《The Rise Of A Matriarch》The first Lycan
--------///----M.C POV----\--------
Everything looks strange... I'm in the forest but the trees are weird colors. Instead of the trees having the usual brown bark and green leaves, they're White and Red respectfully. The fruits from the occasional fruit tree are all brown instead of the usual variety of colors that i've always seen.
~ Everything looks so weird, mama said that i would dream and see my elements but i don't see anythi- ~
Before i even finish my though i end up infront of a massive silver tree with branches that are so high and go so far that i can't even see the end of either of them. Thinking about why this tree might be different i remember something papa told us a long time ago when mama was on a hunt.
(Martiq) " Alrighty little ones until mama comes back i'll tell you all about the forest since no one wants to play which is ok ... but playing would be nice too "
Papa whispered that last bit but we all heard it and he knows that as he started to get into the story right after he said that. Papa made sure we were all focused on him and when he knew we were all focused, he started talking about the forest.
(Martiq) " All of you should know that the name of the forest is called "The Grave of The Progenitors" every animal knows this name, whether they can speak or not. It got it's name from being the home of progenitors, yea but also their grave. Which is kinda dark despite the forest being all lively it's one big grave. Anyway the actual grave itself is this absolutly massive silver tree in the middle of a clearing everyone knows what it is and it's the most respected place probably in the whole world. "
Mama came back after a while but that was what stuck with me the most. When i asked mama about it she gave a little elaboration on why everything knows the name. She said it had something to do with it being our home even if they weren't born here, which she had to say because papa darted out to start his early morning hunt saying something about the forest being better than any other home they had before.
(Losine) " Me and your father were born in the North and East respectfully and were on our way here and we found each other in another forest, I had always wanted to come here and try to live here as we would later learn that it's rare for our species to come here, we've met other packs but none had been the same as us so far. "
While i was thinking back on it i finally realized that this super big tree must've been what papa was talking about.
~ This has to be the tree that papa told us about but if it is why am i seeing it in my dream? and where are my elements? i haven't seen my darkness element despite already having it. ~
As i'm thinking, there's a sudden breeze ruffling the leaves of the giant tree and theres suddenly a really loud creacking sound that despite all my looking around, can only be coming from the... tree. Suddenly it all stops and the tree cracks open scaring me because trees shouldn't do that! And as i take a step back the crack stops and it starts to widen and as soon as it started, it stops. And then a giant paw bigger then even mama steps out followed by a giant wolf with fur thats colorless but somehow any color depending on how the sun shines on it, the claws and fangs are pure white and longer then anything i can compare them too, it's eyes are just like it's fur colorless but at the same time any color... And it's looking down at me.
(???) " Hmmmm? interesting you seem to be one of my kin but you have yet to manifest your elements but why was i brought out? There isn't a fallen kin so why? "
After he said that he looked around to see the forest and he looked at it like mama would look at me and my siblings when she thinks we're not looking it's a sad look but one that shows how much she loves us.
(???) " It's grown into a wonderful forest even after all this time it still stands, it grows and survives, it still nurtures the young to lead them to the future... wonderful "Garuda" you were right for once... never thought that would happen "
When the big wolf started talking i felt something inside me calling out to him, being happy to hear his voice, happy to be in his presence. I didn't know why i felt this or what i was feeling but when i tried to figure it out a thought ended up coming into my head.
~ is ... is this giant Mr.Wolf a progenitor? ... b-but why? How? Shouldn't this big Mr.Wolf be dead? Where are my elements? What's happening? ~
After thinking that Mr.Wolf looks back down at me and laughs but i don't get why
~ But i haven't said anything yet why's he looking at me like that. ~
(???) " Just because you have yet to say anything doesn't mean you haven't been heard young... Eclipse Wolf. hmmm interesting an eclipse? that would have been interesting to witness especially how it brought about a new line of my kin.
I tried to speak but my voice didn't come out which means.
~ You can hear my thoughts Mr.Wolf?? How How tell me? Hows that work? How do you hear it? does it go through your ears? Whats your name? Whos Garuda? ~
I don't think Mr.Wolf was expecting to be asked that many questions so quickly because he just kind of stared at me blinked and then started laughing.
~ HEYYYYY whats so funny? are you laughing at me!? Stop that! ~
He kept laughing alot more after that and i couldn't figure out why so i... i may have running jumped on his paw and... started smacking it... i will never confirm that i did this. Because when i did he started laughing so hard he lowered his body to the ground and the tree and its leaves started shaking, the wind really picked up it felt like the ground was shaking too because it was he started hitting it with his other paw... It took a while for him to get out of it and start talking again but he still had a big smirk on his face making me pout until he answered my questions.
(???) " *Cough* no small one i was not laughing at you not innetially at least the answer to why i was laughing ties into your other question on who Garuda is. He is the progenitor of all that fly or live on land that call themselves avian, he is always wrong about something whether it be trivial or important he has almost always been wrong. Yet the one thing he got right was that the forest would still stand long after our passing, yet immediatley after that he was wrong yet again as he also said the first of our kin to meet one of their progenitors would always prostrate themself immediatley after figuring out who they were meeting. Yet you immediatley ask question after question, it was too much and i just couldn't help myself and then when you jumped onto my paw and did that i lost it. To think the first kin i would meet after all this time would be such an energetic little sprite. And to answer you other questions when we meet our kin we temporarily sync allowing us to know what your thinking since speaking for you here would be to difficult for you, for now and i hear it directly to my mind small one. As for my name i am Fenrir the progenitor to all lycans who roam this world what's your name small one?
~ i don't have one yet ~
(Fenrir) " What? why don't you having a name? "
~ i dont have any achievements and i haven't manifested my elements yet ~
(Fenrir) " And why does that matter? "
~ All the intelligent species name the kids after an event / acievement or derriviations of our element so until one of those happen or we manifest we don't get names ~
(Fenrir) " Huh interesting different and weird but interesting... Well i usually meet with elders or passing souls so it isn't that surprising i never knew that. Anyway, speaking of elements we should probably see what elements you'll be manifesting maybe we'll figure out what lead to you being drawn to me "
~ Ok but how do i do it? ~
(Fenrir) " Tell me small one what colors did you see the forest in? "
~ ummm i saw brown, silver, white and red but what does that have to do with anything? ~
(Fenrir) " Four elements aside from your darkness element... interesting wait... white? now THAT'S interesting.... "
He just stopped right there and gave me a blank look until he just sighed
~ Um Mr.Fenrir? whats interesting ~
(Fenrir) " Garuda was right again to think i would be the one whose first met kin would have opposing elements... the world must be ending... it's just unbelievable how in the span of however long we've been here for he's been proven right twice... if he ever finds out i will never hear the end of it... well... back to what i was saying, It's interesting that you have two opposing elements it's rare but not unheard of... now I see why you were drawn to me small one. "
~ Really? why? Whats rare about having two opposing elements? Whats that have to do with meeting you? ~
(Fenrir) " Normally unless you were part of the draconian species you wouldn't have more then three elements. But your one of my kin who would normally only be capable of holding two unless they're a variant like you. By having four base elements your a first , by being the first of my kin to not be an elder or passing soul, to meet me your a first , by having opposing elements as a member of my kin which shouldn't be possible as your body shouldn't be capable of holding them your a first, and just as we were the first of all it only makes sense for a progenitor to teach a new progenitor. "
After that i couldn't help but stare at the massive smile of Mr.Fenrir and just shout.
~ ... WHAT ~
He really seems to enjoy my confusion as he starts laughing at me again but at this point i don't even feel annoyed how am i supposed to process being told that i'm going to be a PROGENITOR I WAS JUST SUPPOSED TO AWAKEN MY ELEMENTS AND I STILL HAVEN'T DONE THAT! but still how am i supposed to feel this is too much all at the same time because of him i almost forgot the other information dump he told me like having FOUR ELEMENTS WHAT??! i feel like my heads going to explode. Oh he stopped laughing now.
(Fenrir) " Listen well small one, i can tell you're confused and if the situation was reversed i would be too. Frankly i think anyone would be confused in your place but you have time especially because of what you are. Eclipse Wolves are interesting indeed. It took us decades, centuries even to properly acclimate to our powers and role of progenitors just because you will be one does not mean you are one now take it slowly i will be here to offer support. "
Knowing that i'll have alot of time makes me feel better but at the same time i'm still at a loss because he just said CENTURIES am i even going to live that long and if i do what about mama and papa what about my siblings... wait what'd he mean that we're an interesting species? and more importantly.
~ But how aren't you supposed to be dead? and what do you mean Eclipse Wolves are an interesting species? What powers do Progenitors have that take that long to get used to?~
(Fenrir) " All good questions small one so lets start with the first one yes im dead but at the same time im not"
After he says that he stops and looks at me i can tell hes trying not to laugh at me because my head tilted again... when did i even do that and how did i not even notice UGHHHH
~ Does me being an Eclipse Wolf have anything to do with my head tilting? ~
Why did i ask that just why... he's doing it again... he's laughing... i'm so... ugh i give up i can't even feel annoyed anymore.
(Fenrir) " No little one *Cough* it does not but i'll talk about your species next. Back to what i was saying, yes i am dead but at the same time i'm not. Back many millenia ago when we were at the end of our lives and had just decreed the law to treat orphaned cubs as kin we came here to this very tree to lay down and sleep together as a single family for the last time. It was then that we had found out something about this tree not only did it absorb our bodies as nutrients it lead our souls to somewhere beyond and we decided to call it Elysium***
(Fenrir) It looks like a reflection of the forest just vastly larger and it seems that whenever a kin who is deemed worthy dies in the forest they are brought there and meet us before they move on to another part of Elysium which the kin they belong too presides over. However we can still interact with the living such as now, however this is a first because you are apparently meant to be a new progenitor..."
Mr.Fenrir stops talking and looks back towards the tree at first i don't know why but then i start hearing the wind pick up and the crack in the tree seems to start closing up he can still fit but if it keeps closing he'll have a hard time getting back in.
(Fenrir) " ... it seems we may have to cut this short it seems like Bahamut... oh and Garuda... something is either very wrong or very good because everyone is starting to wake up and call me... This is interesting... Even Leviathan is waking up and he hates being bothered... well before i go i'll give you a crash course about your elements and manifesting.
Fire is fire it's hot and it's bright the hot part hurts and burns things while the lights annoying, Earth makes you tougher and harder to hurt, as long as your touching the ground your vitality and healing will be second to none unless it's someone with a water, light and earth element all in one then yea you won't outspeed that, air is great for being quick and tough to fight, they cant hurt you if your faster then they can hit, and Light is mostly for utility you can mix it with your fire for reallyyyy bright explosions and you can use it to support your other elements and boost your natural healing to speeds that make it physically visable.
And last but not least to properly manifest you need to correlate the colors you've seen as your elements and integrate them and make them apart of yourself how you do it is up to you everyone does it differently... "
Mr.Fenrir just keeps going how am i supposed to take this all in when he's rushing it! and he started looking back to the tree which has been steadily fixing the crack so i can tell he really has to go back but he could atleast properly explain it... why's he making that face? he looks like papa when mama catches him taking some of her food when we eat together. All of a sudden Mr.Fenrir stands up almost knocking me off his paw and yells.
(Fenrir) " HOW DID HE FIND OUT??! WHO TOLD GARUDA HE WAS RIGHT FOR ONCE??? im never going to hear the end of this oh gods help me ... i'm tempted to stay here just so i don't have to hear Garuda gloat but i have to go now little one hop off and mind your landing. "
I jumped off and landed on the ground almost slipping but i caught myself hopefully he di... he saw... I'm just going to go do what he told me and manifest my elements and...
~ um Mr.Fenrir how do i wake up after i manifest? ~
(Fenrir) " You'll wake up as soon as you finish so don't worry about it "
After he says that he starts to go back into the tree but before he goes i shout out
~ Bye Mr.Fenrir Thank you for... i don't really know what to thank you for now that i think about it. You gave me a headache in my own dream i don't know if that should be possible but i don't think it should be, so ummm talk to you some other time? wait how am i supposed to meet you again? ~
I hear Mr.Fenrir snort and say i'll know how and leave through the tree. As soon as he's gone i managed to do what he said and made my elements a part of me at first i may have... tried to eat them... but they went right through me after some time of thinking on it i figured it out by putting my paw of them and picturing my fur changing to match those colors apparently my shadow element was already a part of me so it made sense why i didn't see anything to represent it.
Now all thats left is waking up which i feel happening and it's a weird feeling, i'm here in my dream but i can feel myself somewhere else it's like there are two of me but i know that their both me its a strange feeling also in part of feeling my dream self get more groggy while my real body is moving more until i open my eyes and see mama and papa looking at me wide eyed.
(M.C) " I have so many questions but at the same time im more exhausted then when i went to sleep... i want to go back to sleep. "
After saying i wanted to go back to sleep, mama and papa didn't give me a moment before asking all sorts of questions and i couldn't blame them after what i just went through i'd ask as many questions as possible. But after some questions and hearing what they were asking i told them i really did need some sleep so after some convincing i managed to get them to agree to talking about what happened in the morning. But that didn't stop papa from poking me to make sure i was "real" before we went to sleep.
In the morning papa didn't even go out to hunt and mama didn't say anything about it because they were both interested in what happened they even managed to get my sibling involved even though they didn't see whatever mama and papa saw so now everyone is gathered around me waiting for me to explain... this is going to be a long day.
(Losine) " well Little One we think it's about time for you to explain what happened when you manifested your elements and why you glowed four different colors. "
Mamas giving me the look she gives papa when he takes her food she really likes to use this look when anyone gets in trouble... but why am i in trouble none of this is my fault! It doesn't matter if i believe that because mama isn't changing the look on her face and it's starting to scare me.
(M.C) " Ummm i don't know... how to start this exactly i mean alot happened and... umm i still don't know how to get it across and having you believe me. "
As im trying to figure out what to start with papa comes up to me and licks my cheek.
(Martiq) " Give her a bit to get her thoughts together Sile you look like your about to bite her head off with that look, besides if she says alot happened then i don't think you should make her anymore nervous then she already is or else we'll be waiting forever. "
Having said that mama's face softens and she sighs and starts to come up to me and sits on the side opposite to papa and nuzzles me. Meanwhile my brother is looking bored while my sister has her head tilted just like how me and mama do and eventually she trots over to where papa is amd lays down looking at me like how i look at mama when i want to ask something.
(Losine) " Your right, sometimes i forget that behind your aloof personality your smart and know what your actually doing most of the time... i'll take the advice. This time. "
After saying that mama looks back over to me and ssoftens the look she's giving me to something kinder.
(Losine) " Im sorry little one i've just never heard of any Eclipse Wolf or even any kind of wolf having more then 2 elements aside from us having Darkness as our innate element and yet my firstborne and oldest just manifests four elements right before my eyes, even Martiq was surprised. "
*COUGH* for some reason papa just looked away after a cough which is definitly not suspicious at all, mama seems to be thinking the same thing as she just looks at papa and narrows her eyes but before she can say anything my little sister looks at papa and asks.
(L.S) " Papa are you sick? if you are can i get your portion of the food? "
Mama lets up her look and just smiles at my little sister for now it looks like papas off the hook.
(Martiq) " I was just surprised because you were surprised i didn't really know what was going on "
Nevermind, mamas looking back at papa but this time she's giving him the blankest look i've ever seen her give any of us. Papas definitly going to be in trouble later.
(M.C) " Well if im going to start anywhere i'll start with the second biggest thing ... i met Mr.Fenrir. "
When i said his name mama and papa stop looking at each other and started at me like im crazy or said something that shouldn't be possible which i can sympathize with because everyone knows that the progenitors died a very long time ago yet here i am saying i met him.
(Losine) " Little one this is no time for jokes this is a serious conversation. Fenrir died long before any of us were born there is no concievableway for you to have met him. "
(M.C) " But i did! and he laughed at me and then rushed through how i was supposed to manifest and distracted me! "
With that papa looks at mama and it feels like they spoke with their minds like how i did with Mr.Fenrir but different their talking with their eyes... thats cool. After a few seconds they look back down to me and mama nudges me to keep going.
(Losine) " You said the second biggest thing so what is the first? if what you said is true then i suppose i should wait on my criticism until i hear everything you have to say. "
(Martiq) " What was he like? Am i cooler then him? "
(Losine) " Martiq. "
(Martiq) " I'll be quiet now. "
I think i know what papas doing he's helping keep me calm by being goofy but it's probably just papa being papa i think mama caught on but i think she's just being herself.
(M.C) " He was sort of like papa but also like mama at times but he was nice ... when he wasn't laughing at me ... he told me i'm going to be a new progenitor... "
Even papa doesn't say anything after that, everyone even my little brother whose just been doing his own thing looks at me like i've grown 3 heads. Mama starts staring into my eyes like shes trying to figure out if i'm actually awake or still asleep, that or if im lying but after looking for a while she gives up and just looks out of our den in the direction the big tree is.
(Losine) " Nothing is ever easy is it... "
Mama starts thinking and i know thats what shes doing because she's tilted her head like me and sis do and suddenly she looks to me and says.
(Losine) " I've decided on what your name will be little one. "
(Losine) " Martiq do you have any qualms on naming her Eclina after the first female Eclipse Wolf? "
Papa looked to mama and then to me before smiling and saying
(Martiq) " None at all. None at all it... Seems fitting and im guessing thats the reason your doing it for huh? You know that if she ever runs into other Eclipse Wolves that name might bring her some problems if their as strict as you used to be right? "
Mama looks to papa before giving him a small smile and shakes her head at him to say.
(Losine) " Considering she's going to be a progenitor i don't think anyone in the entire world will say anything about it and even if they do their a fool. Being a progenitor might not even have to come up considering her four elements alongside her darkness element. "
~ Oh we haven't even gone over what my elements are... but should i bring that up right now they look like their having a moment and i don't want to interrupt. ~
Soon mama puts her paw on my head and looks down to me before giving me a lighthearted smile that feels warm to look at and even warmer knowing it's aimed at me.
(Martiq) " this is going to be a lot to think about so why don't we save your elements for tomorrrow if your siblings manifest then we can have the talk about them all together that sound good? "
(M.C) " Yes papa i'm ok with that "
Looking to mama for approval she nods her head and soon we decide to eat from what we had saved from before and sleep.
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