《To Heaven and Hell》Prologue


For as long as humans have been around, so have the stories that came along with it. The stories of demons, Supernatural entities that can be summoned through certain artifacts or rituals that bypass the border between worlds. When a Demon enters the living realm, it gains the ability to possess anyone. Demons can possess anything they want, but the most suitable possessions are humans, since they carry complex emotions.

Demons can manipulate people to do inhuman deeds, and in time, complete the possession process and live among other humans. To apprehend the demons that live within the human realm, three spirits that roamed among limbo proposed an idea. Choose individuals they deem fit, to hunt down these demons, and thus stop the demon overflow. These three spirits reside within three shrines across japan, finding those they deem fit to fight off the demon hordes that live among the living realm.

Akio jumped over his school fence and ran towards the entrance, hearing shouting behind him "Sorry!" Akio shouted behind him as he dashed through the hallway. "Almost there!" Akio thought to himself as he slammed the door open saying "I'm here!!" breathing heavily from running. Akio's hair is half charcoal black and snow white, with his eyes being heterochromatic of blue and brown. "Well you made it in time, take your seat Akio" the teacher said to him as he walked over and sat down leaning on his chair a bit, trying to relax.

Akio took deep breaths and sighing in relief, sitting back up and listening to what the teacher had to lecture about. 10 minutes into the class, Akio was sketching out his idea for a manga, thinking to himself "The plot... What should the plot be..." as Akio looked up, to make sure what the teacher was saying.


Akio's eyes were skimming over some mathematical equations as he looked back down and wrote down in his notebook "Plot: Demon hunting? No no no, that sounds way too dumb..." Akio thought to himself. He shook his head and somewhat erased it. 20 more minutes passed, with the bell ringing and the students getting ready for lunch, Akio took out his bento box.

Akio's bento box was in a plain blue base color with a wooden top cover, opening and seeing homemade orange chicken, white rice, and some sushi rolls. "Thank you mom, you're a real lifesaver!" he thought to himself as he said "Thank you for the food!" praying for a bit before digging in to eat. While eating, Akio looked at his notebook, thinking of a better plot when the door was then opened. "Hayashi!" A voice shouted out from the doorway as Akio looked over. "Not them again.." Akio thought to himself as he sighed and closed his bento box.

A group of delinquents walked over to Akio, with their group leader standing face to face with him. "What do you want, Morikawa?" Akio asked him with Morikawa replying "You should know already" with his buddies popping their knuckles. Akio sighed, replying "not in the class.." with Morikawa replying "Front of the school then" as Morikawa and Akio glared at each other.

At the front of the school, Akio sighed as he dropped his bag onto the floor, taking off his jacket and taking off his tie. Morikawa did the same with Morikawa saying to his friends "I want a fair fight alright" as they looked at him confused but nodded in agreement. Other students were looking from the classrooms, doorway and around the front of the school as Morikawa and Akio began to circle each other. "You're going to regret it Morikawa" Akio said as he replied "Nah, you're going to regret it Hayashi".


Akio loosened up his footing as Morikawa rushed in, throwing a punch. Akio quickly dodged around his punch as a flurry of punches were thrown towards Akio. Dodging his punches, Akio sidestepped around Morikawas punches and threw a counter hook into his face. Morikawa stumbled back a bit as Akio switched up his style.

Akio rushed in and straight punched his face, making Morikawa flinch as Akio roundhouse kicked Morikawa on the neck. Morikawa then dropped to the floor knocked out, he then looked around as Morikawas friends rushed in to initiate towards Akio. Akio puts up his guard blocking hits from one of them as Akio then parries a left hook, spinning around and elbowing the delinquent on the side of the head. Akio catches the delinquent and sets him down looking at the other one and walks up to him.

The delinquent was shivering out of fear as Akio flicked his forehead saying "Don't hang out with these idiots alright" as the delinquent looked at him stuttering "o-oh.. Okay..". Akio fixed his collar as he heard the sound of running footsteps turning to look. Akio was then drop-kicked away and fell onto his back. "So it was Hayashi again!" A shouting voice said as Akio looked and sighed heavily at the person saying "You gotta be kidding me Shiratori".

Shiratori is a blonde girl with reddish-orange tipped hair into a ponytail, She has green eyes and is part of the student council. Akio got up patting his shirt saying "Good job of getting it dirty Shiratori" with Shiratori replying "Well it was your fault for starting the fight". Akio's eye twitched a bit out of anger saying "Excuse me.. but it wasn't my fault they wanted to fight!" as Shiratori walked up to him shouting in his face "WELL DON'T FIGHT THEM THEN!".

Akio gritted his teeth but regained his composure and said "Fine, I can't hit a girl either way.." turning away from her. Shiratori grabbed him and turned him around, "What-" Akio said before his sentence was cut off with her headbutting him.

Akio was unfazed from it as she held her forehead saying "ow ow ow!!". Akio sighed saying "that's on you shortie" patting her on the head as she was just a couple inches shorter than Akio. he then picked up his bag and put his tie back on. Akio walks back into his class as the bell rings for them to leave.

"Coincidence..." Akio thought to himself as he began to walk back to the front. Akio opened up his phone to look at the time, putting his phone away and putting away his school shoes. Akio walked out of the school building and out of the school gate, walking downtown.

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