《Fables: The Forgotten Legends》Chapter 7
The battle left all of us injured in some way, Stone and Ordwin both had multiple broken ribs. As for Ham, Bolmer and myself, we had numerous burns from the Slithra's venom as well as slices riddled along our bodies. Something a simple "Melt" and bind of the flesh wouldn't fix. "A few broken ribs ain't nothing." Stone grunts pulling up his shirt revealing a large purple bruise before letting it fall. "I've had worse working with my Hatchfather in the mines." He said what any dwarf would mutter, his slight winces of pain didn't hold him to his words though.
We separated the colored stones placing each one at around 5 feet away from another, after the sudden appearance of the Slithra we didn't want another supposedly extinct creature to emerge from the shards. "I say we go back to that barrier and just hand the shards over to those voices!" Bolmer pipes, "why should we have to risk our lives making this purple shard just for some water!" Glaring at Bolmer I gave a slight growl as did Ham, "H...he has a point." Ordwin mutters. "W..who knows what cr...creature will come when we m..m..merge another shard together." Stone wore a hard expression glancing at the shards, "what would a creature living in the pit need such a powerful item for is what I'm most concerned about," he mutters. "They wouldn't tell us... more like refused to tell us," Ham responds.
"Those things aren't going to explain anything to us," I add. "But we don't have the luxury of being picky... they have water and we need it." They all reluctantly agreed, wandering through the pit with no water wasn't an ideal situation. Having found a source leaving it without tapping it was something none of us wanted to do. "W..we need more information I..i..if were going to combine the sh.sh.shards." Ordwin mutters, "Let's t..t..talk to these creatures and s..s.s.s.see exactly what we're dealing with." Stone and Bolmer seemed to agree not having met the squeaky voices, I was reluctant to the idea as was Ham. The scowls on our faces apparent. "There's no harm in trying." Stone grunts sliding the shards in his bag, "You said the fortress was abandoned right? Then it's much safer than staying out here." For a grouch he had a point, the only argument I had being "I don't want to dance again." I didn't say a word and simply led the way out of the shard room.
It only took about an hour before we reached the outer walls of the fortress, navigating through the dark proved to be much easier with more dwarves lighting their dwarven fire. Although I proposed to use the blue shards instead of wasting our energy the rest of the group disagreed, not wanting to use the unknown shards any more than needed. We were still alert to the unknown creatures that could easily whisk us away into the darkness. Entering through the only entrance to the collapsed fortress Ordwin and Stone seemed intrigued with the destroyed statues inspecting them.
"What kind of being do you think worships this?" Stone grumbles, "If I'm c..c.correct it resembles the All D..D...Daughter, before the massacre." they followed close behind me and Ham as we walked to the back of the fortress going behind the gigantic boulder. "You weren't kidding when you said it was burnt to the ground," Stone mutters looking at the melted stone and black ash that covered the entire southern portion of the area. "T..t.this would take a high-level kind o.o.o.of magic to do," Ordwin pipes. Even Bolmer was unusually quiet when looking at the melted structure before the familiar blue light resonated from inside the boulder.
"A.are they there?" to which I simply shrugged. "I don't suppose we're supposed to knock?" Ham mutters as Bolmer unsheaths his hammer. "Yeah, I'll knock!" He barks licking his lips before darting towards the barrier before Ham could stop him I simply shook my head in his direction causing him to pause as Bolmer struck the invisible wall with all his might. The rest of us watched as the barrier rippled slightly before sparks ejected outward launching him through the air leaving a smokey trail as he hit the ground with a large "thud". The air could be heard leaving his lungs as he gasped frantically. "h.h.hahaha..a.a" Ordwin let out what I assume to be a hearty laugh, making my skin crawl. The stuttered laughter sounded like some kind of creature of the darkness only adding to the amusement before the familiar high pitched voice rang out in the area. "So you've brought more dwarves to destroy our barrier Galendal Evorales from the City of Curuz and Ham Oinkers from the City of Toradain!" The voice squeaked angrily.
Stone raised an eyebrow in my direction, "this is the voice you two are talkin about?" he murmurs to which Ham nods. "We aren't here for a fight, we've come with questions about the shards." Ham starts facing the barrier. "Questions? Simply bring us the violet shard! Even a pig of Toradain should be able to accomplish the task." I chuckle to myself as does Stone while Ham frowns, "t.t.t.the shards create beasts w.w.w.when merged to...to..together, w..what do you n..n..neeed with such a powerful item?" Ordwin mutters. The barrier is silent for a moment before conversing with themselves in their language to which Ordwin seemed to listen intently to. I wondered if he understood the strange creatures, as if reading my mind he whispers in our direction, "t.tt.their speaking in the l.l...l.language of the fairies."
Thinking about it, it explains a lot especially the dancing although I didn't know there were fairies capable of destroying a fortress. The two squeaky voices chuckle to themselves briefly causing Ordwin to frown slightly before speaking, "D..d.ddwarf why do you t..t.t.t.talk like that?" The fairies ask mockingly laughing hysterically. Ordwin gave a scowl before stomping away angrily kicking stones. "That was a bit harsh..." Stone mutters to which I slightly nodded, "what do you expect their fairies."
"What we need with the violet shard is of no concern to you dwarves, as for the creatures what did you expect would happen when combining elemental shards? The shards are simply trying to protect themselves by creating such monsters, perhaps you shouldn't combine them so clumsily." The three of us turned looking towards Bolmer as he continued to lay on the ground still recovering from being repelled by the barrier. "It's.....not like....they gave us instructions or anything." He pants through gasps. Rolling my eyes I turn back towards the barrier, "We have the shards here, why don't YOU combine them." I spit with a grumble. Stone seemed to agree with my proposal crossing his arms as his head bobbed up in down. Although Ham seemed on edge, with our surroundings being melted rock it was no mystery as to why.
"That was not the proposal Galendale Evorales! If you wish to be permitted through the barrier then you will forge the violet shard and give it to us." The fairies squeaked quickly. "This proposal was offered to yourself and the pig of Toradain the other dwarves you have brought here will not be permitted into our land."
"What!" Bolmer shouts with vigor, picking himself off the ground before stumbling towards the boulder. "I'll have you know we ALL defeated that Slithra that came out of those troublesome shards! We have just as much right into that barrier then Gale or Ham." His voice came out in a snarl as he stood in front of the barrier pointing towards the creatures that lay on the other side. "I'm not afraid of you pixies! Or whatever ability you used to melt this stone around us like these other dwarves! So either you take the shards and let us in, or I'll find my own way to get water!"
"P.p.pixies! Why you rude...." The voices mutter before high pitched squeaks I assumed was shouting could be heard but not understood as it was in their native tongue towards Bolmer. "Do you have some kind of death wish!" Ham growls shoving Bolmer violently. "If you want to die that's fine but don't drag me into it fatty!"
"Ha! Coming from a dwarf with the name of a swine!" Bolmer snarls back, shoving Ham forcing him to take a step. "Why don't you go roll around in some mud and let a real dwarf do the talking!"
Watching the argument I was looking forward to a fight the only thing missing was a mug of ale and it would be like watching a brawl with my hatchfather. Ordwin hobbled back and started sputtering at the barrier waving his fist angrily, "I'll h.h...h.have you know I'm the s...s..smartest dwarf that came to Usx from my C..C...City!"
Looking at Stone he scratched his beard not knowing what to do about the situation, "It's been awhile since the last time I saw a brawl." I mutter a grin growing on my face. Glancing at me slightly Stone scoffs before intervening. "Alright enough!" He mutters pulling apart both Bolmer and Ham as they struggled to butt heads clawing at each other.
"I SAID ENOUGH!" he says shouting now, shoving them singlehandedly knocking them on the ground. A sigh escapes his lips as a deep frown lay ingrained on his face. "We don't have the time to be arguing! Or have you forgotten where we are!" The two of them still heated stood up but didn't pursue the argument any further simply grumbling to themselves angrily. "Nice work there Stone," I say patting him on the back to which he shrugged off my hand. "If we won't be allowed in the barrier there's no point in me being here." He mutters looking at the barrier. The voices still bickering with Ordwin realizing he could understand them.
"Their fairies do a performance or something, they like that kind of thing." I muse. Perhaps I would get my entertainment after all. Grumbling Stone nods his head thinking about the proposal briefly before confronting the barrier. "Ordwin! Shut it!"
"B..b..b.but they..." Stone shifts a glare towards him causing him to stop his babbling. "The angry squeaks seemed to listen to his command as well for they remained silent in his presence. I was impressed with how he handled the situation even if I didn't offer any help, I would have preferred the two dwarves fight and get the anger out of their system. Now it would stew, hopefully, they wouldn't hold any grudges. "I apologize for the rudeness my fellow dwarves have shown you, please accept my humble apology," Stone says placing a fist over his chest. The fairies mutter to themselves lowly, not wanting Ordwin to hear them perhaps before speaking, "It seems one of you dwarves were raised with some manners!" The high pitch voice squeaked. "Are you the leader of this group?" Turning back towards me Stone raises an eyebrow to which I simply shrugged.
I didn't mind Stone leading the group, he seemed like a dwarf who possessed a pair of very hard hands. Maybe even harder then mine, but I would never admit that out loud. Although I didn't mind, Bolmer seemed appalled at the idea and attempted to interject his opinion before Ham clocked him in the jaw with a strong fist sending him reeling back before knocking him out cold. I've been wanting to do that ever since I met him and was slightly envious of Ham as a satisfied smile lay on his face. Turning towards Stone Ham gives him a thumbs up while nodding his head.
"Yeah I'm in charge of this group of dwarves, my name is Stovall Nove but you can call me Stone." he continued firmly. "If there is anything we can do for all of us to be allowed into your lands I would be grateful."
The voices seemed to scoff to themselves still upset about the argument I assumed, "Your group is very disrespectful, all of our negotiations will only be made through you Stone." They spat. Turning around quickly he muttered the word "leave" before turning back towards the fairies. Grabbing Bolmer by the ankles me and Ham proceeded towards a melted building Ordwin following close behind. The collapsing structure was missing a roof, while a gaping hole penetrated through the front and back walls.
"F.f.f.fairies are such j...j.j.jerks!" Ordwin pipes with a huff as he plopped on the ground sending ash flying.
"Jerks who have something we need.... nice going pissing them off," I mutter. The babbling idiot could have gotten us killed, and possibly ruined any chances of getting past the barrier. No, that we were away from the barrier and the danger it imposed on us the urge to knock him over the head came.
We waited as Stone conversed with what Ordwin had told us were fairies for close to 20 minutes, Bolmer sitting up while asking what had happened before he blacked out to which none of replied. Stone strutted in the collapsed building moments later, "looks like negotiating has gone well" Ham mutters to which Stone slightly nods. He scratched his head while rubbing his beard before telling us the details of what the fairies had said.
"First off they ain't pixies, they wanted me to make that fact pretty clear. Their names are Twinkle and Tait not sure about the family name didn't care too much to ask. As for letting us enter the barrier, they agreed to let all of us enter.....although." Looking at both Ordwin and Bolmer he gave a pitiful look before continuing, "as for you two if you agree to the terms of participating in the Fairy Festival they agreed to forgive the comments you made earlier."
"Fairy Festival?" Bolmer grunts folding his arms? "Is that it? Sure why not." Ordwin contemplated for a moment before agreeing to the terms the fairies had set. Nodding slightly Stone continued, "As for the shards they aren't budging on the requirements of us forging the violet shard.... they refused to tell me any details as to why they need it or what they intend to do with it.... however they did agree to help in providing us direction with a map of what they know of Usx, as well as food and other resources they can provide us with."
I couldn't help feeling impressed Stone had managed to get so much out of the stubborn little bastards, Ham seemed to share in my surprise as his mouth continued to hang slightly ajar.
"You managed to get all that information from just talking to them for 20 minutes?" I mutter slapping his back briefly,
"Your as good with your tongue as you are with a hammer." Ham pipes to which Stone responded with a sharp grin,
"That is what the maidens tell me.." He mutters as we all shared in a hearty laugh, well all of us but Ordwin and Bolmer, maybe the fairies hadn't made that great an impact on them for they still wore bitter faces.
"Let's just get the shards merged and get out of this place, the quicker we're done with the fairies the better! Bolmer growls to which Ordwin muttered a nasally, "A..a..agreed."
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