《Apocalypse : Judgement's Day [Rewrite]》Arc I - Chapter 3



In the countryside there is a village, because the destruction when the apocalypse happens. There' a lot of the debris scattered about everywhere tainted with wet blood that tell whoever saw it to know, there's death in there whether it be man or monster.

Somewhere that not too far from that village, there's building Islamic Mosque happened to stay intact without getting destroyed. There's transparent barrier around it that protecting Mosque from monster attack, every monster who dare to come close always repelled so there's no monster can enter it. In the mosque courtyard there's one man about 35 years old with 162cm height, black hair with some of it has been changed to white color and his skin is tanned. Of course that man is Raven who rushing from his village to search safe place, and he found this Mosque building intact and has its own protection system so he entered it without hesitation.

"huft..huft... Damnit!Its so scary man, what's wrong with that goblin?did they always should attack without warning?on every novel i read in the past, this goblin always doing same type of act!did they have sick brain?or did goblin has universal traits that until novel author can guess what will they do when they invade other teritory?that almost countless, if not for my high stamina i will get killed after hitting my limit. Now its just 3 stamina left. Thanks god, in the past i always do my religion duty here so i memorized its way from my home." - Raven

Alright, everything is okay for now!but with my current state i cant go inside because my parent teaching from my childhood and its has become my habit until now and it cant be changed. Well for now lets go to my mini world for cleaning and everything that earlier i cant do because time limit but now i have so much time to do what i didnt do earlier.

Slashing in the air with 1m long while imagine crack like space crack that goblin earlier use to come, wishing to enter my mini world then something amazing happened in front of me. The act of air slashing is success and its opening crack in the air, and of course its function is door to enter my mini world. Then after success opening the crack like i want it, i'm entering it without hesitation then suddenly my surrounding is changed to weird room. I cant even stand properly even i'm short for average man in asia, but this room forcing me to sit on my butt!well beggar cant be too much picky, beside this world still level 1 so maybe later it will get better, I hope so!probably.

While squatting, i'm facing gift box that earlier i move from my storage ring because less slot available for goods and food that i need to take with me. I open it again to take 4 gift item that i didn't use yet earlier, because now i'm on my mini world no one can harm me even if its monster and again they cant even enter the Mosque building don't even mention reaching my mini world.

For the one who forget what item is it, here the list :

God's Eyes [Left]

Skill Book - Skill Steal [Active] - Grade [Godlike]

Race Changer Serum [Epic]

Mini Chest

Good, Because now i have more time i will open Mini Chest first.

* Opening Chest


You Get Gold Coins x100

You Get Little Orb x4

Misterious Sroll x1

'Hmm what's this scroll?its wing again? if it is, my luck is so bad! but other item is still good for me there's 4 little orb, it has different color and i think its represents something maybe elemental like in any game? and other item just gold coin about 100 of it, i think the item i get from this chest seem too much for normal chest. I cant imagine if i get large chest with same type of this chest, and too bad the Chest gone after its opened just leaving behind the item its containing. Alright gonna check it out later because now its time for my other gift item that seemed too OP with its description.


God's Eyes [Left]

Skill Book - Skill Steal [Active] - Grade [Godlike]

Its like some god or this new world system guiding me to some troublesome route but i can't be more thankful for its gift so i will use it as i want to. Now i will have to implant this eyes, but i don't know how and what should i do with this?.

[Do you want to change your left eyes with this God's Eyes [Left] ?]

Warning!After you choose to proceed it, you can cancel it and after its process finished it will become permanent change on your feature and unknow effect may give you negative or positive effect for your body, and it may give you more benefit on change race later!So please Choose your decision carefuly

Yes / No

'Oh its work like wings huh?I hope its not too hurt like when i merging with wings. Alright, no reward without taking risk so i will use it even if its painful.'



Its more painful than merging with wings, Its hurting my heads!!and because its implanting eyes, my normal eyes get removed before implanting process starting!damn, why this fucking system didnt give me warning again!UUURRGRGHHH!!my eyes bleeding!wow its shining huh?system giving assist to healing it!now then .

『Eyes Implating Process』1% ........ 40% ...... 70% ...... 90% ...100%



You Have Been Succesfuly Implanting God's Eyes [Left]

Your Maximum HP Has Been Increased By + 500 Points

Your Maximum MP Has Been Increased By + 500 Points

You Gained New Skill, Energy Sight [Passive]

All Your Status Has Been Increased + 5

You Status Has Been Changed, Please Check Your Status Later!

"Huft.. Huft..[*sfx panting*]... Alright, 'Status'!!, I think its too much OP now my body huh? Hmm my lvl increased 4 times? i think its about 10 times increase on my lvl, but its seem the requirements for level up is hard! so this game-like live is on Hard mode huh? well fine by me!20 Status Point, I will increase my AGI for now maybe i can have more faster speed when i'm flying or moving " - Raven

Title : Old Man Virgin

Race : Chaos Daeva 11% / Human 89%

Sex : Male

Name : Raven

Age : 35 Y

Level : 5 [0/5000]

HP : 1705 / 1705 MP : 2690 / 2690 STA : 30.5 / 30.5

STR : 21 [+] AGI : 37 [+] DEX : 15 [+]

WIS : 19 [+] INT : 19 [+] CON : 20 [+]

Charm : 15 Charisma : 7 Luck : 11

Damage : [Check] Resistance : [Check] Affinity : [Check]

H. Status : Normal (?) Status Point : 0 Skill Points : 5

Skill List:


- Heal [active]: Healing wound / Restore decreased HP on target Skill, cant restore the lost limb.

Cost: 2 mp per hp. Basic-lvl. 1 [0/1000]

- Cure [active]: remove negative buff, cant remove curse.

Cost: 100 mp every time the user remove negative buff from the target. Basic-lvl. 1 [0/1000]

- Summon Dark Creature [Active]: Summoning cost depending on the strength of the creature user want to summon, the summoned creature can become permanent contracted creature if user want to make permanent contract with it. Permanent contracted creature will registered into world system and it will have a ability to gaining a level with risk resetting their level to 0.

Slots available for summoning [0/2] (?) Basic-lvl. 1 [0/1000]

Permanent contracted creature will take slot permanent too, so be careful before making decision.

Summoned creature that's not contracted don't have a ability to gaining growth level, its status will be fixed like when its summoned not more not less.


Summoned creature cant die permanent, when its die they will gone back to their world.[for non-permanent contracted creature]

When user perform summoning rituals, depends on creature user want to summon / call sometime there's special item needed.

Permanent contracted creature cant die permanent, when its die they will gone back to slot and user can re-call it when cooldown reset.[depends on its strength / power cooldown will be different, more stronger level its more long time for cooldown reset so be careful not to make your creature killed]


-Fly [Passive]: Use your Wing to Fly, cost 3 Stamina/Hours, AGi + DEX Affecting on Flying Performance. Basic-Lvl. 1 [100/1000]

-Appraisal [Passive]: Working in Accordance of the Contents within Book Knowledge [Grimoire] as information base. Basic-Lvl. 1 [0/1000]

- Energy Sight [Passive] : With this eyes you'll see the world with different color, in the air you can see any energy available for any Creature to use.

Godlike-Lvl. MAX

'There's this new addition on my H.status seem to be odd! ok, lets check it out, i hope there's not problem with my health after this implanting Process.'

H.Status : Normal Hidden Condition :

No Abnormal found in host body


God's Eyes [Left]

Progress : 1%

"Hmm, So benefit i get from earlier implanting is just the tip of it!wonder what will i get when its finished Synchronizing, I'm looking forward to it. hahahaha!" - Raven

'Alright, Now what should i do next?'

next is Skill book!this OP skill, why should this god giving item that almost set item huh?well whatever!

Do you want to learn this Skill?

Yes / No

Warning!Once you learn skill from this book, the skill will be gone from book!the book will become book without content.

hmm, so its another type like when i see wings sealed in scroll but here something like magical text and symbol sealed in the book. Well no problem, at least the book will not gone like the scroll. Later this book even if its normal maybe can be used as something, probably! 'Yes'

『Scanning Host』Host has fulfilled the condition to lear this skill.

『Processing』Moving content inside Skill book "Implanting skill into host memory[brain]

1%.2%....10%...40%....60%....80%...100% 『Success』『Processing : Complete』



Skill Steal [Active] - Grade [Godlike] has been succesfuly Learned

Because content inside Skill book has been erased.

The Book condition will back to normal.

1%.2%....10%...40%....60%....80%...100% 『Processing : Complete』



Book Of Sealing [Unique Grimoire] has been gained.

eh another grimoire?seriously?

Soulbound - Book Of Sealing [Unique Grimoire]

- Intelligent item [has its own awareness]

- Containing special space, equipped with [Prison] [Library] etc.(?)

- Everything inside book, cant go outside without owner permisson.

- More feature Locked because owner level not high enough to unlock it.

Skill bonuses [+]

Seal [Active] : User can seal anything except himself, owner will absolute inside book. Cost : Anything user want to seal the cost user have to pay depends on what user want to seal.(?)

Living being will be transfered to [Prison], he/she cant go out without owner permission.

Owner : Raven

'wow!another good item after another, then lets open this grimoire!'

Opening the book, expecting something amazing happened after i'm opening it, then something really happened after opening this grimoire. The grimoire is glowing like when i'm opening gift box from Mad-God, but its more intense and longer than that. After about 5 minutes the light subsided and thick fog replacing the light, then another strange scene happening again all fog that appeared fused into one point and then its solidified into humanoid figure. Its turned into some Old man about forty age with neat handsome grandpa appearance, his hair is white and he wear some uniform similar with Butler Suit, after its finished everything that i think process he opened his eyes then he staring to me for about 1 minutes before opening his mouth while straightening his posture, yeah i think he want to standing straight but before i tell him he cant he did it already.

"Ouch!!*crash [sfx that granpa butler is hurting his own back head], ahem! Good morning, Young Master!My name is Gabriel and i'm your personal butler. From now on everything you need shall be managed by me, so young master could focus on what you want to do!So by the way, young master Raven did you have something you want to ask me?" - Gabriel

'he's talking with bowing posture, and i 'm sure he's blushing there!ahahah funny granpa appeared!ahem, i should ignore his shame appearance to respect him. Well he's senior in his age after all, Probably!'

"Ahem, ah Nice to meet you Gabriel!i'm Raven, ....eh how do you know my name?" - Raven

"Ahh, I'm sorry! because we're bounded with soul so everything about young master we'll know it and of course its including your name" - Gabriel

"ohh!! we?" - Raven

"Yes! we, ahem!young master did you forgetting that you have another grimoire avatar beside me?" - Gabriel

"AHH! i almost forgot about her, alright! Come out Risha" - Raven

Door appeared but no one appeared from it, Strange!did something happened to her?or she's mad because i forget about her?

"umm, Risha?why did you staying inside?come out here!did you mad at me because i forget about you?" - Raven

"hmmph, Yeah i'm angry with you master!why did you dismiss me as soon as i appeared earlier?you didnt let me greet you earlier!do Master want to throw me away?Hmmph! *sob.. * sob.. hics..mmm" - Risha

"Of course not, I love Risha so its impossible for me to throw you away!and i'm not intentionally forgetting you, its because my condition earlier that cant give me breath before!but still i'm sorry okay!So now please come out here" - Raven

"*giggles ..hehehe Master love Risha!*giggles ..hehehe!Ahem, Alright Risha will forgive master. But Risha wont come come out there, because its too narrow there!you two barely fit in there hehehe" - Risha

Oh My God, My wisdom and intelligent has been increased but my brain still slow.

"Alright Gabriel, you should go for now!later i will call you again, and Risha you should go back too! later i will call you again in larger space" - Raven

"Understood!!" - Risha & Gabriel [*flash.. Gabriel and the door gone with flash]

"Alright, next what should i do huh?oh Change Race Serum, After that i still have many item that i should check them later" - Raven

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