《The Final Dream》Chapter 2


You could care less about what poor Walter Bronx thinks. It’s not your fault that his incompetence as the captain of the guard has allowed this killer to run around Alderbrand free as a bird. Honestly, you’re surprised you weren’t called in sooner if this dramatic princess act is what counts as good law enforcement in this city.

Allowing yourself to chuckle sightly, a more positive energy fills your body. You didn’t come here to be anyone’s friend, you are here to complete a job and move on. The captain grips the hilt of his sword while you laugh to yourself. His footprints get slightly deeper indicating his child-like stomping.

The sword he is gripping looks ornate though. The metal shines brightly like silver in the morning light. A few gemstones are set along the cross-guard, each one a different colour. This single piece of equipment looks to be the most expensive thing Bronx owns. Just looking at the sword makes you believe that it must possess some magical properties. The captain may be useless as a law enforcer but he could probably hold his own in a fight against a few monsters. Perhaps if he wasn’t acting like a spoiled brat, you would have invited him to join the Order after you were done.

Neither you nor the captain say a word throughout the rest of your journey. A dull ache is forming in your shoulder from hauling your luggage through Alderbrand. You have a feeling that this man is going to see you only as a tool and will use you as such. This thought annoys you slightly as it reemerges, but now that you’ve seen the level of competence you can expect during your investigation, you can accept that. Obviously, you shouldn’t use a sword to chop would just you should use Walter Bronx to catch an artistic serial killer.


Acquired Clue: Incompetent Captain

Walter Bronx, the captain of Alderbrand’s guard has only proven himself to be childish and pathetic. Your trust in his abilities of investigation concerns you. With this clue are less likely to trust the captain with helping you during the investigation. Although, his help in combat can still be accepted without trouble.

Finally, after what seems like an eternity, you arrive at the scene of the crime. From a glance, you notice a few things without the need to investigate. The first is that the crime happened in an isolated location as the house before you is further from the city’s center than other homes. Secondly, the area seems to be a poorer neighbourhood. And the most obvious but final observation is that a fire occurred within this building as you can’t see burn marks originating from the outside of the home.

Acquired Clue: Indoor Arson

You are able to detect that the fire originated from inside the building making the investigation for clues inside harder than clues outsides. This also leads you to believe that the arsonist had a way into and out of the building but you won’t know more without a thorough check.

You walk up to the house and await background information before you begin investigating.

Go to Chapter 7

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