《Uprooted》Remnants On The High Rise
She couldn't quite feel something that could be described as hunger pangs but she definitely began to feel somewhat faint.
Food! Plant food! That's like mulch and stuff right? Maybe if I dig a hole and plop my feet in it?
Eager to improve her chances she grasped a nearby stick firmly digging it into the ridiculously hard ground.
No budging huh? Guess it's never that easy, I thought maybe I would awake to a great power like some kind of epic action hero but doesn't look like it.
The next obvious goal would be to find water and plop her foot into it and hope she was thirsty and not hungry. She scurried silently seeing movement in the distant corners of her vision.
I'm in deep trouble if anything notices me, I'll be eaten before I can convince them I'm too small and cute to eat. So stealth is my best bet!
Her path took her from boulder to bush. Sometimes brushing up against something she felt was a snake or creepy crawler. Though for whatever reason they seemed to mostly ignore her if they really were alive.
Finding herself quickly approaching an oasis looking place she managed to scout what distant creatures were lurking.
Where is my radar skill? From what I can see… oh no there's a fight going on! It looks like a pretty vicious one at that. I can't watch! But I want to anyhow! So too bad other me!
She was curious, very curious and hoped by studying their bout she could learn more about combat in this world in more detail.
The first combatant was a large feline creature with an almost scaled exterior. It lacked hair and had four eyes and jagged, cruel looking claws. Its species was called...
Lvl. 5 Lumfrith
HP: 63/134
MP: 0/0
SP: 3/6
Bleeding lvl. 2
Enraged lvl. 1
Fearless lvl. 1
So scale cat is having a seriously tough time with the other fellow. Though I can't tell who's winning just by looking. Better inspect the competition…
The opponent of the cat was a much larger bear-like creature that bad marred skin and matted fur. It was unique looking in that its arms were much too long and looked almost like whips if not for the claws that occupied the ends.
Lvl. 2 Fos
HP: 122/247
MP: 85/110
SP: 2/4
AP: 1/21
Envenomed lvl.3
Enraged lvl.2
Defensive lvl.1
Hmm judging by the weight class and the matchup I think Mr. Bear has a much better chance.
The long moment of calm between the two fierce monsters came to an end as the Fos blitzed toward the Lum. She thought at first she witnessed a lightning fast deciding blow. In truth, it was more like an illusion or after image.
Maybe it's not so one-sided. My eyes couldn't even keep up. Glad I'm not involved in this…
Peeking at the visible distress on both of their faces it was clear they were fairly evenly matched. The tenacity and stamina of the bear clashing against the intense speed and attrition based strategy of the poisoned cat. She could tell now, the battle could be summed up to a simple question.
Could the bear land a hit before the venom killed it? Likewise, could the cat's agility last long enough to avoid another attack by the bear?
The answer to the aforementioned question began to take shape as the breathy exhales of the bear gave hints to his exhaustion. He had maybe one or two good attacks left, and by all accounts, the cat, judging by it's breathing was still fairly graceful and fearsome.
I'm curious about something…
She glanced at the status above the cat. Sure enough, there was a new option which she assumed was to attempt an inspection!
Lvl. 5 Lumfrith
HP: 46/134
MP: 0/0
SP: 2/6
Bleeding lvl. 2
Enraged lvl. 1
Fearless lvl. 1
Hmm, so the bleeding has done this much? It's kind of scary to have blood, isn't it? No thank you!
Her eyes wandered to the bear which looked to be running on pure adrenaline, curious to compare the venom.
Lvl. 2 Fos
HP: 64/247
MP: 85/110
SP: 2/4
AP: 0/21
Envenomed lvl.3
Enraged lvl.5
Defensive lvl.1
Woah! Venom is even scarier.. remind me not to get poisoned by some weed killer or something. If that stuff even exists here.
The battle was quickly slipping away from the bear but the audacious beast intended to take its killer with it. The bear threw itself at the cat thrashing the environment. It missed so spectacularly that it deeply carved it's strange arms into a nearby boulder cleaving it nearly in half.
The cat retorted by rushing for a bite toward the main body. It was a mistake, a fatal one. The bear descended with vicious speed upon the feline. It tossed the entire weight of its body forward toward it's anchored claws in the rock. The cat was helplessly swept up by the hulking body of the bear being drawn dangerously close to the boulder. A large crash signaled the impact but it was exceedingly difficult to see through the stirred up dust who had managed a victory.
Poetically the two remained moments from death at a crucial stand still. Watching the slowly ticking health of both beasts came with a sad, almost sobering feeling.
Ah, how the mighty have fallen I suppose? But no time for sentiment! Now's my chance!
She rushed from her hiding place to the exhausted beasts which noticed her but could only stare.
It was her chance! To get a lot of exp by delivering the finishing blow on two much stronger beasts! Her leafy arms clashed into the bloody mess that was her dying opponent. Strangely the health didn't appear to go down any faster. She rushed over the other, only to find history repeating itself in her powerlessness.
No way, is their defense too high? Can't I at least do one point of damage? There's gotta be something. Hey wait, you guys are dying why does it look like you're mocking me?!
She could see it, dumb beast or not, they shot her a distinct pity filled stare despite their terminal diagnosis. She grabbed a nearby stone and lifted it over her head determined to achieve her first proper kill.
Take this!
Still, the damage wasn't enough, the creatures were far too tough a match for a medium sized rock. She understood their gaze now.
I'm really that weak aren't I? Hey, you both are dying so stop looking at me like that…
She started to feel the suppressed guilt of trying to kill them. She didn't want to, but she had always had a soft spot for animals in general. Was that holding her back even still?
I'm doing them a favor! I'm helping them stop the suffering.. so why can't I just…
Grasping a sharp stick in one hand and the rock in the other she tried to stab through the thick hide of the bear.
Please, Mr. Bear just die so I can survive!
With a loud clanking sound, the stick broke, far too weak to pierce him.
Damnit! I've got to do something or they're just going to--
She saw the status bars start to blink as the health of the bear was first to approach one single point of health.
No! I can't let this opportunity slip away! There has to be something!
If she had a heart it would have certainly been racing as she scurried at top speed around the surroundings searching for anything remotely resembling a weapon.
Could this work?
She lifted up a piece of bright green crystal that looked almost glass like. However, it was much heavier, so much so she could just barely drag it along.
Come on! We don't have time for this heavy crystal we have to get there in time!
Approaching the promised land of experience points came with a strong sense of defeat as she no longer could see the status bar of the bear.
Quickly! I've got to get to Mr. Cat! Otherwise, I'll lose my chance!
The cat's life was also moments away from extinguishing. Blinking in spite of her efforts she was nearly there.
So close just another step! I'll make it for sure. Just gotta keep going.
She focused and finally made it within hitting distance of the cat. Hefting the stone above her head she crashed down the sharp spike downward closing her eyes with a wince.
Forgive me!
She felt the scaled flesh give way to the green stone. Peeking from her suspense she opened her eyes hoping that her efforts had yielded some tangible result. Opening the menu came with a divine sense of suspense.
Please, good news. Please, good news.
She chanted her wishes whilst looking through the status.
Lvl. 1 Nightgloom
HP: 5 / 22
MP: 3 / 10
SP: 1 / 1
AP: 0 / 14
Despair lvl. 1
Frustration lvl. 1
Starving lvl. 4
I can't believe I missed my chance. Damn it. If you're gonna die anyway at least help me out.
She lifted the stone in anger taking out her frustration driving it down into the corpse again before hugging herself. The beastly blood trickled to her sitting spot, and yet she couldn't seem to find the energy to move. Her conditions were a new addition and they perfectly described how she felt minus the hunger.
Her eyes met the floor as she stared down with a sort of empty feeling taking to her expression. The horrible sounds that happened in nearly every direction didn't even make her flinch.
I've had it! I'm done!
The words she never wanted to think crossed her mind.
Am I going to die?
Just as the tears welled up in her eyes she heard a familiar buzzing sound from a familiar menu screen that she barely had the energy to peek up at, but even still, curiosity had got the best of her.
< Dita has gained the title Bloodroot! >
What's this? Do I even want to know?
A title reserved for the most bloodthirsty of plant life.
While most plants must sustain themselves on the soil; there are some that walk a more dangerous path of blood and carnivorous roots.
+2 strength
+2 constitution
-1 light attribute
Bloodsucker lvl. 1
Affinity: Carnivorous
Wiping the tears from her eyes she stood up, purely shocked by the sudden development.
It's actually kind of good, isn't it? Wait let's make sure of the skill.
Bloodsucker lvl. 1
Devour a portion of the opponents blood forcibly extracting it dealing minor damage and satiating the caster.
WARNING! Opponent must have blood.
A specialty of sinister beings. The magic was originally constructed by a dark god of unknown intent.
Useful but something about all these dark skills seriously makes me doubt my character… unless it's because...
Blessing of Ancor
A divine blessing of the slain god of decay. Though called a blessing it is expressly dangerous and malefic by nature. Often corrupting without consent.
Ancor, blessed of rot, the husk of ancients and symbol of death. Bless us your kin to decay the world until there is nothing left.
Dark allignment gained.
Dark affinity + 30
Holy! Well more like unholy but still! That's seriously strong but what's with the text? I guess that explains some of this ongoing trend. That last line especially gives me the creeps…
She crossed her arms for a long moment weighing her options. She could guess what the carnivore affix was. The blood beneath her gradually began siphoning into her root feet. It was a strange feeling but she could feel herself feeling a little better when…
Wait what? Experience for eating? Isn't it usually for getting the last hit? Hmm maybe since plants don't fight generally they can get experience in different ways? Either way, I'm not complaining! Thank you, generous gods!
She did a little dance in the blood before imagining what a classy sip of juice from her foot would look like…
Foot drinking is weird but pretty handy I guess. Really, really weird but handy.
She had finished her meal that was left on the ground beside the beasts when she could hear a strange growling sound in the distance. Whatever the source was it was seriously big and twice as angry.
Don't tell me, now that I drink blood that I'll be a walking target for carnivores too? I didn't think of this, but I don't think I had much of a choice…
Opening her status once more she was hopeful.
Lvl. 1 Nightgloom
HP: 18 / 22
MP: 7/ 10
SP: 1 / 1
AP: 14 / 14
Fearful lvl. 1
Blood scented lvl. 1
Aha! So it really is working! Unfortunately, it looks like I guessed right for the bad news too. But on the bright side, I can probably hide.
She lifted the green crystal blade up into the air again determined to have a meal of bear blood too. She froze midway as she felt something watching her intently. Glancing to her left yielded nothing out of the ordinary. Same still was her right, only the corpse of the cat looking forever through her.
Reluctantly she looked behind her expecting to see a hungry maw trying to eat her in one bite, instead, it was quite the opposite.
A snail? I've never been a huge fan of these types of things but at least they don't really bite or anything right?
The snail-like creature closed the distance so fast that she fell over dropping the crystal to the stone floor.
A fast snail? Not good!
Lvl. 7 Sevini
MP: 66/66
SP: 2/2
AP: 5/60
Starving lvl. 1
Determined lvl. 2
Not good! It's totally trying to eat me!
The maw placed squarely upon the underside of the snail was horrific to say the least. The circles of teeth without end lashed out trying to gobble her up in one fell swoop.
Gotta run! But can I really outrun it? The creature is way too fast to be a normal giant snail!!
The game of cat and mouse began with the creature closing the distance she had made from her last dodge at a startling speed. It was clear she was outmatched. She needed a plan and fast.
Ok calm down, there has to be something we can do to stop it. I hate bugs so should I try the hateful skill? Do I hate it enough? I don't think it's going to give me a choice here.
She imagined the skill in her mind and managed to feel a faint red glow forming in her leafy hand. It was raw and terrible, the ill feeling of draining pressed down on her body freezing her in place. The snail took advantage of the moment to close all the remaining distance.
Damnit this isn't fast enough i've got to run! Wait, why can't I move? Please don't let it end like this!
She winced holding out her hand as a rush of feelings came all at once. She hated the snail for pushing her into this situation almost as much as she hated Bel. The maw of the beast descended upon her slowly closing in like walls of a deadly trap.
Activate already damnit! Just did you stupid bug! I hate you! I hate-
The moment her leaf arm contacted the snail's tooth the beast froze in place refusing to move and stopping it's attempts to chomp her. No, instead it began a new movement, one she couldn't quite understand. It dropped her in it's seizing almost pitiful flop upside down.
Freedom!! Ha! Take that you stupid snail! Though I'm pretty sure I almost died there.
She dared not look back as the building in the distance was much closer following her mad dash. Was she faster than she thought?
I can't afford to run into any more problems. One hit and I'll be a goner for sure.
She slowed her pace at the slightest hint of a sound. Taking the ninja's path to victory! Or so she would have wanted to if it was successful. Unfortunately, she was noticed from the only point which she didn't expect.
The sky?! Oh no, what the heck is that? No, nevermind I don't want to know! Run run run!
She scurried and hid under a boulder but found the boulder knocked to the side like a pebble. She used the big rock to break the line of sight with the massive bird. It was somewhat effective but only bought her a few moments toward the next safe zone. It felt like playing a deadly game of hide and seek, only this time if she lost there wasn't even a skill she could use to distract the beast.
Almost there to the building. Is it even safe in there? Well, it can't be worse than big bird over here and he's too big to fit!
She was out of obstacles and on the final sprint, it was a risky move to try and run nonstop to it but there was no other choice she could think of in the heat of the moment.
Come on, come on! I gotta make it!
No, there was no way she was going to make it at this rate. The bird was just too fast.
She stopped abruptly and scowled at the bird as it descended toward her talons extended for the kill.
A little closer.
Almost there…
She rolled to the side just barely evading the razor-sharp talons that caused a small explosion of sand in its wake. It was a slight miscalculation as the explosive power of the impact had sent her flying. Taking a point of damage and leaving her status blinking like the cat and bear from before.
I've only got one last chance. Run like hell the rest of the way or die for real. Like hell, I'll accept this! Stupid bird!
She darted haphazardly as fast as she could finding the small broken entrance only several dozen strides away now. It was going to be close. Way too close. The bird must have been aware of that being the goal as the direction changed slightly causing a much sharper descend toward her.
Just you wait I'll get you back someday! If I survive this you're going down birdie. It's a promise!
She was ten strides from the hole when the bird began its descent toward her. It was only a few seconds before it would hit! Her plant equivalent of adrenaline must have been pumping cause she sped up quite a lot.
So close, but so is the bird come on roots don't fail me now!!
She was too slow, despite her efforts reaching new heights it wasn't quite enough as she managed to find herself again launched by a near miss by the cruel bird.
She was flung inside, it was all over once she collided with the harsh wall inside.
Damn. I really wanted to… make something of my life this time…
She closed her eyes tight waiting horrifically for the crash. Yet no crash was felt or heard. Was this death?
Soft, it feels soft and cozy. I thought it would hurt more.
She lamented her death but heard a strange and familiar buzzing sound.
What? Did I get the title "you're dead " or something? I wouldn't be-- wait a damn second!
She opened her eyes to see the interior of the building filled with slimes with adorable but sassy faces. She figured it out. She had crashed into the slime negating the impact damage and saving her life.
Surprised and shocked couldn't even begin to describe her feelings at that moment. In fact, the only thing that broke her from the intense moment was the sound of a voice.
[Who are you?]
[You look awfully strange for a slime.]
I can hear them?
[What's your problem?! You flew into me you ugly reject of a slime.]
Ok, I could do without hearing the last one. But the question is can they hear my thoughts? Probably not huh?
[Why aren't you talking back?]
[Do you not know how?]
The slimes bunched up around her nearly strangling the life from her with questions. She put up with it partly because she was so exhausted and partially due to her sheer bewilderment at her survival and current perplexing situation.
[How did a slime like you make it through the deadly bird's territory? ]
[Did you come here to live with us?]
The questions kept coming at a staggering pace that made her head spin.
I don't know how to tell them I don't have a mouth!
[Silence, all of you.]
The big shot looking slime hopped out with a determined and guarded expression on his strange congealed face. They were all cute and somehow the leader's serious expression made him even cuter.
[I've never seen a slime like you before.]
She decided to peek above him just in time to notice something curious.
Lvl. 34 Slime
MP: 266/266
SP: 10/10
AP: 40/40
Distinguished lvl. 3
Intelligent lvl. 5
Those stats are ridiculous! Even Mr. Chomp couldn't win against him! I better be more careful.
She quickly drew on the sand below. She was always quite skilled with art but she never thought it might save her life. The mural of the snail and then the bird explained her troubles. She then began working on an attempt to describe her as being thankful to the slimes for saving her. Trying, even more, to indicate that her hp was very low.
That should do it! I think they'll understand it.
[Hmm, interesting. So you've come from beyond the great divide. I never expected there to be other slimes capable of surviving the terrifying places outside. But…]
He paused pondering with a gooey hand to his chin.
[How do we know we can trust you?]
She hadn't thought of that. It could be a big problem if she had to explain in detail since she, in her own rights, was just exploring at first. Her eyes sank to the ground in avid doodling and attempting to explain herself. By the end of it, she had crafted an elaborate story of her quest to find her lost friend! Mr. Chomp of course!
Wait, why do they have such serious expression on their faces. Oh no! This isn't good at all.
To her surprise, the serious faces turned to one another and began to sob and give hugs. She blinked in confusion before the next words managed to grace her.
[You are truly a good slime.]
[I hope I can be such a brave slime someday!!]
[Don't worry slime! You'll get to see your friend again!]
The leader looked as though he had just barely avoided tearing up before speaking again.
[We are the Awa settlement of Awa slimes. This is our home and we would be delighted to have you stay with us. Just stay out of trouble brave slime.]
The dancing blobs circled around her with a gleeful aura as they patted her on her shoulder and head leaving her head spinning.
I guess I succeeded? Woo! Go me! I really can do it if I try!
She thought about her choices for a moment. Maybe she should ask the slime leader about their settlement?
She could always do some exploring too while she was at it. Though it was probably gonna have to wait for a nap. She drifted off to sleep and recovery in the relaxing care of the slimes.
Ah today was a good day after all. I can finally rest and relax! Wait… no something's wrong!
There was a sinking feeling as if her conscious was plucked from her like an unripened fruit from a tree.
She could feel a familiarity to the touch, one that she didn't want to remember, let alone see again. The sound of a crescendoing slow clap came more into focus by the moment until everything faded to black.
[Did you miss me? Oh! Of course, you did! Don't worry. I wouldn't dream of leaving my future footstool without some company.]
Her dread came in full view as he held her like an apple out in front of him. She couldn't move and instead glared away from him not giving him the satisfaction of a look. This was the true beginning to something she had never wished for...
[Today's meeting will make you want to thank me. I'm sure of it. ]
[In what world would I ever thank you? Dream on you asshole!]
[Owch, you wound me, Dita. And here I was going to give you a nice little gift too. For all of the troubles that I've caused. If you don't want it I guess I could--]
She didn't want to ask for help but it was an investment! Yes, a way for her to take her revenge faster! She didn't want to lose this choice. Lose the battle to win the war!
[Give it.]
[Oh sorry I must have misheard you. For just a moment you didn't sound very polite. ]
[Please help me.]
[Ah! So you do know how to properly grovel! Good! It suits you quite well you know? Are you curious of your gift? Oh I bet you are! And that's why I'm not going to tell you. ]
I swear to the other gods I'm gonna kill this man!! Die pervert! Asshole! Meanie! Jerk!
[You remember I can hear your thoughts right? It's cute but you didn't let me finish! And yes, I said it to mislead you. What can I say, you have the most adorable look when getting teased. ]
[Whatever just spit it out.]
Three gifts of three different sizes appeared before her. All three were labeled with nothing but question marks and had no other defining features.
[Now it's quite simple you choose them by their size! Easy right? ]
The big box has a blue ribbon. It smells strange. The medium sized box which is hot to the touch and has a strange glow to it. The smallest box which shakes like it's about to burst.
But which was the proper choice?
[Better choose quick before I change my mind now. The clock is ticking…]
Rebirth of the Thief Who Roamed the World
The world’s largest VRMMO, Conviction, was almost like a second world for humanity. It had integrated itself into the real world’s economy, with both corporations and individuals seeking their fortunes through the game. In this game, Nie Yan prided himself in his Level 180 Thief. He could barely be considered among the top experts in the game. Though, that was the only thing he could take pride in. He was penniless and unable to advance in life; a situation he was forced into by the enemy of his father. If it weren’t for the little money he made by selling off items in Conviction, he would’ve barely been able to eat. In the end, he chose to settle his matters once and for all. He assassinated his father’s enemy. He lay dying shortly after being shot in the pursuit. However, that wasn’t the end of his story. Instead, he awoke moments later to find that he had reincarnated into his past-self. Armed with his experience and knowledge of future events, he sets out to live his life anew.
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The Infected Progressive
Weekly thoughts by an inspiring expressionist prepping to take the world by storm through progressive poetry and lyrical precociousness. I hope you will follow me on this imagination rollercoaster that will loop the loop the insecurities of man and beyond.
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Beloved Protection from a nine tailed fox
Kieren is a young man who is the heir of his family's powerful corporation. He grew up learning from his beloved grandmother who not only taught him the skills needed to run his family corporation but also how to love, responsibility and most importantly how to stay alive as a half kitsune in the land of demons which is accessible through the dreams of powerful aristocratic bloodlines. This is my first time writing a story and constructive criticism is welcome. Please feel free to comment on anything you might find wrong with the story. Also I have a full outline of the story made so I will most likely not end up dropping this story in the middle like some authors have done. Enjoy!
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Take My Broken Soul
After her parents die, Adelaine Scott and her three younger siblings are forced to go live with their abusive uncle. As each day passes, Lainey will do anything she can to protect her brothers and sister, even if it means putting herself in harm's way. But what she didn't count on was bumping into the sexy football player who seems to have a keen interest in her. Nathan O'Conner is the stereotypical popular boy. As star quarterback with a rich family, everyone wants to be his friend, but he only wants one girl. The shy, new girl that wants nothing to do with him. He feels protective over her, but doesn't know why; all he wants is for her to give him a chance. What happens when Adelaine's abuse gets worse and Nathan starts to notice? Will he be able to save her and her siblings, or will Lainey's complicated life tear their relationship apart?This story is fast paced and full of drama! It has teenagers that had to become adults too fast and shows the importance of family. The story contains some language and abuse but no sexual content. ___________________________________________________________________________Update: The beginning of the story isn't my best work, but I promise it gets better. Bare with me and you will see how my writing style changes a bit during the book; I'm just too lazy to go back and rewrite the first couple chapters ;) ENJOY!
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The sea of stars. The momentaneous lifeforms that flicker far away. Our futures — a sea brimming with light. Each and every shimmer in the starry canvas serves as one’s infinite opportunities in the vast sea of the future. The world, however, is far from the ideals of such a mantra. Complacency is the enemy of progress, yet to the four known nations, each one sees enemies around their borders. An example: A village isolated from the nation of Alkai prevents the lives of many from progressing. It’ll take a society, a group, even a whipped together rag-tag team to jump start the quest for progress. An escape from a motionless home—in order to search for a greater future, Mira approaches her blade in a new light. Any illustrations I use for covers and chapters are illustrations I have drawn myself unless otherwise stated.
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Imperator of Beasts
Cameron is your run of the mill 27 year old ex NATO sniper/hacker who has finally decided to do something in his very early retirement. When he tries to ask out the woman he likes, she says yes but it ends up killing him.Turns out the gods had something to do with it and they have had great plans for him but they got screwed when the Apocalypse got cancelled. Deciding to carry through with some of their plans they send him to another universe to start life anew.(mature for language, violence, and anthropomorphic (look like a person) animal sex scenes)Also contains SARCASM, can't believe I have to say that, but I do.
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