《The Divine Gemstones》Chapter 15: Katana of Wind


"Throw me to the wolves, and I'll return leading the pack." -Akira Angelus Diabolus

After some walking through the rainforest, we arrived in front of a small mountain. For a moment, it seemed as if the mountain was their house.

“Where’s the house?” I asked.

“Remember elves are not allowed to build in this land, scouts always go around to check for buildings, so we had to hide ours extremely well.” Said Yumi.

“Where?” Asked Kasai. Yumi walked towards rock and started talking some foreign language.

“Ashma la kamp wo lockrinato strada.”

“What?” I asked.

“It’s ancient cloud elvish language. Before we agreed to use the common language with humans after the peace treaty, we used to talk like that.” The rock opened, and it showed a path onto her house.

“Oh, nice! That’s actually very hidden.”

“How does air get in here?” Asked Kasai.

“It’s a long story… another advent child had to help us with that, the electricity, sewers, and the water system. So it’s a perfectly working house.”

“Wait, so you’re not the only advent child that knows that you’re here?”

“Of course not.”

“Wait, so how does the water system work in the clouds? How do they get any water?” Asked Kasai.

“There’s a big portal inside the middle of the cloud that leads straight into a huge sewer. While the water is just huge tanks that are replenished every other week in the clouds.”

“Those elders sure thought of everything.”

“Our race has been alive for centuries, it’s only natural we have everything under control.” We walked inside Yumi’s house, it was spacious with a lot of decorations of animals, and pictures of the whole family, but most images were just Yumi and Misaki which made it really cute.

“These are all the 11 advent children?” I asked.

“Yeah.” Said Misaki.

“It’s like looking at a rainbow. Wait that one has actual rainbow hair!”

“Hahaha, yeah, people say that a lot. And she is a special one, I’ll explain another time.” Yumi walked in and said,

“We only have one guest room, I’m sure you both don’t mind.”

“Of course not!”

“Well, I’ll start cooking then.”

“I’ll join you!” Said Kasai. They both ran off to the kitchen. Misaki walked close to me and whispered,

“Yo, here’s the plan…”

“I’m all ears…”

“There is a blind spot in the hot spring; a rock is in the middle of it, if you hide behind that rock and act like you’re meditating or something it will give you an excuse to be there before us, just say the usual ‘Oh, I didn’t expect you to come in’ line.”

“Hmm… I don’t think Kasai will buy that, she will blame everything on me.”

“I know, that’s where I say that I allowed you to use the hot spring so you could meditate and that I forgot, that will equally share the fault to us both and she won’t get that pissed off.”

“Y-You would do that for me?” I said while crying.

“Of course bro, I owe you one, and when I owe a person a favor, I make sure it’s never unpaid.” I hugged her unexpectantly and said,

“Thank you so much, Misaki-” As I was saying that she jumped back, pull out a pistol to my forehead out of reflex.

“D-damn. Sorry, Rukito. I’m not used to people touching me out nowhere.” I chuckled nervously and said,


“It’s fiiiine.” She hugged me back while saying,

“Here, as an apology, I’ll do so. But remember, next time I might pull the trigger out of reflex.”

“Y-Yes ma’am!” I said while sweating. I have to remember we only know each other for a day, and that she is a mafia boss, but it seems like she is already one of my best friends. We all ate together, the food was exceptionally delicious today, so I said,

“Damn Yumi, you overdid yourself today.”

“Actually Kasai cooked everything, I just made sure that she did everything right, which she did.” I looked at her with surprised eyes and said,

“You cooked?! This is delicious, sweetheart!” She instantly blushed and looked away,

“T-Thank you; I tried my best.”

“She will make an amazing wife.” Said Yumi.

“Hell yeah, she will!” Said Misaki. I chuckled and looked down, then looked back up at her eyes with a smile.

“I can already see our children loving your food every single day.”

“C-C-C-Children?!” As soon as she heard that word, she fainted.

“Kasai?!” I yelled.

“My heart melts.” Said Misaki.

“Rukito!” Yelled Yumi.

“What?... I was serious!” After a while, Kasai woke up and looked at me, holding her in my arms.

“H-Honey?! What happened?”

“I was just saying that our children will-”

“Children?!” She fainted again. Yumi looked at me again and yelled,


A couple of minutes later I instantly went inside the hots spring to make sure that I arrived before Kasai and the other girls. I wrapped a bath towel around me, and I entered the hot spring. It felt comfortably warm and relaxing, it’s almost as if it was healing me. I went behind the rock and actually thought of genuinely meditate to see if I ever am able to unlock that Katana.

Minutes passed, and then I heard the girls giggling inside the dresser. I heard Misaki’s voice saying,

“Damn Kasai, I didn’t think anyone could beat Yumi in cup size!”

“I-It’s not fair, I’m a succubus, so I’m bound to have a decent body.”

“Decent?! Girl, you are crazy if you call your body decent.” Said Misaki.

“I’m actually glad there’s someone else better than me for once, horny cloud elves will stop looking at me as if I was Greenterra herself.”

“Greenterra?” Asked Kasai.

“Yeah, she was said to be the sexiest deity, she is mother earth after all.”

“Makes sense.”

“Mind if I feel them a bit, Kasai?!” Asked Misaki. Yumi sighed,

“Misaki, just because you don’t have big boobs it doesn’t mean you can feel everyone else’s-”

“Go ahead.”

“HUH?!” Yelled Yumi.

“I don’t feel anything if it’s not Rukito anyways.”

“Wait, Really?!” Asked Misaki.

“Yeah, I’m a special kind of succubus apparently.”

“Well, he’s got nothing to worry then, you will be the most loyal girl in the world.” Said Yumi.

“Hmm… it’s not fun without a reaction.” Said Misaki.

“GYAH!” I heard Yumi squealing. “Misaki! Stop!”

“Hoho, sometimes I wonder why I never got them as big as yours since we are twins.”

“Listen, I don’t know! Just… stop!~ It feels weird.” That was the breaking point of my meditation… I couldn’t hold the concentration anymore. Besides all of what I heard, my heart was pounding fast since I was scared of what Kasai would do if she noticed I was here. Of course, as a teenager, it’s completely normal to fantasies having all three girls at the same time in the bed… but there’s only one spot in my heart, and that’s for Kasai… four girls in the bed?! I could invite Shizuka! NO! STOP! DON’T LET THESE FANTASIES OVERTAKE YOU! Or else, my wakizashi will be once again locked. AND SACHI! WAIT, NO! I SHALL NOT GET HARD- As I was in my inner fantasies, I heard the girls opening the door and walking in.


The moment of truth…

“Mhmmmm… This feels so good.” Said Kasai.

“Hey, Kasai.” Said Yumi.


“I always wonder how come you can laugh, giggle and groan, yet you can’t talk.”

“Oh, it’s not that I can’t talk, it’s because I can’t move my tongue when I decide to use my vocal cords, it likes automatically doesn’t let me move it whatsoever when I try to say something in my mind.”

“Aaah, alright, that makes more sense.”

I was still behind the rock, I don’t know what Misaki was going to do, but I just waited there with my heart in my throat. I saw her circling around the hot spring, she found me, she was covering her chest with one arm and signaling me to come to them. Since she had a bath towel under I was guessing so did the other girls; I had one too.

“A-alright… It’s my part.” I walked from outside the rock walking away to get out of the hot spring not making eye contact with the girls so they would think I didn’t know they were there.

“AAAAH!” Yelled Yumi.

“Hmm?” I turned back and saw them. Their unique and nice cloud elf skin was really calling my attention, the blue birthmark tattoos around their bodies made them look even better. And Kasai looked even better now that she has the succubus body, to the point that it’s obvious who has the best body here. She had an upper ponytail, so her hair didn’t get wet; showing her neck and making her even hotter. Yumi comes to a close 2nd, her birthmark tattoos really boosts her body up as much as Kasai was before. While Misaki is just genuine personality, I always just see her as a fun person to hang out with, I’m sure she feels the same… but she does have an ass though. “Oh hey! I didn’t know you were here!”

“GET OUT!” Yelled Yumi. I looked at Kasai and saw her releasing her singularity.

“I warned you…” She was approaching me with a menacing look on her face.

“Oh, Kasai, this is my fault.”

“Huh?..” She turned back and looked at Misaki. “Misaki doesn’t try to save him, he deserves it.”

“No, I’m serious, I allowed him to come here and meditate, I said that I was going to warn him if we all decided to come, but I forgot…”

“Ah… alright, I guess it can’t be helped then...” She said while turning off her singularity.

“R-Really?” I asked.

“LIKE HELL IT CAN’T!” She said while turning it back on. “Don’t act like you couldn’t tell we weren’t coming in! You definitely heard us talk!”

“Kasai, I swear! Please!” Misaki walked up to Kasai and whispered something in her ear that I couldn’t understand. She then instantly blushed, turned off her singularity, and said,

“Alright… you can stay.”

“M-Misaki?... I didn’t know you were a sorceress?!”

“Misaki, Kasai! You let him stay here just like that?!” Kasai turned back and said,

“U-Uhm…” She looked down and blushed.


“Come on Yumi, it will be fine!”

“No, it won’t!”

“He will just stay put with his girlfriend, we can enjoy a talk.”

“Tsk, w-whatever!” Kasai walked up to me and hugged my arm squeezing it between her breasts. She dragged me towards the edge of the hot spring where Misaki and Yumi were and sat down right next to me laying her head on my shoulder still hugging my arm.

“You should give me more affection you know… I want it, and I need it to feel emotions.” I chuckled and said,

“I’m pretty sure you can feel a lot of emotions.” She sighed and said,

“I'm serious…” I kissed her forehead and said,

“Alright, alright. You deserve it, after all, you have been a good girl.”

“Stop treating me like a little girl I said!” I mocked her with a girly voice,

“Stop treating me like a little girl I said~” She puffed her cheeks and looked away from me while still hugging me. I chuckled and said,

“You can look away, but you can’t let me go.”

“Dammit! I hate y-…”

“Woah, were you really going to say that to me? That hurts me.” I said with joking intentions.

“N-no! I love you! I love you! Sorry, I was just joking!”

“You better.” I looked to the side smiling and saw Misaki knocked out in Yumi’s arms.

“Misaki! Misaki!”

“What happened to her?” I asked.

“I think her ‘heart melted.’” I chuckled and said,

“Sorry girls, how about we all talk huh?” Yumi giggled and said,

“It’s fine, It’s fine. You two deserve some alone time after all; we’ll be leaving soon.”

“Thank you, Yumi.” Said Kasai. Misaki got up and said,

“I promised I would after all, right Kasai?”

“Y-Yeah.” She said while blushing.

“Oh yeah, what did she whisper in your ear?” I asked.

“I-I’ll tell you later.”

“Hey, Yumi,” I said.


“Once all of this is over, do you mind throwing a party with every advent children?”

“Of course.” She said with a smile on her face.

“Great!” A couple of minutes later, Yumi and Misaki decided to leave the hot spring.

“Well, I think it’s time for us to go.” Said Misaki.

“Alright, see you later!”

“We might be sleeping by the time you come back, so if anything makes yourself at home, the guest room is the end of the hallway turning right.” Said Yumi.

“Ok, thank you, Yumi.”

“Yup.” She said as she was walking away with Misaki. They closed the sliding door therefor it was only Kasai and me in the hot spring.

“So what was it?” I asked Kasai.

“Misaki told me that her whole plan was to leave us alone in the hot spring for an hour or so to do whatever we want.” I owe that girl a bigger favor now…

“Ah, that makes sense.” Kasai got up, took off her towel and sat on top of my thighs while turned to the side.

“I wanted to have sex with you really bad but… I had other plans for tonight.”

“What’s that? A succubus doesn’t want to have sex?” I said jokingly. She giggled and said,

“No, I wanted it to be a bit more romantic tonight.”

“Is your definition of romantic being on top of me completely naked?” She blushed and said,

“N-No but I can get down if you wa-”

“NO-NO-NO! I never said I’m not enjoying it, baby.”

“Ah, alright.”

“Well, what exactly is it that you want to talk about?” I asked.

“Honestly… I don’t know. I just wanted to be with you as long as possible.” At this point I realize that I have to start thinking of things that were going to make her happy, I’ve also realized that yesterday and this morning I didn’t pay too much attention to her, so she really deserves some. We sat silently there thinking for a while and then I said,

“I’m always so grateful that I met you…” She smiled and said,

“You changed my life more than I changed yours… trust me… you have no idea what you have done for me.”

“I’m sure I have a sweetheart, but you also changed mine for the better. It went from boring to an amazing adventure, both literally and figuratively.” Kasai giggled and said,

“Don’t throw big words at me, I was barely in school you know.”

“Right, right. Sorry.” More silence of us just smiling caressing each other went by, but instead of being awkward silence it felt as if the silence itself was speaking thousands of words on how much we love each other. I decided to ask the old’ question therefore I said,

“What would you do if I died?” She looked down and said,

“I… I can’t answer that.”

“Why?” I asked.

“Because I’ve never gone through those types of emotions… I’m not sure what I would do.”

“Hmm, I understand.”

“But I would probably try every single way to get you back… find every single wizard or witch in the world and make them make a spell to revive you or something… I don’t know.”

“Hmmm, that sounds like it will change you for the worse… I would want you to try and live on without me even though I’m not there to give you emotions; try your hardest.”

“Well, then what about me? What if I died?”

“If you died?... I… would first burry you, then burn the world to the ground, then come back to your grave where I would just stay there… waiting till my day's end.”

“And you’re saying I would change for the worse?” She said while giggling.

“Hey, I'm honest… well maybe not… I still have other people to care for in this world, so that would probably be a bit different, but the same idea. It would be selfish if I said I ONLY care about you.”

“I know honey, your weak spot is that you start caring and trusting other people a bit too easily.”

“I noticed that…”

“Well, all that negative talk aside, I think I’ve figured out how to unlock your Katana.”

“Really?! How?”

“Well maybe it’s not about meditating anymore, maybe it’s about finding a purpose.”

“A purpose?”

“Yeah, What I mean is… find a purpose to fight for; what are you fighting for?” She asked me. All this time I’ve never thought about it that way… I was always confused about why do I train, why do I still fight? Is it for myself? For my friends? I gazed straight into her eyes and said,

“Now that my life has been blessed with you… I have to protect what’s most precious to me.” She blushed and smiled.

“Well try to focus on that when you unsheathe the katana. Think about what you’re fighting for.” I smiled and said,

“Thank you, sweetheart. I will definitely try that out.” I said before I French kissed her.

All this time I was getting teased by her precious body right on top of me, I’ve been trying my hardest not to get excited by her, since she wanted this night to be more of a romantic night. But... I got to the point that I couldn’t resist myself, so I slowly started running my hand across her breasts as I French kissed her. She began to lightly moan as we were kissing.

“Hey-” She said while getting out of the kiss, but I lightly pulled her back in and kept kissing her.

“What is it? Can’t use telepathy while we kiss?”

“N… It’s- not that-” I took off my towel and started running my right hand all across her body.

“I thought this body was perfect before… I had no idea that it could be this much better.” I started giving her a lot more hickeys all across her body.

“H-honey, what if people see all of that?!”

“Then they will know that you’re already mine and no-one else’s, isn’t that right?”

“Mhm.” She leaned forward more onto me and kept tongue kissing me and said, “My whole body belongs to you and no-one else.” She then also gave me a hickey on the neck and said, “But so does yours belong to me and no-one else.” She went down and started to give me a boob job. “So, how much better is it now that I have bigger boobs?” With the water was making everything a lot easier, her tongue wrapping around my whole dick, and her perverted facial expression, made everything go again into a more profound feeling of ecstasy, I was guessing that her succubus powers had to do something with the extreme amount of pleasure given from just a boob job.

“It’s… it feels too good.” I said. I noticed that her tail was moving left and right as she was sucking on it, her succubus side must be getting satisfied just from this. I was to the point of cumming already, no normal man could resist that long with someone like her. I decided to not even tell her and came more than usual inside her mouth and all over her boobs.

“Mmm~ I love it, all your cum is so delicious.” She said as her eyes were sparkling. She grabbed my dick and rubbed it all against her tits again. Then, she kept sucking every single drop out, and that was the point where I felt like I almost fainted.

“After having sex with you, baby… I don’t think I could enjoy it anymore with any other person either.” I said. I really wanted to keep sexual tension between the both of us so sex was always intense and exciting so I decided to stop after that. “I think that’s enough for tonight,” I said. She frowned and looked at me while saying,

“But I want more!” She jumped on top of me and said, “Give me more!” I decided to really tease her to the maximum limit. Even though she was completely wet I could still smell that sweet aroma that she always gives off, it feels like when we are having sex it just gets stronger. I started tongue kissing her as my dick was just slowly rubbing against her pussy. I was then about to insert it in, inserting only the tip as she was moaning, but then I pulled it out and said,

“Na-a, if I let you have it all already, then you won’t stop, and if you don’t then when I cum inside you, I will lose all my energy to reach the bed.”

“Mmm… you can’t do that!” She said with a sad face.

“How about this, we will get dressed, go to bed and be a lot more romantic than this, and if you do it right then, I’ll let you have as much sex as you want.”

“A-Alright. But I’m already satisfied with just a boob job, your cum is delicious as it is.”

“But, it seems like you want more.”

“Of course I do! But if I could somehow give you a boob job daily, then I won’t complain…”

“Hmm… that’s a bit difficult to do, maybe once we are done with our missions.”

We both got up, dried each other and went back to our bedroom, we started talking about the future and what we were going to do while holding each other in bed and gazing into each other’s eyes. In the end whether I liked it or not I knew that she was going to want to have sex with me again, and so did I, so we did, and we did for a long time; we tried every single position that came into my mind, and in the end we only stopped because we didn’t want Misaki and Yumi to wake up and we would be still having sex. I lost count of the number of times we climaxed, I was sure that she had to shower again after that, but I also came inside of her at the very end... I hope nothing drastic happens.

“I hope that’s enough affection for you,” I said.

“Mhm… yeah, it is.” We both quickly fell asleep, and we concluded that being the best night we have had so far.

The next day, I woke up somewhat later than usual; It was a crazy night after all. But still… seeing her peacefully sleeping right next to me always brings me happiness; I wish that from now on every day I could wake up to her. I slowly got up, washed my face, brushed my teeth, and then came to kiss her even more.

“Good afternoon, baby.” She slowly opened her eyes, and as soon as she saw me, she gave me a sweet smile, giggled and then said.

“Were you looking at me sleeping, you weirdo?”

“The weirdo is the person that wouldn’t look at you sleeping.”

“But I only want you to look at me.” She pulled me in, kissed me, then said, “Are we ever going to wake up not late?”

“Well not if we sleep together,” I said while chuckling. We kept kissing more and more. Usually, people wake up with bad breath, but Kasai always has a sweet aroma, and her breath still smells like mint. Being a boyfriend of a succubus sure is lucky. She doesn’t smell bad, she doesn’t sweat, she doesn’t grow hair anywhere but her head, she barely needs to eat that much, she will never feel anything for anyone else, she is lustful when she needs to be, she automatically wears makeup, and she can defend herself from harm. I can see why Shizuka didn’t want her to go to our school, she would have destroyed her competition.

“Honey, I appreciate all of those things you think about me, but… sometimes having an extreme sensitivity of hygiene gets annoying. If I get slightly dirty I have a strong urge to shower, if sometimes I want to eat specific things, my body doesn’t let me enjoy it since I HAVE to eat healthily. If I want to change my makeup to something different I can’t because everything I put on my face or my body—even scars! Will be completely gone after a couple of seconds, for some reason only hickeys are not gone!

If you happen to not be there to satisfy me, and I want to satisfy myself thinking about you, I can’t do so or I will feel disgusted even by myself! And let me not start with these huge boobs! I struggle way too much putting pants and tights on with this butt!”

“Alright, I get, I get it.” I chuckled. “It’s hard being perfect, I get it.”

“I love myself for being so ‘perfect’ for you, but sometimes it just gets annoying.” Kasai and I still weren’t wearing shirts or anything on top, I got on top of her and kept kissing her.

“I love you so fucking much,” I said. She giggled and said,

“Will you ever let me get up?”

“You know, your giggles are adorable; I can’t wait until you get your voice back so I can hear your sweet voice clearly.”

“Let me get up then, so we can get ready.” I grabbed her hands and pinned her down while kissing her neck. I noticed that she was still filled with many hickeys all over just her upper body. She slightly moaned and said,

“Come on baby, I’m the succubus here, not you.”

“Doesn’t mean I can’t lust for you.” And at that moment, Yumi slid the door open and said,

“You two have been sleeping for a while, I think it’s time to-…” Kasai and I were wearing pants, but from her view, it probably didn’t seem like it since we were covering our torso down with the bed sheets.

“Don’t they teach cloud elves to knock first?” I asked with a jokingly tone. Kasai turned red and looked away.

“I-I’m so sorry!” Yelled Yumi as she slammed the door closed.

“H-Honey! I told you to let me get up and get dressed!”

“But I like seeing your chest!”

“You can look at them all you want at night!”

“But there’s barely any light!”

“Oh my god! Stop!” She said with a flushed face.

Later on, after we got dressed and ready, I decided to meditate together with her for once. I walked up to Yumi which was shining her armor and said,

“Hey Yumi, sorry for before.”

“Oh no, it was my fault I didn’t knock.”

“But anyways, mind if Kasai and I meditate outside?”

“Of course not, go ahead!”

“Where is Misaki?”

“With her gang somewhere.”

“Ah, alright. We’ll be right back.” As soon as Kasai and I walked outside, we noticed that we could see the sky and everything else.

“Wait… I thought we were inside a mountain.” Said Kasai.

“So did I…” We walked back to where Yumi was and asked,

“Yumi, what’s happening?”

“Ah, that’s right. Let me explain.”

“Please do, I’m so confused,” I said.

“One of the advent children has a hybrid singularity called, ‘The spectrum illusionist.’ What is basically does is it can create solid holograms that can be enabled and disable anytime by a switch that I have.”

“Wait… so you are telling me that…”

“Yeah, the whole mountain was just an illusion. If people touch it, it will feel like solid matter, but if they were to dig a hole or destroy it, then the hologram will be gone. We only activate it at night because that’s when the scouts decide to go look for buildings since it’s easier with the lights.”

“That’s impressive, such singularity has great potential.”

“It does, but since our race is more on entertainment, then my sister uses it for the amusement of other people.”

“That’s nice of her. What’s her name?” Asked Kasai.

“Catherine Elledan. She is the one that had rainbow colored hair, she is a funny one.”

“I would like to meet her one day then!” Said Kasai.

“Yeah, she seems cool,” I said.

“You will, you will. Food is about to be ready in a bit, don’t take too long out there.”

“Alright.” We went outside to start meditating. Throughout the whole session, Kasai was having trouble clearing her mind from any thoughts and said,

“I can’t…”

“Remember to control your breathing.”

“When I close my eyes and clear my mind all I see is… my past.” It’s easy to forget what she has gone through all this time by looking at her smiling every day, I needed to help her somehow, so I decided to sit right beside her touching shoulder and holding hands.

“Try now.”

“Ok.” She tried clearing her mind, she took a deep breath and let herself go; erasing every single negative thought from her head leaving nothing but peace of mind.

I released her hand, and as soon as I did, she broke out of her meditation.

“I-I can’t! I can’t do it without you!”

“Baby, I’m sure you will get it.”

“I tried! It’s not working!” I sighed and said,

“You have to learn how to be separated from me without panicking at this point. Who knows, something might happen and we won’t be able to see each other for days.”

“But, what’s wrong with me wanting to be with you?”

“Nothing, it’s just sometimes I would like to be alone for a while and relax.”

“You can relax with me, can’t you?”

“Yes, I can, but…”

“Am I boring? Is that what it is?”

“What? No, n-”

“No I get it, I’m not fun to be around. I’m clingy, and annoying sometimes. I understand.”

“Baby, please, don’t say that about yourself. All I’m asking is for you to be ok when I’m not around.”

“Really? You are not lying to not hurt me are you?” I sighed and said,

“Ok, I’ll be honest. I never in my life found you annoying, but I have found you clingy sometimes, but that’s completely fine! I don’t mind most of the time at all, I love being with you.”

“Alright… thanks for being honest, Rukito.”

“Rukito? Wait, are you mad at me?”

“I want you to tell me everything I’m doing wrong! If I'm clingy, then tell me, if I’m ever annoying then tell me! I want you to be as happy as possible with me…”

“Sweetheart, having bad sides it’s fine, you don’t have to be afraid of showing your bad moods to me, that’s my job, I’m the person who is supposed to cheer you up, but don’t be mad at me.”

“I’m not mad at you… sorry I don’t know why I’m acting like this.” I smiled and said,

“I guess that meditation did work then. Let it out, I’m here to listen.” I said as I wrapped my arm around her abdomen.

“… Sorry if I am a pessimist and act insecure. I can’t help it sometimes.” I caressed her hair and said,

“You know… being similar really helps me understand you a lot more; we have avoided so many fights together by just trying to understand each other before starting to yell.”

“I’ve noticed… and please let’s never fight… I get really hurt when we do, it’s way worse than anything I’ve gone through.”

“Of course baby, it’s not like I’m looking to fight you, haha.”

“Thank you, that means a lot to me.” I got up, took out my spirit daisho and said,

“Alright, let’s see if what you said was true, I was meditating for a reason to fight.”

“Alright!” She said while smiling. I closed my eyes and held the Katana firmly in my hands, suddenly, I heard a voice in my head that sounded like mine but a bit deeper.

“What is it you fight for, kid?”

“I fight for the future of Kasai. The future of my close friends that have helped me with my journey. I fight for… hopes to protect them.” My katana slowly unsheathed, a strong wind picked up. Trees started moving, dirt started flying up, and I felt a strong weight on my shoulders. Then, I heard the voice say,

“This is the weight of your determination, you lose this determination… you lose a reason to fight… the Katana of Wind will not be unsheathed if not by a stronger resolve.” I pulled out the entire katana, the wind blew up extremely fast. A pack of wolves appeared out of nowhere circling around Kasai and me, they seemed to be spirits.

“Woah!” The Katana was glowing white like the other blades, this one had many wolves running around across its handle.

“This is it… I can feel the strength of this blade radiating through the wind.” I swung the blade once, and a strong wind followed up behind the blade. I pierced towards a direction, and all those wolves ran towards the direction I pointed.

“They… attack?”

“They are so fluffy!” Said Kasai while trying to catch one.

“K-Kasai?! You ruined the cool moment!” I expected the wolves to try and attack Kasai, but some of them jumped on top of her and started licking her face. She started giggling and said,

“Stop, it tickles.”

“Aren’t they supposed to be murderous wolves?...” I asked myself. Sooner more wolves started surrounding Kasai and starting taking a liking to her, I walked towards them and started petting one by one.

“They sure are cool though.” They all had the same shining aura that my blade had.

“I like them. So this is your final blade’s power?” Asked Kasai.

“Seems like it. I can control the wind as far as I noticed. I don’t know much what these wolves do, but we will find out sooner or later.” Kasai got up and said,

“Yeah, we should talk to Yumi to see if it’s possible getting that fruit today.”

“Alright.” We went back inside the house, Yumi looked at us and said,

“Was that wind outside from you?”

“Yeah, I managed to unlock my final blade.”

“Oh cool, so it’s wind?”

“Yes. I don’t know too much about it for the moment, but I’ll figure out as I go.”

“Well if it is, then we should be able to work really well together since your wind should be able to make my flames stronger.”

“That’s right! I’ll train a lot so we can make it work!” Yumi smiled at me and said,

“I’ll look forward to it then.” Kasai walked up and said,

“Hey Yumi, do you think it’s possible to get that fruit today?”

“Hmm… it’s an hour walk from here, so yeah, it’s possible.”

“Really?! That’s amazing!” Said Kasai.

“But like I said… a griffon is protecting the tree from selfish criminals.”

“How do we manage to kill it?”

“Kill it? You’re not going to kill it, you have to talk to him, if he sees you as worthy of the fruit, then he will allow you entry.”

“Worthy? How are we supposed to prove it?” Asked Kasai.

“Griffons are wise creatures, they will measure your wisdom and ethics to see if you are a good person or not.”

“What if we are not?” Asked Kasai.

“I’m afraid you will have to find another way to get your voice back… I will not allow a battle between you and the griffon, he has been protecting this land below for centuries together with the Arcana Eater.”

“The Arcana Eater?” Asked Kasai.

“I think that was the huge piranha we saw while on the ship,” I said.

“Oh, right.”

“Sorry Kasai, you are a close friend of our race and everything, but those two creatures are vital for us.”

“It’s fine, I understand.” I chuckled and said,

“Look at her, already acting like a queen.” Yumi smiled and said,

“I have to start somewhere.” I stepped forward and said,

“Well, give us a map, and we will be on our way.”

“Uuhh… yeah, it’s on top of the shelf over there.” She pointed to my left. I checked under some papers, and then later found it.

“Thanks, we’ll be back in around three hours or so.”

“Alright, be careful both of you.”

“It’s alright, we’ll be fine.”

“If he gives you trouble, just remember his name is Di’Ophion.”

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