《Uprooted》The Tail Runners & Operation Mosquito!
Shriveling at the threat of conflict she frantically searched for a solution, sadly, with no obvious answers sprouting.
Lvl. 6 lizardman
HP: 675/675
MP: 20/20
SP: 3/3
AP: 26/26
Think Dita! Think! I don't think I would stand a chance trying to outrun them. Yeah, it's too risky. Maybe I could try and explain? I don't think it's a good option but it might be all I've got!
She kicked the dirt skillfully, distincting the foundation of her picture. At first the lizardmen thought it was some kind of pitiful attack and laughed it off. Though, their expressions quickly rose to curiosity, and even shock.
She expected the ridicule to descend on her alongside the blade which cleaved her last few points of life away, but instead there was a strange calm that set into the air.
Her art was nearing its end, a chronicled tale of her saddest mishaps so far. Of course, it included some exaggerations, much like before when she presented it to the slimes. Only this time, it was the height of her expressive genius! The sorrow in her eyes, the parting words of Mr. Munch. Even the lament of her burning slowly to death.
Their expressions were incredibly difficult to read. Some of them looked angry and others looked dumbfounded. The leader especially made her especially nervous, garnishing an expression between scowling and speechless.
[You must really think we're stupid huh pipsqueak?]
His tone matched his words as he began to shake slightly. The mirroring of voices blended into his own in resounding agreement.
This is bad, I think I just stirred them up! Ok Dita calm down maybe if I draw--
In the midst of her desperate planning she was plucked from the ground and lifted helplessly into the air.
Ah, this is the worst case scenario… I can't do much of anything, no! I will find a way! Maybe if I use my moonlight Burst I can.
The leader lizard stood with his snout inches away from her face as she felt his breath hot on her face.
[You didn't actually think that we-]
He paused for a moment as she noticed something completely out of place on his face.
Were those, tears?
[Would ever hurt someone who's had such a tough life.]
The symphony of tough guy lizards began to shed manly tears on her behalf.
Wait, what?
[You're such a good fellow, you deserve better.]
[We were only playing, sorry if it went too far.]
[Don't worry you'll make it through I know you will!]
She blinked twice. Her mind unable to catch up with the reality of the many patting lizardmen offering their condolences and support.
Am I just that good? No theres no way my art is that good! It looks ok but to make a lizardman gang cry? No way, seriously no way!
Either way, her situation was spared for the moment. The would be thugs giving all the love and support of big brothers to a precious little sister.
[Hey you lot, let's show some proper hospitality to our brave new friend!]
[What are we gonna do to help her?]
[Steal from the potion shop!]
[You got that right! Now just stay here little one. We'll be right back!]
She was even more stunned than before. Convinced if she had a jaw at the time it would no doubt have hit the floor by now.
Aren't they getting carried away? I mean I won't complain but won't the potion shop? I guess it's none of my business right? I shouldn't feel bad right?
There really wasn't much of a chance to stop them in the first place, so right or wrong they were determined to help her.
She gazed in awe as the lizardmen paraded toward a nearby building. Plowing the door down she briefly lost sight of them. Then, all at once, the yelling started and then one after the next they escaped. Lastly came the leader, carrying an arm full of potions as he ran from a bear like creature who haphazardly yelled obscenities.
[This way sis!]
He plucked her up once again, this time, even faster than the last.
The group was fast and nimble, proof that her other ideas for outsmarting them were probably not going to lead to anything even remotely good.
Guess I dodged a bullet huh? Wait, they aren't going to keep me as a pet are they?
The group dipped below the surface into what she could only compare to a massive sewer corridor. It was rife with running water and lead incredibly deep down at it's extremities. There was light crystals the size of a small town hoisted up into the air by some unknown force, illuminating everything in the area as clear as day.
[Welcome to the underground! I know you're probably dead set on rescuing your friend but… ]
The lizardman leader gave a toothy smile.
[You wouldn't want to go unprepared! Like hell were gonna let such a brave one go without supplies right guys?]
[No chance boss!]
[She's an honorary member of the gang!]
[Long live the Tail Runners!]
[Greatest thieves of the great city of pearl!]
[Helpers of the needy! And patriots of the monster's safety!]
The charisma of the Tail Runners was great, and she soon felt the prior apprehension melt like ice in the sun.
[Do you have anything you'd like to ask us brave one?]
She pondered for a moment as they reached what she assumed was their front door. Fully clad in steel the door was massive and had a small latch where the doorman could peek out. As the leader crashed his tail against the door three times the slot opened up to a pair of yellow eyes.
[What if you lose your tail?]
The leader smiled before striking a fist to his chest proudly.
[Then you wait for a new one to grow back!]
The sounds of the door opening revealed a massive lizard man who served as doorman. The leader grabbed her hand gently and lead her inside with a smile.
[We often get a bad reputation due to our species being considered weaklings or cowards, much like the slimes.]
He looked a bit sad for a moment turning away from her.
[We do what we must to survive. And I think you're inspirational for striving so much to help a friend.]
Her fabricated, or at least mostly exaggerated story made her feel a little guilty at how sincere and earnest the man before her was.
[Ah, where are my manners, my name is Esbin the leader of the guild of the Tail Runners! And your name milady?]
His now was exaggerated and clearly needing work to look half as noble as he likely thought he looked.
Still, it was the thought that counts and she could feel it, he wasn't a bad guy.
Stone was on the floor, and despite her best efforts she couldn't make any distinguishable drawings on the floor.
[Ah, here you can borrow this.]
He scurried across the room to a small lock box, it wasn't perfect, but it looked marginally more fancy than any such box she had ever seen in her previous life. He rummaged through the contents searching frantically for something.
[Ah, here we are!]
He knelt down on one knee and presented to her something that looked like a paintbrush.
[This is a bezel brush! It will help you quite a lot in conveying messages. Anything you write with this will glow! Even better it uses no ink!]
She grasped it firmly, fumbling for a minute to properly hoist the small, albeit, unweildly thing.
I can't handle this! They're way too nice! I've got to return the favor for this! But how?
She glanced around the room to see dozens of lounging lizards, and a surprisingly orderly and beautiful hideout. At least, given its location.
[Ah, I almost forgot! Eli bring the potions.]
[Yes sir!]
The blue hued lizardman scurried through a bag from their recent spoils and held out three small bottles. Within them a sparkling torrent of colors swirled like a kaleidoscope. It was so breathtaking she almost forgot to reach out and grasp them.
[These are minor healing potions. Judging by your condition you'll be needing one soon.]
Can they see my condition and stats? Well, I guess if I can see theirs so can they see mine back right?
She contimplated a long moment at the concept of potions. She decided to write down her question, testing her other new gift.
She drew a small diagram depicting her dumping it on top of her head while looking up with inquisitive eyes.
[Hmm. I suppose that's true, you can't just drink it if you lack a proper mouth.]
He pondered, taking a separate potion into his hand and swishing it around for a moment.
[Only one way to find out. Here you are!]
He proceeded to pour the potion atop her head, it's refreshing and soothing qualities instantly combating the discomfort from the internal heat.
Did it work?
{Name: Dita}
{Lvl 2. Nightgloom}
HP: 16/34
SP: 1/1
AP: 16/16
She stared for a moment in disbelief, breaking her suspense to draw a very happy picture of her confirming it worked!
[That's our fearless leader for you!]
[I'm so glad we could help little sis!]
[Stop, you're going to make me tear up..]
I want to repay them. I can't just let this good will go unrewarded!!
She put on her most serious face and tried to explain that she was trying to level up. That way she could help them someday too.
Esbin put a hand on her tiny shoulders, his hand smooth and cold.
[You are truly brave. I respect that, but if you truly mean to repay us. Then live and find your long lost friend! Chivalry is its own reward!]
The resounding cries of the lizardmen celebrated merrily. Her small trot a little lighter given the glimpse of a hopeful place. She had, if nothing else, met a group of gentle creatures for the second time. It was clear that monsters in this world were anything but brutes. Or at least the ones she had met thus far.
[What is your name little sis?]
How did I forget to tell them that! I think I was too shocked honestly. Oops.
She hurriedly clashed her brush with the ground in a medley of strokes and swashes. A moment later her name glowed back at her as she stood proudly next to it.
[I've never seen symbols like that before.]
[Is it some kind of ancient text?]
The lizardmen seemed baffled by the letters before them, sadly, they didn't seem to be able to grasp it.
What's more, that raised an interesting question.
Why can I understand them?
She had taken it for granted since the start, assuming that the slimes and lizards were speaking English. Though in retrospect, this was absurd given the lack of evidence. So, the question is, what skill was responsible for translating it?
[Hmm since we can't figure out your name, why don't we give you one and show you how to write it! It can be your guild name!]
The lizardman began to use a similar brush to her own, writing mid air as the sparkling symbol took root. It was a wispy and spidery text, looking more like ancient egyptian rather than more modernized script.
["§" Silvasa! We'll call you Silvasa. Is that ok? If you don't like it just speak up.]
Woah! That name sounds really fancy and looks fancy too! I like it.
She nodded happily as the lizardmen cheered.
[If you're curious, Silvasa means "brave one" in the common tongue. I think it suits you perfectly.]
She hopped a bit before being lifted up, resting on top of Esbin's head. She was lead out by Esbin alone toward the upper levels.
[I could see it in your eyes from the very start. You have a spark that is undeniable. Silvasa, you'll reach your friend. Don't give up. Don't ever give up.]
She could hear it in his voice even if she couldn't see his expression. His words came from a place deep in his heart.
[I lost a friend a long time ago, she was like my sister, and maybe it's shameful but you remind me of her in some way. I still have hope that she's alive out there somewhere. That she'll come back eventually.]
He trailed off looking off into the realm of vivid memories.
[Ah, I shouldn't talk like that in front of someone I met just earlier today. You can forget I said that.]
She wanted so badly to help but felt the cruel bite of helplessness.
Frantically drawing she tried to convey that she would help him find the missing friend. He surprisingly seemed to understand almost instantaneously.
Esbin smiled weakly, his expression being a mixture of happy and sad all at once.
[You have to focus on your own trials. I'll never give up but if you happen to meet a lizard woman named Xi then tell her I'll wait forever if it takes that long. She always has a place here in town.]
He quickly escaped from the wounded smile into a hopeful one. The rest of the walk to the surface was rife with curiosity and then ended abruptly as she was left right in front of the exit.
[I can't go any further, so do your best out there for all of us. Come back safe Silvasa!]
The waving teary eyed lizard waved his arms as she left, fading slowly into the background and eventually making his way outside the bounds of her vision.
I never thought things would have turned out like that. Now I've got more reasons to level up! Let's commence operation mosquito! For real this time!
Her feet scurried fast to the nearby boulder, her eyes fixated on the sky. The echoing sounds of beating wings persisted from just out of her line or sight.
Below were scorpions that didn't seem to interested in her, even if she brushed up against them. She was scared but not petrified, though, she still tried her best to avoid hurting the small creatures.
Now I've got to find suitable prey. Hopefully not too fast. Ah! Maybe that?
She peered over the horizon to a large beetle like creature that must have been a few hundred times her own size and weight.
Let's see what level you're at!
Lvl. 18 Cerantis
HP: 2794/3268
MP: 667/720
SP: 6/10
AP: 12/26
Hungry lvl. 4
Degrading virus lvl. 1
Jackpot! It's high enough level that this just might work!
Operation mosquito was quite simple but required a large powerful monster like the massive one from before. Though it would technically work with any opponent that wasn't too fast it was going to be especially effective against this big guy.
Sneaking up to the hulking Goliath of a bug she had to test the theory of it. Would bloodsucker be able to penetrate physical defenses?
She tried to activate it from her still distant target, but only felt the power build up only to fizzle out. The key was in getting as close as possible without alerting it, then running as soon as the spell fires off. That way, she could have a head start if the creature decided to chase.
Hence its name! Being an annoying little mosquito!
It wasn't just for satiation anymore. It was to test it out and gain some experience. Though she had no intent of trying to actually beat the opponent.
Creeping a little closer was harder than she thought as the birds above nearly caught sight of her. She had only a dozen or so steps separating them now. It was time for the second try.
With closed eyes she focused on the image of the blood escaping the body of the beast she visualized it as vivid and powerful as she could manage. The image was gruesome, artistically gorey like a shock video. She could feel a warmth moving from her core, almost as if the fire had decided to relocate to her hands. But then, nothing.
But why? Did I do something wrong?
When she was about to give up the beast stopped abruptly as the image from her imagination met her dumbfounded stare. It was far less deadly than she imagined but strands of syrupy clear blood escaped the beast. Instead absorbing directly into her core, as if to feed the fire.
The unmoving creature refused to move for another few moments.
{Name: Dita}
{Lvl 2. Nightgloom}
HP: 21/34
SP: 1/1
AP: 16/16
It worked! Success! Even two exp! Heck yes! Take that you evil beetle! Who's the best! Dita's the best!
She looked back at the creature curious as to why it hadn't begun moving yet. Strangely she felt a sinking feeling approach her as something big was coming.
Wait, what's this feeling? I don't like it! I gotta get out of here.
The beetle became surrounded by a beautiful aura of white light before turning to face her direction. A small spark of lightning struck the beast as it condensed into a rough circle of ball lightning.
Woah! That's seriously too big! I'm sorry it was just a test! Forgive me!!
The lightning hovered toward her with mounting speed. It's many sparking tendrils licking the ground and stirring up a small dusty storm. Even catching some nearby birds that were caught in the crossfire. The poor beasts were reduced to cooked chickens at it's pure destructive force.
Gotta get rid of this, at least it's kind of slow. I'll have to lose it, or maybe…
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