《Castlebound》Chapter 02


The kitchen was already warmer than the hallways were. Working the kitchen had its advantages. A fire had been lit and bread was rising on the counter. Lavina was braiding a loaf with deft fingers. She was a plain looking but kind woman who had kept watch on Hailey and Margaret when they were too young to help in the kitchen. She didn’t look up as they passed. “You should have been early today. Get some of those dishes washed. Breakfast isn’t ready yet, but you’re already a bit behind.”

The smell of bread already baking and woodsmoke filled the air. Hailey’s stomach grumbled but the bread wasn’t done yet. Esmerelda was not far behind them, and the cook bellowed at her the second he saw her. “Esmerelda, stir this porridge,” Bruce said. He was a very large man, who expected the people who worked for him to jump when he told them to. He expected a clean kitchen and hard work, but Hailey always thought of him as fair. He pulled a hat on over his balding head and tied on an apron. He had a large knobby nose.

“Well Bruce,” Lavina said, “do you think we’re cursed today?”

“Bah,” He waved a large hand in the air as if there was nothing to worry about. “I was here in the castle when that old witch showed up. She brought in a whole flock of crows, made a big mess of things, but even people who were in the room said she didn’t do much but scare folk. At least, that’s what Martin said. Speaking of Martin, he will want to hear from me. Keep the girls from destroying anything while I’m gone,” Bruce said

Martin was the steward of the castle. He and Bruce worked closely on menus for parties and what ingredients Bruce would need. Both men had busy jobs and relied on the other to make sure the castle ran smoothly, but everyone else reported to the steward as well.

Esmerelda smirked as she stirred, her long wooden spoon was almost not long enough to keep her fingers from burning. “Are you scared, Lavina?”

Lavina deflected the question. “I’m scared that we’re missing too much staff and that today is going to be a nightmare. I’m scared we won’t be able to produce fast enough for all the nobles coming in.”


“I think that everyone who left this castle is a coward and that anyone who has any sense is here doing their job,” Esmerelda said.

“You’re speaking ill of Beatrice, too, don’t forget.” Beatrice had been too worried about this day, about what would happen that she had claimed her father was ill and had left the castle. There was a chance she wouldn’t have her job when she came back, but Beatrice had been determined to get out of the castle. She had hugged them all before she left as if she would never see any of them again.

Hailey felt the worry at the pit of her stomach grow. Maybe Beatrice was right. She glanced at Margaret, but her friend looked unconcerned. She chided herself. This morning, when she was sneaking around the castle, she should have been gathering things so she could survive if she had to flee the castle instead of stealing cake. She tried to calm herself. Even if something did happen, it was only going to happen to the princess. Hailey didn’t want to see the heir get hurt. The kingdom needed her to succeed her father, but the rest of them should be in no danger. Somehow, the thought did not make her feel any better.

Esmerelda continued. “If Beatrice comes back, I will expect her to apologize for leaving us. She has definitely made our day harder and there are others who have deserted as well. I think it was selfish of them.”

“Lots of people are afraid of Millicent,” said Margaret.

Esmerelda rolled her eyes. “Millicent hasn’t been seen in sixteen years. If she really had it out for the princess, she would have succeeded by now, don’t you think?”

“What about the mages?” Hailey finally chimed in.

“What about them?” Lavina said, pulling fresh loaves out of the oven with a paddle.

“I don’t know, they seem worried.”

“And when had you had time to discuss things with the mages?” Esmerelda sneered.

Hailey didn’t have time to respond.

“Esmerelda! You’re burning the porridge!” Lavina ran forward, towels in her hands. She pulled the huge pot off the oven.

As Esmerelda had pointed out, the day had been more difficult without Beatrice. Hailey and Margaret had been enlisted in setting out food in the dining room. The constant trips back and forth to the kitchen were tiring and Hailey groaned when she realized that the breakfast dishes would have to wait. She set a stack of bowls into the sink, hoping that they would be easier to clean later.


Last year, the kitchen staff had been able to bring in servants who worked other parts of the castle, but this year, with the number of people who had fled the castle, no one had anyone to spare. Bruce had come back from his meeting with Martin grumbling and wondering how they were going to manage.

Hailey stood just inside the dining room. It was as polished and beautiful as Hailey had ever seen it. Despite the fire lit in the fireplace the room was cold. The wooden floor had been polished until you could almost make out your reflection in it. Ribbons were strung on the ceiling and gifts that had come in advance were piling up on a small round table in the center. Every table had been covered in white fabric. Poinsettia and and sprigs of fir trees were being placed at the center of the tables.

Esmerelda snuck up behind her and poked her in the ribs. Hailey almost dropped the basket of bread she was carrying when she jumped. She decided to take Margaret’s advice and ignore the other maid.

Hailey walked to the table and rearranged the bread. Lavina had had it arranged carefully with her long braided loaves in the back. Then she hurried out of the dining room and back into the kitchen. “Run away, coward,” Esmerelda whispered as she passed.

What did she want from her? Did she want Hailey to be distracted and give Esmerelda more work to do? Did she want Hailey to try to hit her? None of that would do any good. Hailey was small even for her age. The best she could do was try not to be alone with her nemisis.

Bowls of fruits and platters of cheeses were next to go on the tables. All of it had been carefully arranged yesterday. Hailey was tempted to pick up one of the oranges and slip it into her pocket, but Esmerelda was watching her, waiting for her to make a mistake.

Hailey placed down the last bowl of fruit and hurried back to the kitchen. She had to hurry to get the next stack of bowls cleaned so that they would be ready for the soup. She was glad she had placed so many of them in the water to soak. Margaret was still busy helping Lavina with taking the cake to the dining room and Bruce was in the pantry.

“Hailey, help me get the poultry dressed and ready to go in the oven,” Esmerelda commanded once she saw that Lavina and Bruce were out of earshot.

She wiped her hands on her towel and took up a spot next to Esmerelda stuffing the birds with a mixture of bread and onions. Bruce would ask her to go back to washing the bowls as soon as he came back into the kitchen, but all of the work needed to be done all at the same time.

“I feel sorry for you girls sometimes,” Lavina said in an almost motherly tone.

Hailey eyed her suspiciously. Her jaw was already beginning to ache from clenching her teeth. Esmerelda seemed determined to get under her skin today.

“Don’t you want to know why?”

Hailey shrugged one shoulder, continuing to stuff dressing into the small birds.

Esmerelda took a breath. “I feel sorry for you because if something really did happen today, you and little Margaret would have nowhere to run. You don’t have any families to care for you and who would need a kitchen maid other than the castle? You couldn’t be a cook in your own right. All you know how to do is wash dishes.”

Bruce cleared his throat as he walked into the kitchen and Esmerelda jumped. “I see you’ve nothing better to do than torment the other girls,” he said. “Hailey, get those bowls clean, we’re going to need them soon. Esmerelda, do your own job.”

How long had he been listening to them? Hailey suppressed a small triumphant smile. Esmerelda glared at her. I will make you pay for that, her smile said.

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