《Lord of the skies》Chapter 11 - In search of answers


Following the next day, Bryan opened his eyes with the rising of the sun and took a shower. After getting out and wearing his clothes, Jessica showered and changed her clothes as well. They ate some breakfast and went to Samuel's house call him to train in the training center.

Arriving there, they asked the elder to begin the training and they finally began. Bryan suggested that they chose a different variety of monsters this time, they chose the big felines that Bryan fought against and the goblins. the place was a forest and the quantity was in hordes. By what the elder explained to them, After everyone died, the place would reset and the training would continue until the time expired. As they had chosen the second option, they would stay there for two hours in the mindscape but only an hour would pass in the reality, and their bodies would be stored in a special place until the training ended.

After getting everything ready, they began to train.

The difficult of the training was pretty high. Although the strength of each individual monster was not so great, they had the number on their side, and they could even cooperate as well, wich made things even harder.

They trained incessantly for the time available and died a few times from exhaustion and from being swarmed. The creatures could be killed easily individually. but once you were surrounded from every side, fighting was not so easy, you had to pay attention to the enemies behind and besides you. But above all, trust your companions that they would cover you.

Cooperation was not an easy thing to develop, unlike some novels and histories, they were not born fighting and were not extreme geniuses in cooperation. Training was the only solution to fill in the gaps between them. They trained for 6 hours inside the training space, which counted as 3 hours in the outside.

After finishing the training, they felt more in sinch with each other, but they still had a long way to go.

It was still morning when the training ended, almost midday. They felt exhausted. Although they didn't do any exercise with their bodies. The mental burden was still there.

After parting ways, Bryan and Jessica went to eat lunch. Arriving in the house, both of them took out their shoes and went to the kitchen. Bryan cut the vegetables while Jessica seasoned and prepared them and the meat.

After eating, both of them were happily chatting. Bryan was very happy because Jessica's mood seemed to be better. She gently put her hand on his while they were talking and Bryan became a little bit nervous.

"Jess, what were you going to tell me before all this happened?" Asked Bryan nervously. Although he had a notion of she was going to say, he wanted to hear it from her mouth.


Taking a deep breath, Jessica closed her eyes and opened them after a moment and began to say. "Well, We have known each other for so many years. I never had any interest for anyone else, and I think you know why. We are almost eighteen years old, I wanted to tell you my feelings while we had the opportunity. Before all this, that was the last year we had in high school, after it we could only see each other after a long time. You could go to a university far away from me. So, I wanted to tell you how much I like you, How much I love you, both as a friend as as something deeper. through all these years knowing each other we didn't show this, but I picked some hints from you. You were too slow, so I gathered the courage to say my feelings out loud." By the end of the phrase, she was blushing and looked like a tomato. But she was still looking at Bryan's eyes.

Hearing what she said, Bryan took the initiative this time. He slowly approached her and looked at her red lips. He closed his eyes and after a moment, he felt a moist sensation on his lips. Jessica responded to his initiative and kissed him back. Their lips interlocked with each other and they began to slowly kiss. Bryan put his hand behind her head and stroke her hair.

After a moment, he felt a salt taste on his lips, opening his eyes, he saw that Jessica was crying. Separating their lips, Bryan hugged her and began to console her. Jessica's emotions were still very vulnerable, although this was a moment of happiness, she was still sad inside, and these strong feelings made her remember them.

Bryan took her to the coach and they stayed there quietly.

After a while Jessica and Bryan parted ways and both went to their rooms.

In the morning, Bryan felt relieved. The nightly meditation made his mind clearer and he felt refreshed.

He stretched his body and manipulated the electricity on his right hand.

‘Why can’t I surpass the Beginner level in my electrical body skill and the expert level in the spear mastery?’

Looking at his status sheet, he felt depressed, although he had powerful skills, he had encountered a bottleneck, and still couldn’t pass over it.


Bryan Fulgur


















Spear mastery


Electrical body





Bright mind

You have the ability to recall and process information quickly. The informations that you see may be remembered easily.



City Points



These skills were harder to master than he thought, he was not even progressing in energy cultivation.

Not everything in his life could go smoothly, but at least he was alive and Jessica was with him.

Getting rid of these thoughts, he got out of his room and washed his face and mouth.

“Hey Bryan, Good morning.” Looking behind him to the entrance of the bedroom he saw Jessica by the door looking at him. Her expressions were much better now than yesterday, he felt relieved seeing that she was getting better.

“Hey sleepyhead, did you cultivate last night?” Asked Bryan while looking at her eyes.

“Well, cultivation clear the mind, so I cultivated to calm my emotions… Why don’t we go to the kitchen, the breakfast is ready.” Said her with a smile on her face.

Seeing that, Bryan was fascinated by the beauty of her smile, he slowly got closer to her and embraced her. After a few moments he let go of her, put two fingers on her chin and made her looking up, he slowly kissed her red lips and after it said. “ Let’s grab something to fill our stomachs.” with a smile on his face.

Jessica instantly blushed and ran to the kitchen.

After sitting down, they ate and got their thing ready to go to the next mission. Both Bryan and Jess were more confident this time, their time training in the simulation gave them plenty of experience on how to work as a team, they were still in their baby steps on this direction, but at least they were already walking.

They meet Samuel in front of the City hall and got a mission, another mission to hunt the monsters on the vicinity of the mountain, but this time, each one got the mission individually, so that each had to hunt a hundred monsters. Their idea was to each one to complete their mission, so that the points wouldn’t be divided like the last one.

Getting everything ready, they departed to complete the missions.

After a whole day of hunting, they came back exhausted. Blood was dripping from their clothes and there was a smell of shit and piss. Bryan swore to himself that he would never again kill a monster from it’s belly, differently from some histories, there were plenty nasty things inside a creature body.

The mission today was successful, each one of them completed the mission and received the points. Although they were even more exhausted than the previous mission, it was worth it.

They parted ways with Samuel and went to their apartment.

After getting rid of the filthy and cleaning themselves, they meditated for the rest of the day.

The days quickly passed, and suddenly, three weeks had gone by.

Jess and Bryan were still developing their relationship, after all, they had to focus on getting stronger to survive in this world.

Bryan finally had a breakthrough in his cultivation and all his attributes were augmented by 8 points. Even though the attributes were getting higher, there was a need to train to get used to them. Bryan was still having some problems controlling his body to get used to the new powers.

After beginning to do missions, they attempted harder missions to hunt lone monsters that were more powerful. They chose to hunt the Fire lions that lived in the mountains, with Jess ice arrows, they could control the monster movements and restrict it.

Looking at his points, he was happy, He now had 331.634 points, more than enough to buy a limited skill that was selling on the store, a skill named “Cloud walker” that costed 300.000 points. the skill description were like this.

Cloud walker

A skill that helps the user manipulate the moisture in the air to form clouds around the user to initially boost his speed and conceal his actions.

A boost to his movements were everything that he needed. he had attack power and a control ability in his electricity. The skill described that the clouds formed through the skill could conceal the movements of the user as well.

Getting out of bed, he did his morning routine and had breakfast with Jess.

“Hey, I think it’s time for us to pay for the third tier in the training hall, both we and Samuel are having difficulties in breaking through in some skills.” Said Bryan to Jess. According to the old man from the training hall, from the third tier on, they would receive a instructor according to their necessities.

“You’re right. We have gathered enough money for the skills that we wanted to buy, now it’s time to buy them and evolve the old ones to the next tier.” Said Jess agreeing with Bryan.

After finishing the breakfast, they went to meet with Samuel and proceeded to the training hall.

“Hey old man, today we want to do a third-tier training individually.” Said Bryan.

“The point will be discounted and you will proceed to the mindscape, good luck” Said the old man while pressing something in the air, the next second, Bryan opened his eyes and found himself in a dojo.

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