《Queensmen》25. The Emperor Himself


Looking at things from a different perspective, Oris supposed that she should be proud that she was the only bride candidate given a chance at seeing Hermes' face before the selection even began.

Granted, her entrance into the palace had not been as low-key as she had planned or expected, the fact that there were no chains around her wrists was a pleasant surprise.

The fact that her status now hovered between one of prestige and that of a criminal did not bother her.

She had not been detained for long; she had not been detained at all if the short ride from the palace gates to the royal court was not counted.

Yes, the incident had been reported to the Emperor himself and he had chosen to deal with it.

How kind. Oris didn't know who she preferred to handle her case, Hermes or his Queen Mother?

"On your knees," the guard in charge of escorting her to her hearing shoved her from behind the moment her feet crossed the threshold of the court.

Immediately, all the seated officials turned to look at her. She could tell that they recognized her and fortunately that worked in her favor.

She got on her knees as asked and placed her left hand behind her right, bringing her thumbs together so her spread fingers resembled that of a bird's wings. She pushed both hands flat against her chest and bowed till her forehead touched the carpeted floor.

She said nothing and remained bowing, knowing that though she had her seen him, she was in the presence of Hermes, the Emperor of the New World.

Not showing respect would get her killed but anything more that a bow of greeting would be a mistake. She had not been given permission to rise or speak, so she would do neither—not that she was itching to be assertive and make the first move.

The walk up the nearly countless steps leading to the royal court itself had tired Oris out. It had also given her time to think, time that was very essential for someone the Emperor's mother was in the mood to kill.


It was times like these that she was glad that she had come to the palace with no expectations. As long as she and her four maids lived to tell the tale, she was alright with any outcome.

"Your Majesty," she heard someone fall on their knees beside her and immediately recognized Faeradaigh's voice.

He is here at last, she thought, while wondering where he had kept Mayree and the rest.

"Dai, this is the beauty you journeyed to acquire?" the Emperor said, and it took a while before Oris' realized that he was addressing the chubby eunuch.

What a clever pet name.

"Yes, yes," Faeradaigh answered without hesitation. "From the fiefdom of Inqa."

Inqa? I was so close to the border. . . Would Rodholf have been able to find if I had waited patiently? she wondered.

"And she is the last one?"

"Yes, Your Majesty. Now that she has arrived, the selection can start."

"Then what is she doing here?"

Oris almost laughed at the question, needing to bite her tongue to restrain herself. Is he feigning ignorance? Or is he truly clueless? How could the Emperor not know what was happening at the gates of his own home? How could he not know when guards have been mobilized under his nose?

"There was an incident at the palace gates," Faeradaigh informed him dutifully.

"An incident?" Hermes asked. "What incident could have been so pressing that you deemed it fit to interrupt the morning court?"

"This subject doesn't dare say it," the eunuch announced loudly and his forehand descend to join Oris' on the carpeted floor.

Welcome, she greeted silently when she saw his sweating face through the corner of her eye.

"You don't dare?" Hermes laughed at Faeradaigh's silence. "Someone with knowledge of the matter at the gates should speak up now."

Oris was surprised that Hermes didn't press Faeradaigh for an answer. It seems like their relationship is not so simple. Interesting.

"I know a little bit about this matter," a voice said, surprising Oris. She hadn't thought anyone would have the gall to speak up. Who in their right mind would publicly admit to knowing about something the Emperor didn't?


"In fact," the person continued, "I dare say that everyone in this hall knows more about this matter than Your Majesty."

Oris, herself, was shocked by the man's boldness, not to talk of how the other officials would react.

As expected, after those words had been spoken, the entire hall was filled with discontent murmuring.

The officials were clearly displeased but they could not deny their involvement. After all, they had all been greeted by Oris some hours ago.

"Oh? Really?" Hermes said, his tone light. "Then it is up to you to enlighten me, Magnus."

"It is nothing much, My Liege. This lady has been outside the palace since before midnight." Magnus said. "And in the morning she greeted every official on their way to the palace, myself included."

Magnus? Magnus Kane? Really? Oris gritted her teeth at her rotten luck. There were now two ways this conversation could go and it all depended on the sort of first impression she had left with the Emperor's Advisor.

She couldn't believe that her life had been placed in his hands so soon.

How is it possible that before I even entered the palace gates I already earned two unsurmountable enemies?

It was ridiculous but she could not bring herself to laugh.

"As for the rest," Magnus said to conclude, "I am as clueless as you are, Your Majesty."

"Then we have no choice but to ask Dai, don't we?" Hermes said.

"No choice at all, Your Majesty," his advisor laughed.

"Your Highness, I- I really can't," Faeradaigh stuttered, the volume of his voice dropping. "This concerns matters of the harem."

"If it concerns the harem, why did you bring it to the court?!"

Something was thrown to the floor and Oris winced, glad that she was very far away from the enraged emperor.

"Your Majesty, I—"

"You still don't dare say it?"

"This subject will speak," Faeradaigh said after a moment of silence. "This subject will speak," he repeated and slowly got up.

"The palace gates were closed to outsiders due to the issue of the missing crown jewels," he started, hesitation punctuating each word. "As a result, the convoy at the gates could not enter."

"Is that all?" Hermes asked, almost lazily.

"No, no," the eunuch took in a sharp breath. "The convoy attracted the attention of refugees and was almost raided. The palace guards were mobilized and Lady-- the lady and her maids were arrested."

Oris applauded the eunuch for his concise approach at telling the rest of the story. He obviously didn't want to take chances and invite Hermes wrath. He probably thought that it was best to remain neutral.

"And why was the lady arrested?"

"She. . . She—" Faeradaigh tripped over his words, unable to answer.

"Rebellion, Your Majesty," a sing-song voice said from behind Oris.

"All rise for the Empress Dowager," Faeradaigh announced hurriedly, his voice filled with relief.

Oris lifted her head slightly, as well as her gaze, to see all the officials rise and bow their heads in her direction, the direction of the door—the place where the Emperor's mother supposedly stood.

Faeradaigh's moved to the side to make way for the woman but Oris knew things wouldn't go as smoothly for her. Despite the doorway being large enough to accommodate six broad-shouldered men standing side by side, the Empress Dowager not enter the hall.

"What is this thing blocking my way?" she asked instead.

Oris shut her eyes and took a deep breath. She had been a queen and now she was being degraded to a thing by a woman who would never rule.

Persevere Oris, she told herself, you still have four people to save.

It wasn't like she had the power to retaliate. Not yet, anyway.

Swallowing her pride, Oris raised her head, keeping her eyes fixed on the floor, and adjusted herself so that she was as far away from the entrance as possible.

Now facing the pale-faced Faeradaigh, she bowed again and said softly, "this servant begs for forgiveness."


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