《Logical Labyrinth》Chapter 12 – Research and Attack


After getting toyed by Gino, we decided to do Skyla’s research tomorrow.

I am really tired right now and I wanted to rest.

But the self-proclaimed little sister (although her claims have a chance of being true) said that I should accompany her since I already said yes but I told her that I want to rest because of the fight.

She reluctantly agreed and told me that “Tomorrow! You’ll accompany me to the place where Lupos spawned!” and left with Fernando and Kaezar. Gino fell asleep before I knew it so I decided to rest too.

Now then, I got a feeling that tomorrow will be as hectic as today so good night.

- - -

Time really flies when you’re asleep.

I remember closing my eyes while lying down on my bed and by the time I opened it, it’s already another day.

I feel refreshed after sleeping for so long and started to stretch my body, wash my face, eat breakfast and now here I am, fully geared with Gino and Skyla. As promised, we are now entering the forest to go back to where I fought with Lupos. I already saw the corpse on village but I wonder if they saw the corpses of the Orcs.

While on the way, Skyla asked a bunch of question about the previous world and I answered her. Gino was just silently listening to our conversation while keeping vigilant about our surroundings. Well, we are inside of the forest after all.

We reached the spawn point but the only thing you could see is the result of the battle. There are some trees that have a cut mark on it; there are some that are broken and dried blood on the grasses. Strangely, the orcs corpses were nowhere to be found. Maybe their kin took the corpses for proper burial.

“So this is where we found Lupos.”

I pointed at the broken tree. Back then, Lupos swung its arm against the orc there and the tree got caught up of that attack resulting to this scene.

Skyla slowly approaches the fallen tree. I don’t know why she act like that because there’s clearly nothing there except the tree.

“So Lupos is really strong. To break something this thick..”

Skyla inspected the fallen tree while muttering this but Gino tapped my shoulder and whispers.

“The forest is strange. Back then, there will be too many annoying goblins jumping over the bushes here and there but now… there isn’t any.”

“Is that so? I think that the goblin got scared because of the fight.”

I replied in a low tone while watching Skyla doing her investigation.

Skyla take out a test tube on her bag and put something on it. She looks like a high school student doing some experiment on her science class.

“Not only that, even the corpses of the orcs isn’t here. There isn’t a sign of something buried around here. If this is a game then monster corpses would disappear after a awhile but this isn’t a game… Even goblin’s corpse didn’t disappear after an hour.”

Gino whispered to my ears again.

“Maybe their fellow orc collected the corpses.”

“Maybe but still, it doesn’t feel right. My intuition is telling me that something is happening.”

Getting worried because his intuition told him so…

This guy is really like this.

Even back then, he trusts his intuition more than what we are saying and most of his action while following his intuition is correct but it doesn’t mean that it is always correct.


There are also some failures and most of it became a very big problem.

“It’s just your imagination. There’s nothing strange in the forest.”

When I said those words, I never knew that following Gino’s intuition is the right choice.

- - -

Kaezar’s P.O.V (Current World)

I waved my hand and smiled as I see them Jasper and others off.

Just like what I did yesterday, I smiled and waved my hand.

“I hope nothing bad will happen today..”

I muttered to myself.

Yesterday, they fought Lupos which is one of the strongest in this area.

I got really worried when I heard that Lupos spawned and Jasper and Gino isn’t back yet.

One of the people who reported it is being treated on our clinic. His left hands and legs got torn off. He almost died because of it but father managed to save him. His comrades said that there were some explorers that got left behind them.

I don’t know why but when I heard it, I involuntarily grasp his shoulders and ask.

“D-do they have a shield user and an archer?”

I asked him in trembling voice. He went silent for a moment and tried to remember their appearance.

Even though he spoke again after 10 seconds or so but for me, it’s like his thinking for an hour or so… And also at that time, I felt a sharp pain on my chest. Probably because of my illness but I ignored it. Jasper’s safety is much more important than this little pain.

Then, he nodded.

I almost faint because of it but I managed to remain conscious.

I silently prayed to Gods that he is safe while enduring the pain I am feeling on my chest.

After a while, one adventurer slammed the door open and said that there are two more people who are injured. I quickly ran towards the village square and there I saw an archer supporting Jasper with his shoulder.

I ran towards them…

I ignored the sharp pain in my chest and run.

I wanted to hug him and asked him if his okay but my hand suddenly moved as if it has its own mind.


I slapped the weakened Jasper in her cheeks and he looks at me dumbfounded.

I started to scold him and he just sits there and stares at me.

After that, we went to the clinic. The people inside is lesser before I go out.

When father saw Gino, he immediately started to treat Gino while I scold Jasper in the background.

In the afternoon, a girl named Skyla came to our house.

This girl is the daughter of uncle Percival, supposedly Jasper’s father.

She’s asking if she can stay here until her research about ‘teleportation’ finished.

I asked her since I don’t know what teleportation is and she said that it is a spell that can relocate things without carrying it.

I am amazed by her but father told her that it is impossible.

Even the state magicians with the backing of the king can’t make it but the Skyla said that she will definitely make the spell.

Father sighed and let her stay here and then, I heard someone entered the clinic. It may be Jasper.

Surprisingly, Jasper denied that he is Skyla’s brother even though they look like each other. I imagined Jasper grown his hair to his waist and wear women’s clothes…

He looks like Skyla.

Anyways, we are back to the beginning.

My chest hurt so badly.

I lean on the wall and grasp my chest. Sweats drip down from my forehead and I feel like I will collapse if I relaxed my feet even for a moment.


Slowly, I went to the clinic and there I saw my father.

My father panicked when he saw me holding my chest so I tried my best to smile and tell him that I am okay.

He led me to my room and let me rest.

My sickness seems to be worsening as the day passed by.

I wonder if I will live long enough to be a mother.

It would be good if I can.

I want to take care of my child while my husband is working.

I want to take care of my husband when he came back from work.

He will surely be tired but I will take care of him.

Suddenly, Jasper’s face surfaced on my mind. His face replaced the future husband on my imagination.

He would pat our child’s head while he went out for his work then when he came back, he would kiss me and tell me that the dishes I cook are delicious and at night…

No no… I must not think about those things… But it would be good if Jasper and I ended up a couple…

I cover my face with my hands due to embarrassment. I am embarrassed due to my imagination. I don’t know why but when I think of Jasper, my heart beats fast and the pain will subside. Is this what they call ‘love’?

- - -

I am resting on my room when I heard screams outside.

“The Orcs are here! They’re invading!”

“Run! Call the adventurers!”


“Lilia!! Where are you?! Lilia!!!”

“Don’t….. P-please!! Spare me— gyaah!”

Screams asking for help and pleading for their lives could be heard across the village.

The Orcs invaded!

This is the first time it happened on our village but I heard that some village was also attacked at the past too.

I struggled to stand up and went to the clinic where my father is, but it seems that I don’t have enough strength to walk. The moment I put my weight on my feet, I fell down on the floor.

Then my chest hurts once more. It hurts like my heart is being grasp with someone’s hand.

But despite of that, I endured and crawl towards the clinic.

The orcs are invading and I don’t know where my father is!

Father is weak at combat and that also goes to me but I can’t simply let my father die! I am going to where he was.

Even though I know that I will just be a burden, I dragged my weakened body.

Even though I know that I will die if I went there, I can’t leave my father alone.

And besides, even if I don’t do anything and lay down on my bead or even if I evacuate, I know that I will end up dying because of my sickness. I don’t feel that I will be leaving any longer.

I crawled as fast as I can while the face of my father floats up in my mind.

He is smiling towards me but behind him, there were Orcs raising their glaive, preparing to slash my father. I shook my head to shake off the ominous image in my head, and crawled a little faster.

I need to crawl faster.

Even for a moment, I need to crawl faster. I need to get there even for a moment faster. For the sake of seeing my father once again, for the sake of seeing that smile again. I need to crawl faster!

I prayed to God to keep him safe and I hope that the orcs are still not here.

If they weren’t here yet, then we can run away from them. Or at least my father can run away from them. I don’t want to see my father die! For that reason, I did my best to increase my speed.


I finally arrived at the clinic’s door and called for my father.

The door that I always open without second thought seems to be too heavy right now.

Behind this, I might see my father’s corpse, or I might see my father preparing to leave.

I prayed once again to God that the latter will be true.

On the other side of the door, I heard some footsteps.

Some of them are running and sometimes, I heard weapons clashing at each other.

I pushed the door with all my remaining strength to open it and what welcomes me is the corpse of my father. His lying on his chest, his hand was reaching for the door as if he doesn’t want it to be opened and his face was painted with despair. His mouth and eyes are still open and trails of tears could be seen on his cheeks.

On his back, there is a 3ft tall green man with a dagger-like weapon on its hand. It repeatedly stabbing the back of my father and every time it pulled it’s dagger out, red blood splatters everywhere. Behind it, there is an orc carrying a female patient on its shoulder.

The goblin stabbed my father over and over again. Blood splatter everywhere when it pulled it’s dagger out of my father’s back.

I wanted to shout but no voice came out.

I wanted to kill the goblin but I know that I can’t.

I wanted to believe that this is just one of the trials of God but right now, I know…

Gods doesn’t exist.

If God exist then he will not allowed those orcs to invade our village.

If God exist then he will protect our family.

If God exist then he will not let my father die.

But He didn’t protect our village.

But He didn’t protect our family.

But He let my father die.

So I’ll say this again…



I reached out my hand and grasped my father’s hand.

It is cold but the blisters he got when he is working for the medicine.

His blistered warm hands are now cold.

The hand that take care of me.

The hand that support this village on his own way.

The hand that is good at taking care of others is now cold.

The goblin noticed me and stands up.

Its dagger has my father’s blood dripping on its edge.

The goblin is smirking and slowly walking towards me.

I closed my eyes and accepted my fate.

‘Ahh… I hope Jasper is safe.’

Tears fall down as the goblin comes nearer and nearer.

‘I should have realized sooner that I love him’

I heard the sound of dagger cutting through the wind and I braced myself to be cut.




But it didn’t happen.

I slowly opened my eyes and saw the goblin, the arm that holding the dagger is still on the air. It’s face distorted due to pain and I can see a blade that cut through its chest.

“Kaezar! Are you okay!?”

A female voice that I can easily recognize called out to me.

It came from my childhood friend who became an adventurer.


- - -

Jasper’s P.O.V

Skyla is still diggin- I mean investigating the site while Gino is looking for something around the bushes. And here I am, getting bored about what is happening right now.


Gino suddenly shouted and he disappeared near the bush.

I immediately readied my bow and Skyla raised her staff but the idiot came out of the bush smiling happily.

“Huh? Are you already done Skyla?”

Gino asked Skyla while opening a pack of cigarette…


“Where did you get that?”

I asked since I am also a smoker.

I am quite surprise on myself that I hold up not smoking all this time.

Back then, I asked Fernando “Where can I buy cigarettes?” and he said that there is no cigarette in this remote village maybe in the royal capital they have it.

Gino pointed on the bush and said.

“It is under that bush and guess what? I also found this!”

Then he pulled something from the bush.

It’s a black bag.

Wait… Isn’t that his bag?

He opens his bag and show me its content.

It has a laptop with charger, notebook, pencil case, and his wallet.

If his bag is here, then it means that is also the case for mine right?

“And also catch this!”

Gino throw another bag to me.

I catch it because it looks familiar and on closer look it’s my bag!

I check if the inside is also there and yup, everything is here.

“Hey hey, Kuya Gino, what is that?”

Skyla pointed at his bag.

Well, it can’t be help that she didn’t know about it.

After all, it came from our world. There is nothing like this here.

“Ahh, this is my bag on the previous world. It contains my soul so I’m really grateful that I found it.”

Gino said while hugging his bag tightly.

He look like he is in heaven.

While Skyla looks to be scared because of it.

“Other world’s bag absorbs its user’s soul… Scary…”

Skyla muttered but I think Gino’s soul would be his laptop.

Every file he needed is there after all.

But suddenly, Gino’s face becomes serious.

“Hey Jasper, that smoke is coming from the village right?”

He pointed behind me so I naturally look back.

He is pointing on the thick black smoke that can be seen even inside the forest.

“Yeah, it came from the village, they must be roasting Lupos’ mea-“


If it’s just roasting, then it will not produce that kind of smoke.

We haven’t seen any goblins here.

There is a big group of orcs yesterday and now, I can’t see even a single orc here.

Don’t tell me…

Gino suddenly run towards the direction where the village at and shouted.

“Jasper! I think the village is under attack! Let’s come back quickly!”

Hearing his shout, I also begun to run.

Skyla looks confused but she also followed us.

“Hey, wait up!”

Skyla shouted behind but we didn’t slow down.

“Hey Gino, do you think that the orcs are attacking the village?”

Not good! I imagined the orcs attacking the village and they killed everyone in there including Kaezar. I raised my speed and now I am running by Gino’s side.

“I don’t know! But I hope that a fire just broke out!”

Gino look desperate while he said those words.

I really do hope that’s it is just a fire but if it’s an attack…

My heart beats fast as I saw the figure of Kaezar being sliced by the orcs weapon.

I feel a pain in my chest as I think about it.

Not good! If the village is under attack, then I need to hurry up!

I raised my speed even more and I am now leading the group.

- - -

We arrived at the end of the forest and there I saw orcs and goblins fighting some adventurers.

The adventurers were outnumbered and a man from falls down and flocks of goblin finished him off.

Due to it, the adventurer’s formation collapsed and one by one, they are defeated.

I pulled out an arrow and load it on my bow but before I can pull the string, Gino stopped me.

“Don’t. If they knew that we are here, were doomed. Let’s take this chance and go. I know that it is cruel to ignore them but we need to check if Kaezar are alright.”

Damn… He’s right.

Why didn’t I notice it before?

If I shot one of them, then the others will know that were at their back and after they deal with the adventurer, it will be our turn.

“So relax okay… I know your princess is in big pinch but relax… Don’t panic, it will only cloud your thinking.”

He said while he walk around the village finding a place where we can get inside without being noticed.

“Haa… Haa… W-what’s the big deal with letting the magician run! You know that we are the type of person who study inside their houses right! So I am not that good at running.. Haa… Haa…”

Skyla finally catches up and she is breathing heavily.

She inhaled deeply, and exhaled.

She looks at the village entrance and saw the last surviving adventurer desperately trying to fight but in the end, he died.

“Wha- mmmmm!! Mmmm!!”

Skyla almost shouted so I covered his mouth with my hand and said.

“Don’t make too much noise, if they found out that we are here then were doomed.”

Skyla nodded and Gino came back after walking around.

“Hey, I found some entrance, let’s go.”

Gino said and lead us towards the entrance he said.

It is at the side of the village and it’s near at Kaezar’s house.

We walked slowly so that we won’t make any noise and there I saw the village girls with torn clothes and being raped by goblins and orcs.

I imagined Kaezar getting raped and shit!!

I tried to shot but Gino stopped me again.

He come close to my ears and whispered.

“I know that you’re really desperate to save Kaezar but endure it. Atleast, Kaezar isn’t there. Come on, let’s go there.”

Gino pointed at the tavern/adventurer’s guild.

Somehow or another, the doors are closed which is normally opened.

It is always open but now, it’s closed or rather, barricaded.

The door has signs of being slashed and pounded.

I don’t know why did Gino suggested to go there but we followed what he said.

Personally, I wanted to go back to the clinic but we might encounter some enemies on the way and it will be very bad we got surrounded.

We sneakily approached the guild and we heard some human sounds inside.

“Hey! Why are the orcs invading!?”

“Have you seen my daughter?”

“Father is still out there! Please! Rescue him!”

“What are you doing manager!? Contact the royal capital now!”

Even though some of them are shouting, the orcs seems to ignore this building.

Maybe they tried to forcefully entered but failed.

But among the overlapping voices, I hear her voice.

“Jeziel! Please! Find Jasper and others! They are outside while the orcs attacked! They might still be safe so please! Find them!”

“You know that I can’t! We barely managed to get in here, so I don’t know if I can do it again.”


Kaezar is pleading someone named as Jeziel inside to rescue us.

“I’m glad that she’s safe.”

I feel relieved hearing her voice. Knowing she’s alright made me relax but that didn’t last long.

A group of orcs carrying a log come near the door and begun to pound it using the log.


They repeatedly pound it and every time they did, cracks become visible to the door.

“Shit! At this rate, the door will break!”

I shouted while I prepare my bow but it’s already too late.

The door shattered and the orcs rushed inside.

“We’re too late! Come on!”

Gino said while he charged inside.

Skyla and I followed him inside.

When we entered the tavern, the orcs are starting to kill everyone inside.

There are few adventurers inside and all of them are occupied with the orcs but the orcs have the greater number so the other orcs who are not occupied by the adventurers started to kill the people who are panicking.

I shot the arrow loaded in my bow and aiming at the neck of the orc who is attacking the panicked people.

My arrow hit its mark and the orc fell.

I prepared another shot but then, an ice-made spear flew towards another orc.

The ice pierced the orc’s head killing it.

“Oh ice! I order you to pierce my enemy! [Ice Lance]”

Skyla used magic spell [Ice Lance].

A magic circle appeared on the tip of her wand and then she pointed it towards another orc.

Upon confirming its target, an ice-made spear flew out of the magic circle piercing the orcs head.

I stare at her staff dumbfounded since this is the first time I saw someone use magic.

Of course I can use magic too but what I know are support-type magic so this is the first time I saw attack magic.

“Hey! What are you doing Kuya Jasper! Shoot!”

Skyla shouted to me which bring me back to reality.

This isn’t good, this isn’t the time to appreciate those.

I nocked another arrow and shoot it.

While doing so, I heard some footsteps coming from behind so I turn my head to check what it is.

5 goblins are running towards here while brandishing their weapons.

This is bad, if they managed to get near us then it will really be bad.

There are also 2 orcs who noticed us so we really can’t entertain those annoying goblins.

“Leave the rear to me, focus in the front!”

Gino run to the entrance and prepare his defensive stance and planted the spear’s blunted tip on the floor.

As Gino said, Skyla and I focused on our front. We successfully killed the two orcs since they didn’t seem to care even if we hit them.

Does the orc really this stupid?

“None of you shall pass!”

Gino shouted at the goblin who tried to enter the building. One of the goblin got pierced by Gino’s spear and the others tried to break through Gino but ended up getting pierced by Gino’s spear or pushed back by his shield.

The tavern’s entrance was big enough for two people to enter at the same time but Gino successfully blocked it by utilizing the reach of his spear.

I shot another arrow and there I saw the thing that I never wanted to see.

Kaezar is standing in front of the orc whose axe was covered with blood.

On its feet, there is a woman lying down with a huge cut on its head.

Kaezar’s eyes stared at the woman’s corpse ignoring the orc in front of her.

The orc raises its axe and I tried to draw another arrow but my quiver is already empty.

‘Why did I ran out of arrow at this time!’

I cursed myself as I watch Kaezar got cut by the axe.

The axe cut her diagonally from her right shoulder down to her waist.

Blood poured out of the wound as she fell down.

The time seems to slow down as I watch her fell.

If I prioritize on finding her then this would not happen.

If I have at least one arrow then this would not happen.

If I didn’t leave today then I could protect her from this.

If I…

There are too many “Ifs” in my head as I watch her fell down.

Even though she fell, the orc swing down again its axe hitting Kaezar’s body once more.

I draw the sword on my waist and charge at the orc who’s still hitting Kaezar’s body.

I ignore the shout of Skyla who tried to stop me or the other orc on my right.

I don’t care if I die here.

I let her die!

Even though I know that she’s not the Kaezar I love, seeing her die hurts.

Maybe because they have the same face and name…


Even if they don’t have the same face and name, seeing someone you know die in front of you hurts… Much worse if you can’t do anything about it…

I continue to run while the orc beside me raises its weapon.

I don’t know what kind of weapon did this orc carry but I think this will be my end.

As the orc swings down its weapon, a spear pierced its right arm with its head.


Gino’s shout dragged me back to reality.

I pushed myself using the foot that is touching the ground, dashing straight to the orc who is busy hitting Kaezar’s corpse.

I point my sword towards its defenseless back.

I am now imitating the Stinger move at DmC.

I don’t know why I imitated this move but I managed to pull it off.

My sword pierced the back of the orc, and I quickly pulled it out then stab it once again.

I repeated this, hitting different places of its back until it’s full of holes.

I stabbed it once last time then pushed it to the side.

I let go of my sword and carried Kaezar’s corpse on my arms.

Her face got a huge cut and I can almost see her brains, her body got numerous cut all over and bones can be seen through it.

What a heartless thing to do…

I tried to hold back my tears but I failed.

Tries drops down on Kaezar’s corpse as I wail.


I shouted as I hug Kaezar’s corpse tighter.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t manage to save you… I’m sorry… I… didn’t come on time… I’m sorry.”

While hugging Kaezar’s body, I kept on asking for her forgiveness.

I’m sorry.

That is the only words I can say… But... whatever I do, she’s already dead…

No matter how I regret on my decision, I can’t bring her back.

The only thing I can do is to beg for her forgiveness.

Suddenly, light envelops Kaezar’s corpse, as well as the girl who have a huge cut on its face.

The light is so bright that I can’t see Kaezar’s figure directly.

I closed my eyes due to it and when it settled…

“Eh? Sis? Is that… you?”

I heard the voice of Kaezar once more.

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