《A Kid and His Slime》Chapter 8 - The Great Library


It had taken a few days longer than expected but Darcy finally made it to the Great Library.

“Sheesh.” Darcy sighed as he wiped sweat away from his brow.

“I don’t remember there being that many monsters on the way here.” He looked around the area but didn’t see anything else around. Normally traveling by foot to the Great Library would’ve only taken a few days. But the spirits in the Forbidden Wood were a lot more active than normal. Not to mention he exited the wrong side of the woods and had to make his way through the Rolling Hills, take a left at Caste Town – Title Pending, go through the Old Grass Plains and then into the Autumn woods to finally reach the library.

“I hope Alex is all right. I can’t believe it took me a week to get here.” He thought for a moment as he gazed at the size of the Great Library. “If I can find what I came for quickly, I can get back to the house in a few days. Alex should be okay until then.” He took a drink from his canteen and then walked up the steps to the massive door that lead inside the library. Pushing open the deep red door he let himself inside. This wasn’t the first time Darcy had been here. In fact, he was the one who did procure a majority of the books for this library. He took in the smell of old cool wood and the musty smell of old books.

“Ahh, it feels good to be back here.” He said with a smile.

“Hello! Godwin it’s me Darcy, where are you, old friend?” Darcy called out warmly. He waited a moment or two but there was no reply. With a shrug he walked on further into the library.

“I guess he must be deep in a good page turner.” Darcy spoke to himself. He knew Godwin was a sucker for books like himself. It was part of the reason why he had entrusted him to watch over the Great Library. This building houses many books from across the kingdom. But not only that, many great books from the across the eras. Darcy knew that deep inside the library were original texts dating back to when the goddess walked among man and beast. There were books on magic and the world itself. Prophecy books regarding the future of the world from more than 10 era ago, and most of what was seen did come true. What Darcy was after was a book from long ago during the time of the goddess. He knew he had read about the golden eye effect once before, but it had been decades since and that book was kept here deep below the library in a hidden section.


Darcy made his way across the red carpet to the center of the library.

“Godwin! I could use a hand friend. I need to access the deep archives and you have the other key.” He called once more. Though once again, no response was heard. Darcy let out a small sigh but knew Godwin must’ve found something good. But the library was massive. So, the options were wait for him to return to this portion of the library or go out and find him. Which would be an adventure all in of itself. Darcy decided he had done enough adventuring this week and made his way over to one of the tables near the massive pillar in the center of the library. The only way back to the front of the library was through here as all hallways connected to this location.

After helping himself to some of the food he picked up while in Castle Town – Title Pending he decided to walk some of the shelves. The section he found himself in was one regarding lore of the old and new world. He picked up a book titled “Our Kingdom’s Queens”. It was a book going over the last 5 queens of the Kingdom of Zophia and it ended with the current Queen, Queen Sophia. He opened it up and began reading from the beginning.

In most Kingdoms it was the King who lead the nations and their armies. But the Kingdom of Zophia was the opposite. It was original made up of mostly humans and the ancestors of the dwarves from the north. This land was used primarily for farming, fishing, and mining. One day two great disasters struck at once. A kingdom from the east wanted to take this land in their name and a group of monsters from the south wanted to destroy them all and take this land for themselves. King Reinhardt of the east offered to protect them from the monsters so long as they surrendered their land to his kingdom and swore to serve him. However, the people did not like this offer. The person who loudly declined the request, before anyone could even discuss it, would eventually become this land’s first queen, Amelia.

Her fellow neighbors, friends, and family all agreed with her decision and rallied behind her. With the help of the northern miners they built a might stone wall and fort in a day or so. In just 4 nights and 5 days the people drove off the monsters and established their independence as a nation. King Reinhardt was not pleased that they were able to protect themselves. He had hoped to take this land and defeat the monsters in one fell swoop. But now the very land he had hoped to have and the glory of defending them were swindled away from the King. However, he was quite taken with Amelia as she was quite fair and so he asked for her hand in marriage both for his own interest and to bring about an alliance between the two. This also meant that he'd likely be able to still get his hands on the land..


She refused and the King was prepared to march on their home, but Amelia offered the King a proposition. If he could best her in sword combat, she would marry him and forego the land she had protected. But if she won, he was to instead forever be ally to the Kingdom and never march an army on her lands. The King accepted and met the Queen in combat. It took two hits for Queen Amelia to declare her victory. The first was a simple parry of the King’s heavy swing, and the second was a brutal kick to his knees that saw him quickly to the ground in a loud clash of metal and stone.

The poor King never knew that Queen Amelia had been the one to rally her nation to the front lines of battle against the monsters. She had truly led her people to freedom and fought beside them as equals. From that day on the Kingdom of WarHardt and Zophia were forged together as allies for the ages. To this day the two kingdoms are still at peace and in honor of this alliance a festival is held every year in honor of the Queen for her strength and wisdom and for the King and his word.

Darcy closed the book as he started to hear foot steps approaching. Returning the book to the shelf he saw his old friend Godwin coming down the hall. He called out to him again with a warm smile and hand waving overhead.

“Ah! Master Darcy!” Godwin replied. “When did you get here?”

Godwin was both excited and a bit embarrassed he wasn’t here to greet Darcy.

“Awhile actually, but that’s okay. Find yourself something good?” He asked.

“Oh, why yes I did in fact.” Godwin smiled while giving a small snort like cough.

Godwin was a shorter older man who had a slight hunch as he walked. He wore big heavy robes that drug on the floor when he walked with sleeves longer than his arms. He was bald and wore small round frames on top of his nose. He had a large bushy white mustache as well and his eyes looked as if they were in a perpetual state of being sleepy.

“Well don’t keep me in suspense, what was it?” Darcy questioned.

“Oh, well you see. *ahem* This is a cook book from the continent of Glordenheim. I found a recipe for some baked potatoes and I am quite looking forward to trying them out you see!” Godwin said excitedly. Godwin was an old and simple man who enjoyed simple things like an easy dinner with a good book. Or a warm cup of tea on the terrace while watching the sunset behind the trees.

Darcy let out a laugh. “You are safe guarding the largest and rarest book collection of the entire world.” He gestures left and right. “We have books on entire civilizations, books about ancient magic, we have a section dedicated entirely to the goddess of old. But you my friend are more interested in the cuisine of a country that is made mostly out of rock.”

Godwin let out a chuckle. “Well, quite right I suppose. Their food is quite legendary if I dare say so myself you see.”

Darcy walked up and embraced his Godwin. “It is wonderful to see you, old friend.”

“Yes, I quite agree indeed.” Godwin replied with a large smile. “So, what brings you here? We don’t often see you in these parts these days.” He asked Darcy.

“Ah yes, thank you. I need to access the archives. I’m in search of a book that I believe is hidden away in the restricted area of the library.” Darcy explained.

Godwin let out a deep grumble while stroking his mustache. “And what, may I ask, is it that you’re hoping to find?” He asked.

Darcy caught Godwin up on what had happened with Alex and why he had come.

“Yes, I see. Well let’s not waste a moment. We need get you back off to Alex, yes.” He said as he motioned Darcy over the pillar. Godwin reached into his robe and pulled out his key from around his neck while Darcy withdrew his key from his pocket.

When Darcy finished making this place, he decided it was a good idea to place a powerful spell on the secret chamber. As such to open the door you need the twin magic keys created for this lock. Darcy kept one while Godwin kept the other. Together they opened the secret staircase leading below the library.

“Well, would you like some company Master Darcy?” Godwin asked.

“Why not! Better to look with two than just myself.” Darcy said as he welcomed Godwin into his quest.

Together the two descended down the spiraling staircase into the basement of the Great Library. The door shut behind them with a small thud as the stone entry way slid back into place.

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