《The Divine Gemstones》Chapter 5.5: The Broken Girl


"It's better to stand alone than to stand with people who hurt you." -Kasai

A small girl around the age of 14 which looks like to be Kasai was washing dishes in a somewhat destroyed home; it look like a house of a drug addict, she had turned clothes with gunk and dirt all over it, she was also skinnier. A middle-aged, gaunt man walked from the living room to the kitchen where Kasai was and asked,

“Hey little shit, how did you get here? Did someone leave your cage open?” Kasai turned towards him in alert and bowed.

“Mother told me to clean the dishes, or I won’t have my rations of bread today.” He punched her; she fell on the floor and started bleeding from her nose.

“That’s good morning master! Learn your manners bitch!” Kasai looked at him, kneeled even lower kowtow and said,

“Please excuse my insolence master. Good morning master, how was your sleep?” He kicked her on the head, and she fell to the side. She started shaking of fear.

“You know better you fucking waste of human cum! Kiss my boot, now!” She got her head back up and kissed his boot. “Good bitch, maybe these kicks will fix your face and your attitude.” He kicked her again for no reason this time, laughed, and went back to the living room to watch TV while saying, “Clothes better be washed after this episode.” Then, Kasai responded with a shaky voice, “Y-yes master.” She got back up and started scratching her head with fury, then got back to washing the dishes.

After she finished washing the dishes and clothes, she walked to the mother. She was an overweight, also a middle-aged looking woman.

“What do you want?” She bowed and said,

“I finished washing everything.”

“Ok? Then get back to your cage!”

“Yes, ma’am!” She started walking down the basement, and when she got there, she noticed a rope at the side of the room.

A long pause of a minute passed of her standing silently staring at the rope. She finally looked away and crawled back into her metal cage, it seemed that the cage was supposed to be used for dogs, so she was very uncomfortable in it, but she didn’t seem to complain. After some time, she fell asleep somehow, but she was soon awakened by the mother walking inside the basement and saying,


“Here comes your bread and water.” Kasai got up very excited. She reached out for it, but she pulled it away.

“Wait, how about this? If you let me keep the bread for myself and eat it, then we will go to an amusement park tomorrow!” Kasai got really excited and started jumping.



“I always wanted to go to one! In the living room, there’s a poster about it, so I always dreamed of going there!”

“See? Perfect! You can keep the water, but I’ll take the bread ok?”

“Ok!” She took the water and started chugging it.

“Oh, the water was from a pond. I hope you don’t mind!” She soon spits out the water with disgust.

“Did you just spit out the water that I worked hard to get you?!”

“N-No mother!” She continued chugging on the water. “See? It’s delicious!” The mother smiled and said,

“Good girl.” Kasai smiled back; compliments really made her happy. The mother left the basement with her piece of bread. Briefly after, Kasai had a considerable stomachache, so she went out of the cage and vomited across the floor, then she heard laughing coming from upstairs.

“Did you hear that?! That’s probably the water!”

“Ahahahaha, that retarded piece of shit. You also managed to get the bread?!”

“Yeah! She really thinks that I will take her to that dumb amusement park!”

“Ahahahahaha, that fucking little pebble is so stupid.” When Kasai heard this she was heartbroken; everything just shattered in her head, she had no idea of what it was going to become of her. She had an emotionless facial expression with tears running across her cheeks. She scratched her head so hard that she started bleeding from her cranium. She walked back to the rope she found and made a noose out of it, she hanged the rope on the ceiling and got a chair to stand on it. Five minutes passed of her silently starring at the noose with no words or facial expression coming out of her. I can’t imagine the horrible things that were running through her head at that moment.

She decided to put her head through the noose, waited a couple of minutes again and kicked the chair away. Luckily, the rope was very old, so it didn’t manage to hold her body weight and snapped.


“Why… I just want all of this to end… there’s no point.” She removed the noose. She found an old mirror and smashed it into a million pieces, she took a piece of glass and aggressively started slicing her wrist. “die… Die… Die!... DIE! DIE!” She stopped, and soon after, she fainted.

The day after she woke up in her cell with some bandages across on her arm, she looked around, and the room was empty, no rope, no mirror, nothing she can use to harm herself. The father walked in and said,

“Trying to get rid of us that easily? Come on my little girl, who’s going to clean the dishes and wash the clothes, cook, make the bed and clean the house if you’re dead?” She suddenly snapped and started bashing against the cage since it was locked.

“JUST LET ME GO!!!” She screamed extremely loud, her voice got distorted, and the house started shaking. The father got startled for a second and then started laughing.

“I’ll leave you alone for an entire day. Hopefully, tomorrow you will be normal again.” Kasai sat back and remained the rest of the day hugging her own legs, and she began bawling.

“P-Please… s-somebody, help me.” After a while the father heard the bawling, so she walked down pissed and said.

“Listen here you bitch, you first scream at me, and now you start crying?”

“…” She remained silent while sobbing.

“Oh, and now you don’t want to talk?! Then how about you shut the fuck up forever huh?!”

“W-What?” He rested his hand on the cage and then suddenly Kasai fainted.

After being completely out for a whole day, the next day she woke up by screams. The mother was screaming on the top floor,

“Stay back!”

“Shut the fuck up bitch!” Then a gunshot was heard, and the screaming stopped. Kasai started shaking out of fear, shortly after the father walked down the basement and saw Kasai awake.

“You heard that right bitch? Get the fuck out of that cage!” Kasai noticed that the cage was unlocked, so she got out. He then started gazing at her body; he was starting to notice that she was getting mature. “I see you’re finally growing some tits bitch, about time.” Kasai slowly started to walk back.

“No running away!” He grabbed her arm and forcefully started tearing her clothes apart. She tried to scream, but she soon realized that her voice was gone. “You can’t scream anymore you soon to be cum bucket. Kasai started to freak out. The father was on top of her locking her down, he proceeded to pull down his pants and take off his underwear. He started touching her breasts and removed Kasai’s underwear, then, he was about to get her virginity until Kasai realized there was still a glass shard on the floor from the mirror, she quickly grabbed it and started stabbing him in the neck repeatedly with fury. She kept stabbing him for a full minute until all her anger was all gone.

The girl got up shaking of fear and trauma, walked upstairs just to see the mother shot in the head on the floor bleeding. She got the gun which was on the table and aimed it in her mouth up to her brain… and shot. Yet another miracle, the gun was out of ammo, it was as if destiny didn’t want her to die. She broke down on the ground and didn’t know what she was going to do, but then the police rushed in and saw her sitting on the floor hugging her legs half naked, they tried picking her up, but she didn’t want to be touched.

Some time passed, the police realized what happened, they tried questioning her, but they didn’t know she was mute, so they thought it was because she was traumatized instead. She didn’t care enough to explain, so she just ignored it. They took her to an orphanage, from there, she lived three years in pure depression and loneliness since she wasn’t able to make friends while being mute, and not wanting anyone to touch her… until one day, the Aizawa family noticed her and got interested in her.

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