《Esper Online: The 15 Thrones》Chapter 8.2 - To Clan or to Guild?
“What is going on here?” Captain Stuart moved toward us. His cool brown eyes kept looking at the street littered with headstones.
“hello Captain, thank you for coming.”
The Captain looked at me, “hey aren’t you one of those Travelers who stopped the sappers?” Ugh?
“yeah, I was.” He smiled, “Good job mate! We need to talk in a moment, but for now what’s going on.” I told the Captain about the encounter and the girls assistance. Stuart frowned, “this kind of thing is happening all over the city. You Travelers are a bunch of thieving, murdering bastards. I just don’t have enough manpower to cover the whole city.” He turned to his men, “You two take that fool to the dungeon.” As they picked up Stoner and started off the Captain stopped them. He walked over and took a pouch off Stoners belt. With a flourish he lightly tossed the fist sized pouch to me. “here this will serve as a reward. If there was any way, we knew who the coins belonged to we would return them. Since there isn’t, I’ll be damned if he gets to keep them”
Catching the surprisingly heavy pouch I froze. Reward? I turned to the girl and offered her the pouch, “You caught him. I just called the guards.” She shook her head, “My Papi Logged off to check to see if dinner was ready. They killed him. I just got even.” I smiled. The girl must have been 8 or 9, with parental controls her name and game status were hidden. All I could see was her Stat Bar. “well thank you mi’lady.” She blushed, dark skin turning even darker. “When you Papi gets back online have him mail me how much he had, I’ll send it back to him. Do you know how to add me to your friends list? That way you can remember my name?”
“I’ve been playing this game since it came out! I’m not some noob!”
The captain laughed, “Would you like me to send a couple of my men to help you get to the graveyard? I’m sure your dad is there. They can even escort you back here to gather his things.” “Yes Captain, I would appreciate that.” A moment later the girl was gone with her guard escort.
Captain Stuart turned back to me. “So now I think the city owes you a debt of gratitude. What would you have? If it is in my power to do, it shall be done.”
Stunned my mind raced. An open-ended quest reward? Thoughts of gold, epic swords, and books of magic went through my head. “Wow! Thank you, Captain. may I have a moment to consider?”
The man nodded, “Sure I have a few minutes but do not take too long, the city is in distress and needs my attention.”
Pacing the street, I thought. My foot lightly kicked one of the headstones and I froze looking at it. Then I spent a few moments looking around the city streets. “Do you have an empty warehouse?” I asked.
Captain Stuart frowned as if unsure he had heard me correctly, “You want a warehouse?”
I nodded then shook my head, Yes, I mean no. Its for all these play.. umm I mean Travelers. These people are out here making the city street crowded. Couldn’t we say… move them into a large warehouse? Then you would only need to post a couple guards inside and out. It would keep them safer and make it easier for you to.”
Captain Stuart looked stunned, then considered. “yes… That would be possible. It would help alleviate a lot.” The captain slapped me on the back, “It will be done! You’re a good man Azriel Starblade!”
Secret Quest Completed!
A kind Hand!!!
You have used your recent heroic deeds to garner safety and security for others. Instead of taking a selfish reward you have shown kindness to those who are in need.
500 Exp +1000 Renown Warehouse 2C Deed
Congratulations! You have reached Fame Level 1!
You are now popular. Many people know your name. You have gained the interest of a few local low ranked people. New Quests, Achievements, and Titles will be available.
Congratulations! You have gained the Title of Freeman!
You are no longer a Surf! You are the proud owner of property, be it house, shop, farm, or another parcel it is all yours!
A brilliant light washed over me.
Congratulations! You have Reached level 5!
HP +80. Mana +100. Stamina + 10. Strength +1. Intelligence +1. You have a new Character Point You have a new Talent Point New Ability: Home Point New Spell: Fire Arrow (Rank3). New Spell: Magic Missile (Rank3). New Spell: Light (Rank 3). New Spell: Detect Magic (Rank 3). New Spell: Read Magic (Rank 3)
Ace cheered and Captain Stuart smiled and slapped me on the back again. “Well done!” “Thank you, sir.” I said smiling. To myself I thought bitterly, it only took me eight hours and a unique quest. I didn’t know if everyone was leveling this slow or if it was all the group time I’ve had. “Well I have business to attend to. I need to get my men working on the new orders. Come by the Training grounds later. I’ll have a new quest for you.” The Captain turned and the guards around us left.
We reached the Central Plaza a few minutes later. This area of town wasn’t quite so full of frozen players, being further from the market square where everyone who came to Hub started. The Lord’s Keep stood in the center of the square a once mighty edifice it now looked sad and forgotten. One full wall sagged giving the keep a leaning appearance. The Dark grey stone was covered in moss. Glass windows were shattered or missing. The Curtain wall around the keep stood closed and locked to outsiders. Around the square were the central buildings of government and economy. The cities only bank, Main guard Barracks, and Orphanage were the only buildings currently in use. Among the deserted derelict buildings were a tax collector’s office, a Customs Office, Office of Land management, a Library, and 7 Guild halls. As I moved to the bank, I received an audible notification. DING. A mail icon appeared on my display.
If I recalled correctly, a Mailbox was outside the bank. It only took a moment of looking around the area before I found it. Not exactly where I recalled but close enough. It was probably that girl’s dad wanting his money back. Opening the Mailbox, I pulled out a letter. Then I smiled looking at the mailbox. After you have been playing ER games for awhile you get used to all the oddities. Like this mailbox. Anyone who opened it would see only their mail. One box for everyone, no issues or mix ups.
Mail: Lothorb Doomhammer: Is this Azriel from Nirvana? If so, this is Maxium. Please respond if you are my clanmate.
Mail: Azriel Starblade: Hey Max! Its me, what’s up?”
There was a brief wait then I got a reply.
Mail: Lothorb Doomhammer: Hey Az! I’m trying to find the clan. I’ve been at it all night. We didn’t get to choose a server, so I am forced to try and find everyone. I am checking closely named toons to ours from Nirvana. I have gotten about 25 responses back so far. Most of us are sitting in Starter City. The only way we can make sure to be in the same area is to group up and go through the gate. Otherwise you get the choice of your race’s empire. Are you in Starter? What did you roll and level?
Mail: Azriel Starblade: Ugh I didn’t think about the Starter thing man. I am Hume, level 5. I got this pretty badass class called a Magi. Kind of a Magician Warrior Hybrid.
Mail: Lothorb Doomhammer: Did you say 5? Damn Some of the guys here have been grinding all night and just hit 3! Sounds like you got a good area to level. I’ll let the others know. Send me an invite, we can get the officers to you then bring the others over.
My Clan from Nirvana! That was great news, we were raiders and good ones. Although our guild numbered close to 80, 25 was a start. We could always get names from Nirvana if this server was the only one with the expansion. I sent the group invites. My party log expanded with icons showing when the others joined but no real details since they were in another area. Unlike many MMORPGS Esper did not have a group or raid chat. If you wanted to talk to someone you had to be there or use the General Area chat. Now once you were in a clan you could buy a Familiar. They allowed you to talk to the Clan from anywhere and the Clan to talk to you.
With my part done I went into the bank. The large building was in the same condition as the rest of the city. Its great lobby was mostly sectioned off with crude cloth curtains. The white marble floor was swept clean but lacked the luster of polish. Massive Marble columns were dusty and cobwebbed from arm reach up. Directly to the left was the entrance to the vaults. For a price player could purchase vault space to store goods and supplies. Directly ahead were 4 desks, each with a sign designating their purpose. To the right was another two larger desks. These held the loan officer and the banks single teller. I took a moment to read the labeled desks before I went to the teller. From left to right they read. Money Changer, Hume Ambassador, Customs Officer, and Land Management.
The Lady behind the teller’s desk smiled as I approached, “Greetings Sir Starblade. We are glad someone with your renown has come to visit Hub city bank. How can I assist you today?” I had heard the same canned greeting from many other NPC’s in the past, so I blew it off. “I want to open a savings account.” We discussed the options and prices. eventually settled for a 15 Slot Vault with room for 1 bag and a coin account that would exchange currency for me automatically. I had to either keep 100 Gold in my account at all times or pay 3 Silver a week. The surcharge would be taken directly from my account. I sat down the coin pouch from Stoner and My own on the desk and watched the woman count coins. My pouch held an exchanged total of 7 Gold, 41 Silver and 73 Copper. When Stoners pouch was poured out, I felt my heart skip a beat. In the pile I saw a large number of gold coins. He had been stealing from players who knew where the starting quests kept the secret rewards, but still I was shocked. “Okay you have a total of 59 Gold, 2 Silver, and 47 copper. “ How much would you like us to hold for you?” utterly thunderstruck I stammered, “Umm. Ugh. Hold 50 gold. I’ll take the rest.” She placed the coins in my pouch and handed it back. “Thank you Mister Starblade, come see us again.”
Getting up I left the bank. While I had been in there the group had disbanded and I had received two mail notifications.
Mail: Lothorb Doomhammer: Okay, we got the officers over. We will start moving the others. I am keeping Ethan in Starter to find others.
Mail: Lothorb Doomhammer: Do you have the gold to start a Clan? We are willing to offer you Officer status if you can.
Mail: Azriel Starblade: Sure, I’m at the bank now. I saw an Ambassador here. Give me 10 minutes.
Well, I did have some extra gold. Going back into the Bank I went to the Ambassador. “Hello Starblade. May I interest you in a Guild or Clan charter? Unfortunately, there is currently no Noble to accept pledges of loyalty and so you may not join a nation.” I paused then asked, “What is the difference between a Clan and a Guild?” The Ambassador smiled, “ A Guild is a group of people who have come together for a common cause. Trade Guilds and Mercenary Guilds are common. There is no limit to a number of guilds a person may join. A Clan is an extended family, you may only join one Clan.” I nodded, “Okay so how much do they cost?” The Ambassador looked at a list of papers, “Both charters are based on the number of charters currently granted. There has been 3 Clan charters and 17 Guild charters. So, a Clan charter is 30 gold. Guild charter is 17gold.” My mouth fell open. Wow. These things would get more expensive as people banded together to form teams. With a sigh I went back to the teller.
“ugh, so… I need to withdraw 30 gold.” The teller smiled warmly then gave me the money. With another long sigh I returned to the snide looking Ambassador and bought a clan charter.
Pulling out a sheet of vellum he dipped a long quill pen into some kind of slightly glowing red ink and asked, “What would you like to call your clan?”
I chewed on my lower lip, considering for a moment then settled on something I liked for the fledgling Clan. “The Conclave”
He looked at me as if to give me a chance to change my mind. Seeing I was firmly decided he began to write. A minute or so later he sprinkled some kind of cherry looking powder on the blood red ink. A flash of white light flared for a brief instant.
“Very well, Mr. Starblade you are now the proud owner of the clan, The Conclave.” He rolled up the sheet of vellum as he spoke and then placed it into a bin with a few other rolled up sheets. “Is there anything else I can do for you?”
Satisfied I shook my head, “Na, all done. Thanks.”
Another message had arrived while I was talking with the Ambassador. I went to check it before I began to send out invites.
Mail: Lothorb Doomhammer: Az, I talked it over with the officers and man I’m sorry, but we still don’t feel right giving you an officer rank. But we will agree to pay you the charter costs back and give you Noncom rank.
Anger flared within my chest, perhaps it was the long night. Then again perhaps it wasn’t. Oh, screw them. I had been in the damn clan longer than most of the officers. I led Clan raids. More than half of the damn fools focused on professions. Now they wanted to use me to both get to a good area to level and to create a Clan! Then not give me an Officer position. “Its not going to happen, I said. Ace looked at me concerned, “What is wrong mi’lord?” I waved it off. Going inside I withdrew 10 more gold and bought a Guild Charter, thinking for a moment I named it Brotherhood of Steel then walked outside. With a wicked grin I sent a Guild Invite to Lothorb Doomblade. When he accepted, I handed over leadership and smiled, I could join as many Guilds as I wanted, but only one Clan. Looking at Ace I had an idea, I sent him a Clan invite. The boy looked at me surprised then I got a message.
The Conclave: Ace Starblade has joined the Clan.
Smiling I went back inside and bought two Clan Familiars and one Guild Familiar for a total of 1 Gold 25 Silver. Giving Ace a Clan Familiar I smiled. “What is this sir?” The boy was looking ad the fist sized stone Pigeon. “It’s a communication item. This way we can talk over large distance. I know its not much to look at. Later we can upgrade them to better statues or even living animals.” Ace hugged it to his chest, “I think its perfect!” Mussing the boy’s hair, we set off for the market square. I had a few items to put up for auction before I logged off and got some sleep.
There were tons of messages in Guild chat about people joining, being promoted, demoted, new ranks, deleting ranks and many other organizational rearranging. I ignored it all. 20 minutes later I was back in my Inn room and ready to log out. Before I did though I looked over my Character, and abilities.
Name: Azriel Starblade
Race: Human Class: Apprentice Magi
Level: 5 Exp: 10,216 / 15,000
Strength (STR): 18(19) Intelligence (INT): 18(19)
Dexterity (DEX): 10 Wisdom (WIS): 10
Constitution (CON): 10(11) Charisma (CHA): 10
Luck (LUC): 2
Hit Points (HP): 510 / 510
Mana; 680 / 680
Stamina: 52.5 / 52.5
Character Points (CP): 11 / 13 Talent Points (TP): 1 / 1
Renown (REN): 1800 / 3000
Fame Level: 1 Popular Deity: None
Faith (FAI): 0 / 1000
Titles: Freeman
Concentration (Apprentice): 5 / 75
Leadership (Apprentice): 9 / 75
Parry (Apprentice): 11 / 75
Running (Apprentice): 3 / 75
Tactician (Apprentice): 9 / 75
Channel: You can focus on your mana. This allows you to increase your mana regeneration rate by 100%. You may also now channel your mana into other people or objects at your normal mana regeneration rate. This ability is easy to interrupt, avoid all distractions.
Home Point You can set a Home Point and create a Hearthstone. Using the Hearthstone will allow you to teleport home from anywhere, once a day.
Rush: You can rapidly move forward 15 yards to strike an enemy for 3*STR damage. This strike stuns the target for 3 seconds.
Herbalism (Apprentice): 26 / 75
Alchemy (Apprentice): 1 / 75
Fire Arrow (Rank3)
Magic Missile (Rank3)
Light (Rank3)
Detect Magic (Rank3)
Read Magic (Rank3)
Fire Wave (Rank1)
Sleep (Rank1)
Not bad for a start. A full night’s work should have had me three times this level, but Azriel was looking good. Looking over my gear once more, I cursed, “Oh for the love of …” Ace peeked up from the floor, “Do you need something master?” “I’m just an idiot,” I growled. Ace laid back on the floor, “As you say sir.” I smiled at the boy’s agreement sure he had not meant the connotation. Shaking my head, I looked back at my gear profile. The expected item slots were displayed, Head, shoulders, Chest, Legs, and so forth. Down at the Accessory section was listed, Finger 1 with my Magicians Ring, Finger 2 Empty, Neck Empty, Broach empty, and Aether Empty. I assigned my Aether of Force to the slot. With a Smile I saw my Guard’s Blade had a faintly glowing jewel in the pommel now. I prepared to Log out, then paused. Something in City Chat caught my attention.
Turddropper: Where are these guards taking everyone?
MissChief: Some warehouse, but they will not let you in if your still logged in.
Brus: WTB Green Mace, Magic Dust, and mana crystals.
TurdDropper: Well that sucks. I heard you could make a lot of money from robbing the stiffs.
MissChief: that’s not cool. Someone is going to rob you when you log out.
TurdDropper: Nope I have an Inn room. I won’t be in the streets.
Misschief: Fearmongering is not cool!
Pollaris: Meet at the market in 10 minutes I’ll explain!
I paused; this was probably a joke by some kid. But what if it wasn’t. I thought of Lien and Luxus, and all the people in the street. I had a bad feeling about this.
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