《The Rise Of A Matriarch》The road to becoming official
--------///----Reina's POV----\--------
(Reina) " Uugh. "
Waking up to a pounding headache was a new and definetly unwanted way to wake up. If the headache wasn't enough, my body felt sore all over. I tried to sit up and i swore i heard my spine start cracking. That alone made me feel older then i ever thought i'd feel. But after that i just gave up on sitting up so i just laid back down and just looked around. The room i was in looked sleak with the wooden walls looking like planks, the window on my left being nice and big which let in a nice amount of morning light and fresh air.
To my right was a blue curtain that blocked me from seeing what else was to my right but i could guess i was in an infirmary. Looking up and straight ahead, i saw the start of a long desk with cabinets on the side that i could see which held some tonics, some cases of herbs and some other stuff i didn't know much about. The room probably had more to it but i was way too uncomfortable to do anything other then lay down. I heard people talking and moving around but i didn't care about that.
The room was nice and quiet but a few people were still talking. I heard some stuff that might be useful or it might not, but it was whatever right now. After a few minutes i heard a door creak open and boots tapping onto the planks. I didn't think much of it but after listening in for a bit i figured out it was a few healers that came in. When i figured that out, i was tempted to say something so someone could heal me a bit but then i thought how unfair that'd be so i just waited my turn.
A few minutes later i got my turn. Someone came past the curtain and seemed to notice i was up. There was a short gasp and then they ran away. I didn't get to see much since all i saw was light purple fur and a bushy tail before they were gone. Some other healers seemed to get curious since a few more people creeped around the corner to see what was going on. I met the eyes of some of them and most of them had the same reaction.
(???) " She's awake! "
(???) " Did someone go to get the guild master!?? "
(???) " Does anyone know where her party members are!? "
2 People and a beastkin started panicking but a dark elf man stayed calm and walked over to me. I couldn't keep myself from getting a bit jealous considering that elven races as a whole were unbelievably gorgeous. The man himself looked like a gods statue just came to life and started walking. His brown skin seemed like it could start flowing at any second, his long blue hair went past his shoulders, his green eyes looked cold but not dangerous, his face had no blemishes or anything that would make it look disfiguered. He was downright beautiful. And that was so unfair!
I think i was pouting but the man didn't have any reaction whatsoever. He pulled up a stool from behind the curtain and sat next to me. He kept a professional attitude and didn't say much as he started checking on me. At first i didn't feel anything but after a few more seconds i felt my muscles start to relax and just generally feel better. While he was working the other healers had walked off to do something, i didn't know where they went so i wasn't going to waste time and guess.
A minute after the healing started, i heard some light clanking coming from the hall but i decided to just close my eyes and get healed. Eventually the clanking got closer and i could hear the door open. The closer the clanking got the more i thought it was Mina. I ended up being right since she walked past the curtain but unexpectedly she had her hair down and even more surprisingly snacks! Just seeing them made my stomach growl. The healer and Mina heard my stomach and had different reactions. The healer just stayed impassive meanwhile Mina just smiled.
(Mina) " How's she doing? "
Despite knowing Mina was talking to him, the healer just kept checking on me and held up his thumb. I felt better but i started wondering why he didn't just say anything. Mina didn't seem to mind and gave the healer a nod. She went behind the curtain and seemed to ask someone about a stool. After someone replied, she came back dragging a stool in one hand and holding her basket of snacks in the other. The healer wasn't done so she just dragged it to the side with the window and sat next to me.
(Mina) " So, how're you feeling? The guildmaster said you pushed yourself harder then we thought. And since when could you use fire armaments? When did you have the time for that? "
(Reina) " Well i wanted to keep it a secret and have it be a surprise... But when i got a good enough feel for using my fire, i decided to just try it out and i just did it. I found out it's because of my- "
I was about to say why but the healer started snapping in my face. I had no idea why but then he grew a board out of the ground and had writing start growing into it.After a few seconds the board was full of writing.
- I would suggest you keep the secrets of your growth hidden from prying ears. Information on a princess is a dangerous thing in itself, however you are also an adventurer now. To spread that kind of knowledge without thinking about the possible consequences can be life threatening. As an adventurer you must learn to keep your power and strength hidden, unless you are capable of repelling those stronger then you. And even then, having a trump card will always be a good thing. Your demonstration earlier can be attributed to a rookie mistake. However before you make the same mistake you must learn to begin thinking as the adventurer you are young princess. -
That was a lot so it took me a bit to read it all, but when i was finished i could understand where he was coming from. I couldn't really argue that so i knew i should just wait till everyone... When i started thinking about "everyone" I realized Endis was nowhere to be seen.
(Reina) " Mina? Where's Endis? And thank you, i'll keep that in mind. "
The healer just nodded again, still looking cold which i still didn't know why.
(Mina) " He went off to do what we talked about. It's only been 2 days but he's made some decent progress. "
~ What we talked about? What did we... Information? Is he getting information? But where is he going to get it at?... WAIT A MINUTE! ~
(Reina) " I'VE BEEN OUT FOR 2 DAYS!? "
Mina just smirked at me and picked out a cookie from the basket and handed it to me. Sure i was still surprised about waking up a day after but my stomach just made itself take priority with a bigger growl then last time. I snatched away the cookie and dug in. The healer was done by the time i was done with the cookie so he just got up to leave.
(Reina) " Wait! What's your name? "
When i called out to him he did stop, and when i asked his name he did the same thing he did earlier. He used the same nature board from earlier and grew his response into it.
- My name is Xyliden. Now i must be on my way young princess. Do eat well and try not to over exert yourself. -
(Reina) " Thank you Xyliden! "
He nodded again and walked off. I wanted to know why he didn't talk and preffered the nature board but the time to ask was over. Now... Now was the time to stuff my face in food. I didn't want to get up, so i used my darkness to clean off my teeth. When i was done i started reaching towards Mina's basket for more delicious snacks. Mina saw that and raised it over her head, making it out of my reach.
(Mina) " Not so fast little lady. I paid for these fair and square! So i get to decide what you get to eat. "
If my face didn't already show it, then my stomach's betrayed growl did. I deflated faster then an air balloon and just let my arms fall onto the bed. I felt my mind go so fast, thinking about all the ways i might be able to convince Mina to hand over the good stuff that i didn't notice her taking out one of the kebabs i saw earlier. It was still steaming and the moment i smelled it, i snapped out of my snack crazed mindset and drooled at the kabob. I didn't know where she got a retention basket but i could always ask after stuffing my face.
The kabob was a meat, fruits and vegatables which made it hard for me to decide what i should try first. I just took a random bite and bit into a piece of meat. And it was delicious. I kept on eating and when i got to the fruits and vegatables i was in love.
(Reina) " How much are those! I need moreee. "
I asked Mina immediatley after i was done with the kabbb. She was eating a cookie but spoke with her mouth full anyway.
(Mina) " Zere 3 coppuh. "
~ Yes! Cheap and awesome! One job is all i need for delicious kabobs everyday! Wait... Have we-~
(Mina) " We need to register first before we can take jobs. "
(Reina) " How'd you know!? "
Mina shrugged and took another bite of her kabob.
(Mina) " I fought abut zat too. "
(Reina) " Oh... That makes sense. Anyway why do you always change? "
(Mina) " Whadya meen? "
(Reina) " When we were talking with Mr.Ganton or Daddy, you were an entirely different person. But when were alone or when we were with auntie and Elaine you were like this. "
Mina kept chewing and waited till she was done to answer.
(Mina) " Simple. When we're infront of people, that are way past being treated casually, then i put up my professional face and get to work. But if i'm with friends or just in a place that i feel comfortable in, then i just act casual. It's hard to just live all through life without having some form of relief. But if we're training then i'll go back to my usual self. Buuut. We've been training for the past 3 weeks so i think we deserve some time to relax. "
(Reina) " Huh... That makes sense... Oh well. So what do we do now? "
(Mina) " That depends. How're you feeling? You up for moving around? "
When she said that, i tried to get up just to see if i could. I put my legs to the right side of the bed and tried to stand. It wasn't that hard and i didn't feel any discomfort.
(Mina) " Nice. Did you cleanse yourself? need to use the bathroom or anything like that? "
(Reina) " Nope. And could you not ask that in public? please? "
(Mina) " Sure. Anyway let's get going. We can pick up Endis and officially register as a party. We'll have to pick up your ID too. "
(Reina) " Oh yea! I forgot about that. "
Mina just stopped chewing and looked at me with this deadpan face.
(Mina) " Seriously? "
(Reina) " ... Yes. "
(Mina) " How? Reina how did you forget that? "
(Reina) " I don't know! "
Mina just stared at me for a few more seconds but she bite into another cookie while she did it.Eventually she just shook her head and got up.
(Mina) " Anyway, let's get going. I know where Endis went so it won't take long. "
(Reina) " Ok. Actually, what time is it? "
Mina got up and leaned to her left, looking past the curtain at what i'll assume is a clock.
(Mina) " It's 11:15 Am. So we have a whole day ahead of us. "
Knowing that it was still early was a nice thing. We'd get to look around and get a feel for the place before taking on any actual requests. I wanted to get stronger sure. But i wasn't going to pass up on my first time being outside the capital. It was time to explore! So in a mock salute to Mina i got ready to go.
(Reina) " Ok. So lead the way ma'am. "
Mina just snorted and shook her head.
(Mina) " Whatever you say. Onwards we go. "
Me and Mina marched on out of the infirmary and headed out to the 2nd floor. Looking at it, the infirmary was at the far left side of the 2nd floor. It looked like there was another infirmary infront of this one too. While we walked down the 2nd floor hall i got to see what the other rooms were. The 2 rooms next to the infirmary seemed to have supplies for them, the next rooms over had bed sheets and things like that, then the rooms next to the stairs were like storage rooms. When i asked Mina, she said the right side was wherepeople were able to stay and rent out rooms.
When we went downstairs people turned to us and almost swarmed us.
Before anyone else could say something, we heard the roof above us start rumbling.
Mr.Ganton was yelling so loud it felt like the ground was shaking. The people in the lobby just froze which gave Mina time to grab me by the wrist and run out. She was faster then i thought and got us through the lobby in record time. When we were out of the lobby i was worried some people might follow us out but not many people did. Mina warded them off.
(Mina) " Alright now that that's over, let's get going to grab Endis. "
(Reina) " Where is he anyway? You said it's about what we talked about but where is he? "
When i asked that, Mina just froze and started looking at me. Her face started scrunching up as she took a deep breath in and just sighed.
(Mina) " Haaah... This really isn't somewhere you should be yet... He's at a bar. "
It took me a moment to process what she just said. I even looked up to the sun and saw how it was still where it should be to show it was still not even 12.
(Reina) " Just why? How's a bar the answer? "
(Mina) " Haaah. Let's walk and talk. "
Mina started leading the way and i just followed after her. After a few minutes, Mina started explaining.
(Mina) " Despite what usually happens in a bar, they are actually really good places to wring information out of people. People will always want to drink or just unwind somewhere. If people are drunk, they'll be be more likely to let things like rumors, information, dirt, anything like that and more. Besides his alcohol tolerance is stupidly high. "
(Reina) " But didn't him and Jin get blackout drunk? "
(Mina) " I asked him about that. He said they raided the pantry and had a competition of who could down more barrels. Endis won but he still downed 5 barrels of hard alcohol. "
I kind of paused at that since i didn't know how much they actually drank until she said that.
~ I thought it was just a normal amount... But... 5 barrels... he didn't even look that hungover when i saw him? How does that work? ~
Mina must've noticed i wasn't behind her at some point since she came back and just put a hand on my shoulder.
(Mina) " I don't get how it tworks either. He said auntie brought it up once and he dove in. "
(Reina) " But ho- "
(Mina) " Don't think about it too much. Let's just keep going. "
I didn't even say anything to that and just went along with it. We kept walking and talking about stuff, along with the occasional snack which Mina had a bunch of. I wondered about how many she had and asked her about it at one point. She flipped open the lid of the basket and showed me that there was a divider on one side that had the cookies stacked in 2 rows right next to each other. The divider kept them at the close end while the kabobs were on the far end. What made it even better was that she could lift the divider and it would show another layer that had sandwiches.
I had one and it was great. Not better then the kabob but still good. Eventually after what Mina said was 20 minutes, we made it to the bar Endis was supposed to be at. "The Tipsy Boar" read the sign. It had the head of a wooden boar above the huge door and sounded full despite the time. Mina was about to open the door but it opened before she could reach for the handle. She had to jump and drag me to the side with her so we could avoid the bodies that were thrown out. 2 People ended up getting thrown out onto the street, followed by another who was still concious.
They kinda just stayed there while the guy who was still concious just tried to help them up. Mina just looked at them and looked conflicted as she kept looking between them and me.
(Mina) " I don't want to bring you with me in there at all... But i can't exactly leave you out here on your own... "
I didn't want to go in there either but it should be fine to stay outside. Though before we had to worry about it the person who threw them out came out. He was a dwarf who looked to be 4ft tall, seemed to have muscles that couldn't be hidden under the platinuum long sleeve shirt and thick pants he wore. He had a thick braided beard, a braided ponytail close to the one i had, and thick metal gauntlets.
(???) " We told yus ya had enough. Now go on an git before i hafta knock some sense inna ya's! "
The concious guy was trying his best to drag his friends away but he wasn't making any progress.
(???) " Ah fuk et. Just work on it and git before i have tah make you leave. "
The man tried to slur some response out but he was still way to incoherent to understand.
(???) " That's what dey all say. If yer all still 'ere before noon i'll hafta push ye furtha away. "
Some more incoherent speaking and a snort from the dwarf later, he was about to go back into the bar.
(Mina) " Wait! "
The dwarf turned around and seemingly just noticed that we were behind the door.
(???) " Ye need somethin of me lass? "
(Mina) " Can you shout if Endis is in there? "
The dwarf just raised a brow and turned into the bar.
That seemed to work since the bar went quiet for a moment. I heard a loud groan as something light started falling onto a table. After a bit of time passed, Endis came on out of the bar with a scarf, a gem on his shoulder and a bag of something in his hand. When Endis was here he looked at the basket in Mina's hand and tried to snatch something out of it but Mina stopped him by slapping his hand.
(Endis) " Welp i got close. Anyway thanks Killian. "
(Killian) " T'was nothing. Whatever yu'll be up to just remember ye better come on back. I'll win back all my shiet ye arse. "
(Endis) " Don't see that happening but sure. Anyway, Reina. Nice to see your back up and about. Hope that beauty sleep was worth it. "
The dwarf was about to get back into the bar but when he heard my name he stopped and turned back to look me over.
(Killian) " Ahhh. So yer the lass i've heard about. When yer older feel free to drop on by. "
After he said that he just walked back in, he didn't even let me respond either. Endis and Mina just looked on and didn't really say anything either.
(Endis) " Anyway... You ready to actually register for the first time? "
(Reina) " Definetly! But... Are we going to ignore the scarf and stuff? "
(Endis) " I mean... We could. "
(Mina) " How about you actually tell us. Since i actually want to know ttoo. "
Me and Mina started putting pressure on him to tell us what happened and eventually he caved in. We started walking and talking as he started telling us the story.
(Endis) " So i started the day as i did yesterday, getting information. I went over to the local network yesterday and looked up anything i might need to know. So far there aren't any issues worth mentioning so there's no need to spend as much time there as i did yesterday. I went to 2 bars yesterday and tried to scrounge up information and i found out about somethings that might be worth mentioning. There was a smithy raided the other day and apparently only 1 thing was stolen. Some weird broken piece of equipment that no one was able to fix.
That was sketchy so it's probably an artifact of some kind. There's more to tell but that's the first one that popped up first. I ended up finding that bar before turning in last night and ended up hitting it off with the owner. "
(Reina) " Wait, that was the owner? "
(Endis) " Yea. Killian is a cool guy once you start drinking with him. When i said i could probably drink a beastkin under the table he wagered i couldn't. Made an easy silver and a delicious set of full bottles from that. Anyway back to the story. This morning I went back there to see if i could get anything else so i entered a cards table. I didn't get much out of the guys i was up against but i did beat em out of these. "
He pointed to the gem on his shoulder, which after all this time, was still there. He also started jingiling the bag he had in his hands, which made it clear it was coins.
(Mina) " Really now? How much did you get? "
Endis opened the bag and took a few seconds to respond.
(Endis) " From what i see... 2 more siler and a bunch of copper. So far i've gotten 3 silver and atleast more then 60 copper, not counting these. "
(Mina) " Wait a minute. Where'd you get 60 copper from? And how am i just hearing about this? And what is that gem in the first place?... Endis... "
Endis got a jolt at the way Mina said his name and stopped dead in his tracks. He slowly started turning to Mina and tried to look her in the eyes. He was essentially screwed but Not my fault that he hid stuff from Mina. Mina just stared at him for a bit before she let him off the hook. He shivered for a second but tried to get back into his explination.
(Endis) " Anyway. I heard about a good under appreciated smithy a ways away from here. "
(Reina) " Why's he under appreciated? "
(Endis) " Well he lives at the far side of the place and has some sort of test you have to go through if you want him to make anything. Kinda like some "People" we know. "
(Mina) " Hmm. we can check it out later. For now it's time for us to actually register. "
When Mina said that, we had made it to the guild hall. Mina got up front and Endis was right by her side. Mina turned around and put a hand on my shoulder, and so did Endis.
(Mina) " You ready Reina? "
I thought about it and i realized u was still a little anxious about it. Mina gave me time and when i was ready i finally said it.
(Reina) " Readier then i'll ever be. "
They nodded at me and Mina opened the door.
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