《A bored boy looking for reason》Chapter 5 First kill


Hey here is another chapter. I got to say that it has gotten harder to write since I am not as motivated as before but I can guarantee at least one chapter a week and hopefully more. I am planing to run this story on long term and will promise that it will continue unless something unexpected happenes like getting hit by a car or something. The story might be moving slowly but I try to build it up with a solid background so that it will be even better later on.

And give me some feedback on the fight scene agaisnt the wolf. It's my first time writing one so it would be very welcomed with some opinions, but do keep in mind that it was just a wolf and not some god he was fighting.

Please rate and review so that I can further improve my story and get more raders.

Notify me of anthing you find missing or any mistakes and I will try to fix it.


I was now in front of master and the other heroes. For some reasons they have decided to come and say goodbye. I actually surprised it went this smoothly, I thought the king would throw me in jail or something to keep me from staying. But I suppose that would have looked bad and it might get the others to mistrust him.

- “If you ever plan to go to the dwarven kingdom, try to seek out a dwarf with the name Garvin. He will help you out if you mention my name.” I was a bit confused but didn’t think much of it.

- “Bye and I hope we see you soon.”

- “Yes good bye and come back soon please.” Louis followed up after Becca.

- “See ya.” Charles said. The retard didn’t say anything but it didn’t really bother me. I wasn’t expecting anything of this from them and it actually felt quite nice for some reason.

The only things you could see me carrying was a small backpack and a sword by my side. I didn’t really need much more since the rest was in my dimension pocket. I think I will just name it inventory since this is way too similar to our games.

I started walking out from the city gates. One last look at the city and I would be gone. The walls was quite big now that I think of it. Anyways need to move.

So where should I head to next? I heard from master that there were a town to the west and further west lies the elven kingdom. I have to admit I am quite excited to see a real elf, so lets go that that way. I need to hunt something for food later too. Awh such a pain. I will just see if I get lucky or I will probably have to go hungry for a while. I do have some provisions but I wanted to spare them for emergency cases. There seems to be no time in my inventory or it doesn’t move at least. I tested by keeping an apple in there for some months and it did not rot in anyway.

The forests really are beautiful. Nothing alike the ones in our world. I am certain it has to do with the pollution and that we are cutting everything down. I have seen some strange birds on my way nothing much but they seem different, intelligent is what I see when I look at them. Mostly they just sit in the trees and watching. I also saw one or two rabbits with horns. This really is a fantasy world. I keep forgetting that.


According to the map that I got from Gus it should be some hours before I reach the town. As I looked at the map I heard a low growling noise. I directly looked up from the map and got my sword ready. I am not gonna lie here but I am seriously nervous now.

I kept looking around ready for anything that might come at me. When I looked at a pretty big bush I saw a pair of glowing eyes just in time to dodge the beasts attack.

Damn that was close!! Is what I want to shout out but I am not that stupid. It might just attract more beasts. The beast that attacked me looked like a wolf but it was bigger and very much meaner looking than what I know of. It was the size of a pony if not a little smaller. The fur was black and almost seemed to sparkle, there was some with lines streaming alongside the sides of the wolf. Again it seemed very intelligent if you compare it to your normal wolf. Not that I have ever seen a normal wolf.

The wolf just stood there gazing at me with red eyes that was inspecting me. It felt like they could see right through me.

- “There is no chance that you could let me go is there?” I asked still knowing that it was quite stupid.

- “Grrrrrwwwrrw”. Did it just respond?? Nah it couldn’t be or could it?

Correct me if I am wrong but it almost seem to be mocking me. As I thought that the wolf suddenly leaped forward against me. I put up my katana in front of me and stepped to the side out of his charge by a hair breath. It was all a pure reflex that Gus had drilled in to us and I sure as hell is glad for that.

It turned around looking at me with angry eyes. Probably thinking that its dinner shouldn’t avoid or something. While it leaped charged again I did the same thing but this time knowingly and managed to slash at the wolf. Too bad that I just scratched it.

If the wolf was angry before he was now furious. He charged forward again and I was just about to do the same thing when suddenly his claws grew and he turned against me as I stepped to the side. I blocked with my katana but was still thrown back. As I hit a tree and I felt the pain spreading in my back but I didn’t have time to think about it as the wolf was charging against me.

I stepped up and just as it jumped at me with its fangs out I cut down with my katana. This time I got it and the blood was flying out. The charge still threw me back against the tree, that was how powerful it was. I felt the pain as I was looking around and saw the wolf with a cut in its head. Have you ever seen those movies that they just cut things clean in half? Well that is just a load of bullshit. The cut was barely enough to reach its brain.

Uuuhhh all this was freaking disgusting. I had blood on my face and on my clothes, and to my side there is a big wolf with a cut in its head so you could see the brain. I will have to get used to his, if I ever will. It looks like I don’t have to worry about food anymore.


There were still some hours before it got dark and the town was only about three hours if I read the map correctly so I decided to take a break after the fight and have some barbeque. I started preparing the wolf by skinning it. Learned a thing or two from the tailor shop when I was in the city, but sadly enough nothing could prepare me for the skinning of a real animal.

I felt really grossed out when I took my knife and started skinning the fur. I thought it might come in handy when I reach the town. Who knows maybe I could get a pair of extra clothes now that my own have blood on them.

The wolf tasted really good I have to say. It is not the taste that you get at a restaurant. It’s the taste you get when you eat your own cooking. It might not be good but it still taste great. Not that I am a bad cook, I did cook for myself and my old man all the time after all. The meat was though but it kinda tasted like chicken.

(AU Note: I couldn’t help myself hehehe. PS if you don’t get it nvm)

After eating and packing my stuffs I got back on track. It took me about 4 hours to reach the town. It seems that I got a little off track but I still found my way. What met me as I got closer to the town was a small little queue. It seemed like an inspection by the guards.

- “Hey, is there any reason for this inspection?” I asked the man who was last in the line.

- “No they just do that every day. Ask what you are doing here and such” the random man answers.

I stood quietly and just waited for my turn. Nothing really happened and most just took a couple of minute to enter.

- “So what are you here for?” A guard asked me with a tired expression.

- “I am just passing by and will spend a few nights before heading out. I would also like to register at the adventure guild.”

- An adventurer huh? Very well move on.

It really was easy to get in. You might wonder if the city didn’t have an adventurer guild. It does but I didn’t want to register there in case the king had told someone to watch. Even if he could do the same here the chance is smaller. But on to the first thing I have to do. Find an inn.

You could see that that the town reminded of the city but a level lower you might say. I was walking around and just looking while keeping an eye out for a good inn. I found a weapon shop and went in to take a look but it pales in comparison to masters’ work. It seems like he really was a master smith after all.

While still looking around and the sun about to set, I finally found a somewhat “clean” looking inn. The others I have come upon was just a dirty bar with some rooms on the floor above. Still this one wasn’t much different to the others but it looked cleaner.

At the counter was a woman in her 40s I would guess. I walked up to her.

- “Hello, I would like a room please.”

- “How many nights? One night is 7 copper one meal included. Ten copper for breakfast.”

- “Three nights then.” I said and handed her 30 copper coins. She gave me a key with the number 26 on.

- “The room is upstairs and just come down if you are hungry. Breakfast counts until ten.”

That is something I have just notice. Everyone seems to know what the time is when they have no watch or anything. Truly mysterious. I suppose it could have to do something with magic but it seemed unlikely.

The room was quite normal and there is not much to say about it. There is a bed, drawer, mirror and a little wardrobe. Since I was quite exhausted from the fight with the wolf both physical and mentally, I just decided to go to sleep.

I was downstairs eating breakfast and believe me I sure as hell didn’t expect that they had pancakes. Of course I ordered some. After I was done eating I will go and see if I can get registered at the adventure guild. No that it should be a problem.

The building for the guild was huge. And I don’t mean it like it is huge in the fancy palace style but more of a surprised that it is a house style. It was almost as big as a four story apartment house in my own world and it actually looked decent. I had expected something like a little rundown building with a lot of drunken adventurers. Guess I should try to stop judging things.

The insides reminded a lot of the inn. There obviously was a bar and besides it there was a counter for official business I guess. The woman at the counter looked to b quite young she was definitely very beautiful.

- “Hello I would like to register as an adventurer.”

- “Sure. If you could fill in the information on the paper you are able to start out as an E ranked adventurer. The rankings go from E-A where E is the lowest. Above A there is S, SS and SSS which are special rankings. If you would like a higher rank to start with you will have to take a test to see if you are capable.”

- “That is okay I will start with an E rank.” I didn’t want to reveal too much of myself. That would make everything I have planned much harder.

I filled in the information and she said that it would take some time to get my identification is ready. So I decided to go around town and see if there is anything interesting

I walked around and sure, almost everyone was wearing a weapon. That is very unusual from my perspective but then again I am from another world. I noticed a stall that sold some accessories. But what really caught my eye as a bracelet with a very special design. It was three bands pitch black, connecting all of them was something like a black circle that almost shined white at the edges. There were two dragons slingiring around the lower and upper band. The upper dragon was black while theundefinedlower was withe.

(AU Note: Think of something of a combination between these two pictures with the added description and it will look something like I imagind.) Bracelet modell, Black circle image

- “Hey, where did you get this?” I asked while pointing at the bracelet.

- “Some adventure sold it to me and said he found it in some ruins. It thought it would sell but strangely nobody has ever given it a look. I will give it to you for 1 gold coin.”

- “Isn’t that quite a lot for something nobody noticed?”

- “Yea, maybe but I bought it from him for 10 gold thinking it would sell and hey I gotta make a living.”

- “…Alright I will buy it” I could feel something from the bracelet but thought nothing of it.

I said that I had some money from the work as a smith, it ended up to around 10 g. I gave him the money and put on the bracelet. It gave off a feeling of connection not that I know why.

I went back to the guild to get my identification since some time has passed.

- “Here you go.” She gave me a necklace with something that looked like a dogtag that the army had. With name and rank.

- “Now don’t lose it. It will cost 50 silver for making a new one.

- “Yes thank you. Could you also see If there are any request for a caravan or someone where you head west against the elven kingdom? I will come tomorrow for the information if that is okay.”

- “I can do that for you.”

I was now back at the inn eating dinner. The food was pretty good.as I was eating some rough looking people entered. I kept an eye on them since they were probably up to no good. You know the movies where you see some guys enter and you just know that they are ad people. That is what was going on. They sat down and kept looking at me.

One of them suddenly stood up and started walking over here.

- “Hey kid that sure is a nice looking sword you have there. And here I am using a old sword that is barely keeping up. You don’t mind if you give it to me do ya?” he said with a very mean looking face.

I considered my option. There really only was one option to this situation. I stood up and as he was looking very proud of himself thinking he succeeded I punched out knocking him to the floor as he landed I kept on with kicking him until he lost conscious. So much for a big mugger. Everyone was looking at me, his companions looked like their jaws had gone missing.

- “What!? He was trying to rob me and should be lucky to keep his life.”

That seemed to scare the others from his group as they just dragged the guy I just decked out with the tail between their legs. I won’t lie but that felt really good.

- “That was so cool. They really deserved that.” I looked at the one talking. It was the waitress.

- “It was nothing. They should learn to pick their targets.”

- “I’m Mei. My mother is the owner of this inn.”

- “Cardiz, just a travelling adventure.” I said as I was starting to head back to my room. I didn’t really want to make a much bigger deal of this than it already was.

The night cam and I succumbed to the darkness.

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