《Transdimensional Apprentice》CH. 4 First Impresions part 4


: Drovak :

“Yes I am a Drow.” Most perplexing. Both how he knew what I was and his reaction.

“You, augh don’t worship Lolth, do you?”

“Of course I do," What self-respecting Drow would I be if I did not worship the Fate Weaver? " I have always worshiped the mistress of protection and family.” Though I will admit I have not been as devote as I could or should be.

He stands there staring a little over my head. Does he know Appraisal? If so it would not help him to see my status. If I had to guess he is someone with very little world experience.

“Mistress of protection and family?” he asks slowly.

“Yes, She who lovingly guides those who are under her care and protects the innocent. She who taught us to weave and to craft nets and cloths to feed and shelter us”

He is very expressive of emotion. They seem to cycle across his face. Shock, then contemplation, disbelief, then he cocks his head and looks off into the distance again.

“Sooo,” he makes the one word last 30 seconds, “Lolth is not the queen of the demon web pits? Nor the goddess of lies, destruction and chaos? She who loves to torture, maim and pits her followers to fight and kill one another for her amusement?”

WHAT!? Such blatant sacrilege! Where did this human get that idea from? With a shake of my head I explain.

“No, She is the goddess of creation, love, protection, family and the keeper of laws.” I cannot help but to quip the old adage my mother used to say to me before tucking me in bed. ”After all, it takes dedication and time to craft a web, and the webs of the Mistress are made to feed her children.”


He stands there for a few more moment thinking. Until finally he nods.

“Ok then. Seems the information I have about Her is extremely twisted and false. I am deeply sorry if I have offended you or Her or any others.”

At least he is courteous and diplomatic. Though with his current state of dress and various fluids upon him it spoils the fact. I really must learn more about him.

“though I would be remiss if I let you to wander about without knowing anything about the Spire and what I have planned for us. You are indeed a sorry sight to behold. Please, follow me.” With that I take a step towards the door.

“Um, sir?”

Turning back I raise an eyebrow. “Yes?”

“Well I really don’t mean to be rude or anything. But why am I here?”

. . . . .


I spy him in the corner grooming himself. He stops, “Yes, master?” hmmm his tail is lashing about. He feels guilty about something.

“Did you not inform our newest apprentice on why he was brought here?”

With a rapid blink I can tell that he forgot “my most sincere apologies master. But this . . . creature, decided to urinate on your Array before I could.”

Oh sometimes I regret having him as a familiar. Yes, he is intelligent and has many uses, but he has always had a horrible attention span.

Breath in, breath out.

“I am an Archmagi, do you know what that is?”

“Nope.” He states with a shake of his head.

Breath in. Breath out.

“Classification of ranks of Mages goes as follows,” with a bit of will and some magic I will a simple diagram into existence.









Arcane knowledge





Gained a insight into a school of magic

Crafted 5 original spells

Crafted an original Array

Master one school of magic

















“Usually in order to be able to qualify as a Mage one must know at least 5 different spells, have more then 200 points worth of Mana, and be level 10.”

“Wait,” he interrupts, “Level?”

“Yes, a level, surely even where you are from they have levels?” it is inconceivable that they do not.

“Um, no.” with a shake of his head he brings into question everything that I and all of our order have always believed.

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