《Dark Wolf》Book One: Chapter 19


Inside the hanger bay, John approached the suit rack locker and opened it.

“You don’t need a spacesuit,” said Alexis. “Werewolves can breathe in space.”

John raised an eyebrow. "Really?"

"Kind of. They can breathe without air since silver is their only weakness."

"Breathing in space is fun.” Kara placed her armor suit on. "It's like walking on the earth without air."

"And I bet it is cold as ice on a devil's ass," said John.

Kara giggled. "Yup, but I like the cold. Although I am immune to the sun, I still prefer the dark."

"I bet." John placed his gray armor suit on. "Ready?"

Alexis placed her glass helmet on and held up her thumb to John.

The team commander pushed his com-link. "Open the hanger, Lena."

"Done!" Lena replied.

When the ramp door opened, the air got sucked out. John's breath escaped from his mouth. All the air inside his lungs left his body, leaving him icy cold.

After the vacuum stopped, John's body shivered. It felt strange, his lungs still pumped without oxygen. But the warmness inside his body heated slowly.

Kara approached him. “Are you okay?”

John licked his cold lips. “I’m fine. It’s like being inside a freezer.”

Kara giggled and rubbed his cheek. “I can keep you warm if you like.”

John chuckled until Alexis tapped his shoulder. “Let’s move before we lose our target.”

John nodded and followed the girls out of the hanger. Outside, the space vacuum felt colder than ever. A man without a suit would instantly freeze into an ice statue. John and Kara didn’t freeze at all. Although they could still feel the zero degrees weather in space, their Ecto energy protected them from freezing. Kind of like a heating pad inside their bodies. Alexis could use a spell to protect herself without a suit in space, but it would drain up her ecto energy. Then she would instantly freeze to death after losing her breath. Her spacesuit could last up to twenty-four hours before her air supply runs out.


John stepped onto the ground of the moon from the ramp. He could barely take two steps on the surface because of the moon’s weak gravity. But it was still strong enough to keep him and the girls on the moon, including the surrounding trash.

The passenger ship wasn’t that far from the Undertaker. The darkness from the trash mountains covered the ship completely. It almost looked like a shadow within a shadow.

“Keep your ecto trackers on alert,” said John through his com-link. “I hate jump scares.”

Alexis laughed behind John. “This isn’t a horror movie.”

“Since demons and ghosts appeared, it is now.” John approached the airlock hatch on the ship. “Can you get this open, please?”

Alexis placed her hands on the hatch and they glowed purple. The hatch clicked and opened as air blasted out.

John stepped aside. “Ladies first.”

Alexis glared at John for a moment and stepped in while Kara followed her next. John entered next and closed the hatch.

The air inside the dark airlock chamber blasted out from each corner. The air returned to John’s lungs, and he took a deep breath. What a breath refilling refreshment.

After the door inside the airlock chamber opened, John, and the girls stepped into the dark passenger deck. When John turned a flashlight on, his mouth dropped.

Bodies of men, women, and children laid on their seats, covered in gore. Some bodies hung down on the ceiling without skins above the blood-soaked floor.

“Holy shit!” Kara shouted.

“How the fuck did he killed all these people?” John shouted.

“He’s an elder demon,” Alexis reminded him. “No mortal can survive from one.”

“He’s not an elder demon. He is a mass-murdering monster!”

“Same thing.”

Kara’s legs shook. “So much….. Blood. It is making me….. Thrisssty…..”


“Get a hold of yourself, Kara,” said John. “We still have fresh blood on the Undertaker.”

Kara’s pulsed her lips. Vampires had always gone crazy when they see blood. Even hybrids could go insane too.

Alexis pointed her E.E.T device straight. “The activity is coming from the cockpit at the end.”

“Then let’s hurry before Kara loses her damn mind.” John charged toward the cockpit doorway past two hanging naked bodies.

He reached the door and kicked it open.

Inside, two bodies laid on the flight panel. They must be the pilots who flew the ship before Dragmorath got aboard.

John saw nothing else, but his E.E.T rang loudly. Was the demon hiding?

Suddenly, something landed on top of John. It pushed him to the floor and pounded on his back.

John screamed until he turned his left arm into his photo machine gun and fired it up. The thing fell off him and John got back on his feet.

On the floor, a flight attendant android rose. A female, wearing a blue uniform and a stewardess hat. However, her eyes glowed red, and blood dripped down her dress.

John widened his eyes. “What the hell?”

Before the android charged, Kara pounded it from behind. She landed on top of it on the floor and tore its head off.

Alexis charged into the cockpit. “What happened?”

John picked up the android’s head and held it up. “This thing attacked me. I think it was possessed.”

Alexis aimed her tracker at the android’s head. “The ecto activity is coming from this head. Must be the source.”

Kara got up and rubbed her forehead. “So Dragmorath isn’t here? What a waste!”

John heard his com-link beeped, and he pushed it. “John here.”

“Guys, you better get out of there!” Lena’s voice shouted. “There are strange things marching toward your location!”

“What things?” John asked.

“I don’t know, but it looks like the entire junkyard is coming for you!”

John let his mouth hung.

The junkyard is coming for us?

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