《Dark Wolf》Book Two: Chapter 1


John opened his eyes as the blistering sunlight shined over his face. He sat up and realized he was at a beautiful-looking beach.

A blue sunny sky spread high above the flat sandy shore and the tropical jungle behind John.

How the hell did I get here? John has no memory of how he arrived on the beach. But feeling the cool air and the sun on his face relaxed him well.

He heard giggling and turned his face forward.

In the ocean near the shore, Alexis and Kara were splashing water at each other like little girls playing at a water park. Both of them were skinny bikinis that flashed their revealing body parts. Kara wore a red suit while Alexis wore a purple one. Both of them looked beautiful under the sunlight.

“Hey John,” said a voice.

John looked to the right and saw Lena strolling toward him. She stopped and placed her hands on her hips, smiling seductively.

This was the first time John saw her in a tiny V-shaped black bikini. She has an outstanding athletic body with sculpted muscles and large ample breasts. Having white overlong hair, pale skin, and white eyes took his breath away. Although her stitches were exposed, she could make any guy melt for her.

“You look lonely here,” she whispered.

John beamed his eyes at her. “I….. Don’t think so….. Where are we?”

Lena giggled. “Why don’t you relax and let me take away your loneness.”

John’s heart pulsed into a marathon. He might not understand what was going on, but seeing Lena half-naked doesn’t seem wrong at all. Perhaps he was dreaming of a thrilling dream.

John grinned. “Come here.”

Lena kneeled between his legs and rubbed his left cheek. She smelled like vanilla and sea salt. Not a foul scent for a living walking corpse.

He stroked her hair, feeling how smooth it was. Her skin was kind of like rubber, and her muscles as thick as a tire.

He wanted to keep touching her, to feel how incredible her body was. But she reached for his face and kissed him, kissing like a fish searching for love.


Her lips kissed like peppermint as if she was made of candy. If she was a dead corpse, she would feel cold with a nasty rotting taste.

Hell, John never tried to do that. But he could imagine how disgusting making out with a rotting zombie would be.

Thank god Lena tasted good.

John wrapped his arms around her, squeezing her while their lips sucked on each other. Her hands rubbed his strong back, and he massaged her shoulders. At least she wasn’t squeezing him to death.

He has seen her squeezed a zombie until it exploded into pieces of flying meat. She could even bend a metal pole into a pretzel.

He nibbled her chin and slid his tongue down her tongue. Then he nested his sucking mouth on her cleavage.

“What the hell, Lena!” another voice shouted.

John and Lena turned, pausing their exotic moment.

Kara and Alexis marched the couple, and they crossed their arms.

“How dare you sneak upon John behind our backs!” Kara complained.

“This vacation is supposed to be for all of us!” Alexis included.

Vacation? John doesn’t remember getting a vacation time from the director. What was going on here?

Lena glared at the girls and stuck her tongue out. “Go away! He’s mine this time!”

The girls growled.

“Looks like we will have to punish you now,” said Alexis.

Kara punched her fists together. “Big-time punish!”

Both of them grabbed Lena and pushed her on the ground. Kara sat on top of the zombie girl and tickled her armpits.

Lena burst out into a chuckle. “No!”

Alexis held up Lena’s left barefoot and tickled her sole.

The zombie laughed louder. “No tickling! Hahahahaha!”

While Kara tickled each sensitive part on Lena’s body, the space witch attacked her feet, touching her toes and heels. They acted like little girls in front of John.

Is this some kind of fetish porno? John shook his head. “Hey!”

The girls paused and glanced at him.

He spread out his legs and smiled. “Get your asses over here and give me lots of sugar.”


With satisfaction on their faces, the girls crawled toward him. Kara and Lena sat on his legs while Alexis kneeled in front of him.

She kissed him first while the other girls rubbed his board chest. Alexis’s lips tasted like lavender and coconut. Somebody left their sunblock on.

“No tickling,” John whispered against the witch’s lips.

Alexis licked around his mouth. “Then don’t tickle back.”

John chuckled and wiggle his tongue inside her mouth.

Kara slid her mouth on his neck. Her fangs touched his skin, but not too hard. A vampire enjoys biting, even during sex.

Lena rubbed his abs and back while kissing the other part of his neck. Only her lips slurped his flesh. Although she was strong, she liked to be gentle.

John closed his eyes and rested his arms on Kara and Lena, feeling the girls’ kisses all over his upper body. They felt so good in his embrace.

“John!” a voice shouted, but it wasn’t one of the girls.

It sounded soft and fragile. Not loud enough.


John looked around while Alexis kissed his chest. “Did you say something?”

“No.” Alexis smooched his chin.

John shrugged and kissed Kara. Her fangs touched his lips.


While kissing each girl, the sky grew white and everything faded around John. Even the girls vanished from his embrace.

Before he could say something, everything turned white.


John blinked his eyes as the sound of tapping glass awoke him. A man’s face stood behind a glass lid in front of John. He was black, wearing a blue uniform and holding a flashlight in his left hand.

“Oh good! You’re awake!” The man sighed.

John felt groggy and tried to rise. But metal crams were on his arms and legs, keeping him in place. “Where am I?”

The man checked a computer near the glass. “Hold on! I will get you out and explain.”

After he typed on the computer, a sound hissed and the glass lid opened, releasing cool air from the chamber.

John noticed there was a row of glass tubes behind the man inside a dark room. Red lights flashed over him and the air felt cold.

“What is this place?” John demanded.

The man pointed his flashlight at John. “The cryosleep chamber for deadly inmates like you.”


“Did you forget? You’re on Planet Hades, cell compound 500.”

John blinked his eyes.

Now he remembered.

The goddamn director of Space Paranormal Defense sent him to Hades for disobeying his orders. Alexis and Kara were taken too, probably transferred to the women’s cell house compound. Lena was the only one who didn’t get arrested. She probably flew from the authorities, knowing her freedom was better than joining her squad. Maybe there was hope she was planning an escape for John and his squad.

The man stared at the crams and pulled on one of them. “I have to get you out of here. Gotta get these damn things off you.”

“What is going on?” John asked.

“The prison is being overrun by-“

A glowing red spike pierced through the man’s chest from behind. While he stared at the translucent blade, something hissed behind him.

Two red eyes glared at John from behind the man. Its long claws pulled the man’s mouth wide open, and red apparition dived down his throat.

After the claws and the bladed tail vanished, the man fell to the floor and choked. He groaned until he screamed.

“Are you okay?” John asked.

The man screamed more violently as if he was being ripped apart from the inside. Whatever entered him through his mouth, it must be earing him alive in his body.

After he stopped screaming, the man slowly rose off the floor. John’s heart pounded, although he couldn’t understand why. “Sir?”

The man turned around, screaming like an angry warthog. His eyes glowed red, burning like hellfire over his mouth, full of long sharp fangs. He wasn’t human anymore.

John struggled, but he still couldn’t free himself. Fuck me! I wished I was back on that goddamn beach!

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