《Dark Wolf》Book One: Chapter 16


“Oh, no!” Lena shouted while looking at the radar.

Kara stepped back inside the cockpit and sat down. “What is it now?”

"We got another big spider, coming our way!"

Alexis stared at the radar. Lena was right. Whatever was coming toward the ship, it was bigger than the other asteroid spider. It must be the father of the nest. "Get us moving-now!"

"Roger!" Lena moved the ship back from the towering cobwebs.

From the shadows ahead, the other giant spider approached the ship. Indeed, it was bigger than the female asteroid spider. Unlike the female, the male has spikes all over its shell back. Its long tentacles have blades on its tips.

The spider roared and charged toward the ship.

"Move!" Alexis shouted.

Lena turned the ship around and blasted off. The thing was so big, it could swallow the entire ship.

The Undertaker flew through the giant dark tunnel inside the planetoid. Lena switched the front lights on to see.

Alexis stared at the radar. "It is chasing us!"

"Keep going!" Kara shouted at her seat.

Lena pushed the flight handles forward. The ship sped up as its engines roared.

Lena wished she could look back to see how far the creature was behind the ship. But keeping her eyes forward was better.

She turned left and right through the giant tunnels. She wasn't sure how deep they were inside the planetoid, but they should reach the surface soon.

"How is John?" Alexis asked.

Kara smiled. "He is fine. I tossed him out through the airlock."

Alexis widened her eyes until Kara laughed.

"Just kidding," she said. "I tied him up after I put him to sleep. He will be fine."

Alexis glared at her. "Don't bullshit me again. We are trying to escape!"


Kara shrugged. “You suck with humor.”

Lena spotted a large hole at the top of the tunnel where starlight shines through, touching the bottom of the tunnel floor. It must be the surface.

“Hold on!” Lena pulled the flight handles back as the ship flew up to the hole.

Through the hole, she spotted the stars, noticing the ship was getting close.

After the ship entered space, it shook and stopped.

"What the heck?" Lena pushed the flight handles, but the ship wouldn't go.

She checked the radar. "Oh no! The asteroid spider got us?"

"How? We should be far from it!" Alexis exclaimed.

"I don't know! Somehow he is preventing us from leaving!"

Alexis rose off her seat. "I will go outside to set us free. Keep the ship moving so the creature will not drag us back in!"

"Be careful!" Lena shouted.


When Alexis entered the cargo bay with her spacesuit on, she found John sleeping naked on the floor, snoring like a piglet.

Alexis laughed, glad he was back in his human form. Before she deals with him, she has to free the ship.

"Open the door!" Alexis ordered through her com-link.

"Roger!" Lena's voice replied.

Alexis activated her gravity books before the ramp door opened. All the air got sucked out inside the chamber.

The witch marched to the opening of space. Her boots were magnetic to keep her from floating away. All she has to do was see how the spider was keeping the ship from escaping.

She reached the ramp, looked over the edge to see the back past the bottom of the ship. There was a long string of web sticking at the hull of the ship from the asteroid spider. No wonder the ship couldn't fly away. It must be stronger than the webbing in the nest.


"What is holding us back?" Lena asked.

"The bastard shot webbing at us," Alexis explained. "That's why we couldn't escape."

"Then cut it off! I am burning lots of fuel!"

"Okay!" Alexis stepped on the back of the ramp and walked beneath the ship.

She approached the webbing and grew out her magical energy blade on her right upper arm.

"Eat this!" Alexis sliced the web, and then the ship blasted away from the asteroid spider. It roared inside the hole.

"Rooooooow!" Alexis wobbled and marched back up the ramp.

It felt like an invisible force was trying to push her off the ship. Good thing her gravity boots were strong.

She stepped back into the cargo and approached the door. “Shut it now!”

After the ramp door closed, the air steamed back inside with loud hisses. Alexis took off her helmet and approached John.

She touched his neck. He was still breathing.

Alexis sighed.

She almost forgot werewolves could still breathe in space when they were in their human forms. She still hoped the chip will still work inside his head. Without it, John could become a threat to the squad and other people.

Alexis rose and clicked on her com-link. “Lena, how are we doing now?”

“We are free now,” said Lena’s voice. “Cutting off that webbing totally let us go.”

“Is the SPD fleet still out there?”

“Negative. I think they got bored and left us be.”

“Don’t bet on it. They will be back to find us. The director never gives up.”

“Okay, so where should we go now?”

“When we get out of the asteroid field, start tracking the demon and let me know where he is going.”

“Roger that!”

“And tell Kara to come here so she can help me carry John to the medical bay. I got something to help him control his transformation.”


Alexis removed her glove and rubbed John’s back. Feeling his warm body and his breathing made her relax. She will help him, no matter what.

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