《Lord of the skies》Chapter 13 - New challenges


Bryan was stunned by such a beauty only for a moment, the next thing he did was getting his spear and getting ready for a clash.

“I am only here to train, it’s better if both of us put our weapons down. Don’t you agree?” Said Bryan with his spear on hand.

“Put your weapon down first and then I will consider.” Said the girl with a steady gaze.

Bryan took a deep breath and lowered his spear. Although he conceded first, he was still alert of the girl. Although the criminality in the city was low due to the missions of guarding the city, there was still some criminality, and people could be unpredictable.

After the spear was pointing down, a grin appeared on the girl's face. She erupted with power and bounced toward Bryan.

Seeing this happening, instead of falling back, Bryan advanced. There were only stairs at his back, and he would be at a disadvantage if he went backward.

Quickly grabbing his spear and stepping forward, Bryan circulated the lightning through his weapon and clashed with the woman.

There was no mystery, the stalemate was quickly broken and the woman was thrown backward. Although Bryan didn’t gather a lot of momentum, his training until now had given him an edge. The lightning coursed through the woman’s body paralyzing her and making her stop in place.

There was still a ferocious light in her eyes. Seeing this, Bryan didn’t hesitate and unleashed a lightning bolt at her, making the woman fall to the ground.

Looking at her eyes from a distance he asked her. “Why did you suddenly attacked me? I have no enmity against you!”

Seeing the sincere expression on his face, the woman instantly relaxed her expression and the anger vanished from her eyes.

“Most man nowadays approach you wanting to do something not so pleasant. As a woman, I just want to protect myself from these scum!” Said her with an icy voice.

“Don’t worry, I won’t touch you.” After finishing his piece, Bryan went to a corner of the terrace and began to train his abilities.

The woman looked at him blinking without knowing what to say and proceeded with her training.


Bryan focused on his spear strikes. Every movement of his weapon could be felt by his body. Feeling and controlling the weapon was easy to him, but now he would begin to infuse the energy on his weapon.


The feeling of control began to get higher as the energy was infused, after all, the energy was part of him, it was the same thing as his blood or as his flash, just a different part.

Bryan felt the energy slowly seeping and integrating into the weapon and proceeded to fell it. After infusing enough, he makes a stabbing movement with the spear.


Although the attack was powerful, the energy dissipated from the weapon and in a moment there was no more of it in the spear.

Bryan figured that he should keep his concentration on the energy on the weapon as he attacked, although the energy was part of him, after leaving the body controlling it was harder.

He began to try again and again, unceasingly striking and infusing the energy in the spear.

Through all these days in the apocalypse, he had refined his control over the energy through cultivation and the control of his lightning. although the nature of the use was different, control was still control.

After training the rest of the afternoon and three hours into the night, he had progressed on the skill tier. He didn’t feel a great change or a sudden powerup, the only thing that changed was the tier and level of the skill that now was appearing like this.

Spear mastery


The skill was just like the description, it only showed how proficient he was in using a spear.

Although he didn’t receive any points, he was satisfied with his progress, after all, his attacks were now much stronger with the infusion of energy in his attacks.

After being satisfied, he walked in the direction of the stairs to meditate for the rest of the night. looking briefly to the side, he saw that the woman was still training there without stopping.

There was fire dancing on each of her spear strikes, and there seemed to be orbs of fire that accompanied it.

The sight was truly mesmerizing, the woman must have her motives to be so guarded against men.

Taking this thing out of his mind, he proceeded to his daily meditation.


After another daily routine of meditation and training, Bryan’s mind was feeling more free, mainly for the progress that he had. His Birthday was coming closer as well, and not having his parents with him was a sad thing.

The next day, Bryan went to the training hall to train with Samuel and Jess and saw the results of their evolution. Samuel was now a human fortress, nothing could penetrate his defenses, and although he had a big armor and shield, he was still agile enough to defend his partners when needed.


After a long day, he went to the roof to train again, and once again the fiery girl was there training her spear.

Bryan went to a corner and began to train by himself, he trained both the spear and his lightning skills, and most importantly, he trained his new skill, the cloud walker. The skill truly allowed him to move much faster than before, but his gains on attributes were much lower than the lightning body one. By the end of the day, his status got upped by a bit. (status pages are going to be put at the end of the chapter.)

He turned toward the stairs to get down from the roof.

“Hey.” he heard a voice calling from the back. As he was the only other person there, she could only be calling him.

Turning around, he saw the fiery girl looking at him, without waiting for him to say anything she said. “Train with me.” She said this without the slightest nervousness in her voice or change of tone as if her words were a command.

Seeing she saying this, Bryan said. “I can, but first you will have to tell me your name for me to consider doing this.”

She grinned and said. “You can call me Lasair.”

“My name is Bryan. We can train tomorrow if you want to.” Saying this, he turned and went downstairs.

Lasair had a face full of fury right now, instead of attending to what she wanted, she said a phrase and left. “I’ll pay him back tomorrow.” said her in her mind.


Arriving at his apartment, after this long day, Bryan felt relieved, now he would have dinner with Jess and meditate on the night to rest. opening the door, he saw that the magical lights of the house were off, but there was a flame light coming from the kitchen. Arriving at the kitchen, he saw Jess seated by the table, with a sumptuous feast of different foods. She was wearing a black dress that made her even more alluring.

She smiled toward him and said. “Did you think I would forget about your birthday? I bet even you forgot the exact day because of all this mess. Go take a shower and get dressed so we can enjoy the food together.” She pointed toward a set of clothes that was already folded on a chair together with a towel.

Bryan picked the things and went toward the bathroom to clean himself. After finishing everything, he got dressed and went toward the kitchen to enjoy the rest of the night with Jess.

On that night, Bryan didn’t meditate.


Waking up in the morning, he felt a weigh on his chest, looking down, he saw Jessica’s head on his chest, using him as a pillow.

He smiled with all his heart and began to brush her hair slowly. Feeling the hand on her head, Jessica woke up and looked into his eyes. They both smiled at each other, but Jessica blushed a little after seeing that his eyes departed from her smile and went to explore other parts of her body. She covered herself with a sheet and went toward the bathroom.

The previous night was like a dream to Bryan. After eating dinner with Jess, he had the time of his life feeling all of her. Her silk skin, that was smooth like the clouds floating in the sky, her beautiful curves that were more slender than a thousand violins, and the amazing movements of the two moving together, like a boat on a storm.

That was truly an amazing night. He looked toward the bathroom on the corridor and saw that the door was not locked. Seeing this, he got a towel and went toward the bathroom as well.


After having dinner, he went toward the city hall to get a mission with Samuel and Jess, they wanted to get a more challenging missions today, mainly to test their ability, but because they sensed that time of chaos was approaching the city as well, and they had to move as fast as possible.

Meeting Samuel at the mission hall, they went to the board to look for a mission that would challenge then, looking at it, they agreed to get a mission.






Troll hunting

Hunt a forest troll that lives in the forest northwest to the city.


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