《Beyond The Worlds[BTW]》Ch 2: Learning and make money


" Origin', explain to us about our current situation" Shin wanted to know about Awakening, items, etc.

[First, check your status]

"Status" 4x

• Shin Akash

Race: Human?

Age: 15

Awakening: Akashic(???)

Contains the truth about everything existing and non-existent


Akáshico world: can obtain general and specific information (currently limited) from any world;

5 basic elements: air, fire, earth, water and Aether;

Clear mind: an always calm and focused mind;

Akashic Body- ?????

"What the hell is this '?' In my Race?" Shin asked with a worried expression.

•Mari Sekiguchi

race: Human


Awakening: Treasure Hunter(Legendary)

Master swordsman(Legendary)

Treasure Hunter: Any Event That Can Generate Wealth Will Be In Your Favor

luck boost

Master swordsman: affinity increases to all existing swords arts


1 Key Element: Probability Manipulation

"Amazing! After I gained my Awakening I felt several times stronger" Mari felt an enormous amount of energy enter her body.

"I think you would be a great player with your skills, Mari." Naomi commented with an expression of envy.

• Naomi Aoki

Age: 70

Race: Elf

Awakening: The green(Divine)

it has a connection with all the existing "green"


2 basic elements: earth, water;

1 advanced element: nature;

Naomi wasn't too surprised by her "status" bar, because her abilities were similar before she died, but now on a much larger scale.

• Ryuu Yamazaki

Age: 23

Race: Human

Awakening: Sovereign's Body(Legendary)

Increases physical abilities steadily

Increased Affinity with All existing Martial Arts


1 basic element: fire

1 advanced element: Dark

"It's not bad," Ryuu said.

'What a man of few words' Shin looked at Ryuu who had an impassive expression

[Now that you know your "status", let me explain a few things. Awakening is a distinct and very rare trait that can be inherited, innate, or gained through mutation. Classifications are: Rare, Epic, Legendary, Divine and Celestial.]


"What about the elements?" Shin was very curious about the elements and their classifications.

[About the classification of elements, we have: basic, advanced, fundamental and supreme.]

[items will be given as a quest reward.]

"So when are we going to have a mission?" Mari asked. Her eyes were shining thinking of a new adventure.

"I don't think it's a good idea to do Quests now, we just received our powers. We need to stabilize our forces." Shin looked at the girl who was too excited.

"I agree with Shin" Ryuu knew that Mari's decision was too reckless.

Naomi looked at Shin with a teasing smile and said, "Looks like our young 'leader' isn't as stupid as I thought."

Shin pursed his lips at the sudden insult

[I will create a temporary training room for you.]

"Let's train, our time is limited" leaving those words behind, Ryuu said goodbye


Shin looked at the 3 people and thought about what future he had in store for them.


When Shin returned to his room, he checked the time and realized that only a few seconds had passed.

'I spent a day inside the empty room learning about mana, I managed to use some useful spells for my plans.'

After thinking a bit about the future, Shin went down to lunch and decided to leave the house to start his plan.

"Brother, where are you going?" she asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, I'll do business."

Shin watched his sister, her silver hair tied back, purple eyes that gave off seductive charm and a perfect face.

Akira, seeing that her brother was leaving, wanted to object, but he was faster.

Shin hugged her slim waist, looked into her eyes as he caressed her face and whispered, "Won't you let me out?"


Akira felt weak, her heart was beating too fast and unconsciously her lips tried to get closer

Shin dodged and said, "I'll be back before dinner." Saying this, he closed the door and left.

"Stupid brother!." Akira screamed and got mad at Shin and decided to go into his hidden room.


"So this is where it all starts." Looking at the casino in front of her, he entered without hesitation.

Shin entered the casino and saw several gaming machines. He went straight to roulette and bet all his money.

The dealer looked at Shin and thought he was just another rookie. By turning the roulette wheel, the winning number was shown.

'It's very easy to change the result by manipulating the ball's direction using mana.' Shin looked at the result and felt it was very easy to make money.

"Congratulations!" All clapped their hands

The dealer was surprised by the result, but he thought it was lucky.

"All-win" Shin was not surprised by the result and continued to bet. When he finished betting on roulette, he went to slot machines, Craps, etc.

People looked at Shin with an expression of disbelief on their faces. 'Shit, is this kid the son of the goddess of luck?'

'Looks like it's not that easy' Shin used mana to feel his surroundings and knew he had people keeping an eye on him.

After getting the stakes, he went to the bathroom and used the air element to get around and out of the casino.


'Making money has always been so easy?' Shin asked himself with a strange smile. He has been in several casinos. Using mana to influence people's minds so that his face is not revealed

'Becoming a millionaire overnight is weird, to say the least.' He knew his world didn't have people with supernatural powers, so it was very easy for him to do that.

"Still not enough." Shin knew that compared to the most powerful people in the country, that amount of money wasn't worth mentioning.

"It's a good start" Leaving those words behind, he decides to return home.

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