《A Kid and His Slime》Chapter 11 - Shoulder Monster


The two entered the room exercising caution as they moved throughout. The room was much larger than they had thought upon their initial look inside. Dozens of chairs lined many tables that took up a lot of this room. Old oil paintings hung on the wall, most of which were either damaged or decaying. Same with the banners that hung from the walls and wooden pillars that stretched from the floors to the ceiling. Compared to the closet they had awoken in this room was quite comfortable. As they walked from one end to the other, they continued to admire and take in the sights of this room. It was then that Alex caught sight of something he had been looking for, the thing that originally got them in this mess, food. Alex stopped in his progress eyes now locked on the delicious looking plate

There on the massive table by the fireplace sat an untouched plate decorated with bird legs, potatoes, and a tall tankard of something to drink. Alex began to drool at the sight of the food and couldn’t help himself. Now that he felt the warmth of the fire on his skin, he started to relax a bit while momentarily forgetting that he was still stuck in a Goblin’s Lair. He started to make his way over to the big table.

Slime had made it to the door without any issue.

“Ok kid, open this door and let’s get the heck out of here.” Slime said not realizing that Alex had broken away from him.

“Alex?” He called again turning around to see that he was nowhere near him any longer. He hopped back away from the door and into the main part of the room again and there he saw Alex at the table stuffing his face with the food that was there. Slime was furious and as a result the top of his head began to boil with bubbles.


“Hey, idiot!” The Slime shouted, no longer able to hold in his discontent.

Alex took another bite of the bird leg and looked over at Slime with his checks stuffed full of food. Alex was grinning ear to ear, or, as well as one could with their mouth full of food and he raised the leg in acknowledgement of Slime. He grabbed the remaining potatoes and stuffed them into his pockets and then ran across the room with the bird leg still in hand.

“You idiot. Did you lose your brain or something?!” Slime scolded forgetting that he should be quiet.

“I told you I was hungry Slime! And now I’m feeling great!” Alex said happily as he wiped his mouth on his sleeve.

“Did you completely forget that we’re trapped inside a lair full of GOBLINS WHO WANT TO KILL YOU!” Slime shouted.

“Uh…oh yeah.” Alex swallowed the food in his mouth as he looked around the room. “I did kind of forget that.” He let out a laugh.

“Sorry about that! Once food shows up, I sort of forget about everything.” He laughed again.

“UGHCK! You are impossible! I’m going to kill you when we get out of here!” Slime said as he wobbled in place. Slime like teeth had appeared in his mouth while he was yelling at Alex to add to his frustrated appearance.

“Sorry sorry!” Alex said back. He started to open the door when through it emerged 3 goblins all with weapons in had. The goblins had heard the racket Alex and Slime were making and made their way here.

“Ahs has human! We founds yous!” One of the goblins cried.

“Oh good going kid.” Slime said as he jumped back on Alex’s shoulder.


“Sorry about that!” He said as he ran back to the middle of the room. “Maybe if you didn’t yell at me so much, they wouldn’t have found us?” Alex suggested.


Once he got to the middle of the room he stopped and looked back at the goblins..

“Kid what are you doing? Keep running!” Slime exclaimed.

“Our exit is through that door, so we need to go back.” Alex said.

The three goblins hadn’t moved from their location and stood guarding the door.

“Donts thinks were gonna lets you by humans.” The other Goblin said as he they patted a long club in their hands.

“If yous wants through heres. You’lls have to go throughs us!” The third goblin squealed as he swung a sword over his head.

The goblins roared with laughter as Alex stood his ground ready to fight.

There our hero stood bravely against the goblin trio. Knowing he had but one direction to go, he needed to get through. He had no weapons and no armour so he did the next best thing. He reached up to his shoulder and grabbed Slime.

“Oi, hey! What are you doing!?” Slime yelled as Alex transferred him into his right hand. He cocked his hand behind his head in a throwing position.

“WAIT A FLIPPIN’ SECOND!” Slime exclaimed just as Alex thrust his hand forward and threw Slime towards the goblins.

“I choose you, Slime!’ Alex shouted as slime soared through the air.

“Slime use Rock Bottom!” Alex shouted.

The goblins broke into a roar again as the small slime flew over their heads. That’s when Slime extended his body into a rectangle like shape and forced his body into stone. There he plummeted down on the center goblins head with load crash. As soon as he made contact with its head, he turned back into a slime amd bounced his way towards Alex. Alex was already charging forward and caught Slime in his hand and placed him back on his shoulder.

“Hah, good job Slime!” He said as he leapt over the collapsed goblin and ran past the two who were completely bewildered at what they had just witnessed. He didn’t bother with the door and instead ran through the kitchen. Coming through the other end he yanked open the door that was supposed to lead up and outside of this place, but instead it led down into a dimly lit stairwell. The goblins had regained their composure and looked into the kitchen to see Alex opening the door going downwards. With no time to think he slammed the door shut and started sprinting down the stairwell.

“What the heck wat that Alex! I’m not some kind of pocket monster you can just throw out at the bad guys!” Slime said as they rushed down the stairs.

“No, you’re a shoulder monster!” He said chipperly as he continued running down the stairs.

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