《My Little Abomination》Chapter 12: Justice.exe Has Restarted, Prepare For Some Mayhem!


"My beacon of hope in this colorless world..."

Stating a cheesy line, I prayed to the author from outside this monitor to make Camille spare my life.

Camille stood up menacingly, distorting the air around him with Heroic Determination.

Looks like I wasn't honest enough... I should've blamed him for getting nearly hit by a car that one time but I'm a protagonist and good protagonists never do that.

"(Avatar), I already know what to do!"

Black feathers began falling around him before suddenly gathering into his hand. Then, the feathers formed a black knife. I've got a bad feeling about this. Guess, being killed by one of your friends is a way to go...


He proceeds to stab himself himself in the heart as a light similar to Shimini's body got released.

It released an aura so strong that the unconscious Ena reacted to it. What is going to happen?

A girl of Camille's height appeared after the light died down. Her tanned skin clad in red clothes and her face was covered with bandages that flowed with her cherry petal-like hair.

"Chloe, it's time..."

The girl nodded and this is the part where he kills me.

"Within this garden of mine..."

A strangely shaped edgeless sword appears within her hands but for some reason, I know what was it's purpose: to disassemble machines.

Then, within a flash the tank was bisected with Juan and the army man in a state of intense surprise.

This is a chance, let's take it! Go, Shimini!

{On it!}

The army man's entire squad of riflemen fired at Shimini but his small body was too hard to hit, especially when moving at a fast speed.

He then successfully decapitated both Juan and the army man and everything that the army man summoned disappeared like what happened to president Linecoin.


Mary and Marty landed on their butts, shocked on what just happened.

"Collaborator 164, how dare you... Team Triumph will hunt you for this betrayal."

Marty threatened like a Terminator with his anti-insanity shades on but his 'I'll be back' wasn't that effective.

"Marty, I think it's time for us to back off..."

Mary quickly stood up as Marty followed suit.

"Hey, do you think I'd just let you get away after-"

Camille screamed angrily but


With a puff of conspiratorial smoke of Illuminati they disappeared from plain sight.

""Team Triumph will have a hand at glory once again!!!""

And with that, they just disappeared.

Now, I have a big problem to take care of. Namely, Camille... It seems that he has some big issues with Abomination trainers like me.

"Camille, I'm very sorry about all that. I got you involved in this abomination business... But trust me, we have never killed anybody directly!"

I quickly prostrated myself or as weabs like to call it, a dogeza.

Shimini of course followed my example but even if he was that cute, it is still doubtful that Camille would would forgive me nor me abominations...

"No, it's fine but would you mind if I stab you?"


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