《Uprooted》An Icy Reception
Amidst the piercing gazes of varying severity she stood, dumbfounded for an explanation. It wasn't that the options weren't clear, it was more that she didn't want this school life to end up a mirror of her previous.
She, despite all her efforts to escape it, could still remember it like it was yesterday. The snide and stuck up "popular" girls who had all but excommunicated her, the boys who usually had more interest in dating than friendship, and the conflict of interests by simply feeling out of place.
In truth, she wasn't quite unpopular, but she certainly wasn't comfortable with her place. Being much more along the cute spectrum rather than pretty, the guys she would attract made her leery, her small experience with the opposite sex was awkward and always ended the same way. She wanted friendship, and they wanted love. She eventually had gotten a misguided reputation for seducing people which only lead her to a yet more anxious and precarious spot.
No! It's not going to go like that! Snap out of it Dita! It's our chance to do things right this time!
While her interests has greatly changed, in part by necessity, she had a feeling of confidence pour over her.
[I was excited about my recent evolution, checking out all the new skills and deciding what to level up.]
That's right! Honesty will set me free!
The three girls looked a bit confused and glanced at each other for a quick second.
[Evolution? You call that an evolution?]
The ringleader banshee smirked closing the distance to where the stunned Dita stood.
[Still looking like a pip squeak if you ask me]
The dragoness mirrored the sentiment with a low rumbling hiss.
[Maybe.. it's just a start.]
The shy Medusa spoke in an almost inaudible rush of words.
Not good! They seem like bullies! Well two of them at least.. maybe if I stand up to them it won't be like last time!
[How about you back off bitch.]
Dita thrust her words out with confidence and defiance to the would be bullies. The banshee let out huff, giving a venomous smile of her own.
[Ohoho~ big words for a little sprout. At least you're not as much of a pushover as you look. We'll see how long that confidence lasts.]
The banshee turned with a smug expression and made her way toward the crimson staircase across the room. The shocked expression of the dragoness snapped back as she grit her fangs and glared hard at Dita before following close behind. The Medusa remained in a sort of sulking glance toward the floor, her glances reaching for Dita every now and then but only meeting her gaze for a split second before losing heart.
As the three disappeared up the steps Dita was left with a big sigh of relief.
Guess standing up to them helped a bit. Got a little bit of respect from their leader, wait.. or did I just make her into my rival??
Scrambling through her status she made sure there was no new entries to the nemesis list, luckily no such development ended up coming to fruition.
Dita slithered toward the red stairwell that, by all accounts, seemed to be the fire side of things. This would almost certainly be her dorm's location right?
She thought for a long moment as she used her fork to move up the steps one after the next. The twisting spiral of stairs was romantic like a castle she had seen in fairy tales growing up. She felt like a princess waltzing up to her tower to await her fairytale life as a princess! As if things would be like that, not in this kingdom and not as a plant either.
Reaching the first floor she took a moment to figure out the room numbers, but was quick to dismiss her room was not on the floor due to the numbers being vastly off.
Shimmying to the next floor left her equally dumbfounded as the numbers again felt strangely off. What's more there was a distinct feeling as though this floor was for upper classmates, if the school even operated in the traditional manner.
The third floor again yielded no obvious answer to her questions, this made things extremely tricky, and gave her a bad feeling about the future of her dorm life.
No way, it's not in the ice side right? That's not my specialty at all! I'm not gonna be able to relax in a refrigerator !
Slipping her way downstairs she moved past a couple of gossiping imps, but they put on a smile and greeted her so it was difficult to tell if they were kind or merely playing the part.
Reaching the bottom floor she decided to make her way toward the blue hued stairs opposite the red ones which she stood, still dumbfounded.
Scaling the steps for the second time was much more difficult given the black ice which ruined her already shaky attempts at stability. After clambering to the first floor above, she collapsed in a momentary exhaustion.
Please don't match the numbers, please don't match!
She chanted in her mind, hoping for the numbers not to match but instead was greeted by a medium sized pair of eyes looking down at her.
[Are you alright? You seem to have taken a bit of a tumble.]
The words came out with wispy grace from the transparent woman who seemed to be some kind of spirit or fairy. Though given her height, or lack there of, she was likely much less a woman and much more like a girl. Her hair was strangely parted in a symmetrical and perfect manner and her clothes, or what seemed to function as such was like a grand flowing dress.
[Oh! I just had trouble getting up on the ice, I'm not used to the stuff so I ended up falling down from the black ice. I'll be ok!]
Dita gave her best smile as the icy girl responded in kind.
[You must be a new student, my name is Mirtae and I am the representative of this dormitory. Could I assist you lost one?]
Dita looked a bit confused and responded without thinking.
[Wait! How'd you know I was lost? Is it that obvious?]
She gave a calm hand to help her up before responding.
[It's not that, but rather that I've never seen your face before. And everyone who first makes their way here is often lost, at least at first.]
The extended hand of the cold girl was much warmer than she expected, which mirrored Dita's newfound expectation of this side of the dorm.
[I'm looking for my room but I couldn't seem to find it in the fire side, could you perhaps tell me where it is?]
Dita handed the paper to Mirtae as she looked a bit surprised before looking a couple times between her and to her paperwork.
[Are you sure there isn't some mistake? ]
That doesn't sound promising..
The sentiment sent a chill down her spine.
[I'm sure, why? Is something wrong? ]
Not good! Not good!
Mirae gave her a listless expression followed shortly by a weak smile.
[Not so much a problem as you appear to be sectioned to this side of the dorms. But you're a fire affinity monster are you not?]
Dita sank low for a long moment before nodding.
[Ah! Maybe it's..]
She paused causing Dita's head to shoot up.
[Could it be you're trying to master both elements? Is this a sort of training method to adapt? I think that's admirable!]
The innocence of the misunderstanding lead no moment for Dita to correct the mistake. Though it was an interesting concept. If she could master the cold maybe she'd have one less weakness to worry about? After all, it's way better to be alive than it is to have one ultra powerful spell or something. Though it was seriously tempting to go all in one and hope for the best!
[Right this way! I'll show you to your residence and you can meet with your roommate as well while you're at it!]
Well she sure seems happy about this? And a roommate?
[By the way, your name's Dita right?]
Wait how did she know? Thats seriously.. creepy.
[How did you know? ]
The see through girl looked at her a bit oddly before smiling in a pitiable manner.
[It's on your paperwork silly.]
Wait, why didn't I think of that?
[We're here! Welcome to your room!]
[Thanks for showing me! Also, is it always this cold in here?]
The ice spirit looked at her as if assessing the words to be a joke or not.
[Of course! It's better to cultivate ice and water based skills! Also if you need anything let me know. I'm always around!]
Dita nodded giving her a happy expression as the whispy woman disappeared into a nearby wall.
Well, at least there are some good eggs around. Now onto the most important one. If I get stuck with a bad roomie this could end up making or breaking this school life! Come on cross your fingers! We're lucky! Think lucky thoughts!
Pressing her hand to the door it opened automatically as if in reaction to her magic or maybe in recognition she belonged there. It left her with an odd view that almost felt voyeurous, given the fact that she didn't have a moment to prepare herself.
[Hello? Anyone in there?]
The dark room was just barely lit, there were what looks to be candle light hovering like balloons throughout the room. The strange phenomenon gave just enough light for her to see a cutesy room with a princess like decor, raising even more of a question of who the mysterious roommate could be.
A warm breeze flowed through the room cleaving a wave of comfort toward her through the otherwise painfully frigid surroundings.
[Are you ok?]
[Yes, just a little cold]
[Then why did you pick the frost wing?!]
The voice carried a cute almost ethereal trill to it, breaking the delicate silence with a decidedly sassy chime.
Dita had nearly lost her balance at seeing her supposed roommate. Surprisingly the rather confident voice resounded from a rather small source. A small, fairy-like creature floated about curiously giving her a once over, clearly pointing to the fact she wasn't exactly shy about it.
She was certainly a beauty, though a pipsqueak version, a fact that nearly made her laugh in a manner that could have made her first impression rather questionable.
Come on Dita introduce yourself ! Don't just get trapped in curiosities, she'll think you're weird!
Dita blinked a few times attempting to make sense of the crooked smile that followed the confusing words.
Is it her name? Am I being named? No, it's best to just ask..
[My name, you were wondering about it.]
[How did you know?]
[That you wanted to make a good first impression and thought I was naming you for some reason too? Nice to meet you too Dita]
The sly expression mixed with a hint of teasing, clearly, she was able to read her thoughts!
No, no! Not another Bel! She's teasing too! Wait now she knows I think she's teasing me! Shh brain stop it before you get us in bigger trouble!
Glancing up with a wince she heard the incorrigible response of laughter in the wake of her panic. Eventually her jovial moment culminated into an aftermath of tears in her eyes and a wider smile than before. A tiny hand reached out, with a far more earnest expression entering the fray.
[You're way too easy you know that? And you already met the triage of pretentious prima donnas. Well more like two thirds of it. In any case, you've got a lot to learn, and you're lucky you got me as your roommate!]
Eagerly reaching out to meet her hand she clasped gleefully.
A friend? Hmm one of the teasy-doting type too. Wait I can't think this, she's going to--
[Too late. You really don't know how to shield your thoughts do you? Ah, so precious. You're like a little hyim! Oh, you don't know what they are right? They're these adorable little sky cows that utterly love music.]
The small beauty took a moment to look proud before continuing.
[Teasy-doting type huh?]
Dita placed her hands over her non-existent mouth in a desperate attempt to silence even her thoughts.
[Well, since I can't hide anything I might as well say it directly. Would you care to be friends? I've not really been able to make a friend yet and I-]
The expression of the small horned fairy changed to one of pure disbelief.
[Hold on just a second! You've never had a friend? What were you born a week ago?]
[Well, actually, yes.]
[Wait, you're not supposed to…]
The frazzled fairy scrunched her brow studying her for a moment drawing a finger to her chin. She darted around in pure concentration before caving into the statement.
[Geeze, and I thought I was a prodigy.]
A large sigh met her as the expression evolved into a subtle pout.
[I'll be your friend but, you've got some explaining to do and who is Bel? Hmm by how he treats you I'd guess he's your boyf-]
Dita emminated an aura of pure unkempt fury as the rush of frustration had caught the fairy almost painfully clear on her mistake.
[No chance. No way. Even if he fixed all the damned mistakes he made. I've got better taste than that!]
The fairy gave a sly look, leaning into her cheek.
[Really? From what I could gather he's pretty hot.]
The crescendo of the words just ended up leading to the fairy bursting out in laughter at her own terrible joke, leaving Dita quite stunned. A moment later and Dita had put on the fairy's pout from a few moments prior.
[I'm only being silly, but to think, you're so young and participating in the prized jewel of sands, the royal zzern academy.]
She paused giving her a serious look.
[If I wasn't quite so imaginative, I'd say something isn't adding up. Care to enlighten me? Fairy's honor I won't tell anyone.]
Dita looked at her, maintaining her leery pout. After all she had just met her, and she was already asking her to explain how she came to this world.
[You're from an entire different world?!]
[Crap! I thought it! No fair!]
[All's fair in friendship! Now spill the deets! Oh and before you get to the good stuff come over here.]
The fairy tugged her over to her side of the room, a beautiful crystalline bed with an equally stunning sheet of gold lined covers and pillows perfectly contrasted the deep blue hues. It was regal and royal feeling, neither of which she could have previously associated with monsters.
[Y..you were a human?!]
The expression of her fairy friend turned very dark very quickly.
[I was ! But in my previous world, there are only humans! We didn't hurt monsters like the humans here seem to do.]
The fairy contemplated her words, still leery on the newest fact.
[Well, I can tell you're not lying. That's a start I guess. Talk about baggage.]
The little fairy sighed.
[I didn't really have a choice, and after meeting the captain I got dragged here too.]
The shock once again flushed over the features of the small Erith.
[If I wasn't a prodigy able to tell every thought from fabrication I'd have thought you were as inept as a donkey.]
Dita half leaped at the familiar sounding element.
[Donkey's exist!?]
A pitiable, almost disappointed look washed over Erith.
[Of course they do, are you, no, nevermind you've only lived a week and some days so we're going to have to give you the benefit of the doubt. Next would be… ]
The fairy closed her eyes and held out her hand, a mythical mist circling around it in a bangle like circle increasing in size.
The fairy called out, trading the wispy formless mp for an all too familiar status box, only this time it was facing someone else.
The small fairy girl retrieved a likewise small pair of glasses perfectly accentuating her features for a perfect mixture of cute and cool.
[Let's see.. hmm]
Her eyes went from curious to confused and back again, small inaudible mumbles replaced her voice as she composed her glances one after the next.
[Is there a reason you wanted to inspect me?]
Dita asked nervously, being quite out of her element yet.
[Two reasons, if we're to be friends, I'd love to get to know you better. And of course, random curiosity. Perhaps the most valid of reasons any fairy could ever have. Now..]
She cleared her throat before going on seamlessly.
[We've got to teach you something before you leave this room. Unless you don't mind sticking out like a salamander in the depths of the ocean.]
Dita froze, the serious tone giving her roommate more of a professor sound to her. As if she traded her teasing, doting roomie for a far more practical one.
[I may be a prodigy but I'm twenty years old. Firstly your age is going to make you stand out. Secondly your titles scream "I've killed a human so I'm a demon queen in the making" thirdly…]
The fairy looked most upset for a moment further staring daggers into her with gritted teeth.
[Why in the gods brown arse have you not spent your veritable sea of points? Do you make a habit of wasting potential or just have a thing for being weak?]
[About that.. are they going to hate me if they find out?]
Dita squirmed in an honest desire to make her second chance at school life count.
[I'd ask if that was a joke if I didn't already know the answer. Oh devils you know nothing girl! It's like you were born-]
[A week ago?]
She froze massaging her temple with a shake of her head.
[Sorry. Its just hard to believe even if I can tell you believe it.]
[To be fair, I lived quite a lot more weeks in the first life! I was nearly nineteen!]
The fairy shook her head dismissively.
[Firstly, humans and the other races of the almin alliance are all foul, terrible creatures. They think only about cleansing the world of anything their god deems to besmirch their world.]
[Secondly, those who fight against the humans are hailed as idealistic and heroes of monster kind. So no, you beautiful oaf, they'd hate you as much as reverence would beckon.]
Dita blinked in disbelief, part in due to her residual guilt and part in due to her elated potential despite it all.
[It's a..good thing?]
[More or less, but it will also set you up to fail magnificently. You, by what I can tell, have about as much grace in magic as a titan dancing ballet, no offense.]
[None taken, but to be fair, I've had to do whatever I could to survive, I didn't exactly have a teacher.]
The fairy nodded in approval.
[I've decided. I'll be your friend and help you out. But there is one thing I want from you.]
Dita looked a little shocked at the reiteration of what she had taken as already confirmed.
[You must never forget. You may have been a human in a world far away, but don't forget that the humans of this world are deadly. They will no sooner hesitate to behead you as a head of lettuce from its roots. Make my words Dita, you can't return to them unless you have a wish for a swift death.]
The serious tone of the fairy spoke clearly and from experience. It was now obvious, she had seen loss and was in no hurry to repeat it. Dita nodded with a serious expression meeting her gaze with unflinching resolve.
[I understand, moreover I won't forget your words.]
The fairy nodded again, this time recovering into a sharp stare.
[Back the moment at hand, now will you, prey tell, explain what you plan to invest this well of points into?]
Her crosses arms spoke much louder than even her frank and demanding tone.
[That, I couldn't decide, I was actually going to decide before the captain took me to the king.]
Shaking her head, Erith looked quite disappointed.
[I suppose it's all fine and dandy provided you didn't decide to study here. You're going to need to understand just how much is expected of you here. This isn't exactly some kind of introductory magic course. This is the big guns.]
Weaving magic in her hands the young fairy decided to give a spectacular display of show and tell.
[Mana is the mind given physical form, the imagination given wing. It is not without limitation, but rather like an empty mold. It can be used to fit a billion molds. The limitations being usually dictated by our own body and mind in an attempt to avoid overdraw.]
The fairy fixed her glasses before closing in.
[The point is really simple. You don't have many spells or much understanding of why you command what you do. That means you are extremely vulnerable to anything remotely charged in magic. To avoid spoiling you I'll be blunt. ]
[If even an average student cast a spell that you lack affinity for, or even one you hail as your comfort, it may result in you being maimed or even slain flat out. I trust I don't have to explain where the problem lies?]
Dita gulped, remembering the lightning orb that has come a hair's breadth from contacting her in the battle with her not so fond beetle friend.
[Then why am I able to cast it? I don't understand.]
[Simple, you're only thinking about half of the job. You saw magic as a cure all, but didn't properly prepare yourself for all of its rules. Simply by knowing it you'll be less susceptible but maybe a bit less offensively powerful depending on how you view the functions in question. Believe it or not, it's scientific!]
The passionate rambling of Erith carried a lot of passion giving her a surprisingly cute side.
[I suggest leveling your ice affinity. Resistance, and intelligence. Power comes after you can take a hit. Constitution is also paramount to avoiding sticky situations. Skills are far more subjective and so I'll leave that to possibly capable hands.]
The glasses were put away as the important spell was once again harbored.
[As you saw earlier this is inspect. It's simple and almost anyone can perfect it. Likewise it has a counter spell.]
She smirked and put her hands on her hips before smiling.
[Why don't you try and cast inspect on me!]
[Roger! Uh.. How do I do that?]
[Focus! You've gotta focus on the information you want to see! Simple right? Well, not quite that simple.]
The fairy went deep into concentration and gave a look of internal debate, staggering to explain the more intricate aspects to the otherwise complete novice.
[Well, in any case, why don't you imagine the spell {Encrypt}, no, better yet we'll have you try and break through mine first. It's easier that way.]
Concentrating on the fairy before her she focused on
the familiar floating name above, only to watch it appear in a hazy jumble.
Lvl. 16 Lessar Ice Fairy
HP: 23??/????
The face of the fairy took a turn for the worst as she began to look a little upset.
[No! No, that's all wrong! You're not doing anything but reading the surface. Those are fake status numbers by the way. Plus if you do it that way you'll only see part of the info! Try again, this time try and imagine my status like you likely do your own, all the details you can imagine.]
The fairy struggled to put her intent into words, shown only by her distant stare as if piercing through the unwitting sprout.
Dita responded with a powerful stare coupled by the duality of her wishing not to fail both her new friend and herself in kind.
Surprisingly, the simple explanation of self inspection triggered a change like clockwork within her mind.
Wait, it's really that easy? Isn't there supposed to be some kind of intricacy to master? Was I really just doing it all wrong so far?!
[Yes, it would appear to be so. Did you perhaps hit your head on something or have you always had these "issues"?]
[Hey! Now that's just rude.]
[Sorry sorry, was just a joke. Besides you didn't yet have much time to spend on rethinking things prior by looks of it.]
Dita looked a bit puzzled, caught off guard by the lingering fact.
[How much can you see about what happened? You know, in my memories or whatever?]
Erith smugly retorted without even more more more an ounce of hesitation.
[If you want to know so badly why don't you inspect me! It'll help move things forward in protecting your secrets. Though I'll miss seeing all those memories. You'll still share won't you? We're friends after all!]
On one hand, the sentiment had ample teasing behind its words, on the other hand, she seemed rather smitten with her ability to see into her own head like a certain cocky devil man. Still, she was much less insufferable at least. Focusing on the inspect used a considerably high amount of resources judging by the throbbing feeling inside her head, a trait that seemed to follow the expenditure of a large chunk of mp or ap.
The fairy buried her face into her palms in a pathetic attempt to contain her giggles at the "chant" being spoken aloud.
[You don't actually say the names of the spells. Though chants do exist, they are often for much higher level spells and for children learning their first spells. Though I suppose you would count as a child so I shouldn't be surprised. It's ok little one, don't get discouraged.]
The last sentiment had made Dita a bit cross, as the fairy clearly said in a tone that was a half dozen measures beyond unnecessary at this point.
[Well, at least I'm not a pipsqueak!]
[Hah! As if I haven't heard that one. I happen to enjoy my size. Though nice first try. You'll learn, well, maybe someday. Anyways, back to the inspecting! If you want it to fully display to you, you'll have to maintain focus. It's a feeling, just like moving a limb or batting a wing. Though I doubt the latter would have any meaning to you.]
Overlooking her failed retort, Dita pressed onward, focusing on the smug little fairy with all her might.
A faint blue screen began to form into existence in front of her. It was just barely legible but grew slightly clearer the longer she held onto the feeling associated with it. It was no different than wiggling a specific toe by itself, difficult, but definitely possible.
Making sense of the information seemed incredibly familiar.
{Name: Esbeth Eil Erith}
{Lvl 11. Lessar Ice Fairy}
HP: 494/494
SP: 4/4
AP: 95/96
Current status points: 0
Current skill points: 0
Strength: 4. Agility 12
Speed: 12. Dexterity: 8
Constitution: 2. Movement: 4
Magic: 444 Intelligence: 644
Luck: 14. Defense: 7
Resistance: 400 Mind: 544
Power: 566 Charisma: 34
Fire: -40 Water: 50
Ice: 50 Wind: 25.
Earth: 25 Light: 25
Dark: 0 Lightning: 25
Fairykin lvl. 3
Prism Mage lvl. 3
Odd Affinity lvl. 4
Prankster lvl. 6
Ice Magic lvl. 5
Loved By Magic lvl. 2
Proud lvl. 6
Kind-hearted lvl. 3
Battle Maniac lvl. 1
Mischief Maker lvl. 3
Mind's Eye lvl. 6
She's really good! No! She's totally overpowered right?
[Of course I am! I'm a prodigy you know.]
Her puffy stance made her look nearly twice as pompous as her normal self.
[More importantly, how do I go about blocking people from peeking at my thoughts?]
Dita had masterfully ignored her gloating taking her a bit off guard but reminding her again of the lofty goal.
[Oh, that, it's kind of the opposite of what you just did to me! Imagine a boundary, one that you'll create with that same conversation. Think of it like, like a shell! Or a magic barrier bubble! It's the secret!]
Pausing for just long enough for a breath she continued relentlessly.
[Now, once we get you caught up with this we'll have to- hey you got it! That wasn't too slow either!]
The feeling was once again like a large sensate shell around her that both seemed to shield her from the cold but apparently the mental side of things too.
[I'm doing it? Wait I really am? I barely changed anything! Maybe I'm a prodigy too!]
The crossed arms of the cocky Erith spoke loud enough to make clear her opinion.
[Maybe someday. Anyways… the real problem. Give me assist privileges right now! I'll fix you up in a jiffy!]
[Fix? Me?]
Well, I do trust her, so I suppose it can't hurt.
[Wha? What does it help with anyhow?]
Dita had a bad feeling judging by the small but evil laugh that persisted over the meaningless noise of her question clearly not reaching her.
[Wait what did you-]
[Not done yet!]
[Wait you can't just go and-]
[Are you spending it all!? My precious points!!]
The cold she felt returned as her concentration broke leaving her as easy to read as before. There was one cardinal difference in the mix of it, the cold no longer felt unbearable, no, in fact, it felt very different overall.
Otherwise, her fire had changed color, the heat from it being a mixture cold somehow mixing into the warm. This was certainly not her plan but it was probably for the best to level her weak points. Plus, Erith was smart, she surely would consider the options.
[Why don't you check out my handywork! You won't be disappointed.]
[Did you actually spend it all?]
She asked knowing full well the answer but wanting to hear it even still to break the surrealism flat out.
[Of course! But I had to make some compromises. But you certainly have some explaining to do.. what is with all these points?? Did you kill some kind of wandering hero or something ?]
[Well, not really a hero but, he was a magician I think.]
[Ah, parting is such sweet sorrow, to think you've killed a human before me. I have not even the foggiest of how you managed but I saw the title. But seriously, those numbers of yours aren't fair at all..]
Surprisingly she wasn't pouting this time but actually prostrated herself by hugging her head in a hug.
[How do I get that many points?]
[I think it was for killing the sparky beetle. And that's also where I got this!]
Dita proudly lifted her fork to the skies trying to get the sulking fairy to release her grip. Surprisingly it worked. She instead recovered at top speed, remembering her prior curiosity of the mysterious fork.
[I meant to ask about that. It's quite a fancy little utensil and I'm quite curious of what purpose it serves.]
Dita thought about it. Was it really a weapon? Or maybe a companion? No, that would certainly sound mad.
[It's a Memento of the monster, so I can honor its memory!]
Wait, no way Dita that sounds totally fake she's definitely not going to believe it!
Here it comes! I messed up! Rest in peace my first friendship.
[Just say it how it is. Lies are just. Well, they're just bad. You don't know why you have it really right? Hmph. It doesn't take a mind reader to read that look on your face.]
Dita weakly smiled, she was figured out and more so that she had liked to admit. Despite her best attempts to strike up another conversation, she felt just a bit too guilty. Luckily she was dealing with someone who rather excelled at slaying the silence in the air. Though to be fair, she was a bit cross of the fact she spent her points, though, now, like it or not it was done and over with.
[So what is your main goal with studying here? More importantly who's endorsing you?]
The slew of questions came with a rather serious tone to follow.
Crud I can't tell her the truth on this, for her own safety. Forgive me!
[I want to master magic and eventually find a way to evolve into a more beautiful form! As for the endorser, he wanted to remain anonymous.]
The smug expression she received in response gave her only a wild guess at how much she knew.
[Hmm, evolution huh? Though the mastery of magic answer is pretty generic. It takes a long time to evolve. Even if it only took me five years to reach my current state!]
There it was again, the smug little fairy puffing out like a peacock. Though Dita thought of explaining her own evolution, but held back as to not take away from her achievement.
[How long does it normally take to evolve?]
[Well, it depends on the class of creature and dozens of other aspects, though evolutions can be spurred on by doing something extraordinary, that or getting a god to help you. Good luck on the last one.]
The divine irony of her sarcasm probably had Bel rolling in his chair at the notion. Oh she would never hear the end of this.
[Oh by the way..]
[Check your status already! Aren't you curious?]
[Oh! I almost forgot.]
Gazing down in the new self was equal parts humbling as it was utterly shocking.
{Name: Dita}
{Lvl 1. Small Fireroot}
HP: 167/167
SP: 4/4
AP: 105/111
Current status points:
Current skill points:
Strength: 28. Agility 21
Speed: 18. Dexterity: 12
Constitution: 6. Movement: 4
Magic: 100 Intelligence: 100
Luck: 20. Defense: 17
Resistance: 30 Mind: 24
Power: 26 Charisma: 23
Fire: 28 Water: -30
Ice: 26 Wind: 15.
Earth: 15 Light: 19
Dark: 48 Lightning: 15
Decrypt lvl. 3
Blessing of Ancor lvl. 3
Bloodroot lvl. 2
Acolyte of Prejudice lvl. 2
Lucky lvl. 3
Nocturnal lvl. 2
Fenfire lvl. 3
Heartbreaker lvl. 1
Murderer lvl. 1
Serpentine lvl. 4
Fire Magic Attunement lvl. 5
Poison Affinity lvl. 1
Magic Affinity lvl. 6
Frozen Heart lvl. 7
Coldflame lvl. 4
Paradoxical Elements lvl. 3
Two Point Casting lvl. 5
Mark of the Hunt
Nemesis: Elei
[Oi.. isn't this a bit too biased?]
The proud fairy looked confused beckoning the next word.
[You poured everything into the frost element stuff.]
[Of course, wouldn't you? Ice is the best after all!]
[But I'm a Fireroot.]
[I know, I know, that's why I leveled up some fire stuff too. And lucky for us you got coldflame! So you should be perfectly fine going forward. Though I think you need more status points to spend. We managed to get you the basic one hundred needed for some necessities but I didn't even have a chance to get you some other expected skills for a student of this school. Though it's more believable now that you might get endorsed, at least if you show the instructed your titles.]
[So, do you think I'll be able to keep up?]
[Hmm, that depends on how crafty you are. Though there's no sense in wasting more time on the all mighty "what ifs" as it is said if turnips were watches.]
The tiny shrugging arms raised into an equally petite yawn.
[You'll need to get lots of rest. That's also partly why I rose your frost resistance. Wouldn't it be way too cold if you left it in the negatives? Or did you just intend to wake up a popsicle? Either way you'll thank me later. Goodnight Dita!]
[Wait where do I sleep?]
[Bottom bunk? Or are you afraid of your tail starting a fire? Luckily that shouldn't be a problem now that you have coldflame, so don't worry about it too much. You can still toggle it between hot or cold, so rejoice, you can even switch to the fire side if you really wanted.]
[You sure do know a lot about all this. I'd ask but you'll probably just say-]
[That I'm a prodigy? Yes precisely. I'm glad you understand. Now get some rest already. We both need our beauty sleep and curiosity kills the cat and what have you.]
[Goodnight Erith! Thank you. Truly, I'm happy we met.]
The sincerity in her voice roused a shake of the young fairy's head.
[Heh, such a softie.]
Before she could retort the glow of her expression faded into a crystalline form. To put it simply, she had encased herself in a beautiful crystal of ice forcibly ejecting her from the chat.
[Well, I suppose everyone has their own methods of rest. How would I even go about sleeping with the fire? She said it would be fine but can it really just be put under a blanket?]
Slithering into bed she found movement much more graceful than before, no doubt due to the skill. Her body was exhausted with the plethora of new changes, the mixture of heat and cold in her body gave a strange and new sensation as if they were orbiting her heart in equal passing. It was almost akin to a second heartbeat. She struggled to relax with the flickering light of her tail, even though the fluffy hide blankets, ones that seemed to be a byproduct of a bear or large fluffy creature. Sleep came, but not in a natural manner, in fact, she quickly found herself pulled into a dark and empty place.
What is it she saw first?
- In Serial155 Chapters
The Eighth Warden
Cast out from his knightly order for using magic, Corec has no idea what lies ahead. Leaving his homeland to make his own way in the world, he finds himself linked to a beautiful woman through a mysterious rune. With otherworldly forces manipulating events behind the scenes, the two must seek help to free themselves from the unknown magic. But when the runes continue affecting others, Corec and his companions—an elven druid, a con man with a hidden past, and a thief who wants to be a bard—must work to discover truths about themselves and the world in which they live. I post the chapters here as I write them. There's also a revised version of each book that's collected and published as an ebook and paperback. That version is compatible with the version posted here—the story itself hasn't changed; it's just gone through additional rounds of editing.
8 822 - In Serial41 Chapters
Shiv-The Child Of Oberon
Hey guys! I have stopped updating this page. Instead i am writing a version 2 of the same story at http://royalroadl.com/fiction/6749Check it out. Once i catch upto the number of cbapters here, i will be deleting the page. So to all my readers, do check out the new version
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Out of the Blue
Spring: the chrips of the birds, the blooming of the flowers, and the gentle patter of the rain. Ah, what a beautiful time of the year! When students look forward to the coming summer vacation, when lovers rejoice under the sprouting trees, and when monsters rampage across the planet, but of course this would be autumn in the southern hemisphere. Thus is the peaceful life of our protagonist shattered as game like elements and otherworldly denizens intrude upon an unsuspecting Earth. Armed with nothing but his modern sensibilities and urban constitution, he will have to face a world brimming with encounters - both monstrous and otherwise. For those who are confused, this is one of those RPG Apocalypse stories.
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The Sword And The Butterfly
Virtuous Masters, terrible Demons.Mortal armies fighting for mortal Kings.Sages reaching for immortality. In such a world, filled with wonder and slaughter, two precocious children try to join a mighty Sectand the ranks of the fabled Cultivators. This is their story.
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A Bored Immortal
After reaching the peak of all existence, an Ancient immortal spends more time sleeping and seeking entertainment than anything else. Stumbling into the demonic summoning of a group of college students, it follows and aids them in their shenanigans throughout reality. All in the name of boredom. —————————— "That's a nice intro," Sara praised with an upraised thumb. "I'm not so sure. Lacks personality," Lisa shrugged. "What? No, it's great!" Ashley cheered, "but you could spice it up a bit. I mean, you barely even mentioned us." "The one with the power makes the rules and the intros," Avery admonished.
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Care to peruse the pages that lie within this book?May every line, every word leave you hooked,Opening your eyes to the beauty of individuals,Who prove that one does not need wings to be an angel.
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