《A bored boy looking for reason》Chapter 1 Introduction


-Alex, could you explain the Euklides algorithm?

I woke up from my day dreaming and was staring at the teacher that was looking at me, probably noticing that I was dozing off and just wanted to get my attention. I looked at the whiteboard and noticed some gibberish math that I just had a tiny clue on how to do.

-Sorry I don’t understand it fully, but I think it was something like dividing the bigger number with the lesser and then dividing the lesser number with the rest you got.

-Almost right, you continue to divide….

I wasn’t really listening to him. I didn’t even want to continue with this. I just so happened to have nothing to do so I just applied to a college that seemed somewhat interesting and chose to study programming since it was obvious that it was where the future was heading to.

(Au note: In case some are wondering just because you read programming doesn’t mean that is the only thing you read, there are a lot of math too)

Personally I think that we do not have a future since everything we do have no meaning to it, think about it, you are born, stay at home, go to a daycare, continue to school, then some more school, and then you have to continue studying, and then some more. We waste about 20 years on this before we are done and continue the so called “adult life” just to notice that almost everything we learned in school is never used. After we are done with all that we have to get a job, wake up early and work until it is late for about 40 years before we are free to do what the hell we want. While we are doing all that you are starting a family and have to work even more so that you can let them eat and have a good life. This is just so that we can die happy and leave everything behind. Totally pointless if you ask me. But don’t get me wrong I don’ want to die or anything it is just that I see no point in everything that we do. The same argument can be said about all the religions, even if we have a life after this so what it’s the same thing there, there is no meaning to it.


Class ended and I was walking home. On my way I saw the same beggar I always saw on my way home. The government keeps talking about making our world a better place to live in while they take all the money for themselves while letting the poor starve and let them live on the street, It’s the same with every citizen, they talk about it and feel horrible but do nothing against it.

As I came walking to him he called out to me with a smile as always, I wondered how he could do that.

-Hey, you back again kid?

-Yeah, I thought of giving you some money for food.

I ended up giving him 10$ as I have done sometimes before. I got to know him a little, apparently he joined the army after dropping out of high school, and he even had a girlfriend at that time that was supporting him. One round turned into two and so on. When he got home and finally was retiring from the army he had served for 15 years he found that she had taken literally everything from him. They moved in together when he was home one time and lived happily or so he thought, when he got home he saw that another family was living there. He asked them what they were doing in his house and where his girlfriend was. All that he got was that the previous owner of the house sold it to them and moved on. He tried to find her but she was gone.

As he had no place to stay he got to stay on one of the armies border houses but that only lasted for one year until he got kicked out and had to live on the street since he had no real educations according to our society and no one wanted to hire him and with no source of income he couldn’t get a loan and all his family members was gone.

-"Thank you so much as always." He said with a big smile.

-"It was nothing, you deserve better than this." I said as a simple matter of fact with a small hint of pity in my voice.

As I got home I started the cooking. It was the same thing every day, after school I always start to cook for myself and my old man. My mother died when I was four and I can only remember her face and some things that are a little too fuzzy to make any sense. My old man wasn’t really bad to me but he wasn’t nice either. He just simply didn’t care. I was told that he was madly in love with my mother and had a big breakdown when she died, he also got to drinking a bit too much. Now we have a deal that I take care of the things around the house and I leave him alone while he earns the money and leave me alone. A simple life but better than most others, thanks to this I didn’t have to take any loans and the little I earned on my breaks was enough for the study material.


He doesn’t come home for a bit later though so I just put his portion aside while I take mine to my room. We seldom eat together. I started up my computer as usual and start eating while reading my fantasy novels. That was my way of escaping this extremely boring life. As I am sure we all have once thought of something like being a hero in another world or something, I was no exception to this either. I usually put myself in the heroes shoes and try to decide what I would have done in those situations. I tried starting to write my own story but it just never happened.

This time I was reading a novel about a hero summoning, the hero had to kill the humans’ enemy, the demon lord and blindly follows what they say. I always thought that was stupid. Who would even listen to someone that just kidnapped you from your family only to have you help them fix their own mess. I read a novel some years ago where one of the hero just walked out on them and survived on his own. That one made me really recognize myself with the hero.

Maybe I should also mention that I am a bit of anti-social since I have no “real friends”, of course I have some that I hang out with at school but no more than that. I think that I am not as emotional as others because of my relationship with my old man, not that I blame him not at all. But also because of the way I think about life, the whole has no meaning thing.

As I was done eating I walked downstairs to do the dishes, that was about the only thing my old man did by himself in this house, not that it was much to do, just wash the dish and put it in the dishwasher and then I start it when it is full.

Now that I am thinking about it I haven’t talked about the house or what my old man does have I? Well the house has two floors the ground floor is where the living room and kitchen are while upstairs are the bedrooms and bathroom it is a quite simple little house but it will do.

(Au note: If you ever been in a typical house in England in one of the cities you have a pretty good idea)

My old man is something like a blacksmith I guess you could say. I have watched him work sometimes and what he does is smelt down iron and make things out of it. Not really sure what it is called in “modern days”. He has asked me to help him on a few occasion and all I can say is that it is different from what you would expect of the era we are in, but quite fun though. I once asked if could try to do something on my own and he agreed as long as someone supervised it which wasn’t a problem. And so I made what every guy would do if he got the same chance mainly a katana. I wasn’t allowed to sharpen it but It came out pretty well if I had to say so myself. It is now hanging on the wall in my room. And before you ask, yes I have tried swinging it and destroyed a lamp with it. I had to buy a new one with my own money.

As I was sitting in my room still reading novels, a white light suddenly enveloped me. I looked around confused and all I could see was some circles and strange symbols. As my conscious faded I heard a voice.

-Hope you find your reason for the chance you have been given.

I barely heard what it said as I lost conscious.

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