《The Black Sheep Prince(complete)》Afterword


Hi! and thanks for reading till the end

I hope you guys enjoyed the story, and the comments and ideas helped a lot in the process. Even though I have some idea on how the story would go and the end, most of the story I made it up as I wrote, adding a lot of stuff in the process. For example, the old man was just a guy for the prince to sell his stuff but ended up as an important character in the story as I thought it would be funny it was like that and that

I apologize for my bad grammar and my lack of world building thanks to my inexperience. I did improve my grammar over the chapters, but it's only on the level of going from a 8 years old to 11 years old, and not even a smart one. As for world building, I will try to make a better job in my next work, and maybe add some stuff to the early chapters when I have more time

So I hope I will keep on having your support in my next stories

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Again, Thanks for your support and for keep reading till the end

Good luck and happy Xmas

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