《Tessellate: Stains Of Time》:3: Disappear Into The Mist


Add tried their best to keep up as they marched through massive stone caverns connected by perfectly cut rectangular corridors. Slimy glowing algae and thorny vines snaked over the floor and walls, hiding little critters and snails that called the cold and humid caves home.

Every now and then their guide would look back at Add with mild irritation but the archivist could not figure out why. After the third glance, Add simply stopped and asked Lyner what's the matter.

"Footsteps are too loud. Do you not have training?"

Now that was an answer Add had not expected.

They sheepishly shrugged. It had never crossed Add's mind that their normal walking was in any way loud but now that it was brought up they could not stop thinking about how each *clomp* of their feet echoed compared to the older hunter. It was difficult enough to just keep phase while not wheezing for breath without being sneaky too.

Add's wound had begun to sting and they could feel a fever building, but something about Lyner made them not want to show any more weakness than necessary.

Just as Add was beginning to feel dizzy, Lyner stopped to inspect a small cave hidden by foliage. The cave snaked in for a bit with a room where both of them could lay down with some space to spare. More importantly it was dry and out of the way.

Satisfied with their inspection the guide ushered in Add who immediately threw themselves to the floor as a panting, sweaty mess. Lyner took some time to secure the area and set up a few traps before they rolled out a mat for each of them and then joined their exhausted companion.

"Eat then sleep." Lyner instructed and handed Add a waterskin. Water had never tasted so good.


Lyner then proceeded to slice and cook the meat off one of the thigh clubs with a heating rod. Maybe not Add's preferred way of cooking as it left the outer part of the meat charred but it was leagues better than eating it raw.

The two spent some time in silence, seated against the cave wall and ate.

"Hey, Lyner, where are you from?" Add signed as well as they could with one hand and chewed at the rubbery unseasoned meat.

Lyner simply answered by pointing downwards and held up five fingers. Five strata down below. Which equated to hundreds of kilometres and who knows how many cycles. With how unpredictable the Labyrinth was, Add would have believed it if Lyner had been climbing for half as long as the archivist had been alive.

"Woaw." Add made a whistling motion."That is a long climb. The labyrinth is inhibited way deeper down than I thought. Do you have a reason why you are here? I mean I'm thankful you are, but where are you going?"

Lyner pointed up, "I'm finding the exit to the labyrinth."

Add could understand that goal. They had met many people who dreamt about breaking out, to see the mythical sun and sky. Though no one knew exactly how far up you had to go or how to get there. Thinking about it an idea came to them.

"I'm an archivist from my hive. I collect stories and information and store it for the future. Data, important documents, stories, that kind of stuff. Maybe we can help each other?"


"My hive might have fallen but I think our archives are still intact up there. We have maps and travel guides that I'm sure would be of use to you. Besides, we do better traveling together than going at the world alone."


Add looked expectantly at the soldier who took a moment to think before they answered with a curt nod.

"I will accompany you to your archives, if feasible."

Add had a feeling it was the most reassuring answer their odd new friend would give.

After just a few more bites Lyner laid down to sleep while Add wanted to ask for more food.

"Are you not hungry?" Add asked, hoping to get a reason to eat more.

"No. Full. Help yourself if you wish."

Add thought about how someone could apparently be malnourished but have such a tiny appetite when food was presented.

"I'm good, thank you. Sleep well."

Lyner did not answer and turned over to face the wall.

Add took off their hardhat and laid down, staring up at the glittering stone ceiling and bit by bit fell asleep after a long, long, cycle.

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