《Transdimensional Apprentice》CH. 6 A New Start


: Drovak :

Blintx had just landed on my shoulder and I had taken a few steps before hearing a pained groan. Turning back I watched in horror as the human was bent back in a curve. For a few seconds all I could do was stare in shock.

‘Master! Look at him with Mana Sight!’ Blintx sends with excitement.

Quickly activating Mana Sight I am floored even more. Somehow the human had all of his Essence channels open! A feat that was speculated to be possible but never witnessed. I watch with trepidation as the Essence rages through his body.

‘oOoh, that has got to hurt’

An understatement if anything. Usually one has to meditate and open their channels over the course of days if not weeks. Working on different channels after completely opening the first. I shudder to think what he is currently feeling as my own experience was far from comfortable. The first time I opened my first channel I was bedridden for a week and it was the basic natal channel that everyone eventually opens.

I watch on in fascination as the Essence continues unabated for almost half an hour. Watching with Mana Sight I am able to watch as his Cores start to form before my eyes. It is awe inspiring. With how much Essence he has been absorbing, I would almost think that he had never drawn in any. Slowly they form. But not the simple round Cores that are the usual. No, his Cores look to be almost crystalline in structure. Something that is seen only in monsters and very old beings.

What is even more interesting though, is that each of his Cores are growing at the same rate. Usually one if not rarely two Cores are the dominant Core. Allowing for an increased growth and ease of use. Though all Cores are needed for life and multiple skills call on the use of two or more Cores. Usually one would need to specify and work on building up a Core to be able to use them.


After an hour his cores are already the size of an elf’s heart. Remarkable. My own had reached that size only after I had become a Magi.

‘Well, dosent he have big balls.’

Slowly the Essence starts to change from a raging torrent into a steady stream. His Essence rich Cores start to rotate. An advanced form of manipulation that if I had not seen it for myself I would have said was impossible for someone to do until they had reached 300 years of age. Another fascinating discovery, he seems to be circulating his Ilm, Houn and Vesz all along his system.

After the flows stabilize like a puppet that has had its strings cut he falls bonelessly to the floor. Taking a moment to cast a few detection spells upon him I am astounded once more. His bones, skin, muscles and even his internal organs have all become similar to a 3rd tier warriors.

Nodding to myself I grasp one of the tokens from my inner sleeve and Send for my servant. With a faint pop, Chaiak one of my more presentable summons arrives with a bow.

“You called master?” voice deep and grating as always.

“Pick this one up and follow me,” I state waving my hand. “Gently please. He has just Awoken. And his seemed particularly painful. Try not to damage him, he is supposed to be my new apprentice.”

“As you will it master.”

‘oh how fun this one should be!’ Blintx sends.

I try to keep my smile to a minimum. Yes, this one should be very fun indeed.

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