《The Return of Mr. Nobody》Chapter 2 Land Ho


Chapter 2

Onwards and forwards. Or anyway….. Well I’m having fun and enjoying myself. Hopefully people are enjoying the story so far. I think this chapter will be a little longer and hopefully get people more involved with the characters. (P.S I have no idea how to edit past chapters since I’m a noobie :( So if anyone can tell me how to go back and edit the first chapter or if it is possible I would be happy to try and space it out so it is more user friendly. Thanks)


A brightly colored fish glimmered and flashed with its rainbow colored scales reflecting of the sun shining down onto it. The fish quickly darted back into the reef as a larger dark fish with scales and pointed teeth swam past it. This was the main predator in this reef its dark grey and black scales made it a mostly nocturnal predator that hunted its prey down with few knowing that they would end up its meal. Why was this creature of the night and predator of the reef out in the day? The answer was simple something had disturbed it and it had decided to investigate who this perpetrator might be. As it swam to the edge of the reef and looked down a strange sight met its eyes that caused the fish to quickly turn around and swim back to the safety of the reef. For what it had spotted down below easily dwarfed the predator of the reef a large octagonal prism with pointed ends sat with flickering and glowing lights around it.

The strange object looked like it might be a mighty monster of the deep that had fought to its end and come to find its final resting place. It was scarred with deep marks covering the pod and much of was covered in deep and dark burns. A few bubbles of air would occasionally escape from the pod and humming noise could be heard from within. The point that rested on the seafloor no longer had its sharp pointed look but was now more rounded as if a blacksmith had decided to flatten one end a little bit. From the far side of reef circular part of the got knocked out and strangely no water flowed in.

Nemi POV ----------

“We made it!!! We made it!!!” Sy and Asena both called out as they both jumped around me in glee. I’m sure we made a strange sight all clad in armor celebrating our miraculous survival. I knelt down while both Asena and Sy jumped on top of me. I fell over backwards in the half foot of seawater that had entered the pod through various leaks. I looked at Asena her white armor had retracted a bit showing her wagging tail and canine grin. I laughed a little inside at her display of joy. Sy was not much better his long pather like tail whipped back and forth every so often and a slightly smug expression covered his face. I jumped up while pushing them off me in a fun and playful mood.

“Well guys what do you say to looking around a bit around a bit and seeing what's out there?” I asked Sy and Asena. Both of them looked at me then looked out the hatch and shrugged.

“What it's just water. You guys can handle it just fine.” I said to both of them.

“ Come on it’s not we are on a battlefield and crawling through the water is more of a dog and human thing right.” Sy said looking at us.


With a suddenly evil grin starting to spread on my face I chuckled a little out loud which caused Sy and Asena to flinch a little. I grabbed both of them by the scruff of their necks and yelled out HOOAH as I dived out the hatch with my two sputtering passengers.

Sy POV -------------

Of all the insufferable…… UGHHHH Asena had the presence of mind to close her armor before we all got launched out of the pod with my crazy Colonel. Goodness the silly grin covering his face as we all started swimming to the surface was simply insufferable. I could feel Asena gloating in the background as she swam for the surface as well.

“ Just wait for my revenge you oafs.” I called out to both of them.

“ Sure, Sure… I will hold my breath oh wait.” Asena snapped back.

Curse her quick wit and the ability to instantly reply with telepathy. I grumbled in my own mind. Ah well it did put a smile on Nemi’s face I thought. I looked towards him. He was still clad in his large black armor that was a little terrifying in its own right. The armor seemed to absorb the surrounding light a making like he was a shadow in the deep or some ethereal presence that existed in this world since the dawn of time. I noticed that Asena had already crested the surface and was paddling about looking around I reached up with my paw and yanked her underwater as I emerged onto the surface.

“You idiot jerk” Asena said as she breached the surface like a white submarine.

“You deserved it.” I said sticking my tongue out. Asena seemed to try to drown me while constantly splashing me. “I beg you. Please give mercy please oh great elder” I called. This only seemed to incite more wrath as she started dunking my head underwater and I was a little thankful that she did not have hands or I’m sure I would be getting strangled as well.

“Who are you calling an elder?” Asena said while growling. I’m sure I saw a slightly dark aura surrounding her as I started to lose consciousness. “Oh don’t worry” she said as I was allowed to grab a quick breath. “I won’t let you go that easy.” Her smile was cold and calculating and I shivered even though we were in a warm and tropical ocean. Shit…. I messed up I thought.

“Someone save me from this monster” I called out. I saw Nemi just raise his hands and shrugged. I was pushed underwater and as the surface of the ocean started to fade from view I wondered if this was fate laughing at me. I survived what should have been impossible only to drown on a the same day.

“Morron use your helmet” I heard Nemi call. My numbed brain activated the command and my helmet closed over my head the water was purged and cold air entered my lungs. Ah I would live another day I sighed with content as Asena gave me one last push.

“ Bah I wasn't done with you yet. How dare you call me an old woman you brat” Asena said. She then started to lecture me on this and that. Respect those around you especially those in a higher rank. Follow orders be a good soldier blah… Well I zoned out after the start and it wasn't like I hadn’t heard this thousands of times before. I mean sure I was younger than Asena and Nemi by a bit but who cares about a couple dozen millennia if you have been around as long as we have.


I looked around glancing at our surroundings we seemed to be about two kilometers or so from a good sized island with another smaller volcanic island almost connected to it. I could see some birds in the air and beautiful white clouds in the sky. I could just see the outline of the two moons of the planet on the horizon. This world seemed free from pollutants and I remembered even when we entered the solar system there was no residual signs of any advanced civilization as far as the active sensors could read. This world seemed to lack all forms of technology which I found to be quite astounding I mean what world did not quickly advance its technology for survival and pursuit of more. Either this was an incredibly young world which it did not seem to be, or this whole universe operated on a different view and way.

Asena POV -----------

The mangey good for nothing overgrown cat. Goodness calling me an elder and inferring that I was old. No women wants to be called old by a young brat with hardly a few thousand battles under his belt. I had finished my lecture which I know he did not pay one bit of attention towards. At least Nemi did not take his side. Oh well I almost had him he was starting to drift when the idiot finally remembered to activate his helmet. It would have served him right if he drowned once though. I smiled and a little inside at the thought of Nemi having to resuscitate Sy or apply a shock to get him back up. I chuckled a little and watch as Sy shuddered a little and swam farther away from me. Oh well at least his survival instinct is still partially intact.

“Hey guys lets get the pod onto the green island over there. We need to set up a camp and a operations center.” Nemi ordered.

“Yes sir” was the instant response by both Sy and myself.

We quickly descended back down to the pod and attached a few magnetic clamps and and a tow cable to the pod. Working in perfect harmony from the countless years of practice made us seem like a well oiled machine not a group of recently stranded soldiers. I knew this spoke of our hellish training and countless years working together. Nemi stood in middle with full armor as Sy stood on the left and I stood on the right each of us had part of a cable connected from our armor onto the pod. We strove forward dragging the pod behind us. Our armor bit into the ground with spikes and increased or specific gravity for traction underwater. The pod kicked up silt and started to cloud our vision as we ploded forward step by step and meter by meter.

To make the march more pleasant we did what soldiers have done for an eternity and began singing a cadence.

“They say that in the Army, the pay is mighty fine. They give you a hundred credits and take back ninety-nine.

They say that in the Army, the coffee’s mighty fine. It looks like muddy water, and tastes like turpentine.

They say that in the Army, the biscuits are mighty fine. One rolled off the table and killed a friend of mine.

They say that in the Army, the meat is mighty fine. Last night we had ten puppies, this morning only nine.

They say that in the Army, the shoes are mighty fine. You ask for size eleven, they give you size nine.

They say that in the Army, the pancakes are mighty fine. You can try to chew them, but you’re only wasting time.

They say that in the Army, the bed’s are mighty fine. But how the hell would I know, I’ve never slept in mine.

They say that in the Army, the mail is so great. Today I got a letter dated 3048.

They say that in the Army, the hours are just right. Start early in the morning and work on through the night.

They say that in the Army, the coffee’s mighty fine. It’s good for cuts and bruises and tastes like iodine.

They say that in the Army, the chicken’s mighty fine. One jumped off the table and killed a friend of mine.

They say that in the army, the toilets are mighty fine. You flush them up at seven, they come back up at nine.

They say that in the army, the tents are waterproof. You wake up in the morning and you’re floating on the roof.”

As we sang out our lines with gusto and heart we slowly pushed forward up the slope and past a vibrant and multicolored reef that was teeming with life. Black and white pin striped fish swam past and darted around in small schools. Little orange fish darted into the coral and would seem to peek back out every so often. Large purplish fish with beaks that made me think of some forms of birds swam away when we got close. A few large sea turtles with gentle green and blue designs on their shells seemed less afraid and simply ignored us as they traveled on their way. Yellow and white coral fins seemed to wave a greeting as we approached the island in front of us.

“Dry ground is almost here I can’t wait” Called out Sy after the cadence. “I’m happy to take a bath and swim on the occasion but I just wasn't engineered for any of this underwater crap. I mean seriously I’m feline hybrid and I have to walk around dragging a pod underwater. Obviously this is not what I signed up for.” Sy grumbled.

“Well good thing you didn’t sign but volunteered for this position in our group” Nemi called back. “I mean did you not listen to your alternatives back in basic? What were they again? Oh yeah! Plasma fodder or make into a special team. If I remember right which I’m sure I do who was it begged us to let you in and promised to do anything?” Nemi finished off.

“Bah you know that was all just to escape those crazies back in training. I would have said anything.” Sy snapped back

“Haha” I laughed. “What you mean is you weaseled your way into the team and then expect to not take the plunge.”

“Ha Ha I get it take the plunge great wit you have there oh white one.” Sy said

A dangerous grin started to cross my face and I saw Sy start to try and get further away. “I know that no insinuation about age was made their just a reference to my beautiful fur. RIGHT”

“Now Now play nice kids” Nemi interjected

“Yes MOM” Sy and I replied while snicking. “Ugh… Why do I have to be the responsible one? Can’t you guys just be good little children like those androidian kids or something.” Nemi grumbled at us.

“Did I hear that right Sy. Did mommy say that she doesn't love us any more” I said in a sad and dejected voice.

“I guess she must hate us saying she wants to take some other kids instead of us” Sy said with an equally dejected tone.

“Sod off you two idiots, and stop calling me mom I’m a guy so at least dad would be appropriate.” Nemi said cutting off our playful banter as we finished our trek through the sea and emerged onto the sandy beach still snickering.

The island we had emerged onto looked like a picture of tropical paradise. Green palm trees stood proud and tall interspersed to provide shade at fortuitous points along the beach. Coconut trees seemed to abound and few parrots sat on some form of tree. Two large hills created the center of the island and beautiful waterfall could be seen falling down over a short sheer cliff allowing a small cloud of mist to be seen. A rainbow glittered through the mist as the sun cheerily shone down on the beautiful land. A few small animals that looked like a cross between a mountain goat and a small deer huddled together in herd near a stream that flowed into the ocean.

Just across a small channel stood a island that seemed to be the exact opposite of the one we stood on. It seemed completely formed of volcanic rock and a obvious volcanic mountain dominated the landscape. No streams or fresh water seemed to inhabit the land. A few birds could be seen when I focused in on the island. Yet even they seemed only there to rest for a few moments and then move on to hunting their prey or traveling over to the island we currently stayed on.

“Well guys let’s check this place out.” Sy said obviously excited to be on land again. His tail flickered back and forth in a weird spastic pattern as he looked at the birds and settled down a little as he looked back and form between Nemi and me.

“Well I don’t see the problem in it.” I said looking towards what had to be a freshwater spring on the mountain.

“We will do a quick recon of the area and set up some sentries.” Nemi interjected into Sy and my obvious plans and goals. His clear focused military mind seemed to be almost robotic at times the poor guy just did not understand fun in the slightest sometimes. “Sy get the mobile scanning units out of the pod and run a full analysis on the surrounding islands for at least ten kilometers off each of these islands. Asena I want you to set up a security threat analysis for all lifeforms on and around the islands that we locate with scans. I will set the drones out for collection of material and samples for dna and compatibility research to our own reserves let's move it crew.” Nemi finished calling out.

“Sir, Yes, Sir” Sy and I instinctively replied. I sighed a little inside my plans of a spring bath and a little fun would have to be curtailed for now.

As Sy collected the raw data and refined it a little into what we had surrounding us I quickly went through a threat analysis and what could possibly be a concern or even if there was some form of intelligent life around us. As our portable little scanners continuously searched around the island thoroughly looking into everything something became apparent. There was nothing and by that I truly mean that was absolutely nothing that was a danger to us we happened to land somewhere where we truly were the top of the food chain. I mean sure there were sharks in the water and some form of giant squid out farther from the island that roved around but these creatures posed no threat to us. I mean even the air was clean of pollution and only some strange present element was found to be through everything the air, land, water, and even living things all seemed to have this strange element. We ran it through tests and it seemed harmless.

Nemi was working with the drones and some of our printing and replicating machines to repair some of the essentials on the pod and create more scouts with scanners and a few more drones. I watched as he quickly set up an automated security perimeter of the island using a combination of scouts with scanners and drones with medium to light weaponry placed at strategic locations throughout the two islands.

“Well everything is clear for us.” Sy declared while disconnecting from his telepathic link with the system. He started to remove his armor and had a drone place the heavy part in the pod while the thinner under armour seemed to disappear into his body and few strategic locations on his body. The armor formed a ornate collar on his neck and two earrings on his right ear. Mostly formed of nanites and biotech that seamlessly flowed together.

“Great I claim the springs as my empire and any who dare intrude shall face death.” I called out as I quickly removed my armor. The drones hurriedly took the armor back into the pod and my own collar and earrings formed. My collar was golden and seemed to be embedded with beautiful what seemed to be beautiful amethyst gems. While my earrings had a simple gold with what seemed to be jade carved into exquisite and intricate roses.

“Well guys don’t go have too much fun without me.” Nemi said with a grin as he took of his heavy armor as well. “I will see you both by the waterfall in a couple hours let me know if you guys find anything fun or strange. I could use a little relaxation.” He said as he continued to remove the outer armour revealing an impossibly toned physique under his skin tight suit. His upper torso seemed to be chiseled to some form of mythic perfection. The skin tight light absorbing black material on his upper body flowed to his arms creating two dark black bracers with a white and purple array of some archaic plant or vine that seemed to be almost alive if I looked at it too long. His bare back was covered in what was an impossibly intricate and well done tattoo. A mountain covered the background and in the front two dragons swirled around each one ending with its head on one of his shoulders. “Enjoying the show little lady” Nemi said as he turned around with a grin on his face.

“Ha like I would care about that.” I said. “Plus who wants an old geezer like you.”

“Pervert” Sy grumbled out.

“Ouch that just hurts” I said stumbling around faking agony and pain.

“Yeah, yeah just as long as I don’t catch anything from you” Nemi said laughing.

“Ugh men are all the same you jerks” I called as I cantered off towards the spring. Happy to leave the two guys.


So sorry for being a little slow with getting this chapter out. I ended up catching a cold. :( I know it happens…. Anyway I hope you all enjoy


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