《Dark Wolf》Book One: Chapter 24


When the island crashed against the mountain, John and the girls rolled down until they landed on the surface of the plateau mountain. The island broke apart and floated away into red space.

Now back on the mountain, John and the girls walked toward the beacon. It wasn't blasting the red beam, but glowing red instead. And the portal was still growing, making John’s head spin. He couldn’t care less about how magic works.

John pushed his com-link. "Lena, keep the demons away from the mountain. We don't want any to enter our universe."

"I got you covered," Lena replied.

Kara looked around. "I don't see Dragmorath anywhere."

"He probably left to confront the demons who exiled him," Alexis suggested.

John stared at the beacon. "Good. That will give us time to blow this thing up."

He took out an explosive, but something slapped him away from the beacon. He landed on the ground, hurting like hell until the girls helped him up.

Dragmorath crawled down from the beacon. He still looked the same, except he was bigger. About eight feet tall.

How the hell did he grow so big? Did hell change his size?

Dragmorath laughed. "You thought I wouldn't be here to guard the beacon when you are here? You, mortals, are very foolish!"

John growled and aimed his machine guns at the demon. "I think you are the foolish one for not going to your superiors."

"They will sense the opening and come here soon. When they arrive, I will show them their opportunity to conquer your universe. Then they will let me become their new king."

"Why would they after you tried to conquer them?" Alexis asked.

"No other elder demon has ever opened the portal to the mortal universe. Since I am the only one who did it, they will see me as an impressive elder. A demon can only be forgiven if he accomplishes a challenging task."


"You know what," said John. "I think you are full of shit. When the other elders find you, they will put you back into your egg, or rip you into chicken shit size pieces."

Dragmorath laughed. "What makes you believe that nonsense?"

"Because we hunted demons who were worse than you," said Alexis. "They are ruthless, uncivilized, and they don't even care about their own kind."

"So basically we are not dumb asses because we came here to save our own universe," said Kara. "You are the dumb ass thinking your kind will accept you. They will toss you aside while they conquer our universe."

Dragmorath glared. "That cannot be true!"

"You don't believe it because you have been in your prison for a long time," said John. "Did you truly think nothing will change in hell? I don't think so."

"Your fellow demons will still not accept you," said Alexis. "After what you have done to them, they still will not forgive you. All demons keep their grudges for eternity. You are the foolish one for returning here."

Dragmorath roared in anger. “I do not care what you say! You will all die before I feast on your souls!”

From his back, two energy cannons grew out and aimed at the squad. “Prepare to face my judgment!”

“Spread out!” John shouted.

Dragmorath blasted his cannons like machine guns.

John and the girls ran apart, avoiding the red beams. Demonic weapons were very deadly to humans and monsters. Like plasma, they burn through flesh quickly, but armor couldn’t stop it.

John and Kara fired their weapons at the demon while Alexis threw her energy balls at him.

Each blast struck Dragmorath, but he kept moving and shooting. His mechanic legs were covered in thick armor.


“Go for the flesh!” John shouted.

Kara blasted her shot toward Dragmorath. The demon blocked her shot with his arm, and it splattered into pieces of bone and metal. He cried in pain and blasted toward the vampire girl.

Alexis projected an energy shield around Kara to block Dragmorath’s shots from hitting her.

Dragmorath turned around and tossed a grenade toward the space witch.

Before she could react, the grenade rolled toward her feet and exploded.

Alexis went flying toward the edge of the mountain.

“Alexis!” John charged for her and grabbed her before she fell off the mountain. She was unconscious.

After John placed her down, a red rope, made of energy, wrapped around him from behind. He couldn’t move.

The energy rope stretched from Dragmorath’s lower torso as he pulled John toward him. “You will die as the monster you are now!”

Dragmorath cried when something struck him from the back. He dropped the energy rope and turned around.

Kara reloaded her rifle and fired again.

Dragmorath jumped from the shot and aimed his metal tail at the vampire girl. He shot a purple beam at Kara, which knocked her to the ground.

John broke free from the energy ropes and charged toward the demon on all four.

When he leaped toward the cyborg demon, Dragmorath turned around and caught John by his throat.

“I may not have silver, but my demonic energy can turn you to ashes!” Dragmorath aimed both his cannons at the werewolf.

John slowly aimed one of his gun arms at the demon’s torso and fired. Dragmorath screamed and dropped the werewolf. His guts tangled out from his large wound in his stomach.

While the demon moaned in agony, John knew he has a chance to take down the elder demon, once and for all.

He ran up toward the demon and climbed up toward the demon’s face. When he reached Dragmorath’s head, he shoved his photon machine gun arm into the demon’s mouth. “Eat this, asshole. My photon will taste better than my soul!”

Dragmorath’s red eyes widened until his head exploded into chunks of meat, flying everywhere. After his headless body fell to the ground, John got off him.

Blood and pieces of brain matter covered his brown fur. Killing that demon was all that mattered. Now it was time to close the portal before the demons could escape. First, he needed to check his squad.

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