《Sieg's Glory : World of Ellus》Chapter 4: Restart (Edited)


In short, some of Ernest's skills that caught Sieg's attention were,

Wind Eruption

Creates a sharp blast of wind when your weapon hits the target. This skill deals the most damage among all other skills.

Death Lash

Deals continuous damage to the target upon contact. This skill deals very little damage but lasts continuously.


Causes the target to burn. Can be done over short or medium distances. Deals moderate damage and if not extinguished will continue to burn. Unlike the Wind Eruption where he has to approach the target, this skill can be done in many situations. In Sieg's opinion, this was Ernest's strongest skill at the moment.


When power gathers into one's body. Allows him to exert great power. When he uses this skill, it can cause his target to explode. But that could only be done with bare hands or feet, making the sword useless.


This one is used to move instantaneously. Ernest shows many variations of this skill, such as blinking while moving forward, backward, sideways, jumping, rolling, and others.

In addition to these fantasy-like skills, Ernest also has sword techniques such as cut, draw cut, push cut, slice, hew, hack, chop, slash, slice, and thrust. These realistic techniques were all summarized by the system as swordsmanship.

In addition, he can also move his body to perform various attacks using his body such as up kicks, downward kicks, side kicks, back kicks, elbow attacks, and knee kicks which are all summarized by the system as combat.

All of these skills will become stronger with increasing proficiency.

And there are many more skills that, although useful, are not very impactful.

So looking at all these skills means there are a lot of keys to remember. Sieg questions the game developer's thought process. Luckily, you can combine multiple skills into one skill as shown earlier automatically.

But Sieg has to give it to the developers for Ernest's realistic demeanor, the small details of his gestures are amazing.

Because it was possible to get damage from stray attacks or residual effects from one's skills. Sieg took control and repeated several of Ernest's combination attacks. He wanted to see if he could do it faster manually because there were some of his skills that needed to be done faster to maximize their use. He also tries to remove some unnecessary moves.

[Your Avatar's skill activation has been shortened]



Ernest was astonished. This gamer managed to shorten the speed of his skill activation. When he activated his skill, it put a lot of pressure on his concentration. This was because to activate the spell, he needed to collect mana and then circulate it around the body for a pattern that matched the skill is formed. Coupled with moving his body, planning his next attack, and also paying attention to the enemy's movements, there were many things he had to consider.

He had arguably the fastest skill activation speed among the other Arena warriors, and that was one of the reasons he became one of the strongest warriors and also survived the last Arena.

What made it amazing was how by repeating the action many times, his body gradually got used to it. As a result, he could slowly move at this speed without needing to be controlled.

'This gamer is rather useful.'

After he regained control of his body. He continued to train to incorporate that speed and skill into his body.

He stopped practicing when it got dark, he went back to the dormitory to get cleaned up and headed to the banquet.

He didn't like banquets, but there were a lot of scouts from various Arena organizations there. And he had also decided to join the organization early this time.


Sieg fast-forwarded to the time of the banquet.

The banquet was held in a luxurious medieval-style building, very spacious considering the number of people present. The chandeliers are very beautiful, they use beautiful shining gemstones as a light source. Not only could it illuminate an entire place, but this gemstone also had a somewhat mysterious glow around it.

There were many students and people in luxurious clothes walking around. Some of them were holding plates of delicacies or drinks taken from the tables scattered around the hall.



Reacting to the voice, he moved the screen, showing Ernest turning around revealing a black-haired man smiling at him.

["I'm Maiar Caldar from The Vultures, you must have heard of us, I believe."]

The man raised his hand for a handshake and Ernest replied. The man's appearance looked to be in his late thirties. With deep facial features and rough lines, he has a somewhat mature and strict temperament. He was clearly a person who was proficient in fighting judging from his body shape.


["Hello, sir."]


Captain Maiar Caldar, a high-ranking person from The Vultures, one of the Arena organizations under the Emagia Kingdom. Not many know this, but this organization was created by His Highness Richard, the 4th prince of the kingdom.

In his first life, he also remembered being invited by this organization. However, as a hot-blooded and haughty young man, he rejected them, disliked the various rules he had to follow, and wanted to forge his own path.

He now regrets it. At that time he only thought of himself and did not look far ahead. It is true that he later made his own name, but it took quite a long time. He couldn't stop thinking that maybe if he joined the organization earlier than he could grow faster, save more people and make a better ending.

So now he decided to join early. It doesn't matter which organization it is. Because, apart from their various personal interests, the main goal of all of them is to fight against the invaders.

"You remind me of my young self. As a commoner, it's not easy to be able to stand above your peers as you do. It's amazing how much you've accomplished just by relying on the common resources provided by the Academy. Truly impressive."

They are now on the balcony, as it will make it easier to have private conversations without being distracted.

"It is nothing really. Compared to you, I am still inadequate."

And he means it.

It is widely known that Maiar Caldar is someone who works his way up from the bottom rug of society. His story is a legend. He is an aspiration for the ordinary folks with ambitions and is always used as a role model by parents to their children.

"You are still young. There is still a long road ahead of you. Who knows, you might surpass me and become a commander."

"I will work hard to achieve your expectations, sir."

After all, he did reach that height in his first life.

"Then I will look forward to it," He sipped his wine and looked at the scenery.

The balcony overlooks the Academy gardens. There, the white burglonia, the Academy's signature flower, was in full bloom, showing off its delicate white petals that were almost transparent, like a woman's veil.

"You must know why I approach you like this," Maiar said while facing Ernest, "I truly believe that you have a bright prospect, The Vultures need talent like you, you don't need to worry because we will treat you fairly. Let's us fight the invaders together."

The man in front of him was someone he could trust. A Captain most respected by the soldiers. As the Arena increases, many heroes fall. Maiar Caldar is one of them. In a situation where he could come out alive on his own, he still died, exchanging his life for the soldiers under him. Before a battle, he always told his soldiers to trust him, as long as there was a chance, he would keep their lives. And he did just that.

"It would be an honor to fight alongside you, sir."


[Your Avatar, Ernest, has been invited to the Arena organization, The Vultures.

Would you like to accept?




Sieg was watching the interaction on his screen, wondering that this game has too many cut scenes when the notification popped up.

There are many Arena organizations in this game. Since he wasn't sure about the importance of joining and whether you could quit after joining, he decided to familiarize himself with the game first. And it seems that joining the organization is also not mandatory considering there is an option to refuse.

"I don't have any information about this organization. I need to gather some information first, then decide."

["It would be an honor to fight alongside you, sir."]

[You choose yes. Your Avatar is now a potential member of The Vultures]


["That's great. Someone will brief you on the following procedure later. Lets us head back for now."]

"Wait.. what?"

Ernest nodded and they started to walk away.

"Huh? Wait I am not even... what?"

Somehow the Avatar answered himself. But the system asks for his opinion first. Before he could even move the cursor to No or Pending his Avatar had agreed.

"I don't like this."

He doesn't want to join an unknown organization. Looking at the saved file. He decided to start over. Returns to the start of the game where he used his save points.

"Let's just restart."


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