《The Divine Gemstones》Chapter 2: The Cherry Blossom


"I indeed am a fighter. Knowledge is my blade. Wisdom is my power." -Shizuka Aizawa

The flower of many trees of genus Prunus. Born under the warm sun of April in the east. The Taurus of the zodiacs. The cherry blossom herself, Shizuka Aizawa, my foster best friend. I’ve been living with her for quite some time now, about a year I think; we have had a fantastic friendship so far, we might fight a little here and there but that’s normal for good friends. As the most popular girl in my school, for reasons being: She has pink hair, green eyes, she is brilliant, very educated, cute, and wealthy. What else could a teenage boy ask for? Now you may ask yourself why I haven’t tried being with her, and the answer is simple, for now, I’m just focused on graduating high school, so I can set up my future for having my own family, having a girlfriend right now may cause a lot of unneeded drama. I must work hard to give my future family what I never had… I must work hard.

“Rukito? What are you gazing off about?” She asked me as I was gazing out the window of the train going at speeds of 200mph.

“No matter how many times I ride this train, I still can’t bear the fact of how beautiful this sunset is.” Then I heard,

“Yet… not more quite quaint than I, right?” I smirked, turned to her and said,

“Don’t talk all philosophical now.” She always does this.

“Hey! I do write poems when I’m bored though!” She said. Shizuka is always locked in her room writing poems or reading books, I don’t blame her, it’s not like there’s anything else to do.

“To whom?” I asked curiously.

“Why do you care?” She asked with a smug.

“How many times do I have to tell you? Don’t answer a question with a question m’lady?” We always play around like this; this is our day to day chatters.

“Oi, don’t dodge my question!”

“What question? I’m the only one asking questions here!” She puffed her cheeks and looked away. We have a small private train, so no-one rides with us, my foster parents prioritize security over everything, which is good! And I say ‘my’ because the mother is Shizuka’s actual biological mother, while the father is her stepdad. The fun fact is that Shizuka’s mother, ‘Ayumi Aizawa’ also has pink hair, maybe it’s a family thing?

“Hey, Shizuka.”


“Does the rest of your family also have pink hair?”

“Yes, it’s a special dominant gene through all of the Aizawa family.”

“That’s cool, has it to do something with magic?”

“I don’t know. My mom doesn’t really want to talk about it.”

Oh, that’s right, I forgot to talk about magic! You see, it’s currently 3318, a couple days ago we started this new year. But anyway, this planet is filled with many mystical creatures and other races that have been created by mother earth which inherit magic. How? Well 118 years ago, after the great mystical war, humans had an agreement with Cloud Elves to stop making harmful chemicals for the environment. Kings and queens limited the outcome of Chlorofluorocarbons. Winters were back at their best, and summers weren’t as burning-hot anymore. Plants and trees were all over the world, the making of downtown urban cities and cars were banned; therefore, all the human-made chemical ozone depletion stopped.

Oh! And smartphones were also banned as it was considered a distraction of daily life for society, so now we have standard flip phones; the suicide rates have gone down, and the happiness of people have increased drastically, it’s a new golden age for humanity and cloud elves.


The race of cloud elves are white-skinned with blue birth-marks that look like tattoos; they are so unique that each one of them has different birthmark patterns. They are mostly known for their blue hair and silver eyes. They are also very wise. In their culture, entertainment is a highly prized ability, so most of our entertainers are cloud elves. They consider religion to be the most critical priority, and they all worship a single goddess named ‘Suisei’ which sometimes is said to communicate with their pope. They believe that magic is intimately involved in their lives. Most religious acts are rituals and prayers.

Their history conceals a great secret, and nobody knows where they came from, some say only their pope does, so much that the pope is more in power than the actual cloud elf king. Oh, and they are called cloud elves because most of their villages and kingdoms are in clouds, they love the land so much that they won’t dare build on it. I find it ridiculous; whoever made this planet wanted us to use it in my opinion.

“Well, here we are Rukito!” The train stopped, we got down at the train station where my foster parents were waiting for us.

“Don’t you think we are old enough to walk home alone?” I asked Shizuka’s mother.

“It’s better to be safer than sorry.” Then the father said,

“Just because we are in a golden age doesn’t mean you kids can run around and do as you like, there are still crimes happening day to day, maybe not as many but they still are.”

“Don’t worry dad; I’ll take the responsibility as the older one and protect Rukito from danger.” Said Shizuka while giggling.

“Hey! It’s not even a year; it’s nine months.” Our parents turned towards us in the middle of the walk and said,

“Kids, I have a surprise for you both at home.”

“Hmm? What is it?” I asked.

“More like, who is it.” Said the father. My blood pressure started rising, and I was starting to get inpatient by this new animal; even though I like more cats than dogs, I felt like it was going to be a dog, a corgi to be specific. But I didn’t see Shizuka too excited about it.

“Really?! Who is it?!” I asked.

“Well, it wouldn’t be a surprise if I told you.”

“OK! Shizuka? You’re not interested in a new pet?” When I said that the parents smiled.

“Hm?” She looked at me; it looked like she was daydreaming about something. “I don’t mind; I’m not a pet person.”

“Really? Well, what were you thinking about?”

“That girl… Sachi.”

“What about her?”

“She was looking at me weird; I could see it through the corner of my eye.”

“Nah, I don’t think so; she is pretty shy and a fairly nice girl.”

“If you say so.” I wasn’t so sure what to think about it, Shizuka has always had problems with other girls I talk within my school, I don’t know if it is because Shizuka and I are close or whatever.

We finally arrived at the mansion, it was a three-floor mansion with a huge front yard and backyard measuring 100 acres in total, surrounded by big walls protecting from the forest; it contains a big fountain in the middle going towards the mansion, and it has a tennis field at the east and a big garden at the west. The mansion itself contains 40 rooms, 12 bedrooms, 13 bathrooms, and 33 fireplaces; it also has a pool at the back, but no one ever uses it much. The mansion is made out of some wood, marble, bricks, and stones. Some of the sidings were painted, and sand was thrown onto the wet paint, creating a rough stone-like texture. This mansion could easily cost around 10 million, but as the best scientists in the world, Shizuka’s parents were able to buy it.


The guards opened the gate and let us in.

“I still can’t believe it… from an orphanage to a mansion, what a jump.” Shizuka looked at me while smiling and said,

“Remember the first time we met?”

“Of course I remember! Your mom took me here and made you get out of your room just to talk with me.”

“And sorry if I didn’t want to, in the beginning, I just expected someone completely different.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean as in someone ratchet, with no manners, disrespectful and cocky.”

“Ohhhh.” I don’t blame her, most people at the orphanage were like that.

“I was actually surprised by your manners.”

“Oh, Thank you!” As we walked right in front of the entrance door, I smelled the pleasant flower smell of the garden all the way from here. I turned to Shizuka’s mother and asked,

“So where is the pet?”

“I’m afraid it is no pet kids.” The mother opened the entrance door of the mansion, the first things to notice were the enormous white marble pillars and the main stairs going up to the second floor and third floor. There was a small set of sofas with a fireplace right near the begging stairs.

“Kasai, we’re back.” Said Shizuka’s mother.

“Kasai?” I asked myself, while suddenly, a girl around my age stood up from a sofa facing away from us and stood right ahead of us.

“Rukito, Shizuka, this is Kasai, she will be a new member of this family.” I… I was really confused by something, not the fact that they got another child but… Kasai also had beautiful crimson hair and golden eyes like me, the only difference was that she had super long hair down to her butt, but it looked like she just came from the orphanage, she had a dirty long beige dress, it looked like it was white but… with all that dirt I don’t think it stayed that way for long; her face was a bit dusty, she was barefoot, and her facial expression was… blank. I didn’t look like her when I came out of the orphanage… she looked like she has been through some rough things in life. But at least she didn’t seem like she was starving to death. Then, Shizuka’s father said,

“We’re really sorry if we didn’t change you up before we left, but we were going to be late picking up Rukito and Shizuka.”

There was an awkward silence for 3 seconds, but I decided to walk up to her and say,

“Good afternoon Kasai, my name is Rukito Nokuwa, I also came from an orphanage just like you, so I know it’s hard getting used to this.” I offered my hand and continued by saying, “But I hope we can live together without any problems.” She looked at my hand then looked at me and stepped back, she didn’t seem to want to shake my hand or anything. “W-what is it?” At that moment I thought that it might have been because she was still nervous, but it also might have been because we have a striking resemblance.

“So, you’re the new girl?” Asked Shizuka, with an annoyed expression.

“…” But Kasai still didn’t seem to want to say anything with her blank, emotionless expression.

“How old are you?” Asked Shizuka.

“…” Shizuka seemed to start getting irritated.

“Hello? I’m asking you a question! Are you deaf?! Are you mute?! Are you trying to mock me?!” Kasai shook her head as to say no.

“Hey Shizuka, give her some time, maybe she doesn’t feel comfortable talking this early.”

“Ugh! Whatever, I can’t handle people like her.” She stormed off to her room without saying anything else.

“Well, she was quick to get angry…” Shizuka’s parents sighed and said,

“We expected this behavior from her, she always acts like the princess and the special noble girl, I guess this life we gave her built a bit of an ego; having another girl is going to rub her off the wrong way.” Said the mother. I totally agree with her, Shizuka’s reaction wasn’t that surprising. But something else was.

“Uhm, Ms. Aizawa.”

“Yes, Rukito?”

“Could you explain why Kasai looks a bit too much like me?”

“Uhm…” She looked at the father and said, “We also had that curiosity; that’s why she called our attention. We did a DNA test of both you and her to see if you’re related in any kind of way, but it doesn’t seem like it. All the tests were negative.” Then, the father said,

“Yes, our theory is that you both went through some special spell or magic when you were babies that changed your appearance to this specific looks. But there isn’t any intel in the orphanage’s database of you two; but it's normal, kids don’t get left in the middle of the street with information stamped on their forehead.”

“Yes, that’s true.” The father walked towards me and whispered,

“Hey Rukito, I want you to take care of her ok? We’re not really good at dealing with kids like her, but you seem to understand her.”

“Uh… I don’t know Mr. Smith.” I wouldn’t mind that much taking care of her, but she seems around 17 years old, which is my current age so it’s not like she can’t take care of herself.

“We just want you to talk to hang out with her, so she starts opening up to the family ok?”

“I’ll try.” Even though I seemed like I didn’t, I really did want to help her. I was once in her position, so I understand how it is.

“Thank you so much! Well, my wife and I will work in the lab underground ok?”


“Remember the rules?” I sighed and said,

“Yes, don’t disturb you both in the lab, never go down the lab without authorization and never but never touch the things in the lab if authorized to go down.”


“And call you if I need anything.”

“Good job! Well, she is all yours!” What a pair of reckless foster parents…

“Alright, Kasai…” She stared at me with her blank expression yet once again. “Yes, I know, I really look like you, but you heard the man, our DNA is completely different.” She nodded. At least she can respond to yes or no questions…

“Well…” I looked at her top to feet. “How about you start getting a bath huh?” She nodded. “Alright, just follow me; I’ll show you around so you won’t get lost, easy enough?” She nodded again. Holy moly, this is going to be tough…

I showed her most of the mansion, it took about 15 minutes or so, but after that, we started walking towards one of the closest bathrooms to my room so that she won’t get lost in the mansion… because I did the first time I got here. We went upstairs to the third floor where the bedroom and bathroom were at; a beautiful red rug was all along the corridor. “OK, Kasai.” I pointed to the bathroom door and said, “This is the bathroom ok? There are 12 others like this in the mansion if you don’t like it, but this is mine. For now, you can use mine, so you don’t get lost after getting out because my room is right here in front of it. She nodded and then looked at her dress. “Right… you need clothes to change to.” Ugh… I’m going to have to ask Shizuka. “Uhm… wait for me inside the bathroom ok? I’ll just ask Shizuka for some clothes.” She nodded and proceeded to enter the bathroom. Well, she sure as hell listens no-problem.

I walked towards Shizuka’s room which was at the end of the corridor, and mine was at the center. I knocked on the door and heard,

“Who’s there?” Alright… this is the best one I saved for emergencies.


“Adore who?”

“Adore is between us. Please open up!” I heard her giggling, and she said,

“You may come in.” This is our rule; if we go to each other’s room, we have to say a funny knock-knock joke, if it’s not funny, then we are not allowed in. I walked into her room, and I saw her wearing her indigo pajama with her hair loose all the way down to her back, I love seeing her like this because she is always going around with a ponytail, I like girls with loose hair more… wait what am I talking about? Anyways, she was laid down on her bed using her laptop.

“Did you know that angels and devils actually exist?” She asked me.

“Really? New mystical creatures are discovered left and right nowadays.”

“Well, they weren’t discovered, more like skeletons were found somewhere in the Melean Desert.”

“That’s cool and all, but I came here to ask you for something else, not my daily dose of news.” She closed her laptop, sat up, faced me and said.

“Yeah sure, what is it?” Well, that was fast, she probably thinks I’m going to say something serious…

“You see… I need some of your underwear and-”

“W-What?! Why would you ever-” I rushed towards her to save my decency as a human being, held her shoulders and said,

“Listen, listen, listen! Let me finish!” I’ve seen this in anime way too much; the guy says something misleading and the girl starts building up this misunderstanding and it ends with the girl calling the guy a pervert… I’m not allowing this to happen to me!

“A-Alright.” She said. I noticed that she was starting to blush a bit, and I think I was too. I worded that sooo in the wrong way.

“Let me phrase that a bit better… I need clothes, so Kasai can change into something after she showers.”

“So, you came all the way here just to ask me for that?”

“I mean, yeah, why?” She sighed and said,

“Nothing…” At that moment I wasn’t too focused on trying to understand her, so I just let it go.

“Well, can I borrow some please?”

“Yeah sure… as much as I don’t want to give her anything, at least she has to look decent right?” I smiled and said,

“I’m glad you understand that.”

“Just get a pajama and a dress so she can go outside if she wants tomorrow.”

“Thank you very much Shizuka; I’m sure she will appreciate it a lot.”

“If you say so.” I took all the clothes Kasai needed and laid them on a basket.

“Alright, I’m going to take this to her.”

“Yeah… goodnight.”

“You’re not going to eat dinner?”

“No, I’m fine, my school reading club had a party today, so I ate a lot already, but thank you for asking.”

“Oh, ok, and no problem.” She slightly frowned. At this point I started to notice what was going on, she doesn’t care that much about Kasai joining, her problem is that she probably thinks I will replace her or something. But of course, I wouldn’t… Shizuka helped me so much getting rid of those past negative memories, she always managed to brighten up my day, so I owe her a lot. So, I decided to stroll towards her while she was looking at the ground. I got closed and softly hugged her.

“Hey, don’t think I’ll replace you ok?” She silently chuckled and replied with a soft voice,

“I don’t remember allowing you to read my mind… how can you always understand how I feel?” I gently let go of her while smiling and said,

“Maybe I’m just really good at understanding people.”

“Maybe a little too much…” I picked up the basket and opened the door.

“By the way, nice cherry blossom perfume. It’s my favorite.” She lightly blushed and said,

“O-Oh, Thank you.”

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