talesoftheforgottenslayer.wordpress.com/)
8 169 - In Serial31 Chapters
It Spreads
Leena lives with her belligerent grandfather outside the old town of Icherrun. She has always been isolated from the town by her grandfather and shunned by the community. One rainy night, a young man comes to the door, and he does not seem to see anything wrong with her. In fact, he urges her to come with him as something has taken over the land. What kind of adventure will he pull her into?
8 209 - In Serial6 Chapters
The Last Lestrange [SI, OC, Gamer]
Born to Bellatrix and Rudolphus Lestrange, Lazarus is more than he seems. [I suck at summaries, this is a reincarnation story and will have a very powerful but not overpowered MC] [No Harem]
8 69 - In Serial54 Chapters
Nature's Kingdom
Nature I, a.k.a Nature's Kingdom: Worlds are changing. With the rapid increase of hallowed, metahumans, and superpowered beings, hints of events with cataclysmic proportion can be seen on the horizon. Phenomena that has not been witnessed since the Age of Gods. Mercy Gaunt, a somewhat popular teenage girl, finds her life turned upside down as she is dropped into the world of ‘Capes’ and mythical beings. A world of war, conspiracy, and political intrigue. Full of battles that have lasted millennia with deep grudges that had taken root in the past. As she remembers her childhood dream for utopia, Mercy must decide if she has what it takes to protect the people she loves. *Please comment and review if you take the time to read, I would love to hear your thoughts.* Support my Patreon or Paypal if you wish! Rewards for donating can be seen here. ~Do you have what it takes to Fight for your Wish?~
8 291 - In Serial10 Chapters
My Wish To Acquire 10 Wives
Being the strongest in the world is boooring. Okay I have decided. I will have 10 wives.Can't solve a political issue, don't worry I will help you but in return be my wife.Demon beast horde attack, don't worry I will save you but in return be my wife.Can't get strong enough, don't worry, come to me. Your husband will help you.This a story(more like a parody for all stories) of the will of a young man to survive by acquiring 10 wives. (The cover art is not mine) **There will be no NTR**
8 82 - In Serial36 Chapters
Хүргэн ахаас хайрт минь болсон түүх. Гэхдээ би хүргэн ах минь байсан гэдгийг мэдээгүй. BXB бичвэр уншдаггүй болон lgbtq хүмүүсийг дэмждэггүй хүмүүс уншаад хэрэггүй байх. :))
8 745