《A Kid and His Slime》Chapter 5 - Mother?


Alex was standing high above the clouds. From where he stood the clouds appeared to stretch across as an endless sea. The sun stuck on the horizon. Whether it was setting or rising he couldn’t tell.

He was simply captivated by the scene before him. He had never dreamt of ever seeing something like this.


A voice called to him, peacefully. He turned around to see the silhouette of a woman. Alex had never met his mother, nor did he know what she sounded like or looked like. But somehow, he knew this was her.

Come here my son. Come to your mother.

She beckoned for him to come. He started to run towards her, but his body moved slowly as if he was running under water. She began to appear further and further away.

“Mother!” He cried out for her.

“Don’t leave me again!” He reached his hand out to her and she reached back for her little boy. But the sky grew dark, the peaceful clouds became turbulent. Lightning and rain began to fall from them and below his mother a dark shadow started to form.

“Mother, watch out!” He tried to warn. But the shadow opened swallowing her whole. She let out a small cry as she descended into the darkness.

“Mother!!” He screamed in horror.

He fell to his knees sobbing. He was finally about to meet his mother and in that same minute she was taken away from him all over again. A moment later a figure emerged from the shadow. Alex looked up hoping to see his mother. Instead he saw a large figured covered from head to toe in dark metals. The creature approach Alex. Sadly Alex had lost the will to fight after seeing his mother be swallowed up. The metal clad creature raised its mighty great sword and in a great distorted voice said


“This is the end child of the goddess. No one can save you now!” and with a heavy chop the creature brought down its great sword through Alex. Where he was standing shattered and he fell from the place above the clouds into the thunderstorm below. As he fell, he looked into the creature’s eyes and he could see his mother once more trying to reach out to him. He reached for her again as he fell but was lost as he passed into the raging clouds of lightning and rain.

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