《Unlimited Mana Works!》Vol 1 | Chapter 2: Osoric Library
Part 1
After passing through many people like the house servants, I meet the entrance to the library of the house.
I’ve been here many times, though I never thought much about it.
“Hey Master! Are you entering the library? Do you want me to help you pick some good books?”
A voice from behind shouted at me, along with it I heard fast paced footsteps.
It seems Aerich was speed-walking towards me.
“Good morning Aerich! Good morning Cella!”
I waved towards him and waited a few seconds for him to catch up.
Also, I saw Cella striding behind. She gave me a smile and waved back, only saying, “Good morning, Young Master.”
“What are you planning to do today?”
“I want to read on swordsmanship and magic. Papa told me when he comes back home he’ll teach me a lot.”
“Lord Lukyus is an amazing teacher. You’ll learn a lot, master.”
There’s been something bothering me for this past year.
Aerich always refers to me as “master”.
I don’t know what this is but, it dosen’t feel right.
I can’t put it into words but-
“Can you not call me master?”
There was a brief pause between Aerich’s reply, he put his hand on his chin and looked on the top corner ceiling before looking straight into my eyes.
“Of course, Young Lord.”
That’s not what I wanted but Young Lord seems about fine.
“Thank you.”
I turned over to enter the library.
The library was a huge room, I never really noticed it before but there really is a large collection of books.
Normally, beside me Aerich would sit down and Cella would stand aside.
But for today, I had asked them to leave.
There’s no time to be chatting with either of them.
I pulled an interesting book from the shelf, the name was “Encyclopaedia of Magic”.
Of course, it was significantly heavy.
Luckily it was in the bottom shelves.
Though I may have to call some house servants in to prearrange some other books…
I sat down on a nearby seat and placed the Encyclopaedia on the table, opening up the first page.
After reading a few pages, I already learnt a lot of information.
To fuel magic, mana is used. The stronger the magic, the higher the consumption rate. Along with this, everyone is born with a specific amount of mana capacity, although there is no solid and reliable way to measure it.
What’s mana? According to the book, mana is a form of life force in this world, without it we’ll die. Every single being has mana, and a limited capacity of it.
Even if you exhaust mana through spell casting, there is always a life-sufficient amount left so you don’t die.
The Encyclopaedia calls this type of mana that resides in your body despite having your main mana reserves depleted “Pre-Mana”.
Mana is everywhere, in the air, in the water, in the earth. So in order to recover it you just have to wait.
This is what I read about mana.
Also, I had already learnt the rankings of this world regarding levels of magic.
It starts from Academy - Beginner - Intermediate - Exquisite - Saint - King - God.
There are only the amount of people you could count on your hand that can cast God-Class Magic, and approximately 30 around the world who can cast King-Magic.
So King and God magic are really really hard to learn.
Though, this book is pretty old… So maybe the statistics is unreliable?
With that said, I opened a lamp and continued reading for a few hours.
I had learnt a lot more. I closed the Magic Encyclopaedia and heavily sighed.
“…There were a lot of hard words!-!-! Uwaaaaah!”
Actually, I heavily shouted.
It’s natural isn’t it? It’s my first time reaching such a book, there were so many words that I couldn’t understand!
I looked over to my side, which sat a dictionary.
“Thank you, Lord Dictionary.”
I said as I picked up the thick dictionary, embracing it tightly.
Eh, hugging a book hurts…
I placed the dictionary back on the table after patting my stomach to ease the pain.
It was thanks the dictionary that I was able to even understand what I learnt, I should thank the genius who thought of buying a dictionary.
Today I learnt a lot, let me recount:
Magic is split into different branches, starting from the core elements of Earth, Water, Fire, Wind.
And it’s split again into different types of spells, attack, defence, aid, healing, summoning and manipulation.
Attack spells are used either in range or close distance as attack spells.
Defence spells protects themselves and others from any attacks.
Aid is a buff type of spell that enhances physical power and speed. It can also decrease mana consumption and gives an advantage to the spell caster depending on the spell.
Healing magic heals the spell caster or anyone else intended. It can be used by any element, an example can be [Earth Minor Heal] or [Water Minor Heal], though those are Beginner class.
Summoning summons is dependent according to the spell and element. One example can be from the Earth Element, “[Summon: Earth Hound]” or “[Summon: Aerobird]”
Manipulation is one of the interesting ones. Probably because of how versatile it is. With manipulation, depending on the element you can make anything. If you used water manipulation then you could make a water ball out of thin air, or if you used Earth you can make a figure or anything like it.
Magic Manipulation is the same thing as putting your imagination into use, you can make anything as long as you have the mana and imagination.
Magic manipulation in itself is a spell, but due to its technicality, it is considered one of the branches of magic.
Although it does have its limits like: Mana consumption.
The bigger and better the manipulation is, the higher tier it is considered in the “Academy - Beginner - Intermediate - Exquisite - Saint - King - God.” Scale.
Oh, and that scale is called the “Class Scale”.
And the higher the tier, it gets much more technical and difficult to cast.
To reach God-Class in magic manipulation, you would have to be able to shift entire oceans or continents. But there are no records of anyone reaching God-Class in magic manipulation. Only in theory does it work.
I said that I read the entire encyclopaedia but in truth, I only read what I could. Even the dictionary doesn’t cover very technical words. But I would say I had read about 80% of the book.
So I learnt the basics of basics of spell casting.
After taking a deep breath, the cushioned chair creaked and I stood up, walking towards another section of the library.
I picked out a prearranged book called: “The Styles of Combat”.
I say prearranged because I’m not tall at all and I didn’t have the strength to carry books down or return them. Instead, I called a house servant to prearrange the books I’m planning to read so I can get it with ease.
After scouring and confirming the contents, I returned to my seat.
My arms hurting while doing so.
The books are about half my size!
I opened the book and read for hours and hours on end.
Here’s what I learnt:
There are many ways to fight physically, though It is split into different styles.
The three main styles are:
Sword Style, Spear Style and Hand Style.
Just like magic, the skills are classed into groups.
Academy - Beginner - Intermediate - Exquisite - Saint - King - God.
It seems like the “Class Scale” is the main scale used to measure overall strength and skill, along with knowledge and abilities in certain fields.
I heard from Radyn that Father is Saint in Sword style, Spear style and Hand Style.
I hope he’ll teach me…
Of course, there are many more styles such as Blunt Style, Sharp style, Blade style, Assassin Style, and many more but because the main three are the most prominent, the book didn’t go into full detail into those ones.
I look at the clock on the wall. I left for the library at eight o’clock, now it’s 5 o’clock. It seems like I’ve been here for about 9 hours.
…Y-You see how I demonstrated my Mathematical and Arithmetic skills?
The time was most spent flipping through the dictionary to find the meaning of the words I didn’t know, if I knew all the words then it may have been 5 hours passing instead of 9.
I pack the books away, only leaving aside two.
The ones that I’m holding are “Academy to Exquisite Spell Guide” and “The Sky’s Dictionary”.
Although, since they are so heavy, I may have to call for a house servant to carry these into my room…
Part 2
“So… Imagine mana flow throughout the body… Pulsate it towards your arms and image roots growing from your fingers…?”
I muttered a summarised version on how to cast a spell from the Spell Guide book.
Right now, I’m in my own room practicing how to cast a spell.
I thought it would be interesting, though it would certainly be cool if I could.
I looked at a spell, a harmless Academy-class spell.
It was called “[Create Ice]”.
This should be a good start.
“Alright so, as it says in the book…”
I tried to imagine mana flowing throughout my body… Pulsate it… Roots…
I don’t get it.
How about I just concentrate?
I raised my arm and clenched it into a fist.
I cleared my mind and subconsciously imagined a flow of water.
That water then turned into ice.
Maybe I subconsciously thought of a flow of water freezing because I was planning to cast an ice-type spell.
“[Create Ice]!”
I open my eyes, my hands felt cold.
As I unclenched my hand, there was a pitiful amount of ice sitting there, and there was a fistful amount of ice sitting on the floor.
I did it, I cast my first spell.
I put my hands on my hips and pointed my chest out, with a seemingly haughty stance I laughed my heart out.
I don’t know why I was getting so excited just because I cast a mere Academy Class Spell.
Although, I understand something now.
What the spell guide said was an absolute lie!
Well, not so much as a lie but written with selfish intent! Hmph!
When you cast spells, you have to intuitively find your own way of casting it.
This “imagine roots growing from your fingers” is just another way that the author used to cast their own spells. It’s not the way that other people can use to cast their own!
Truly selfish!
Prostrate yourself now and apologise to every buyer of your book!
For now, I don’t have a complete clear way for casting spells but I’ll get there soon enough.
Well then, I guess I am now an Academy-Class Magic Caster! Hurrah!
Congratulations, Reign Osoric Cinage. Congratulations, myself.
After quickly cleaning up the ice and throwing it out the window I sit on the bed, reading more of the Spell Guide book.
I looked through other Academy-class spells.
There, I’ll use that one next.
I thought as I eyed a spell called “[Wind Burst]”.
But before I got the chance to stand up and cast it, the door to my room suddenly smashed open.
Who was it?
“Reign! I heard you were here, your Papa is back and is ready to teach you swordsmanship!”
It was my father, Lukyus Osoric Cinage.
He was wearing a lightly padded shirt with combat-looking pants, on his waist was a sword, a real one. And in his hands were two wooden swords.
He seems excited.
Also prepared for today’s sword training session.
“-Oh, did I disturb you?”
Currently, I was in a weird position.
He just surprised me, that’s all.
Regardless… Please don’t look at me.
“No Papa, you just scared me. But, please teach me!”
I stood up and placed the books neatly on my desk, straightening my back and raising my head. Looking at Papa straight into his eyes.
“Oho? What’s this?”
Papa said as he picked up the book, reading the title “Academy to Beginner Spell Guide” and only glancing at the dictionary before looking back at me.
For some reason, he had a huge smile on his face.
“I’m reading books on magic.”
“Why is that?”
His smile didn’t falter.
…Did I do something wrong?
“P-Papa, I’m sorry…”
It must have been because I took it without permission.
I was raised by mother to apologise when I do things wrong. So I will apologise since I am in the wrong now.
Papa put the book down and gave me a very hard pat on the back.
“That’s amazing, reading books at your age. Who taught you, was it Aerich? That maid Cella?”
“B-Both of them did, Papa.”
I said as I played with my fingers, looking down onto the ground.
“Don’t look down. Raise your head, you did nothing wrong.”
“-But that’s really something… Aaah, I might have to give Cella a raise and buy a gift for Aerich.”
“You mean, I didn’t do anything wrong?”
“You idiot, how can I scold my son for reading? Well, that dosen’t matter. I’m glad you’re improving your reading skills, let’s go practice with our swords now.”
Father impatiently said as he tapped the two wooden swords he was holding.
With my confidence returned, I followed him out.
Part 3
Alright, so because I’m not really of age yet what I’ve really been doing for sword practice is nothing but standing.
That is, being in proper sword fighting stances.
“-That’s not right, your elbows are too high.”
This is not what I expected.
“Point your feet towards your opponent.”
I’ve been practicing my form and stances for about 2 hours now.
Where are the swings and slashes I heard about from Aerich? Is sword fighting just standing? Did he lie to me?!
Of course he didn’t, I fully understand what we’re doing.
Practicing form.
“D-Do I do it like this?”
“Mm, that seems to be about right.”
This continued for about 2 more hours.
As I practiced my sword stances, I saw three people standing on the side lines, looking at me.
It was mother, Aerich and Cella.
Actually, there was a considerable amount of spectators from the mansion itself.
Right now Papa and I were practicing in the backyard, the backyard was really spacious. There was a beautiful garden growing and a large storehouse, beside that was the sword rack where all the wooden swords are kept.
“What is it?”
Papa looked at me, standing up from where he was sitting.
“When will I learn Hand style?”
After hearing the phrase “Hand style”, Papa reacted.
“Oho? You know what Hand style is?”
“Of course Papa, I read it in the ‘Styles of Combat’ book after all.”
Papa sighed reminiscently and tilted his head backwards muttering:
“Oh, that book? Gives back some memories… Rather, that’s amazing, Reign. I thought I would have to introduce the style to you sooner or later. And here you are soaking in knowledge like a little gremlin.”
Papa smirked as he rubbed his chin with his index finger and thumb.
“Then can I learn it?!”
“No, not yet.”
“Why is that, Papa?”
“Did you forget that you are only 3? It’s true you are able to read, write and do arithmetic and even for children at the age of 3 that’s too much. But there are limits for even geniuses. That is, their physical limits.”
“…Physical limits?”
I curiously interjected.
“Learning the sword at 3 is fine, even the greatest swordsmen in the world started at that age. But I won’t let you exhaust yourself by learning Hand Style simultaneously.”
Giving me that hard lecture, my confidence somehow dropped. My ego suddenly disappeared.
Maybe I shouldn’t have asked if I could learn Hand Style.
“Forgive me, Papa. I asked for too much.”
As I lowered my head again, I heard father’s voice again.
“Kufufu, look at this little runt.”
He said as he fell onto his knee and moved his cheeks close to mine, rubbing it together as he roughly patted my head.
First point - His face is feels like sandpaper
Second point - His head pats are painful
Third point - Even with that, it’s not so bad.
“What are you laughing at?”
“Your face is very prickly as always, Papa. How often do you shave?.”
“…? Puahahahaha!”
With that, we both started laughing for some reason.
My relationship with my father is really good.
My confidence has returned.
“It seems like we’re done for today. Was it fun?”
It was good, but it was definitely not fun.
But for some reason, I felt satisfied and content.
“Of course it was, Papa. I look forward to doing it again tomorrow!”
“That’s great.”
My father pummelled his open palm onto my head, giving me a really rough pat.
Please, Papa. Stop patting my head, it hurts.
After escaping from that monster (Papa) I made my way towards mother, who was watching. Aerich and Cella beside her too.
“How was a taste of training with a sword?”
“N-Not bad.”
For some reason, I found it really difficult to lie to mother.
“Hehe, tough wasn’t it? Lord Lukyus also forced me to stand properly before actually getting into the fighting part of swordplay.”
“How long did it take for you to really start swinging?”
Aerich’s eyes trailed towards the sky as he thought considerably for a reply.
“I believe it was until I was 5 years old Lord Lukyus told me to start swinging. And when I started swinging, it felt natural and assertive. That’s because the foundations built from your sword stances greatly affects the quality in a sword swing.”
“I see. No wonder Papa is so strict about it.”
“Indeed. Although leaving that aside, please take this.”
Aerich held up a towel, offering it to me with one hand while holding a cup of water on the other.
Looking to my side, I can see the Head Butler Radyn doing the same thing for Papa.
Is this what they call “Like father like son?”
“Thank you.”
I said as I cleaned off my sweat, also gulping the water down.
Mother looked at me and spoke.
“I know you wanted to learn swordsmanship with your father but it’s not something that’s considerably important. I won’t stop you but don’t force yourself, okay?”
She said as she lovingly embraced me.
“Of course, mother. I won’t force myself if I don’t want to.”
Satisfied with that reply, mother smiled and let go of her embrace.
“Young Lord, Lady Ari. It’s time for dinner.”
Cella said as she opened her palm towards the sky, pointing her five fingers towards the house.
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