《My Little Abomination》Chapter 9: Abomination, I Choose You!


"Send it back from whence it came,"

"Hiding an illegal alien, you have no shame..."

The gray suit duo suddenly performed a speech in front of me that I had no words for it.

"To subjugate any dangerous abomination."

The woman suddenly triggered me but let's not show it, be cool. She is just a person that judges people just because they look weird, okay?

"To protect Murican people within our nation."

At least the guy makes sense, the woman must've been a feminazi

"To reject any negatives for our economy."

Don't tell me that they are...

"To build that wall for more autonomy."

Oh, no...


Mary said.


Marty said.

"¿How about Juan?…"

I heard some kind of whisper but it's probably not important, I should think of countermeasures against Mary and Marty...

"Team Triumph, deporting illegals before they steal a job!"

As expected, they must be serving directly under Ronald Triumph's authority. I heard anybody who supported him during the election had the loyalty of 1000 Shinobis...

"Surrender now or prepare to get fucked, fucked, fucked!"

"¡Si amigos, that's right!"

Juan the Mexilander joined in.


And with a sudden miniature explosion, they did strange poses reminiscent of the P*wer Rangers.

"Wait, Team Triumph? Why are you guys here?"

Camille came out of the living room to see what was happening. He seems to know Mary and Marty.

"Ah, Collaborator #164..."

Juan began.

"What a nice time for you to be here..."

Mary continued.

"We will be apprehending this bastard for bringing in an Interdimensional Illegal..."

Then, Marty finishes with perfect coordination.

It seems that I will also have to fight him but man did they practice a lot to get those lines right?


"What? But (avatar) doesn't look like one of those cultists at all! I've known (main character) for 3 years, there's no way that (protagonist) could murder anybody!"

Camille denied what was happening before him but the truth must come out.

"We've never desired to but I've killed them..."

I stated as a matter of fact.

"The man has admitted his guilt, it's only right to apprehend him..."

Marty added.

"... It can't be..."

Camille got into his knees as he experiences a Heroic BSOD. Being Lawful Good sure is troublesome... But that's okay as there's less than one enemy.

I quickly ran past him before calling MLA into my hands as it was time to fight.

Guys, I need you. Quick!

A pink puddle suddenly appeared with a cloth ghost right beside it.


{It seems so.}

Even the usually timid Shimini suddenly changed like some switched has been flipped

Team Triumph Mary and Marty would like to battle!

They sent out Bald Eagle, Abram Linecoin, Sherman T. Garand and Illuminati

Tentacle, Stare, Dive, Laser

Riftbreaker, Shiminicalibur!, Angelic Hum, Shadow Sneak

You have earned an Eldritch Sponsor, you know have access to Eldritch Equilibrium, meaning you will get boosts on uneven fights.

Wait, what?

Enemy signatures closing in!

Shimini, hide in my shadow and Ena will dive into her puddle under the sofa near the hallway.

They silently accepted my orders as I waited in anticipation...

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