《Queensmen》9. Promise


Oris had told Eve to keep her decision to cooperate from Father Jones and the brothers, and the nun had no problem complying, flashing the dethroned queen a conspirational grin before backing away into the hallway and gently shutting the door.

That had been three days ago.

Still, it was obvious that with every new dawn Eve's hope that Oris would change her mind grew, despite the fact that she had been so grateful when faced with an opportunity to get the burden borne for her.

Silly girl. Oris shook her head at the thought before popping a slice of apple into her mouth. She's too nice for her own good.

She set the plate she held on the table and reached for the cup of juice beside it. She was just about to lift it to her lips when someone knocked twice on the door.

With a loud groan she set the cup back down and turned on the chair to watch whoever was about to come in. She expected Eve to come tumbling in, her veiled coif trapped in the crook of her elbow and her crimson coils unruly from just being freed. The girl always rushed in with a story to tell, of food fights in the dining halls or how widowed women wept loudly at Father Jones' latest sermon.

Instead, her gaze fell on Marcka, her least favorite person next to Hermes himself. As usual, his expression was grim. She switched her smile into a scowl. What a pleasure. The only time she saw humanity in him were when he had defended Father Jones and scolded Tristan for letting her get hurt. Apart from that, the man remained as apathetic as ever.

"Where is Eve?" Oris asked pointedly. For the past few days since she had rejected their proposition none of the men had come to her room. All their pleas and bargains had been passed to her through Eve.

She knew that she was safer if less people saw her, red hair and all, so she had stayed compliant and stayed in the room for the most part. There were still times when she snuck out with Eve to take baths, relieve herself and explore the convent as much they could.

"The royal envoy is here."

That got Oris' attention. She slapped a hand hard against the table and marched right up to Marcka till she pressing in on his personal space. "They aren't supposed to be here for two more days."

"I know," he nodded slowly and didn't even make a move to shift back as though he was willing to compromise this once. "He, the head eunuch, rushed to get here early. Eve is the last. . . tribute. Apparently he doesn't want to be object of the emperor's ire."

"Where is Eve?"

"She is welcoming—"

Suddenly, the image of the nun's severed head falling to the ground flashed through Oris' mind. "She can't do that," she argued shakily, not caring if she was overreacting. Hermes could not outright kill his own concubine but the fear was still there, pressed hard against her ribs and making breathing harder than it needed to be.

"Why?" Marcka barked in anger, but he was clearly as distressed as she was. "You already made it clear how you felt about you felt about us kidnapping you. Eve sent me here to take you away. It's all for the best anyway. Leave and forget everything that happened in these two weeks."


"I already agreed," Oris said sternly, setting her glare on the hardheaded man. "I agreed days ago."

"Eve," he choked a bit as he said her name. "Sister Eve didn't inform me of that," he said, keeping familiarity out of his voice. It didn't matter though, Oris didn't care for the secret he was hiding.

"Of course she didn't," she sighed and turned away.

"Silly, self-sacrificing girl," she muttered to herself.

"What will we do?" Marcka asked, his voice infused with his own version of panic, one that could be confused by someone who didn't see the fear in his eyes as perfect calm.

"How many are there?" Oris said, already thinking up a plan to save the nun she had grown so attached to. It wouldn't be hard. It shouldn't be hard. She hadn't spent years with her nose deep in books on military strategy for nothing. If she couldn't even save a nun, how would she revive her state?

"The eunuch and the carriage driver."

"Only?" Oris swivelled around in surprise. The plan was more likely to work if she only needed to deceive two people.

"He said he abandoned the rest of the convoy to gain speed."

"Good," Oris took in a breath. Things were looking up for her then. "Where is the driver?"

"The stables."

"He hasn't seen Eve yet?"

"No. . ." Marcka paused for a moment as though he needed to comb through his memories for a specific answer. "I don't think he's allowed to."

"Find a way to get him drunk."

"The driver?"

"The eunuch," Oris said softly and wrung her hands to ease her nerves. It was one thing to make it to the palace, it was another thing to deceive Hermes who had seen her twin, however sick and ghastly said twin had been. She needed the eunuch to stick to her story and the only way he would do that was if it saved his own neck in the process.

"What exactly are you planning to do?"

"Just get Eve in here as soon as possible."

Oris was glad when Marcka didn't say anything else and just made his way out the door to carry out her instructions.


Half an hour later Eve stumbled into the room, an expression of terror etched onto her features as she swept across the floor in long strides.

Oris swiftly rose out of bed to meet the woman, immediately filled with the need to comfort her.

They met halfway.

"Save me," Eve said softly and grabbed Oris tightly by the arms. "Save me."

Oris didn't push the trembling woman away and instead held her close to examine her.

Eve no longer wore a deep blue habit with the characteristic headpiece and a veil. She looked furthest from a nun that a woman could get now that her body was no longer swaddled in the demure apparel that went hand-in-hand with her calling.

The dress she now wore was a peach tone that stood out against her flawless skin and made her look more fragile and pale than she truly was. It was floor length and exposed nothing indecent, which was good.

No one dared sew something that showed off the body of a woman who belonged to the emperor. And despite being far from indecent, the dress paid attention to curves even Eve didn't know she had. If she had been an innocent beauty before, now she was an elegant temptress unaware of her charms.


"Did you hear of the terror that is Hermes?" Oris asked, knowing that Eve had grown up more sheltered than she. "Is that why there is so much fear in your eyes now when there was none before?"

"The eunuch is drunk," Eve started and averted her gaze. "He said things. Too many things. Rumors that I cannot repeat."

"I understand," Oris sighed and guided the spooked nun to her bed. "There are always rumors regarding men with power. No one can know what is true or not. You don't have to be so afraid," she lied right through her teeth. Any news that came off the lips of an eunuch was more authentic than anything she'd hear on the vine.

"I thought I could do it. I thought that I could protect my family from Hermes' cruelty. But I," Eve pulled her knees to her chest, not caring that she still had shoes on and the fluffy dress now pushed up against her chin. "All through the welcoming party it took all I had not to throw up."

"It was brave of you to want to face your problems on your own." Unlike me who ran away the first chance I got.

"But I was not brave enough, I don't think I can save my family. I can't go to that palace, not when that man is in it. It doesn't matter whether the rumors are true or not, I believe them."

"You don't have to go," Oris said softly, feeling as though she was talking to herself rather than Eve. It was as if she had gone back in time to two years ago. She now understood how Rodholf had felt then. Helpless but determined. "I'll do what I was brought here for. I'll save your family for you."

"You can't possibly replace me now, the eunuch has seen me. He knows my name."

"You'll just have to trust me," Oris smiled. A simple switch wasn't the most complicated thing to pull off. With so many beauties under his belt, she doubted Hermes would even care about the last one. "When do you leave?"

"At the crack of dawn tomorrow."

"The eunuch brought that dress?" Oris eyed the peach piece critically. It made sense to dress each tribute in elaborate garb but this one seemed very toned down compared to what she knew was worn by consorts. It was likely that Eve's position wouldn't be a very high one. That was both good and bad. Good, because it meant that she would not be the center of Hermes' attention when she entered the palace and that meant escape was more feasible. Bad, because it also meant that no one would care if she suddenly disappeared one night. Meaning that an higher level consort could end her life and no one would even bother to investigate.

Eve's head bobbed as she spoke, her fingers curling into the piece of the dress within reach as though she couldn't wait to tear it off her body. "I used the excuse of trying it on to sneak up here."

"Okay. You'll need to take it off."


"Now, yes. We're switching clothes."

"Okay." Eve slowly got to her feet and walked to Oris without further questions.

The women worked in silence, stripping each other to their undergarments then exchanging clothes almost expertly. When the last buttons were fastened, they turned to face each other with identical bittersweet smiles. They knew this meant goodbye.

Oris, being royal, stood a head taller than Eve but it was nothing a drunk eunuch would notice. And if he ever did it would be too late by then. He'd have no choice to pretend along with her.

"Marcka mentioned that the driver wasn't allowed to see you," Oris said as she braided her hair into a loose fishtail.

Eve nodded in affirmation.

"But he will see 'you' eventually won't he? As I get into the carriage?" Oris tried again.

In that moment Eve seemed to realize what had been hinted at. "The veil! The dress came with a veil," she said excitedly. "It's in my room."

Oris smiled. She had thought as much. No one but eunuchs, slaves, servants and the emperor's close friends were allowed to see his women.

"I'll go get it then," she said.

"But I—"

"Don't leave this room until well past dawn." Oris said with an air of command she had not unleashed in years. "If your father is smart he'll move his convent elsewhere the moment the envoy has left the fiefdom."

Eve reached forward tentatively and took Oris by the arm. "You. . . knew already?" she whispered.

"Stay safe Eve, you don't deserve to spend all your life chained to the gods just because you are a godly beauty," Oris said and pulled away from Eve's loose grip.

But the nun lunged forward and took the same arm captive again. "After this," she met Oris' gaze with glistening eyes, "will I ever see you?"

"If Fate allows it," Oris said truthfully. "If you can, find my brother and tell him where I am. Tell him I made the decision willingly."

"Oris," reluctantly, Eve let go. It seemed that she was ready to accept her newfound freedom.

"Goodbye, sister." Oris whispered quietly, sliding into the hallway and shutting the door firmly behind her, all the while pretending that she could hear Eve's soft cries echo in her ears.

"I won't forget what I promised you," the woman's faint voice whispered from behind her.

And I won't forget the one I made you. Anybody else would be thrilled to have a replacement but Oris knew Eve wouldn't. If she didn't act fast the nun might be inclined to do something foolish.

She needed to leave early, long before the moon even rose to full height. She needed to be gone long before dawn. On my crown, I promise to keep you safe.


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