《DogZ (Complete)》Spring-15: Someplace new


Warmth traveled down my throat. It gathered inside my stomach before moving on to my heart; from there it flowed into my veins, reached for the places that hurt —my back, my legs— and started healing them, making them less painful. The cycle continued until all the warmth was used and I became cold again.

Then a small stream of warmth that was flowing up my veins reached my brain and I had a dream.

In it I was a hu-man, walking on my two feet and getting ready to go somewhere. I ate my meal and came out of my house, a large double storied house, kissed my lovely wife on her soft and supple lips, and entered my car. I pressed the ignition, and the car started vibrating. I didn‘t hear anything. I waved my wife goodbye, but just as I was about to drive away, someone rushed over the road to my house and jumped at her.

I was confused at first, then pushed the window open and stumbled out of the car. I fell on the road, but got up on my feet and ran to save my wife from the man. He was—he was eating her! I was screaming, though I couldn’t hear anything. Cold sweat flowed down my spine; I had goosebumps all over my body.

I pulled the man from the shoulder. But he didn’t budge and remained stuck to her like a leech. My wife was shaking under him, and he was eating her alive. I screamed, made the effort of it, and kicked him on the back, but that didn’t lead to anything.

So I pulled a crowbar from the car and struck the man in the head, and he fell to the side twitching. The crowbar slipped out of my head, as it was stuck in his head. I had broken his skull.

However, it was already too late. My wife was bleeding profusely from the neck. The man, the rabid, cannibal had eaten half of her neck and she was in shock. I jumped over her and press her neck to block the blood flow, but there was nothing to press.

I watched in horror as her eyes rolled backward and blood flowed out of her mouth as she exhaled one last time. Then slowly her body stopped shaking and she became still as a stone. I was dumbfounded. My hands were warm from her blood and trembling horribly. I wanted to grieve, but there was much anger boiling inside me and I wanted to take it out on someone. I turned toward the man and that he was already standing; the crowbar was still sticking out from his head. His face was painted red with my wife’s blood.

My heart skipped a beat. He shouldn’t have gotten up. Fear replaced anger as I worried about my life. Then I felt my wife moving. I looked at her and she bit my neck.

I woke up howling. I almost jumped up from fright, but a sharp and searing pain from my back didn’t allow me to move.

I looked around in a panic, to find Kalki, the shop, the roarer, the man, the woman, but none of them were around. I was alone in a closed room with white walls. Where was I? Someone had clearly moved me to someplace new.

I was lying on a mattress with a lot of warm covers over my body; all of them were clean and smelled unused, new. It was too comfortable inside and didn’t want to get up. I could still smell Kalki’s scent from the pillow. So we had survived? Then what was the dream? And where had it come from? I couldn’t make head o tail of my situation.


Well, technically, I was not in Kalki’s bed, but it was oddly comforting to know that she hadn’t abandoned me. Once I knew Kalki was around, I calmed down. The dream had scared me at first, but I hadn’t seen anything new in it, only things I had already gone through. If anything it was relatively mild in comparison to what I had really gone through.

I forgot about it since it no longer concerned me, and started thinking about my condition instead.

Getting going was a bit difficult. My legs shook as I stood up. Stretching flared the pain over my back. And feet wobbled when I walked. But I was awake, alive, and safe. Didn’t think I’d have any of those when I went down in the night. I tried to feel my heart, but it didn’t contain any warmth inside. I had likely used all of it, yet I was still in pain. That explained more than I could comprehend.

The explosion had rung my ears like a bell, and I could still hear it in my head —a constant and persistent ‘EEee’ that refused to go away no matter how I shook my head. So I could only live with it.

I was under a roof, in a space that didn’t smell of smoke or sweat. How far had Kalki brought me? There were a variety of odors in the air, but smoke wasn’t one of them. I looked back at the soft white mattress I had been sleeping over: it was thick. No wonder I had slept so soundly. Now that I was poking around, I learned that there was something plastered over my back, a white bandage of some kind. It was cooling my back. Though it irked my senses, I liked the cooling effect; so I let it be for the time being.

I was hungry.

Suddenly, the left side of the double door swung wide open and a girl, not Kalki —this one smelled of cigarettes and Kalki didn’t smoke— barged inside, carrying a wide metallic tray. However, she saw me and froze, the door swung close behind her. We both stared at each other as if in a staring contest and she lost. I harrumphed in victory. It was such an easy win.

Well, you are a strong one, aren’t you? But don’t move around too much. Your back is no condition to be put under any stress. How are you awake though? I gave you a larger than recommended dose…

and she trailed off.

I didn’t understand a word of what she said and neither was I interested in them. I was more interested in the smell that she was giving.

I sniffed. Did I smell wrong? I went closer. She didn’t like it and told me to sit down.

No! She said casually at first, but every time she repeated the word she grew tense.

Go back. Sit down. And in the end, she asked me to stay away.

I ignored her request and she gave out a muffled scream. She was scared of me. Now, that was nothing new.

Kalki! She called, loudly in a harsh tone. Well, that was a name I knew, but the smell was coming from her crotch. I dug my nose between her legs, lo and behold, she was also in heat. I had no idea how hu-man females could bear that change in temper. Compared to her, Ginger had been jumping around when it was her time, and she could not settle down for days. She had Cob humping her day and night for a whole week before she calmed down.


The female gave a muffled laugh when I licked her crotch. She was wearing a lose set of red dead fur with scentless flowers growing on it, most likely for easier air circulation. It covered all of her skin, but it had barely any thickness and she probably felt my tongue.

She pulled a hand away from the tray she was holding and pushed at my head. The touch of a human hand really was something great, it was relaxing. I forgot about the smell and rubbed my face all over her hand as she gave out another chuckle.

Stop it will you… She chimed in and giggled in pure joy, no longer afraid of me. She got on her knees, put the tray on the ground, and started rubbing my face. She had small rough hands, but long lingers that dug deep into my fur. She knew how to scratch a dog’s skin.

You were pretty messed up when we found you-you know. I told Kalki you wouldn’t survive. Uncle was against wasting medical supplies on you, but… you are lucky in more ways than you can count on. We should name you miracle, but I don’t think Kalki’s going to agree.

Will she? She asked rubbing her nose against mine.

Will she? She said stretching the words for dramatic purposes.

I liked this female. She was sweet. Not as sweet as Kalki, but behind the scent of cigarettes and smoke there was a kind soul, one even kinder than Kalki and Kanti.

She let my face go and continued talking in a voice filled with awe. That one is a strong woman, isn’t she? The way she fought back against uncle… She rubbed my head and smiled. I barked a loud one to let her know that I understood even though I didn’t. Hu-mans liked to be encouraged. It was something that Dimple had taught me. He obviously meant something entirely different, but how the lesson is applied in real life differs from person to person. It was something that Rusty had told me.

You must be distressed, right? She nodded her head, trying to get me to repeat after her. I didn’t think she understood that I was a free dog and not a trained one. Wait here. Let me get your mommy.

I decided to sit down. The floor was too cold for my liking, however. So I went back to the mattress and sat down with my arms stretched in front of me. She returned a short while later and took a seat by my side. Placing the tray on the mattress, she started removing the bandage from my back. That’s when the door opened again. It was Kalki this time and I ran to her, slowly —let’s just call it a walk. I didn’t swing my hip because the pain was still there, but I did pass between her legs in greetings.

He’s so energetic! Kalki exclaimed. And you were telling me he wouldn’t survive.

I’m as surprised as you. The other female replied. It could be the medicine-- I was worried our pain medication would affect him badly, but he seems to be having the day of his life.

So are we doing it now?

Why was Kalki not paying me attention? I felt jealous that they talked to each other, but not me. I tried jumping, but the pain flared, and a whine rose out of my throat, which finally got Kalki’s attention.

What happened? Are you all right? She hugged me. I wanted her to play with me, not worry for me! I could hear her heart throbbing through our contact. I swear I was going to run away, but thankfully, the other female came to my rescue.

Alright, bring him here. It’s time we cleaned his wounds and changed the bandage. You don’t want the boils to get infected. The female paused, as she struggled to open the packet of something white and fluffy. She jumped slightly when it exploded everywhere. Kalki snorted loudly, then stood up and went to help her gather the stuff.

Finally, the female continued, but in hesitation. Did Uncle give you any problems? I don’t know what she told Kalki, but it worked.

Don’t worry about him. Kalki sounded… vigilant. He’s acting like he’s going to make his last stand in this place. Well, he’s being foolish. Di you think about what I told you?


The female hesitated, causing Kalki to shake her head.

You need to come with me. I have already talked to your boyfriend. He told me he can get us a car. We can make it out of here.

The female slapped the mattress in fake anger, her flushed cheeks completely laid her thoughts bare. She was embarrassed for some reason. He’s not my boyfriend. She whispered out, softly, but loud enough that even I could hear. I could suddenly smell her crotch from near the other end of the small room. I hoped she’d be able to control her urges, or she was in trouble. Even her neck turned red.

And-and where will we go? She asked, taking her eyes off packet and looking at Kalki. She took a dry gulp. Her mouth was watering. It was starting.

I let out a bark to get their attention. It worked.

We’ll talk about this later. Let’s take care of him first. Kalki told the female and then turned to me. Come here, boy.

She patted the mattress and I went. It was that simple. I stood on the mattress and she took a seat to my right.

Should we leash him? The female in heat asked. And that got her my absolute attention. I knew that word. Cob had warned me about the leash. I barked at her, not threateningly, just letting her know my feelings. NO LEASH. Kalki rubbed my head and denied her request to my relief.

No, he doesn’t like to be on a leash. She hugged my head and held me tightly. I felt her nod to the other one, but I was lost in the flowery fragrance of her hair. That is until they started peeling the bandage off my back, and I felt the sting.

Oh my god, it was way worse than anything I had ever felt. Even their breaths on the tender wound felt like a screamer scraping my insides with its nails. I howled and struggled to get away, but Kalki held me tight, refusing to let go. She had her arms around my neck and held my legs with her hands, whispering in my ears with her sweet voice, ‘it will be alright. She’ll take care of you. She’s a doctor. You know doctors?’


Doctors meant needles and a muzzle. I had had my share of shots in the hip. Kanti made sure to get me what he called immunized. Tagged is what Cob called it, and he didn’t want to talk about it.

Oh, please. I’m just a nurse, a trainee. The nurse female told me as if that needed clarification.

The air on my back felt warm and searing once the bandage was removed. I readied myself for some poking and rubbing, which would have hurt way more than anything, but what I got was not that.

That’s not right. The nurse said in a worried voice.

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