《My Little Abomination》Chapter 17.5: Camille's Reverse Flash Situation


"-Anyways, this is something between us Abomination trainers to settle. You can watch on the sidelines..."

Just with that, (Protagonist)-san went ahead to fight his rival.

I quickly opened up the box like a green-tunic hero opening a treasure chest. The contents were like what the box said it would contain but-

"Why are they all Calico themed..."

The face mask had a cat mouth on it, the glasses have a cat frame, the headphones had ears and the gloves are a weird fusion of a paw and a finger-less gloves.

But still, it's a bad thing to throw away what a friend gave, right? And it's a manly thing to have such hot-blooded friendship between us.

I wore them feeling a bit embarrassed but I still have to watch their battle. Strangely, it was very comfortable especially with the glove's fluffy lining.

Anyways, it seems that (Avatar)-san has defeated some kind of zombie and because of that, Chris-sent out that monster from Al!en.

Then, Shimini the Mimiky*u appeared out of nowhere to stab the monster in the gut with a Sword of Revealing Light but the green stomach acid began to melt it.

I look at the scene worriedly as both Trainers collapsed into the ground before moving my gaze back to my friend's melted cosplay gho-.

Camille, snap out of it, baka!

Huh? Where am I? Oh, this is the Garden... Chloe.

Suddenly, I was transported into a a bright flower meadow. Weapons were stabbed into the ground with plants growing over them as they bath in the perpetual dawn of this world.

Your mind was breaking apart literally so I had to transport your consciousness here but it won't be long until the Insanity could break through.

"I see... So, I can't go outside or I'll die mentally, huh. The irony is rich!"


I picked up a random weapon I could grab nearby and swing it in slight frustration. It was my classmate, Eobard-"sama"'s Snapdragon, the RIF Vengeance. It was a giant key that could be used somewhere but without knowing where, it is just an ordinary blunt weapon unlike Desney's K*yblades...

He saved you before and now you guys are saving each other but because of the other you are in deep shit. It's funny if you think about it.

Wait a minute, all these weapons here have unknown properties... If I can find a Snapdragon suitable for this situation I could live through this.

You're correct you better search the Garden quick. I think you have 5 minute left in this state

This Garden is the garden of my soul and these weapons are replicas of everybody's souls called Snapdragons.

It is the Infinite Snapdragon Garden, my Actuality Canvas given by Chloe to me...

I skipped the frequently used ones while I kept fishing for the right Snapdragon to get me out of this situation...

Every time I draw and toss away a Snapdragon, it vanishes as it relocates far away, out of my sight. It made the process slightly easier.

Camille, there is only a minute left!

Then, I grabbed something... It was alTerra Libertas... The spear that defended the mind, (MC)-san's Snapdragon... Wait, isn't the ability just like the Kaliyon, Lapidem Sybilus?

Even if you're referencing something, it's probably something too obscure for them to know...

Then, I found myself staring at the aftermath of the battle with the (MC) -san despairing on the ground. I wonder what happened...

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