《Rise and Fall》return to the slums



Return to the slums


Magic air branches Lightning level 1

Path gauntlet level 1


First clear

First of the mages

Body level 2

Str 2

Speed 4

Mind level 1

Charisma 2

Courage 4

Soul level 2

Looking over his status screen he was confused Roger didn’t understand what made the improvement happen he felt the same as he always did. Woodrow and his wife was fussing over Ember and Tig, Rufas was walking up front with the king and his son Jackson who claimed it he name of Jax he made it clear that it was not jack and that you said the x he got his AI the same day as Roger just in a private part of the government building so that left him at level zero due to his older brother not wanting to let him become more powerful and have a chance to take the throne. Everyone was giving Roger and Robert space no one knew what was going through Rogers head and the king told Robert to keep an eye on him. “So lad how did you do that you moved faster than I could follow?” Robert was not one for small talk and took the blunt force route most of the time. Roger was even worst he just didn’t understand people “ Magic” was all he said leaving Robert stunned people did not just half way answer him like that. “ as in real magic like fireballs shooting out of peoples assholes and raising the dead?!” Robert didn’t know what he saw or if they sold their souls or anything. But he would be damned if he didn’t look out for his friends kid from here on out. “Well I don't know about their assholes and fireballs. Fire is more Embers area. I'm more focused on lightning. Oh and life magic might be what you mean by raising the dead and that would be tig.” Roger said completely straight faced making Robert trip and stumble. “Did you just tell me that 3 of you have magic! And tell me to go ask Ember if she shoots fireballs out of her ass!?” He yelled and everyone stopped Ember was blushing deeply. Woodrow and Willow just stood with the mouths hanging open. “Mom and dad your going to catch flies like that.” Tig said, coming to Ember's rescue. “Yes I am also wondering where your powers come from.” King James stated, singling for a stop “If you don’t mind start from the top.” The King statements would sound like questions from anyone else. “I would like to only say this once so please save all your questions till the end and I am not sure if I can or will answer them.” Tig said calmly looking the King in his eyes “Son that is the king of he has questions you will have to answer if you can.” His fathers tone make it clear that he would not take any rebuttal of his command Roger of course instead said “The king is dead they shot and killed him didn’t you hear that man right there is named James and has no say over our team nor for that matter do you sir. We are not in town, we are now in the slums where the unwanted and the scum gather. Are you James claiming to be the King of them?” His tone was flat but hit everyone like a ton of bricks he left no room but a retreat. “Roger do you think you have a right to talk to his majesty that way!?” Woodrow bellowed with such force that his face was bright red and a vein was threatening to bust on his forehead. “Who but the child that saved my life dare to think to call me out, stand down wood this man is correct King James is dead killed by no other then the group here and now. If I know Edward the story has been twisted so far that I’m sure you and your family are in danger-“ seeing the horrific look in Willows face “don’t worry I had Sam go and fetch your other kids from school they should all meet us at the meadow, that is where you are playing at taking us yes?” His first true question was aimed at Roger but instead was answered by Rufas. “In all honesty I am not sure we can trust you, there has not been much explanation on your part or any of your parts that explain the events that just happened!” Rufas was known for stepping in front of Roger when it came to anything other than fighting. “Oh my that my deer is a oversight we, I mean I, will have to correct once we get somewhere safe.” Back was the once kings tone of authority and Roger shocked everyone yet again by shaking his head. “No I don’t think so as Rufas said you have too much information for someone that just happened to be in the bar. Growing up in the slums, if something does not add up you don’t let it fester and turn into a problem that can’t be handled.” Equipping his guntlets and stepping next to Rufas knowing that they have taken on divers before when they only had their fist and walked away. “Well said lad if it was not for Tigs magic he would of died to protect you when he did and still does not understand who you are to him my lord if anyone can demand anything from you it is your nephew.” Robert dropped that bomb as easily as someone would've told their family about how their day was. Taking a seat on the ground getting comfortable giving James a look as if daring him not to acknowledge what he just said. James started laughing loudly “Yes that all is true and we will have to have a long and private conversation about that with just me, you and Jackson. But as for how we got wind of your plans and why I do not seem overly concerned about magic making it’s way into our world let alone our town, is simply as true ruler of an area that a tower has matured you get world announcements such as when Tammer came out possessed. So when not one but four types of magic were released by our own tower it gave me more than enough time to find out who was the last team to exit the tower.” James never looked away from Rogers' determined eyes. Instead walked up and hugged the young man. “Thank you for proving that my baby sister son did not turn out like my own first born.” His voice broke and tears started running down his face at that moment everyone but Roger understood that he was not commanding them thinking he should have the right to but out of fear that if he did not step up the the plate he would somehow let them down. Roger was slow to return the hug and almost let the man that was his uncle let go before he grabbed ahold of him and letting his emotions go years of built up pain and fear of being alone, pain from thinking he was tossed aside like yesterday's newspaper came rushing out of him. The group stood there not knowing what to do when thankfully Jackson took charge “Father as much as this truly is a touching moment shouldn’t we keep moving?” The king let go of Roger looking at him with love and sorrow “Let's be off then my son, do me a favor and walk with Roger. He probably has much to ask but will not know how or even truly what could be asked.” With that he turned and started walking forcing them all on their feet Ajax just stood there looking at Roger with a mixed expression on his face, he was thrilled to have a family member that was not ruthless and borderline crazy but unsure if the last part applied. Rufas, tig and Ember all fell into step with Roger. “Don’t expect many questions from Roger and understand that the ones he does ask will not be normal ones.” Rufas warned Jax. “Yeah in the short time I’ve met him he seemed more interested in learning who someone is by their actions.” Tig added. “And if you were worried about having a normal person in your family, keep worrying Roger is as odd as they come.” Ember finished off the group's warnings. “How do you feel about water?” Was the first question Roger asked looking Jax dead in the eyes. Being surprised again by his new found cousin Jax took a minute to think what that could mean “I’m not entirely sure what you mean so I will take it at face value. Water is the center of all life and the demise of it as well. It is the strongest force yet gentle enough to be soothing, I hope that satisfies your question.” Bringing a smile to Rogers faces. “Well Rufas I think your task of finding our 5th has been filled after all.” Roger said calmly, not fully explaining what the meaning of it would be for Jax. Seeing the confusion clear on Jax face Ember took pity on him “You all are wondering how we got our powers. It would be easier to show one of you, so you can understand why it’s hard for us to explain, and we have been hoping to find a 5th that would fit. Looks like you won the raffle.” She said it all with a disarming smile. “First we need to find the wild dungeon, we were informed it would work the same there. Thankfully or we would have to find a way to get you to a tower o don’t think we want to use the one inside the city after all.” Rufas added. Clear excitement was on Jax's face “ You guys are going to let me in your team. A team of magic users and making it sound like there is a prize for saying yes is it magic do I get to learn magic?!” By the end of it he was yelling getting his fathers attention with that. “Roger is that going to happen? Are you going to help my son learn magic? By the gods how does that even work?” The whole party was at in an uproar trying to find out everything. Roger stopped “It has to be taken at the start of a path, you also may end up using a new path all together, if you notice Tig walked in there a scout came out a reaper, I walked in with a staff and now gauntlets this is not an easy task and it will not be painless he will be a level 0 walking into a wild dungeon where the levels are known or on the same level. Do not be quick to be envyus of him.” Rogers' tone was anything but flat; he was daring someone else to push Jax for anything. “Well I think he likes you Jax'' laughed tig “Oh yea he likes him, only other time I’ve seen him get protective is with me.” Rufas responded


The end of the tunnel was in sight the smells were getting worse by the step decay was in the air Rufas and Roger stepped up tot the front “where in the slums does this let out?” Roger asked. He still had his gauntlets equipped Rufas pulled on his shield and hammer “Roger you know that smell as I do we are in the pits'' fear clear in his voice but his demeanor was full of determination “anyone else has experience with undead?” Rufas asked and understanding sweep through the group. “I thought they could only spawn where body’s where not taken care of correctly I know we did so in the city.” Willow asked to no one specifically “Do you think the priest come out here to give us last rites?” Laughed Roger lighting jumping back and forth from his hands, “Well we wanted time to train '' Ember pointed out handing her egg over to James “Sir if you don’t mind please watch over Shelly”. She asked “You named your egg Shelly?” snorted Tig `` What I think it’s cute and Roger agrees with me don’t you?” Ember pointedly asked Roger as stepped next to him “I am quite fond of Eggy to be honest.” Roger said flatly “Did he just make a joke? No way man I’ve been with him for 10 years not so much as a knock knock joke and he’s with you guys one day and he has banter!?! Not fair so not fair” Rufas complainant was funnier than the joke. “Ok enough games kids” Robert said with his battle ax in hand “ What do you think you are doing old man? Please just stop anything that gets behind us. Jax you're with us.” Tig took charge of the group. “ Well this is a humbling day for all of us “ Woodrow said, stepping back patting Robert on his shoulder who sat there with his mouth open. “ I just got shut down by a level one, what is going on?!” Robert sat down right there looking defeated. The rest of the group just moved back waiting to see what the magic was going to look like. “Alright so Rufas your up front Ember your mid with Jax make sure he ends up alright Roger your with me in the back to cover down where is needed.” Tig explain they were using the 1-2-2 in this instance due to the unknown abilities they all had and the wild card that was jax. “Um i don't have a weapon at all.” jax said nervously “ok so that's an issue, what is your path?” roger asked in response. “It is the ax I was hoping to follow Roberts footsteps.” he said sheepishly “Bob lend the boy an ax I am sure you got a spare in that bag of yours.” King James said looking down at the humbled bartender “first i loose my bar then they tell me to sit down and let them fight now i am being asked to give up one of my axes ok this is officially bull shit.” Reaching into his bag and pulling out a small hatchet “this is the only thing i have that you can use the rest are way too heavy for a level 0.” Robert handed over a small unremarkable hatchet to Jax. all he got in thanks was a nod “so now are we all ready and geared up? Good Robert and James, your job is to make sure we dont die, so get on your feet Bob and be ready to save our asses.” Roger was never one to shy away from pushing someone's buttons, always leaving everyone wondering if he meant to do it.


Rufas started walking forward hammer and shield ready 5 paces behind him was Ember. Jax was trailing a little, not used to working as a team, if it was not for the near death they had in their first dive they would not be as in sync as they were in his defence. Roger was proud of his team for being able to adapt so fast. This will be the first live test to see if they will be able to use their magic well together. “We know what kind of magic everyone has but no what we can do with it. If you get overwhelmed call out, we know Tig can heal but it’s not clear how much or how long he can heal for so don’t take dumb risks.” Said Roger his voice still missing his normal flat tone. “What is it about you guys first it was joking now it’s him acting worried, I think you broke Roger.” Laughed Rufas. “ you are just mad because he likes us more then you.” Tig said, teasing Rufas. “Does he normally bitch this much Roger?” Ember voice was cheerful as she joined in. “Well normally we did not talk much, you know trying not to die from a young age does not leave a lot of room for small talk” Roger said flatly. “Roger we really need to have a conversation man all of this not being on my side thing is for the birds.” Rufas said with a sigh. “Do you guys normally joke around this much when walking into a bunch of monsters?” Jax asked joining the conversation “Well since this is the first time we have done anything like this that’s a yes by default.” Tig said from the back “Yea we only started out yesterday after all” ember added. Jax stumbled upon hearing that clearly stunned. “You know we did say as much in this conversation right?” Rufas asked with a smile “Movement up ahead game faces guys!” Tig yelled from behind, everyone's smiles disappeared. They could see a group up ahead from the shambling movements; they all knew it was zombies. The party kept walking forward, until they felt like they hit an invisible force. It did not slow them down but they noticed it was there.

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