《A Kid and His Slime》Chapter 13 - Stasis


When Alex started to stir again, he found himself lying flat upon a long clear like floor. The environment around him was as if he was in a sea of clouds in a never-ending sunset or sunrise.

“Have I been here before?” He said aloud.

“Slime?” Alex yelled out. But there was no response. It was only him here. He could faintly hear the melody of a piano playing its melody up and back down again. Alex couldn’t quite put his finger on it, but he was certain he had been here before.

“Hello?” He shouted, hoping to get at least a reply from someone.

But again, nothing called to him. The clouds slowly glided their way across the skyscape. Alex took another look around and as he noticed before it was as if he was standing upon a clear floor of crystal. There was no landscape, this entire space was simply cloud and sky. The sound of the piano was calming but also slightly eerie.


A voice rang out in his mind.

Alex recognized it immediately. This was the same voice that was speaking to him in the old ruins back in the Forbidden forest.

“Hello?” He called out to the sky.


The voice spoke warmly. Behind Alex a clanking sound could be heard. To Alex he imagined this is what a crystal might sound like if it was struck as an instrument. He turned to see what it was and as he did, he saw many small platform-like stairs, like what he was standing on though not a one of them touched or connected, appear and ascended into a cloud high above where he was. As he began walking forward, he noticed that with each step the floor let out a soft hum and the area around his feet let gave a small white glow.


He made his way up step after step, the hums in rhythm with each step, until he was inside the cloud. Continuing up even higher through the cloud he soon came out the other side. As he did the cloud he came through vanished. The stairs he had used disappearing behind him no longer allowing him a way back down. He continued higher not sure where these stairs would take him. He finally reached the final step, as he planted his final foot upon it, in quick succession, the few stairs behind let out a low hum as they faded out of existence. As the stairs vanished, they began reappearing before Alex, side by side making a brick like crystal walkway for him to walk across. When the second to final stair went into place for the walkway the massive floor flashed in a bright light which now revealed a clear platform. When he stepped off the final step the staircase vanished and on the opposite of the new walkway an enormous crystal appeared floating slightly above the floor. It had many jagged rough edges, from a large and wide top it narrowed down to a simple point which made the base of massive crystal. It slowly rotated the light of the sun glistening off its surface.

As the crystal appeared Alex felt a warm welcoming from it in his heart and in his mind.

“I have been here before.”


The voiced spoke.

“I know you, don’t I?” He asked the crystal.


As he approached it more of the area was revealed. This wasn’t just a small platform. As Alex made his way toward the massive floating crystal, he soon realized this was an entire room. It bore no walls nor ceiling but had the resemblance of a large bedroom. Past the crystal were small stair like platforms that lead to another platform. On it floated a massive clear crystal frame in the shape of an oval. To the right of the crystal some stairs descended to another landing where a bed frame and blankets laid.


Do not be alarmed.

The crystal spoke again.

This is just a dream.

“A dream? But this feels so real.” He said.

Your mind was brought here.

But your body was not.

“Where am I?”

This is the Stasis Realm.

It is a world beyond that of the humans and monsters that you know.

“Stasis realm?” Alex had never heard of such a thing.

Soon Alex.

You will meet me here in the flesh, and all shall be revealed to you.

“How will I get here?”

In time you will see.

For now, return to your world.

“How will I find you again?” He called out but everything started to fade to white in his vision. He felt blanketed in warmth and closed his eyes as he drifted to sleep. The last thing heard in his mind was

Return for now young Alex.

We shall be reunited soon,

my chosen child of light.

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