《Quantum Worlds (A LitRPG dark fantasy)》CHAPTER 12 - OF ANGER AND ANTICS
The eight teammates arrived at the bottom of the cave and stacked the wood to the side of a stalagmite. They packed a few closer to their sleeping area, and Harper used Fire Scorch to start the fire. It provided a familiar comfort for the exhausted members, and Harper realized how right Angie had been about the cold.
They placed the bedding next, keeping it a safe distance from the flames. They spread out a thick layer of leaves to sleep on. The rest of the bedding was laid aside to cover themselves with once they had taken their positions.
Angie caught Damon’s attention and informed him that she wanted the women in the pool first. He gathered Ethan, Jordan, and Miguel, and they sat by the fire, facing the slope.
As the girls stood at the lip of the pool, Harper told them she had an idea. “I don’t know if this is going to work,” she said, “but I guess it’s worth a shot.” She cast Fire Scorch at the pool. The flames bounced off the water’s surface and caromed onto the far wall of the cave, which turned black. Steam rose from the water into the frigid air. Harper leaned forward, dipped her hand in the water, then stepped into the pool, beaming. “Come on in, girls. The water’s just fine.”
Angie, Janna and Emma sauntered in next and were delighted with the temperature. “Oh my god, Harper, you’re a lifesaver!” Emma said, and started laughing.
“Yeah, just stay away from that blackened wall,” she replied.
The four women reveled in the water, gushing at how it felt like a sauna. They moved around slowly, wiping the mud off their clothes and armor. The surrounding water turned brown as the dirt slid off them and drifted to the bottom of the pool. They helped each other remove the layers of their armor. It was tricky work. Angie’s and Emma’s chain mail was attached with a series of blunt hooks which were difficult to find. Janna’s leather armor was similar, only it was connected by lengths of thin leather strapping. Harper’s jack of plates armor was the easiest to remove, untying at the front. Once they had the layers off, Harper looked at the three women in their canvas underwear.
“You look like models!” she exclaimed sarcastically.
They laughed. Angie gestured to the backs of the men. “It gets worse; they’re next.” She grinned mischievously at Harper and yelled at the men by the fire, “Oh, boys? Would you mind wringing out our armor and placing the items by the bed?” She threw her wet chain mail at Damon. It landed with a wet THWACK! on the orc’s shoulder. The women started giggling. Harper couldn’t help herself. She tossed her canvas and metal armor at Miguel. It bounced off his head and fell into his lap.
“These women are evil,” Damon grumbled, staring at the fire.
“Aren’t they al—” Jordan began, only to be interrupted by Emma’s chain mail smacking into his head.
Damon was about to reply when Janna’s full set of leather armor slammed into his back. He bolted up. “Okay, that’s enough, ladies!” he barked at the fire. But they were laughing hysterically now, and he couldn’t help but smile. He turned to Ethan. “Come on. Let’s take it out on their armor.” The two orcs picked up the wet items and walked away from the pool. They stopped at the far side of the cave, shaking and slamming the armor against the wall. They carried the items back and laid them out on the patch of bedding closest to the fire.
The girls were still cackling. Good for them, Damon thought. It’s been a long day for all of us.
Brett knew he should have made his move at the top of the tunnel, but then Zack sidestepped a rock, which threw him off. God damn it! You had him there! he scolded himself. He bit down on his lip hard, drawing blood. You fucking dummy, don’t panic now!
But he was panicking, and he cursed himself for it. Brett Miller, choking at another clutch moment! he berated. He struggled to steel himself from the inner voices that had tormented him since his late teens. Brett had taken an interest in girls from an early age and had his first girlfriend at fourteen. Her name was Eliza, and they’d grown inseparable for almost five years. They progressed from simple kissing to losing their virginity to each other. At the time, he thought how fantastic it would be to marry his high-school sweetheart. It was like something out of a Norman Rockwell painting.
Then his parents died in a car accident.
Eliza consoled him through that horrible loss, but a few months later, she left him, saying they weren’t a “good fit.” Brett was crushed and begged her to stay, but she was adamant. It was around that time that a part of him started hating women. It got worse when half the girls he asked on dates rejected him outright. The other half would go out with him, but he could never get past the first date. He developed a deep insecurity from those experiences.
Brett never had an intimate relationship with another woman again. He would always screw it up. Just like you’re screwing this up, nurse!
He hated the way the jarhead had used that term to humiliate him. Like he wasn’t a man or something. That fucker. If he knew the physical work the job required, he wouldn’t have bastardized the term.
Why are you wasting time?
They were a quarter of the way down the cavern. After killing Zack, he would have to haul the big orc out of the cave, so every step meant more work for him. It also increased the chances of getting caught. He was wasting his chance. The dumb grunt hadn’t even glanced back once. Do it! Do it now! Brett gripped the hatchet tightly, raised it above his head, and swung.
“I know Zack is reading him the Riot Act, but shouldn’t they be back by now?” Ethan asked Damon as they returned to the fire after spreading out the wet clothing.
“I’m not worried,” Damon grunted. Zack had privately discussed the matter with him to get his consent before confronting the nurse. Damon knew there was a possibility this could end badly for Brett.
“Oh, boys?” Angie teased again from the warm pool.
You’re having fun with this, aren’t you? Damon telepathed to her.
“We’re ready to get out now,” she said in her best syrupy tone.
Damon turned his head to look directly at Angie. The other girls were out of sight, at the far end of the pool. Angie flashed her eyelashes exaggeratedly. “We just need a little help from a big boy like you. It seems we’ve lost our footwear,” she pouted. She extended her hand across the lip of the pool. Her wet canvas underwear clung to her body.
Are they going to be comfortable with that? he thought to her.
Yes, she thought in reply. They trust you. Help us out of the pool. We’ll shake off as much of the water as we can, then you escort us to the bedding. We’ll lie down facing the fire and you’ll spread the bedding over us to conserve our body heat. Is that good so far, Mr. Special Operations Commander?
Mmm-hmm, he thought.
Now listen carefully, sweetheart. These are the sleeping arrangements. Janna will be first in line. Then I’ll be next. You squeeze in behind me after you boys get cleaned. Emma settles in behind you—she’s going to keep that chain mail on, but I don’t think that’ll work. Then Harper, followed by Miguel…
He raised his eyebrows at her.
Don’t ask, that’s none of your business, she went on. Jordan falls in behind Miguel, and then Ethan. We’ll figure out Zack and Brett when they get back. So, line up the girls for now, and when you men get out of the pool, you can take your places. Now hurry! We’re getting cold!
Damon stood up. “You guys stay here, the ladies are coming out.” He took a deep breath and faced the women. Janna and Harper were turned away from him. He could see their makeshift bras tied across their backs. They were busy reattaching the chain mail onto Emma. Angie stood at the front of the pool. She winked at him, then tapped Janna on the shoulder.
The nurse swung around and faced Damon. She stepped forward and raised her arm to him. He took it and steadied her elbow with his other hand as she clambered out of the pool. Streams of water streaked down her skin, rising and falling with the curves of her body.
Damon felt his face turn warm. Angie stood in the pool behind her, grinning, her arms crossed on her chest. You’re enjoying the awkward position you’ve put me in, aren’t you? he telepathed.
Yes, she replied, and don’t act like you’re not loving this.
Holding Janna’s hand, he walked her over to the sleeping area. She settled into the bedding, facing the fire. He placed some foliage on her and returned to the pool for Angie. He took a moment to take in Angie’s game-designed body. Her legs were longer and more athletic, and her eyes were bigger.
You’re beautiful, he thought.
She only smiled.
Damon took her hand and gently helped her out of the water. He had the urge to pick her up and hold her, but she was clean and he was still filthy, so he resisted the compulsion. He escorted her to the bedding, where she slipped in beside Janna. Angie wiggled closer, maintaining their body heat, and put her arm around the nurse’s belly. Janna smiled and placed her hand over Angie’s.
Damon turned to get Emma next. She looked uncomfortable wearing the wet chain mail. He extended his arm to her and watched as her Grimalkin claws gripped onto the wet stone. Her mail produced small clinking noises as the metal pieces scraped together. Emma’s body was covered with fine blue hairs, but the hair on her head had stayed blonde. They walked to the bedding. As Emma lay behind her, Angie grimaced from the cold metal touching her back. Nonetheless, she reached back and drew Emma’s hand in, moving her closer.
Damon smiled at her. That’s my girl, he thought. He turned around to get Harper. She was standing at the front of the pool, shivering in the wet canvas undergarments. Colored light flickered across her skin and reflected in her big blue eyes. He strode to her and offered her his arm. She clutched his hand and climbed out of the pool. Water flowed down her freckled skin. As she walked beside him, she stopped and touched his elbow. “About Miguel,” she whispered. “It’s okay. I want him with me.”
He nodded.
Harper spooned in behind Emma and gazed up at Damon, mouthing the words “thank you.” Then she turned and stared at the fire. Harper knew her request was going to surprise Miguel. She had feelings for Miguel, but she wasn’t sure they were real. She wondered if the game was affecting her emotions. Still, she wanted him by her side.
Things were speeding out of control for her. She could feel the weight of having to perform a larger role than she expected… or even wanted. That terrified her. She felt suddenly alone. She needed Miguel to help ground her against whatever the future held.
Brett’s leather boot snagged on a sharp piece of rock, dragging his foot back as the rest of his body hurled forward. No! He tumbled toward Zack’s legs. The hatchet, which was on a down-swing, barely missed the orc’s calf. His hands smashed into the stone first, knocking the weapon out of his hands. He watched as it somersaulted to his left. Oh, no! He’s going to see the hatchet! Pain erupted in his hands, but the momentum of his fall continued. Sickly, he watched as the cave floor rushed up to his face.
Overhead, he heard the dumb grunt. “Huh? Are you—”
Brett’s face collided with the hard surface of the cavern floor. His nose exploded and he tasted blood and mucus spew into his mouth. His right forearm, the one that fucking grunt had snapped like a twig, was screaming. You choker! his mind shrieked at him.
Then the orc’s hands were on him, turning him over. As Brett spun, he spotted the hatchet on the far side of the cavern. Facing the ceiling now, he couldn’t breathe and started coughing up blood. “You’re gonna have to lean forward,” the orc said, placing his hands under Brett’s armpits and lifting him to a sitting position. The orc’s hand pushed against the back of his head again. He’s going to kill me! He saw the hatchet! The hand thrust his head forward into a leaning position.
Brett coughed out a mouthful of blood, which splattered onto the stone below him. He could breathe again and realized that Zack was trying to help him. This was the treatment for a broken nose, Brett remembered. He struggled to get up, planting his hands on the rock surface, and pain surged through his wrists. He cried out in agony.
“Here, let me help,” Zack said, setting his forearms under the nurse’s armpits again and boosting him to his feet. Zack held him while Brett attempted to steady himself. “Lean forw—”
“Yes, yes! I know!” Brett shouted angrily.
Zack let go of him and backed away.
Brett looked up at the orc wearily. “I’m sorry. It’s been a long day.”
Zack nodded. Brett could see that hatchet behind the orc now. “I’m going to have to straighten you out,” Zack said.
The Marine rushed to him, and Brett flinched. Zack put his hands on either side of the healer’s nose. His palms shifted quickly. Brett heard his bones click into place as intense pain burst in his nose. He screamed. The orc backed away from him again.
Brett was breathing fully now. “Um, uh, thank you,” Brett choked out.
Once again, Zack waited for Brett to pull himself together. After a few minutes, they started walking again. Brett cast Basic Heal on himself and waited for his mana points to regenerate. Halfway down the cavern, Zack faced him and asked if they still had a deal. Brett did his best to look sincere. He told the Marine he would try to do better, that he would earn the team’s trust. He even smiled at Zack and offered to shake his hand. As they shook, the pain in his wrist erupted again, but he kept smiling at the orc.
The dumb grunt fell for it.
Brett knew he was usually the smartest guy in any room, but it wasn’t hard to outwit a grunt like Zack. As they walked down to the bottom, they exchanged small talk and discussed their favorite sports teams. Zack felt a sense of pride watching the healer’s quick transformation and commended him for it. Brett smiled and said he wanted to be a valuable member of the team. Despite the broken nose, Brett kept that frozen smile pasted on his face as they entered camp. He would do the watch for the night, and when everyone was asleep, he would go back for the hatchet.
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