《Man of Earth》Chapter 17: City On The Coin
“All I have to d-waugh!’
“Fm-hn-hn he he-“
I watched in silence as Grace’s laugh burst forth from her slender lips, the small mouth no longer able to restrain the cute giggle it had trapped inside. The cool evening air rapidly filled with a mix of poorly concealed pleasure, an unsettling series of pops, and the flustered ramblings of a slightly embarrassed elf trying to come up with an explanation as Brook calmly stomped out the blackened saucer that caused the upset.
“I-it’s not my fault! The man behind the counter said to put the WHOLE THING in the fire, and it would cook right! He lied! It’s his fault!”
“Ha ha ha ha-“
I couldn’t resist the grin that pulled at the corner of my mouth in response to the elven-girl’s reaction, so I looked away, returning my attention to the oddly untrodden dirt road which lay just ahead. I stifled an unwanted chuckle as I recalled, with no small amount of amusement, the flustered salesman who attempted to explain the proper way to heat the so-called “Traveler’s Food Packet”, and his repetitive warnings of what might happen if the flames were too hot, but the entranced elf simply ignored them.
“Stop it! Stop laughing! It’s not funny!”
“Haah ah-I’m sorry... it just caught me a little off-guard is all.”
Grace wiped the tears of joy from her pink cheeks, brushing aside a stray lock of gray hair as she did, and apologized for her outburst, extending the gentle hand to rest on Ella’s head. Of course, the childish elf’s pouting lip only grew larger upon hearing an admission of guilt, but the pliable nature of an innocent mind quickly led her to accept the affectionate actions with a hesitant nod, and a bright expression.
When we first set out, Grace’s movements seemed reluctant and a bit tense, but over the past few days, Ella’s flamboyant personality was able to slowly pull her out of the shell she had set up. However, while this display of friendship was comforting to see despite the unshakeable glaze which still remained over her eyes, yet another troublesome problem had already begun to arise in response, and judging from what I’ve seen, it won’t end happily. I wasn’t certain until this morning, and I don’t know exactly why or what I can do to to stop it, but with every passing minute another rune turns black, then her hair grows darker, and her movements slower.
“Let’s go already!”
The three inhuman girls stepped past me as Ella took the lead, joyfully dragging the expressionless Brook up a sharp incline not far off, while simultaneously maintaining an interactive conversation with Grace to her left. She really is something else. I let out a resigned sigh, shuffling forward in a wandering pursuit while contentedly accepting the crisp air, and closing my eyes as my skin savored the cool breeze that slid across my newly clothed body.
I won’t feign apathy. Grace is a good person, and her deteriorating physical condition does worry me, but since it appears to be a magically-induced problem, there’s most likely nothing I can do to help. Ella might be able to do something, but I have a feeling that whoever lives in the castle on the coin has the real cure to the ever-worsening ailment, and considering how... indelicate the she-elf is when wielding magic, experimentation is probably better left to people who don’t literally explode.
I closed my eyes, continuing to submissively shuffle forward, before sinking deeper into the disorganized vat of thoughts which makes up a large portion of my mind. The last thing we need right now is another obstacle between our group and the destination our guide constantly claims is “just around the corner”. I would be surprised that Ella still hasn’t noticed the change in Grace’s appearance and demeanor, but after watching her collide with the same rock twice, subconsciously incinerate six different trees, and haphazardly vaporize a small pond, I’ve learned to just let it be. Besides, we’ve already spent the last of our money at the previous town, and inciting worry in the fire-mage might do more damage than our penniless group can afford to replace.
Wait, why did they stop? My eyes flicked open, revealing the rugged landscape behind it’s veil before instantly setting a curious gaze on the three silhouettes that had frozen at the crest of the incline, each struck dumb by whatever sight lay beyond my field of vision.
I’ve rapidly started to develop several habits involving the use of abilities without conscious effort, such as using my elevated secondary senses to navigate, as well as a couple small feats of telekinesis, but still haven’t quite figured out how teleportation works or why it emits so much light when activated. This is something I’ve focused heavily on in my spare time, since, as my old man would say, “quick escapes can spare you from an untimely death”, but can’t seem to move any further than a foot in any direction. It’s almost as if I’m not applying my thoughts in the right areas, and end up forcing myself through extra, unnecessary layers that greatly reduce it’s range, but...
“Oooh, it’s so big, and pointy, and white! It’s like the opposite of a turtle!”
A certain member of this group leaves little room for productivity... although, if you leave the turtle comment aside, she did just confirm my suspicions. I took a final step forward, drawing myself up so I could stand next to my three companions, and cast my attention outward expectantly, scanning the unveiled destination for whatever awe-inspiring detail had brought even the inattentive Ella pause.
Our path descended into a deep valley who’s surface was blanketed with small, luminescent flowers that emitted a dim sapphire glow, save for a single narrow pathway leading down it’s face. With thoroughly captured attention, I passively slid two fingers along the leathery brim of my hat, and watched intently as the entrancing pulse of ethereal light swept rhythmically across the concave land, before disappearing behind a small white mountain located at the valley’s center.
I shifted my focus to the pervasive obstruction, surprised at how long it had taken me to notice the mountainous structure, and wary of the intense energy flowing through it. The ivory building’s peak was almost level with where we stood, but, while it’s sizable frame is eye-catching, it could never compare to Balm’ak’s incomparably monstrous wall or any of it’s main buildings. This must be our destination, the Moriaki Vel.
Ella, who had somehow managed to access magic without alerting me, flew from the ground, twisting her body around as she flipped over Brook’s head, before releasing a blast of energy that sent her rocketing toward my startled figure at breakneck speed. I almost considered taking a step to the side, and letting the ground teach her why this is such a bad idea, but quickly dismissed it since she would most likely die on impact, and instead held out my arms in preparation.
Wait a second... something’s wrong. My eyes turned toward a sudden flare of magic from somewhere in the valley, and was barely able to glimpse a blur threateningly streak toward the rapidly descending elf with deadly precision. An aura of fear inundated the air around us, though I had no time to hesitate or seek it’s source, and instead hurled my body into it’s path, wrapping my arms defensively around my unaware friend just as an explosive clap sounded from behind. However, I felt no effect, and the two of us fell heavily to the dirt path below.
“Shit! Son of a-... what the hell Tak!? what’d you do that for!? I had a bet with Siti, too... fuck!”
“They’re my guides, Vetara. Let them be.”
Grace stood between us, and a strange man I assumed to be the attacker, her once beautiful white staff brought to bear, and was gradually feeding energy the transparent gray wall that had successfully blocked his strike. With a sharp breath, the chosen one withdrew her weapon, and hastily placed it in a more supportive position at her side, before shakily leaning on it’s smooth head. Sweat beaded on her strained face from the exertion, but the bunny-girl’s steadfast resolve kept her posture straight and confident while facing a different kind of opponent than usual.
Strangely, the hostile had addressed Grace familiarly, though he called her “Tak”, his petulant voice erupting from unsealable lips as he threw frustrated curses in her direction, and occasionally waved the small white wand in his left hand dramatically. The attacker, who is apparently known as Vetara, looked to be no older than twenty-one, but the pointed ears that peeked out from his long blond hair and sharp features that showed wisdom beyond the visible age clearly defined his elven heritage. Aside from his temperament, he fit the stereotypical description of an elf perfectly, but I almost didn’t recognize it due to the misleading mental image I had already built of male elves’ being ridiculously muscular, while females remain small and thin. I suppose, in a magical world, physical appearance is less nature, and more nurture.
“Guides? This pack of unrecognizably interbred outcasts? You can’t be serious.”
A look of disgust materialized on the elven mage’s face as he vocalized his appraisal, heavily focusing on our group’s odd appearance, and inflating the negative features with a poorly hidden bias. Agitated fingers pinched the smooth ivory object in his hand, slowly retracting the powerful magic from it’s veins, and confidently lowering his arm
Ella, who had fallen safely on top of me, shifted, pushing off my chest with dimly glowing hands while hastily returning to her feet, immediately whipping around to face the attacker with an expression of uninhibited rage burning through her elven features. Even I could sense the nauseating energy pour from her body as I watched the other mage’s eyes grow wide with shock, and the unpleasant attitude retreat with a cautious step backward, reactively summoning comparably powerful magic of his own. A fight between these two would be... destructive, so I should probably interject.
“Back off, Ella. You wouldn’t... stand a chance... especially without your wand... trust me.”
Grace was likely thinking the same thing, and spoke a sincere warning to Ella just as my mouth began to form it’s sentence, though her words brought more concern than comfort. The noticeable pauses in the girl’s speech poorly reflected the extent of the damage she could no longer hide, and was visibly worsening with each passing moment. Agitation pooled in my stomach as the cocky elf’s eyes briefly locked with mine, remembering the unprovoked strike, and how our weakened friend had strained herself in an attempt to block it. I found no trace of concern on the sharp face despite Grace’s damaged state, which could no longer be simply overlooked, even by the unobservant Ella who had now adopted a deeply worried expression.
God... damn... it. Why are things so complicated? Grace made it clear that she doesn’t want there to be fight, but our options are becoming severely limited. I don’t think I can leave a member of our group here in good conscience, but I also promised to resign my escorting duties upon her request... this is quite a pickle I’ve gotten us into.
“W-what kind of fucking moron took that-... that MONSTER off it’s leash? This little imp needs t-!?!”
I felt a rage separate from my own wash over me, though Ella couldn’t hear the stream of insults, since all thoughts had been drawn to the deepening shade of her nearly crippled friend, which made her an unlikely source. However, the silver-haired warrior, who was unable to keep up with our movements, had apparently been freed from her temporary daze when Ella’s magic flooded the area, and heard Vetara’s words clearly. Brook moved before the sentence finished, the dirt ground, and her new shoes, exploding from the sheer power generated by her small foot as she streaked toward the unprepared enemy.
Something moved, hidden from sight, but most definitely there, slicing through the air as if nothing more than a breeze on a direct course to Brook’s target. Shit, I can’t get there in time. I was too preoccupied with the enemy before us to check our surroundings for a second attacker, leaving me completely unprepared once again, and placing everyone else in serious danger. It’s too late for regret now, I’ll have to improvise.
I threw my left elbow heavily into the ground, ignoring the resounding boom that immediately followed, and used my planted right palm as a guide while twisting horizontally to once again regain a foothold. Fuck! Please notice it, please notice-. Brook suddenly jerked, instinctually repositioning her body mid-air, and turning as if to face the invisible threat head-on. Good, she noticed it.
I half-buried my right foot the moment land came into sight, and launched forward just as the surprised girl flung a devastatingly powerful fist in the general direction of the unseen interceptor. Brook is undeniably strong, and, while she’s backed the experience from years spent in battle, not likely to lose in a hand-to hand fight, even if the opponent has a chance to land an attack first. However, if she kills him, then it may complicate Grace’s situation further, and even lead to an all-out fight between our small group and whatever horrors lurk within the Moriaki Vel. I suppose the most I can do right now is hope no one dies with the first strike, and then restrain her to the best of my abilities.
A shockwave blew past me, nearly throwing the treasured accessory from it’s resting place as it ferociously tore at my newly-bought clothing, and explosively obliterated everything nearby. My vision was momentarily hampered by a sheet of debris raised from the impact, but was quickly dispersed as a second blow met it’s mark, this one carrying twice the destructive power.
I could feel my blood lurch when a streak of black clothing mixed with silvery hair vertically divided the peaceful night sky, instantly recognizing the small girl wrapped within, and sensing her trauma-induced stupor. My body reacted before I had a chance to think, instinctually jamming both feet diagonally into the dirt while simultaneously utilizing my barely awoken abilities to redirect the horizontal momentum I created upward, and made a near-perfect ninety-degree turn. The air violently lashed out, and the ground beneath it rumbled from the applied force as I impatiently matched my injured friend’s ascent, propelled by numerous burst of wind since it was simpler, and more predictable than manipulating gravity or teleportation.
I’m almost certain Brook landed the first strike, but that would mean whatever just showed up both accepted and dealt a ridiculous amount of damage with little to no hesitation, not to mention effectively hide it’s presence from us until the last moment. I moronically let my guard down despite being in a hostile environment, and because of that, someone I promised to take care of is hurt.
Time slowed as I extended my hand towards Brook, feeling the mutilated fabric which she had shyly accepted just yesterday fold around my fingers, and knowing it was only a superficial repercussion of the unexpected event. With a frustrated sigh, my right arm softly wrapped itself around the silver-haired girl’s upper back, holding her small frame in place as my left pulled her knees up into the princess-style carry I’ve grown so familiar with. However, hearing the nauseating click of her small, shattered ribs accompany each ragged breath, and shifting to properly support the limp head which hung from her unconscious body seemed to tug at something well-hidden in the back of my mind.
Sickened with rage and , I began my descent. There are four on the ground, which means whatever it was that interjected is still down there with Grace and Ella, most likely waiting for the two of us to return before beginning... whatever’s about to happen. With Brook injured, Grace incapacitated, and Ella supporting her, a retreat would probably be the safest route, but I doubt the stubborn bunny will agree to leave now that her sense of helplessness has likely just been reaffirmed. Damn it, she’s going to sacrifice herself for the rest of us, or at least try, because she doesn’t see any other way out. Obviously, there’s no way in hell I’ll let something like that happen.
Only the sound of air whipping by filled my ears as we quickly returned to the scene below, gradually easing to a stop before resting my feet on the battered terrain. Being unfamiliar with the things of this world, I couldn’t discern exactly how bad Brook’s are injuries or how fast she would recover from them, but the faint, rapid pulsing of magical energy, and the fact that she completely lost consciousness leads me to believe this is something not even a battle-hardened warrior like her could shake off easily. This situation escalated very quickly, and I don’t see any further interaction as necessary or productive in any way, but escaping right now would mean leaving Grace behind in a rapidly-deteriorating state. Besides, I’d like to exchange a few “words” with the latest arrival concerning my small friend’s unnecessarily excessive injuries.
I finally let my eager eyes lock on the unfamiliar face opposite me, remaining silent as my intentions were slowly revealed through their glassy shell. The creature was head-and-shoulders taller than his elven comrade, and the calm, yet defensive stance he skillfully maintained likely means he is the older and more experienced of the two. I almost mistook him for a giant, but was ultimately unable to identify my new enemy’s race due to the fluid morphing and shifting of mass beneath the dark skin of his forearm, which would have almost made him look like a bag of living jello if not for rippling muscles that bulged from beneath his contrasting white robes.
“Stranger, I believe it would be in the best interests of everyone here if you were to leave. Now.”
Two flawless pearls rested in place of the hulking creature’s eyes, narrowing to emphasize his warning, and humming almost imperceptibly as they filled with the strange energy native to this world. I manipulated gravity to negate this world’s pull on Brook in hopes of easing her pain, while simultaneously lowering my hands to better prepare for any threatening movements made against me or my friends. I didn’t want or expect a fight when we arrived, and, despite my personal displeasure with this entire situation, only planned on having a civilized conversation with the archbishop who Grace held in such high regard. However, if that ever was a possible outcome, it isn’t anymore.
“Siti, you’re seeing this too, right? This shit is starting to freak me ou-”
“An open mouth guarantees a fool’s death, Vetara. Unless you wish to meet Raven before sunrise, I suggest you close it.”
Ah, that must be why “Siti”, I believe he was called, has been acting so cautious rather than simply trying to kill us and be done with this whole interaction. It wouldn’t be unreasonable to assume that he had intended to kill Brook as well, likely recognizing her skill, and thinking she made up our main defense until seeing my magic-free pursuit. If he was correct, then our strongest warrior would have been dead, and the rest of us completely demoralized and susceptible to persuasion or extermination depending on his mood. The plan was to be quick and calculated, eliminating the threat before any damage was done while relying on his overconfident partner to be nothing more than himself. A distraction.
“You can’t tell me what to do! I’m stronger than you, and you know it! Just for that, I’m not paying. The bet is off.”
“Silence yourself, whelp! Or shall I return you to your mothers womb, and pray Moria gifts this cocky tongue as well as it’s overdeveloped body with a more deserving soul?”
The frustrated creature hissed in response to Vetara’s tantrum, lashing out at his weak-minded comrade’s intellect with hyperbole and language that manifested the dramatic difference between them. Authority isn’t necessarily synonymous with physical, or in this case magical, power that-... wait, didn’t he mention something about a bet?
Brook’s weightless figure began drifting off to my right, sufficiently protected by a well-ventilated bubble of air as it slowly neared the withering bunny and her friendly supporter. A silent pulse of light from the surrounding dark blue flowers drew long shadows across our unflinching frames, localizing the light, as well as the magic it carried into a perfect circle around our small gathering.
It seems as though Siti immediately noticed that I am void of magic, and manipulated his partner into testing my abilities, while opting to remain an escapable distance away to observe my reaction. While caught completely unprepared, I was still able to place myself in front of Ella before the attack would have landed, which shows that I have either an adept magical perception or dramatically heightened senses, and that I had the abilities necessary to utilize them efficiently. I’m assuming he also figured out the attachment I have to the others since my first reaction was to defend Ella, rather than simply push her out of the way, and leave her open to whatever attacks may follow.
So, the logical move would be to attack either Brook or Ella before I could defend them, which might completely dishearten, shock, or send me into a reckless rampage that Siti could easily use to his advantage in a fight. Of course, when Grace protected Ella, he probably thought it safer to wait for one of us to make a move against Vetara, which was almost definitely going to happen eventually, before entering with his own counter-attack and letting us assume it was all to rescue his partner.
A sigh escaped my lips, easing the anger bubbling up within, and allowing me to think clearly about what my next move should be. This... might be tough. I doubt such an experienced warrior would approach an enemy without some kind of backup plan, especially an enemy he doesn’t fully understand, and while I might be safe from most attacks, it’s clear that using my friends against me is a tactic he will definitely try if the situation begins to go sideways.
“Foresight is a blessing granted only to them who pay it’s price, yes?”
Siti’s voice was calm, testing my silence for any hidden intentions I might have through a light-hearted taunting of his now silenced ally, and casually shifting to a more offensive stance. I remained completely silent, my eyes thoughtfully downcast, and my mind quickly sweeping the surrounding area in preparation of what was to come. I don’t remember paying the price he mentioned, but there are still tons of memories that have yet to resurface in my recovering mind, most of which I will likely want to forget. However, none of that matters right now.
“This is your final chance to walk away, strong one. Take your injured friend, and leave this place forever. If you do this now, I will see to it that you are absolved of your crimes against Moria, Balm’ak, and the Zoi church before the week’s end.”
I felt Grace’s magic ignite her staff, and noticed it’s white light outshine the dreary pulse of the sapphire blossoms to my right. She’s preparing to fight, despite being weakened. Ella is with her at the moment, so Brook should be safe from any indirect attacks until a fight between us and them would end. In that case...
“What say you?”
The voice called out the last three words he would ever say to me, taking a bold step forward as if to hasten my response through fear, and tensed his abundant mass of muscle to show that this was no idle threat. I suppose it would be rude not to make my intentions known after he put so much thought into our little interactions.
I lifted my gaze from the dirt below, matching his questioning eyes with unwavering certainty, and smiled.
“I sa-!?”
Something moved behind me. A flare of white light filled my vision as the uncontrollable energy wrapped itself around my backside, recklessly pulling at a similar power embedded in the very fabric of space, and briefly tearing me away from reality. Everything disappeared as Brook, Ella, and I were jerked far away from the white mountain, the blue flowers, and the dangers that accompanied them. However, none of that mattered right now...
The only important thing left behind in the unexpected banishment was a single dying bunny, and all the problems that came with her.
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ɢᴜᴀᴘᴏ | Qᴜᴀᴄᴋɪᴛʏ ツ DISCONTINUED
"ɪ ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ʟɪᴋᴇ ʏᴏᴜ" ~ "wₒw ₜₕₐₙₖₛ ᵢ fᵤcₖᵢₙg ₗₒᵥₑ yₒᵤ" ~
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Mai Hoon Saath Tere...
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