《Uprooted》Predator or Prey?


Curious of the wonders of the big red fork, she couldn't resist the growing urge to have it as a trophy of her victory! Well, it was for more reasons than that, this was clearly one heck of a fork if it was able to pierce the carapace of such a strong shell.

Hmm, given my attempts leading to almost no change.. I think we've got to improve that strength!

Deciding to bring up her status she was exceedingly curios of a few things.

{Name: Dita}

{Lvl 6. Nightgloom}

HP: 67/72


SP: 3/3

AP: 31/31


Current status points: 30

Current skill points: 30

Strength: 3. Agility 2

Speed: 2. Dexterity: 2

Constitution: 0. Movement: 1

Magic: 3 Intelligence: 0

Luck: 10. Defense: 2

Resistance: 3 Mind: 4

Power: 2 Charisma: 9

Fire: -18 Water: 5. {Allignment}

Ice: 2 Wind: 5. -9

Earth: 25 Light: 19

Dark: 47 Lightning: -10

Decrypt lvl. 1.

Blessing of Ancor lvl. 2.

Bloodroot lvl. 1

Acolyte of Prejudice lvl. 1

Lucky lvl. 2

Nocturnal lvl. 1

Fenfire lvl. 2

The differences, even before I the addition of the massive reservoir of points, was incredible! Though a few of the levels seemed a bit concerning. Particularly, the increase in Fenfire and Lucky.

{Fenfire lvl 2:}

A flame which burns from the cairn of lost hope. A harbinger of fervent change, it's intensity only matches by it's mystery. The flame progresses over time, sustaining it's roaring blaze on the laurels of dismay.

Blaze Lvl. 1





Fire element +20

Nearly falling to her feet at the absurdity of her goal creeping just out of range. The requirement steadily grew and frustratingly found her still many points short even if she put every last point into it.

Was it a red herring? Meant to function as a point dump?

Well, since I have a lot more health now, maybe it will start to be a minor inconvenience instead of a life threatening detriment!

{Lucky lvl. 2}

Reserved for those with the most favor of chance! A mysterious trait that can lead to innumerous amount of good fortune!

Happiness is reserved for the lucky!

Hmm, lucky seems decent but it's impossible to tell how much!

Even she didn't believe her attempts at making the best of it. Sure, she wanted to be disillusioned but it would only make things more difficult.

Maybe if I only put one point at a time in strength until I can firmly grasp the fork! Then the rest can go in res or fire affinity! If I do it that way… then!

She excitedly put a point in strength to test the difference from before.

No good, guess I need another!

The comical skit of failed attempts showed little to no promise yet, even by the sixth attempt.

Ok Dita, do we really put more points in? Twenty-four left, no! It's too late to back down now!

She continued the cycle of trial and error once more before reaching a two digit number in her first attribute!


The message came just in time to encourage her second wind of attempts. She had progressed to the point where the mallable metal of the spoon bent fervently with her attempts. Though, that was precisely what made it so difficult to remove.

Wait a second Dita. Hold on just a second! Can I inspect this? Maybe it will tell me some kind of strength requirement to pull it out!

Focusing on the item she desperately found herself making strange faces of focus toward the fancy fork. Despite the grand effort, the inspection seemed to be fruitless. By the last attempt she heard the familiar buzzing sound. Glancing at it was anticlimactic to say the least.

That's it? Is it really just an ordinary fork? Unless…

She wasn't high enough level to appraise it! Maybe it was the legendary dinner fork of a god like being that's way cooler than the ones she had met so far!

Excitedly she put three more points into strength feeling relatively the same but with a small increase in her ability to bend the fork down. Abruptly, a wiggle graced her, the first sign of it budging at the less than humble place of fourteen strength.

Progress! Now we just need a little more, and the legendary item is ours!!

She put another two points, the wiggles were nearly good enough! Another point and the distinct sound of the carapace cracking began to grace the air. An unfortunate and unforeseen trouble arose as one of the birds as spotted her.

No!! Not yet, stay away birdies, not right now!

She had maybe ten or fifteen seconds before the triage of birdbrains made their way into attack range.

What do I do what do I do? Go for broke? Leave it? But what if someone takes it? No, not this time!

Putting all the remaining points in strength in a panic she gripped the fork with disproportionate strength to what she had thought possible. The carapace of the beast was no longer able to contrast her now much stronger attempt. The fork was heavy and unwieldy, but it felt well balanced and fancy! She would regret her recklessness later, for the moment she had the giant birds on her tail.

Now you've done it Dita! You were reckless again and have to run for your life a second time, this time with a giant fork! I wish this thing would get smaller!

Surprisingly, the fork listened. Shrinking into an easy, light, and effortless dinner fork. Glancing back, the giant birds began their descent. Nose diving at blazing speed.

Managing a slight dodge to the right, she felt pain as she rolled to her feet.

{Name: Dita}

{Lvl 6. Nightgloom}

HP: 53/72


SP: 3/3

AP: 31/31

Damn! I took way more damage than I thought, and I've got way more distance to cover to get back to the city. This could be really bad!

The next bird dove at her moments before she could recover. She imagined the fork getting bigger and held it out to defend herself. Again, the fork expanded to meet the occasion, reaching its full size one again.


Unfortunately for the bird she had dug it into the ground beneath her and had faced it up directly intercepting the bird's path. The bird was committed to the dive, it's talons coming for her in a brutal clash of fork versus knife.

She felt a sharp pain assault her tiny arms, causing them to shake vigorously. The full weight of the talons cleaved against her fork, forcing her feathered foe to shift it's attack or remain in a raw power struggle. Her numb arms with the help of the ground had held back the initial momentum and even cleaved the foot of the beast. The bird was painfully sent tumbling to the side as a last minute effort to avoid getting impaled.

All hail fork! Glory to the fork empire! Fork I love you! Marry me!

The brave sprout and the fork had avoided death by the second bird, but it's friends were circling ominously, cutting her celebration short.

The grounded bird was in bad shape, it's attempt to save it's vitals had cost it a mangled wing. A quick glance at it's status revealed much the same.

Ebifille lvl 5

HP: 126/1050

MP: 54/60



Shirking from her, it tried to crawl pitifully away. For now, her vision trailed to the far more unpredictable creatures still healthy and flying about. They seemed hesitant to swoop down again, their calls being different than moments before.

She had to be careful. The previous excursion had expended almost all of her energy, and her arms which felt like jam were less than adequate for another round, let alone two.

They're sizing me up. Come on Dita look tough! Wait, I've got it!

She made a dash toward the wounded bird, poising to finish it off in one fell swoop. She dug the fork in the ground, bending it back into an arch. Shooting forward like a bullet she cut through the air. Her trajectory took her right into the face of the surprised bird, her light weight contrasted by her disproportionate strength crashing into it with a harsh punch.

Or that was how it was supposed to have gone. Instead, now lacking the extra weight of the fork she found herself far too light to deliver a fatal blow. Instead she deflected off of it, sending herself flying in the opposite direction like a pinball. Crashing to the ground without a shred of grace left her in a much worse situation.

The two birds above now understood her plan, worse still, she had a small distance separating her from the fork.

Quick! We don't have time for this!

The birds took a more aggressive pattern signaling her chance was almost certain to be lost if she couldn't quickly change their mind.

That's it!

She grabbed her fork and used it to change direction, making a second attempt at the fallen bird's life.

She could grasp it now, her biggest problem, she had strength that was quite respectable, but her dexterity was still lacking, making her movements dull and basic. She only needed a moment before she could prove herself a danger for certain.

Finding herself well within range she imagined the blood of the beast gushing out of the snapped wing. The bird winced painfully as the fluid began to mirror her expectations. It was difficult to focus while running, but she just barely managed for long enough to exhaust the pitiful creature.

That's it! He's down for the count! Time to finish hi-

The bird above had surprised her with a terrible gift, a blade of dust and wind severed part of her right arm.

She could still grasp the fork but it was nauseating, her fork came in contact with the fleshy midsection of the bird, a pained cry bellowed so loudly it echoed throughout the massive desert below the ground.

She scurried forward on her tiny legs leaping into the embrace of the now fallen fowl. Her root legs dug into the corpse and vigorously consumed the remaining blood. Color left the corpse long before she was finished. As she thought, the two birds hesitated, their pattern retaining a large circular pattern. The occasional chatter between them unsettled her, but their hesitation had given her a moment to recover.

Now, the question is, what's the plan if they don't leave me alone? Come on you stupid bird brains! Just take the hint already!

As if in response, the twin hunters began flying much faster while keeping their path precisely the same. She could feel her instincts warning her again, she wasn't certain of why, only that it certainly wasn't good.

A small breeze began to form alongside the crackling, pure green strands of magic amalgamating in a swirling malignant mass.

Of course it wasn't that easy, they were mad and she was still a small sprout. The deep pride of the Apex predators of the field was far too much to allow her to survive. She knew it, but that wouldn't stop her from trying to escape!

The intense gale now began to rotate without a clear definition for an end goal. What looked to be a twister began to compose itself, one crackling with revenge, specially crafted to do away with her once and for all.

No no no! Tornadoes are not ok! I'm not heavy enough to stay grounded!!

Her feet felt lighter even with the added weight of the fork. The immeasurable suction of the beast was now moments from contacting the ground. She had made some distance from it, but not nearly enough to escape it's trajectory.

There were probably a bunch of choices but she could only think of a few…

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