《Beyond The Worlds[BTW]》Ch 32:Chat with Haze and haunted building


"Good morning… Haze!" Shin said with a smile.

"I see you are happy for some reason, master."

Haze realized that Shin was happy. She doesn't know what it's like to be happy, but she does know that humans have emotions. Haze understands emotions as a physical and emotional sensation that is caused by some stimulus, which can be a feeling or an event.

"I'm glad I managed to raise you." Shin replied.

"Master, according to the technology present in this world, it should be impossible for you to create me." Haze has already analyzed all the technology in the world, but she doesn't know how Shin managed to create it.

"My brain works differently from normal people." Shin's brain processing was at a completely inhuman level, he can process information tens of thousands of times faster than a normal human.

"And the hologram is not made with technology." Shin warned Haze.

"Master, how can this not be something technological?" Haze couldn't understand why the hologram wasn't technological.

"I used magic circles to set up a matrix that is commanded through your thoughts. When you want to 'raise your hand', a command is performed and the matrix makes the hologram move your hand. Got it?" Shin explained to Haze about the hologram.

"Master, I don't understand. What are magic circles?"


Shin had to spend time explaining to Haze about magic and how it works. He also told her some of her capabilities. Shin didn't mind telling these things to Haze, because she wouldn't cheat on him.

Haze heard everything Shin said, but she didn't understand why Shin didn't want to control the world using his powers.

"Master, your magic is amazing." Haze commented before asking another question.

"Master, wouldn't it be easier for you to control people's minds? You could easily take over the world that way." Haze didn't understand why Shin chose the most difficult route.

"I know, but I don't want to do it that way." Shin said.


"Because it would be utter boredom this way. Things would be very monotonous." If Shin controlled the minds of everyone in his world, the world wouldn't be fun anymore.


'It's not fun like that.' Shin only calculates the gains and losses. The gains (have fun) are much greater than the losses (danger of something happening to him)

"Master, you are exhibiting abnormal behavior compared to other humans." Haze found Shin's behavior different from other humans.

"Well, I haven't been a normal human in a while." Shin said with a smile.


Shin went to school while talking to Haze through the headphones.

"Master, this school of yours is a little peculiar." Haze said after reviewing Shin's school information.

"This school is a good way to earn money, that's why I'm here." Shin thought this school was great for making money.

"Well you're right." Haze said. According to her calculations, it would be impossible for Shin to lose to these people.

"Master, you should start a company to operate in the financial market." Haze suggested.

"I was going to do that, but building you was more important." Shin was going to look for a company to operate in the financial market, but he changed his mind and decided to postpone it because he would try to build Haze first; however, he did not expect to succeed any faster than anticipated.

"Good." Haze understood the reasoning.

"Haze, do a search for good buildings that are cheaply priced. Preferably choose the haunted ones, because they are usually the cheapest." Shin thought of taking the opportunity to buy some land with good prices. Even the haunted buildings wouldn't have much of a problem, because he could simply destroy the ghost that was inside the building.

"Also see if there is any company operating in the financial market that is going bankrupt, we can take the opportunity to buy one at a lower price." Shin didn't want to wait any longer to acquire this company; however, he still didn't have the money to carry out big trades, so he decided to pick a fight with some student council members again.

"All right." Haze replied and started looking for what Shin wanted.


"Did you miss me Miss Yaya?" Shin asked Yaya. It's been a while since he saw this girl, so he was a little homesick.


"You're being narcissistic-" Yaya couldn't finish her words because her chin was lifted by Shin.

"Didn't you miss me?" Shin brought his lips closer to hers, but he didn't take the final step. Yaya was ready for the kiss, but she got a little angry when he didn't take the last step. Yaya was about to kiss Shin, but he pulled away.

"Shin… don't tease me!!" Yaya couldn't keep her personality calm in front of this guy. Shin smiled when he saw Yaya's expression.

"How about we take a walk at the end of class?" He asked Yaya.

"Ride? Where to?" Yaya asked curiously.

'Is he asking me on a date?' Yaya thought Shin would ask her out on a date, but her next words dashed her hopes.

"A haunted building. How about?" He asked with a smile. Yaya was a little hesitant when she heard Shin's words, but she was a brave girl.

"Fine, I'll go with you." She answered.



"Is this a haunted building? I don't see anything wrong with this building." Yaya said with a confused expression. The building was simply an ordinary building, but luxurious. Yaya didn't see anything sinister about this building.

"Things are not always what they seem." Shin said, looking at the building. He could feel a faint evil aura in this place. In Shin's world there were no humans with supernatural powers, but there were supernatural things. Sometimes there is a rare case that a building is haunted, so its value goes down a lot, despite being a luxury building.

"Let's go in." Shin said and walked with Yaya into the haunted building. He didn't know what kind of ghost he would find in this place, but he was curious about that. Shin never met spirit beings, so he wanted to know more about them.


When Shin and Yaya entered the building, they felt that the atmosphere in this place was a little strange. Yaya took Shin's hand because she was a little apprehensive.


Shin and Yaya suddenly heard a loud noise.

"W-What was that?" Yaya was a little scared at this point.

"Calm down, nothing will happen to you." Shin said as he held her hand.

"Shin…" Yaya felt her chest heat up. The two continued to explore the building; however, the noises were getting worse.

*BAM!* *BAM!* …

The doors and windows were opening and closing by themselves, creating a loud noise. Shin realized that Yaya was very scared, so he decided to destroy this ghost and leave.

"Come here." Shin hugged Yaya's waist and placed her head on his chest. "Do you think some ghost could hurt you?"

"Shin…" Yaya felt an extreme sense of security when she got so close to him. Shin used his eyes of truth and observed the ghost that was creating this mess. The ghost had a completely white appearance; however, he still had a humanoid body. Shin also realized that this ghost didn't have much will, he acted simply by acting.

'Perhaps they are part of a soul that could not ascend.' Shin thought. He wasn't sure about this hypothesis, so he decided to ask "Origin" about it later.

'Well, rest in peace.' Shin didn't know who this ghost was, but he still said goodbye to him. He snapped his fingers and the entire building was cleansed.

"I said he can't hurt you." Shin spoke with a smile on his face. Yaya felt a little shy, but she liked the sense of security Shin conveyed.

"How did you do it?" Yaya hadn't seen Shin do anything; however, the noises suddenly disappeared.

"I learned exorcism." Shin lied with a smile. Yaya didn't doubt his words and continued to hug him.

"Won't you let me go?"

"Just a little more." She replied quietly. Shin smiled and patted her head.

'Could you stay with me forever?' She asked him mentally, she didn't have the heart to speak those words to him.

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