《Apocalypse : Judgement's Day [Rewrite]》Arc I - Chapter 6


Now, The First Item is...


Soulbound – Snowflake Sword Handle [Godlike] - [Left]

- Growth Type [By giving material or any weapon to be devoured by this item, the Item property will grow], the Material devoured will shared between this pair item.

- Sword will appear from it, as user will it to appear. [The sword form can be reformed as the user visualize it]

Current Status

- Increase Physical Damage output + 150

- Increase Magical Damage output + 150

Owner - Raven

Its pair item ....


Soulbound – Snowflake Sword Handle [Godlike] - [Right]

- Growth Type [By giving material or any weapon to be devoured by this item, the Item property will grow], the Material devoured will shared between this pair item.

- Sword will appear from it, as user will it to appear. [The sword form can be reformed as the user visualize it]

Current Status

- Increase Physical Damage output + 150

- Increase Magical Damage output + 150

Owner - Raven

Next item is...


Soulbound – Snowflake Full Body-Suit [Godlike]

- Growth Type [By giving material or any full set armor to be devoured by this item, the Item property will grow]

- Special Suit that don't have fix form, To give some form. Its Owner need to give them full set sample and let its devoured so it can copy its form[Possible to use normal clothes form, the suit performance still same no matter what its form].

- Color of the suit can't be changed from its fixed color and its fixed pattern. [Fixed Color : White, Fixed Pattern : Snowflake]

- Increase Cold Resistance 100%

- Increase Ice Resistance 100%

- Increase Ice Affinity 100 %

Current Effect Bonus / Property

- Nullify Damage by 50 % be it Physical or Magical.

Owner - Raven

Now the last equipment ....


Soulbound – Snowflake Crystal Orb x12 [Godlike]

- Special Item 12 united Orb [Undestructible]

Effect :

- 12 Orb will floating around its owner, they will protect its owner every time its owner attacked, Effect : Absolute Defense [AGI + DEX Attribute Affecting its performance]

- Can be used to attack, the damage output will be taken from owner Magical Damage.

- Growth Type Item [It will absorbing any type energy from its surrounding, and will divide it between 12 part and will slowly growing without any rest].

- Have lowest type of Intelligent, Just simple order can it's proceed.

Owner - Raven

"Hmm this wallet seem to be gift from my mother when i'm still little child, its nostalgic! Too bad mother disease taking her from us early, buts its relief too because i think father get her soul in safety so we can create new healthy body for her and dad later. In this new earth the energy needed to create it is abundant of any type energy if i'm not wrong with my sense, well we still need to confirm it later. Its too bad my human father soul can't be found, because its long time ago he's dead but even i can find his soul. He will refuse to use new body, i think!." - Raven


Soulbound – Snowflake Patterned Wallet [Epic]

Effect :

- Have Space Storage Inside exclusively for storing Money type Item, Unlimited.

- Can store other item with maximum size 5cm x 10cm

- Connected to Universal Bank [Locked]


- Diamond Coin x100

- Platinum Coin x1000

- White Gold Coin x10.000

- Gold Coin x100.000

- Silver Coin x1000.000

- Bronze Coin x10.000.000

- Copper Coin x100.000.000


- Daeva's Realm ID Card

Owner : Raven

Other item is ....


[C3] Machine [Relics]

- Lost Machine from Daeva's realm.

- Can be used to create new Vassal / Body / Avatar for Daeva's soul or other type soul.

- Different Type Vassal / Body / Avatar need different type material for it's proceeded.

- Cost will be different according to what its need create.


Hellfire Seed [Godlike]

- Can be planted inside Body.

Effect : unknown


World Tree Seed [Godlike]

- Can be planted in any surface

- Can absorb surrounding energy for its growth and recycling its location [Can make infertile land into fertile land]

- Possible to gaining its own consciousness.

- Can connect to its own race. [Race : World Tree]

- There's still many possible unknown effect


Heavenly Fire Container [Relics]

- Can store Heavenly Fire energy even the energy have its own consciousness.

- Restrict the consciousness of Heavenly Fire energy.

- Can erase the will of Heavenly Fire energy, So it's make easier to subdue it.

- Every Affinity And Resistance if this item is 100% for every elemental type.

- Undestructible [Can't be destroyed]


Soul Purifying Box [Relics]

- Can purify soul, no matter how big its tainted it can be purified by this item.

- Can Erase the soul consciousness.

- Purified soul can be re-used to create new life form [Need Body / Vassal]


Soul Prison Jade [Epic]

- Used as prison for any soul life form.[Be its weakest creature until former true god soul]

- Not absolute, can be resisted if the target stronger than the users.

- Soul that has been prisoned, can't be released without special item.

- Prison Jade will functioned as body for its prisoner [Soul].

- It can talk, but can't moving.

- Cant be destroyed [Undestructible]

'Wow, so much OP item inside my Chaos Ring. Well I think there's many item can't be accessed because my fiancé in her slumber, to think she's forgetting to allow me access our shared space? Or is this punishment because my death and my late awakening? OMG, Seriously? did she getting this sadist after so long sleeping? Nah, probably she's forget! Yes! She's forget about it, I'm sure of it! Well, I hope it's the latter! [*crying without tears face.]'

'Well, for now i should Check the current states of my friend.'


Primordial Snow Dragon [Lvl.1 Demi-God] - Sleeping

Contracted Familiar of Raven's

'Good, she's still in her sleeping states!huh? her lvl is reset? ah she got restricted by current world law huh?I hope when i call her out she will not freaked out by my current form. later then, this space its too little for her to come out.'

Then he equipped all his equipment item at once.


~Soulbound – Snowflake Crystal Orb x12, has been equipped.

~Soulbound – Snowflake Sword Handle [Left], has been equipped.

~Your status has been increased! Damage output + 150 Physical, + 150 Magical

~Soulbound – Snowflake Sword Handle [Right], has been equipped.

~Your status has been increased! Damage output + 150 Physical, + 150 Magical

~Soulbound – Snowflake Full Body-Suit, has been equipped.

~Your status has been increased! Cold Resistance + 100%, Ice Resistance + 100%, Ice Affinity + 100 %, Physical Defense + 50%, Magical Defense + 50%

~New Attribute has been created : [Resistance] Cold, Defense / Damage Resistance.

hmm, good now then!

[Please set your suit form]

Create new form / Use existing form

'Create New form'

[Please set the target for its to devour.]

Upper Armor : [Choose Target]


Lower Armor : [Choose Target]

Hand Gloves : [Choose Target]

Shoes : [Choose Target]

Helmets : [Choose Target]

Confirm / Cancel

"Alright, Now I should use formal type suit, of course without using necktie! Because my otaku spirit giving me signal to use that for one of my form. Then its Formal Shirt + Formal Trousers + Formal Gloves + Formal Shoes + Formal Eyeglasses, hmm I think it's good enough. Just too bad there's nothing I can do with underwear, I should use normal one! I hope next time I will get underwear with effect properties hehehe." – Raven

[Please set the target for its to devour.]

Upper Armor : Formal Shirt

Lower Armor : Formal Trousers

Hand Gloves : Formal Hand Gloves

Shoes : Formal Shoes

Helmets : Formal Eyeglasses

Confirm / Cancel


[Are you sure you want this set form to be devoured and copied into Soulbound – Snowflake Full Body-Suit ?]

Yes / No

Again with this question 'Yes'

[Do you want to create name for this form?]

Yes / No

'Yes' its name should be, hmmm? Ah 'Snow Prince'

[Name for this form is 'Snow Prince', Confirm?]

Yes / No


[New Form has been created, Form has been named.]

[Do you want to use this form for you current suit form?]

Yes / No


'Of course its 'Yes' hahaha'

"Hahahaha, it's gonna become my Hallmark from now on! hehe, well now lets check my current Status" - Raven


Title : The Awakened King

Race : Chaos Daeva 80% Human 20%

Sex : Male

Name : Raven

Age : 35 Y

Level : 5 [0/5000]

HP : 1305 / 1305 MP : 2290 / 2290 STA : 120.5 / 120.5

STR : 81 [+] AGI : 97 [+] DEX : 75 [+]

WIS : 79 [+] INT : 79 [+] CON : 80 [+]

Charm : 75 Charisma : 67 Luck : 71

Damage : [Check]Resistance : [Check]

Affinity : [Check] H. Status : Normal

Status Point : 0 Skill Points : 5

Skill List:


- Heal [Active] : Healing wound / Restore decreased HP on target Skill, cant restore the lost limb.

Cost: 2 mp per hp. Basic-lvl. 1 [0/1000]

- Cure [Active] : Remove negative buff from target, cant remove curse.

Cost: 100 mp everytime the user remove negative buff from the target. Basic-lvl. 1 [0/1000]

- Summon Dark Creature [Active] : Summoning cost depending on the strength of the creature user want to summon, the summoned creature can become permanent contracted creature if user want to make permanent contrat with it. Permanent contracted creature will registered into world system and it will have a ability to gaining a level with risk resetting their level to 0.

Slots available for summoning [0/2] (?) Basic-lvl. 1 [0/1000]

Permanent contracted creature will take slot permanent too, so be careful before making decision.

Summoned creature that's not contracted dont have a ability to gaining growth level, its status will be fixed like when its summoned not more not less.

Summoned creature cant die permanent, when its die they will gone back to their world.[for non-permanent contracted creature]

When user perform summoning rituals, depends on creature user want to summon / call sometime there's special item needed.

Permanent contracted creature cant die permanent, when its die they will gone back to slot and user can re-call it when cooldown reset.

[depends on its strength / power cooldown will be different, more stronger level its more long time for cooldown reset so be careful not to make your creature killed]

- Seal [Active] : User can seal anything except himself into space inside 'Book of Sealing [Epic Grimoire]'. Cost depends on what you want to seal, how big its size or how strong the creature you want to seal.

- Skill Steal [Active] : Cost depend on skill grade you want to steal, user can steal skill from anyone [the owner of the stolen skills will not lose skill owned]. Stolen-skills equipped with half the experience of original owner of skill, original skill owner/target skill skill experience will be reduced in half. Skills stolen permanent owned by steal user, if the steal skill target already owned, only skill experience will be taken from the target. [Lvl. MAX]

- Chaos Storm [Active] : Create storm surrounding you, everybody can't escape from harm inside except the user for duration 5 minutes, damage : decrease target HP by 1 / Second. Cost 1000 MP / 5 minutes, [Lvl. MAX]

- Chaos Flash Movement [Active] : Teleport into wherever you want, Cost 10 MP / Meter distance. [Lvl. MAX]

- Chaos Domain [Active] : Create your own domain, Effect : No one can move or do anything in your domain without your permission and restrict their status to the standard creature [All Stat : 1]. Special effect : You can create Permanent Domain anywhere you set it to be, [Domain Slot Available : 0 / 10]. [Lvl. MAX]

- Chaos Booster [Active] : Increase one of your attribute with sacrificing other attribute, Effect : Increase your choosen attribute according the attribute you choose as sacrifice. Duration 1 Hour [Cooldown : 4 Hours] Risk : sacrificed attribute will stay like that while you choosen attribute decreased for half of the real attribute for 30 minutes after skill duration finished. [Lvl. MAX]

- Chaos Prison [Active] : Create Prison within your domain, Condition : Prison only can be created within Permanent Domain. Effect : Absolute Restrict [The target Status decreased to 0 Except its health to 50] Without exception. Only with Domain owner permission, the target can be released from it.


- Chaos Flight [Passive] : Use your Wing to Fly, AGi + DEX Affecting on Flying Performance. [Growing together with Host]

- Chaos Sword Arts [Passive] : You can use swords according the knowledge you gain from this arts, everytime this arts leveled up new knowledge will be gained from it. Every Style within this art automatically will drilled into your brain-body-soul. Basic-lvl.1 [0/1000]

- Chaos Sword [Passive] : Create sword with Chaos energy, Effect : Damage Increase by 50. It can be used as coating on any weapon Effect : Increase 100% Damage + Negate any debuff on weapon until its cancelled. [Lvl. MAX]

- Chaos Sense [Passive] : Using Every energy as your own limb or eyes to sense or see anything it can sense or see. [Max. Distance according to your DEX attribute : 1 m / 1 DEX. AGI attribute Affecting its speed sensing]. [Lvl. MAX]

- Appraisal [Passive] : Working in Accordance of the Contents within Book Knowledge[Grimoire] as information base. Basic-Lvl. 1 [0/1000]


Physical Damage : 381 Magical Damage : 379

[Defense / Damage Resistance]

Physical : 50% Magical : 50%


Fire : 0 % Earth : 0%

Light : 30% Water : 0%

Wind : 0% Dark : 20%

Ice : 100% Holy : 20%

Curse : 30% Cold : 100%


Fire : 0% Earth : 0%

Light : 30% Water : 0%

Wind : 0% Dark : 20%

Ice : 100% Holy : 20%

Curse : 20%

After he check everything is alright with his status, he use the swords handle to create Katana sword form then to slice the air as the door to go out from his mini world.


Somewhere in the Mosque building there's courtyard without any disturbance in area, suddenly there's rift that it's like the air is sliced by something sharp like swords tips then next scene is the rift opened by something like hand of that human, Its make the rift opened into large rift. Then the next scene is something can be explained as something impossible because some full of white young man about 20s like prince from heaven come out from the rift, then he's stretching his own body! Of course that man is Raven with his newest body after his change race process.

[A.N : 20s is just his appearance, its effect of his change race]

"Aaahhh, its more comfortable outside! it's no wonder my mini world so cramped because it's still low level, by the way it's strange enough all my equipment seem to still low level. I thought they're soulbond item, so I think it will growth together with my level too? Is there's something wrong with it? Ah! I forget to ask something like this to my lovely Risha, well her knowledge is something I can call weapon if its used wisely. Alright, Risha!! come out here, my girl!" – Raven

After his call, Some Pink colored door appeared in front of him. Then it's opened without warning and it's gone like that too. Leaving pink fog surrounding him, then after about 10 second it's fused into one point and creating something ghostly like humanoid woman that have cat ear and tail appeared in front of him.

" Nyaaaa!!!!! [*Yawn], did you call me master? I though you will forget me again? *smiling" - Risha

'Here I want to ask but thinking it's not good to ask so I held it, but Why its pink colored? is it because my setting that make it like that? nah, I think it's her own taste or maybe her own traits. Probably!.'

"Yeah, I'm calling you! And like I told you it's not intentionally, well sorry! Ahem, well let's get to the point alright? I want to know something about my equipment from my gift pack , it's strange that they didn't get level up along with my advance on my own level, So why is that?" – Raven

"Hmm? Oh that? I thought it was master intent to let me and other like that, but its really master don't know about it, huh? Well just use code-call 'Shared Exp. Option' , and you will know about why it's like that? Ah by the way your gift is 5 item right? Its awesome master, because its about 1 million from total human in this planet get same amount of gift like you master!"

'Huh 5 not 10? Ahh then it should be grimoire [Risha], storage rings, earring set, mini world pendant And mini chest? So the earring is one set item. Then other item is from where? I think my dad should know about it? Well let's ask Gabriel later.'

"Uhh, yeah! You're right I get 5 item from world gift pack! Shared Exp huh? Alright, wait a minute!" – Raven

'Shared Exp. Option'

Current Setting of Shared Exp. Option

Raven : 100%

Dark & Holy Earring : 0%

Book Of Knowledge : 0%

Storage Rings : 0%

Confirm / Cancel

'Eh? There's something like this? Hmm, I think I know now why they didn't get level up! Well, now I'm still level 5. So it's not too late for me to lets them get catch up to my level, before leveling myself together with them later after they get balanced with my current level. Alright, I should set it like this for now.'

Current Setting of Shared Exp. Option

Raven : 10%

Dark & Holy Earring : 30%

Book Of Knowledge : 30%

Storage Rings : 30%

Confirm / Cancel


"Alright thanks my girl, so is there's something about this world rule that I should know about? Well before we depart from here? Maybe about level? Or maybe something else?" - Raven

"*giggles … hehe, Alright Master! First thing I should tell you is level system I think? Is it alright with master?"

"Hmm? Alright Risha, for now just tell me about it! Because I think this level system far too different from game that I've played, so maybe there's something will make the Human on earth get evolved not just leveling their own level like characters in game because its reality not game" – Raven

"Heeh, Master is smart! Yeah its not like your usual game Master, So listen its okay? Well even if you didn't want to listen now, everytime you can ask me again. Because I'm yours after all!Hehehe *giggles" – Risha

"Hmm, Yeah my girl you're right. Alright, wait a minute we should talk about this with relax atmosphere. Maybe we can drinking something sweet over this talk, hmm! Sorry Risha I forget about your body still ghost form, so I think you cant drink?" – Raven

While talking, he's imagining 2 crystal chair and table in the middle of it while snapping his finger he shouting its code-spell 'Create'. Then 2 crystal chair separated by table in the middle appeared in front of him, then he sit while telling her to sit across him, then taking out carbonated drinks box from his storage rings and taking out two of canned cola. Opening its seal then he's drinking it while resuming his talk.

-You gained new Skill : Create

"Hmm, no problem Master! I can drink it if I want, but I don't need drink nor eat so its fine Master. Alright then Master, should I start explain about Level system? Master? " – Risha

"Yeah, Please Risha!" – Risha [While gesturing with his hand for Risha start her explanation]

"Alright then, Master! I'll start my explanation, So Level system is... " - Risha

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