《This Time, Her Turn》Chapter 6


She quickly got up from her seat and went around the table arranging all files and papers.

She ran to her boss, the knocking of her heels catching quite some attention, and told him she'd use her well accumulated annual leave throughout the last two and a half years now.

"That's more than a month. Are you going on a world tour?"

"Can't make my boss jealous now, can I?" she joked, "It's my sister-in-law's wedding."

"Wow... congratulations! But didn't you take just five days off for your own wedding?" When his counterpart for the APAC region said she was a diligent worker, he had some misgivings. Because her profile said she was married and when he inquired about the woman's husband, he came to know that he was in India. Curious, he checked her work history to find a marriage leave. It was just 5 days. Asians indeed, he thought, how hardworking. And with the last few months of experience with her, he had to admit, that girl worked rather fast. And she was bold enough to cut his calls on the weekend. Well, what could be said, she was more efficient than himself!

"That is what is allowed, isn't it?" Well, of course that was the paid leave which everyone was granted. But she could also use more days she'd saved by then.

"The two cases from last week are done. This week's case I'll let you hand it over to my junior."

"Fine." Who was the boss! But it's okay, only her junior knew the details. That was the only reason he considered her 'request'.

She almost left but turned around, "Give that case only to her." He gave her a tight smile.

Soon, she booked a flight ticket, drove home, packed all of her clothes, footwear and toiletries, took out all the vegetables and put them in the community refrigerator, and put her garbage out. She was looking forward to the wedding. It was not a lot of times she got to be with so many people. It would be so merry.

She looked around the house and did not find anything to pack further.


It was late afternoon. She locked her home, went down, covered her car to keep it off dust and called a cab. At the airport she had some food. It was almost time for the flight as she dragged her luggage. This was her first big break from her job. It was going to be so refreshing. She had a list of things planned.

When she arrived, it was early in the morning. She hurried to the cab stand but turned around to check if there was anyone to fetch her. She did not find anyone. It was within expectation, she had not told him when she was coming.

Once she landed at her in-law's home, she got festive vibes just looking at the building from outside.

As early as it was, people were around, doing some miscellaneous things. She walked and saw that no one was up yet. She quietly went into his room. He seemed to be fully in slumber.

She freshened up and went into the big hall. She had slept through her long flight and was feeling active now.

She never had jet lag and she was happy about that.

She walked around for a while. It seemed there'd be some pooja this day. Flower decorations were everywhere. Had she not started as soon as he told her, she'd have definitely missed a lot.

Her stomach grumbled and she walked into the kitchen to rummage the fridge for some food.

She took some stuff out and cooked a good amount. There were a lot of people in the house now and it definitely would not go to waste.

When she sat down to eat, "Di!" the central character of the wedding, Ria, called her. The young woman sprinted and hugged her, "Are you really here? I am not dreaming, am I!"

She laughed and took out another bowl for the bride who followed her a step behind.

"Ria, why didn't you tell me sooner? I only found out that you are getting married yesterday!"

"Brother didn’t tell you? I wanted to but mom said my brother would tell you. Brother is really busy though." She mumbled some insults at her brother with a pout.


"Alright, eat up, I'm hungry."

The two sat across each other.

Once done, Ria dragged her to discuss clothes to bangles to make-up.

When Ramit woke up, a light coloured travel bag caught his eyes. Last time he saw something like that was with his wife. Perhaps someone got the same kind and moved it here for whatever purpose. He didn't mind much and went downstairs, got his breakfast and started sorting out things.

His mother slapped him from behind. "Maa, what?" He was used to it.

"When is she coming?"

"She must be busy. I'll call her again."

His mother was displeased and slapped him again and went away. Her daughter in-law still had to select sarees for the occasion.

"Maa," Ria called out from her room.

She went in and she was surprised. "Geetha! When did you come?" It was a pleasant surprise.

"Maa. How are you?" She bent down but the older woman did not give her a chance to touch her feet.

"Good, dear." Perhaps her son planned a surprise so he did not tell her, she let it be.

"Which suits di better?" And the ladies were completely into their saree selection.

Finally they left the room when it was time for lunch.

Ramit was in the hallway when he suddenly thought he saw her. He squinted his eyes and he still saw her. He walked to the group of 3 ladies and he still saw her. He called her name and she looked at him.

Damn, "What are you doing here?"

His greeting became an incomprehensible question.

His mother slapped his shoulder, "What do you mean by that? Didn't you go to pick her up?"

"No... I... when did you come?"

"Landed at 5:15. I was here at 6."

"You could have called me."

"Ah, I was in a hurry to rush back." She did not get a chance to tell him before the flight and to call him when she reached would just make her wait 45 minutes. "I had just one bag, so it's okay."

"And brother, you only told her yesterday?"

"That..." Was it time for him to run?

"Whatever, but sis is going to stay for 40 days this time! I don't even want to get married anymore."

Their mother slapped the three of them on the shoulder one by one.

"Do you not wish for your wife to be here for the wedding? Tsk," she said to her son.

"How did you get so many holidays now? What about your own wedding? Everything had to happen so quickly! Tsk," she said to Geetha, who got the tightest slap. Geetha rubbed her shoulder. "I was promoted so I could negotiate a little.. and I don't have a heavy workload now maa...," she defended without guilt.

"And you, stop chatting with the groom so frequently! And she says she doesn't want to get married!" Ria pouted, hiding her phone from her mother.


Until Ria's wedding was over, they spent the time busy and light hearted.

It was now time to go back.

They both went back together. But once they reached his flat, she said, "I'll go back then"

"Didn't you say you'd stay a month?"

"I did."


"I'll go to my flat."

"There'll be a thick layer of dust in your flat. Let's go in. Stay here until you go back."

"How many times are you going to do this? I don't like it. Now go, don't make a scene on the road."

"..." Who was the one making a scene on the road?

She really turned back. He caught her wrist and dragged her luggage into the house. She followed.

Once inside, she slapped him one.

"I can also slap you, you know?" he chuckled. His eyes got red though.

"I wish you did something like that! Makes everything easy!"

"Just what am I lacking?"

"You're not lacking one thing. But I lacked enough for a long time. Now I just want to live and do my way. Time is important to me."

It made little sense to him. What did she mean? "Are you going to die?"

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