《Unknown Son》Chapter 7.1


Spoiler : Hey, sorry for not posting any chapters earlier this week, but I was busy. I was figuring out some stuff for the plot of the story and making up new characters as well. I also went back and read a few web novels to see how they did their story etc. Also read a few novels on here to see how the other authors wrote. Anyways, I should be uploading more chapters today and tomorrow. I'm sure you all want to know how this will come together, and I actually do as well. It is interesting seeing how my own story/characters come together in this world. Reading the other stories, made me realize how much as a reader I want a new chapter, therefore i'll try to see if I can push out more chapters as time passes.

Also, i'll be moving soon, so I won't be posting chapters for a short period of time. Doesn't mean I dropped it, just means my internet hasn't been hooked up yet. Once it is, i'll start posting again.

Chapter 7.1

‘Nate? Bryan? What are they doing here?’ Adrian thought as he slowly peaked out the hole that he created with his fist.

‘Could it be, that they are also changing? No, that can’t be the case can it? I mean, how they were reacting before… it seemed so normal…’

Peaking through the hole, Adrian could see that Bryan lifted up his blue shirt. It was as if his eyes were about to bulge out from the sight. ‘Damn, this guy is hairy!’

Bryan’s stomach was full of golden like hair, and some parts were denser than others. Strange though, because Bryan was not a blond instead he had black hair.

“You told me that it was a hallucination! You said that we were just making shit up! This isn’t making shit up Nate, this is real!” Bryan yelled at Nate as he started plucking the golden hair from his stomach.

“You could get away with that, how in the hell can I get away with this?” Nate yelled back as he turned around and lifted up his tan shirt. On his back were black scales and two bulges coming from his back. It looked like he was mutating into some sort of lizard.

“I don’t know what the hell is going on. Maybe we both are hallucinating! I mean my sister looks perfectly fine, even Adrian looks normal! We must be dreaming.” Nate said in an anxious tone after pulling his shirt back down.

“Fuck that! I know for a fact i’m not dreaming, stop spouting bull man. This is serious, we are fucking mutating into god knows what are you don’t even care.” Bryan folded his arms and told Nate what he actually felt.

“You think I don’t care? You have no idea what this means to me! How the hell can I walk around with two fucking bulges on my back? Anyone would think that is suspicious. At least you can cover yours up, me on the other hand… I can’t do anything about it.”


Nate took a deep breath as he calmed down.

“Look, we should take the day off or two. We can’t go in public like this… at least I can’t.”

Bryan looked at him, then looked at the watch on his wrist. It was a silver watch that seemed somewhat expensive.

“No, I can’t. I have a history test in thirty minutes. After I finish that, then i’ll go home.”

Nate sighed and walked towards the door. “Suite yourself, if you get caught I can’t help you. I’m going home.”

Bryan looked at himself in the mirror first, then turned on the water. Washing his face, he noticed something strange. There was a hole in one of the stall doors, which wasn’t there before.

Adrian’s face could hardly be seen through the hole. He made sure that Bryan wouldn’t notice his, even his feet was on the toilet seat.

Bryan shrugged his shoulders and took a deep breath. “One test man, just got to get through this one test.” Pumping himself up, he left.

‘So i’m not the only one changing! That's a good thing… right? But why isn’t Emilia changing? We were all in the same crash, so she should at least be changing as well. Maybe females change slower than males, I’ll just have to watch out for it.’ He told himself, then shook his head. ‘Who am I kidding, I need to get away from this place. The further the better!’

Adrian opened the stall door and left. Before he did, he noticed that the blackening on his hands slowly reached his wrist now. It was definitely spreading all over.

Walking through the hallway, there weren’t any students around now as they were all still in class. Adrian didn’t even bother going to the office to get a slip to go home, he just went straight out of the door. It’s not like this school has security guards like some other ones.

‘What's the plan Adrian? Now that we are out of school, what do we do next?’ He asked himself.

Knowing that he couldn’t let others see his hands, there were few options left for him. Heck, even if he wanted to go to the store, he still couldn’t. A few options? More like his only option was to head home.

Adrian lived around a mile away from school, so it wasn’t that bad of a drive. However walking was another story. He has never walked to school before, so this would be a first.

Ten minutes after walking down a few streets, he came across an intersection filled with people hurrying around. Some had coffee in their hands, other hand a newspaper. A few of them seemed to be on some sort of date.

Stuffing his hands in his pocket, he turned right on the intersection.

The ground shook hard, as some of the building windows started to crack. Adrian stumbled for stability as he placed his hand on a nearby building.


Alarms went off on cars that were parked on the roads, and people screamed.

The ground started splitting apart right in front of his eyes. ‘The hell is this?’ Adrian suddenly recalled what happened in that dream like vision or memory or whatever it’s called. When the whole building shook and the next moment they were transported somewhere else.

‘Not good, not good!’

Even as the ground was shaking, Adrian slowly made his way forward step by step.

He heard this screeching sound that almost made his eardrums rip apart. He looked around and it seemed like the others on the streets also heard that sound as well.

They were on the ground with their hands over their ears, yelling out in pain. Adrian noticed that one man had blood leaking from his nose and ears, which was disgusting.

Crying out in pain, Adrian dropped to his knees as the noise amplified. ‘What is this noise? What is going on?’

His nose started bleeding as it dripped on his shirt. Adrian couldn’t take it anymore, ‘Make it stop!’ He yelled inside his head, but the noise didn’t die down. “Stop!” He screamed out loud as he banged his head against the ground.

He would rather be knocked out than continue hearing this ear piercing noise.

Suddenly all the noise stopped. The ground stopped shaking.

Adrian was on the ground, in the middle of the sidewalk with his head on the ground. Lifting his head, he noticed a crowd around him, but they weren’t in pain like he noticed earlier.

In his view, he could see that no windows were cracked, nor were the alarms going off. Even his nose wasn’t bleeding as he felt earlier.

‘What the hell is wrong with me?’ He asked himself confused.

Everything he felt a moment ago was so real, there was no mistake about it. However the facts in front of him stated otherwise. Nothing was going on around him, everything was perfectly fine. The only thing that wasn’t fine was him.

“H-hey… are you… ok?” An older man in a suit slowly asked Adrian as if he was afraid of him.

The look in that man’s eyes, the way the others were looking at him. It seemed like he was some sort of freak.

Only thing did Adrian notice that the blackness that was on his hands crept all the way up, he couldn’t even tell where it ended anymore.

‘Am I even… human?’

Adrian got up and rushed past the others that were surrounding him.

Sprinting down the sidewalk blowing past everyone, he recalled what Nate said. ‘Maybe this is a hallucination? Maybe this isn’t real… yeah… this isn’t real! I’m still in the hospital! In a moment, i’ll wake up and be back with mom… ha..ha..’ Like a lunatic he started laughing as he began to run faster.

‘Yeah, this is just like that Damien memory thing… once I die… i’ll just go back to the hospital…’ Adrian didn’t know it, but a creepy smile crept up on his face. He blackness that was on his hands, was now slowly spreading across his face.

He spotted a red brick wall, and ran straight to it head first. ‘As long as I die… i’ll go back…’

“Hey, hey, hey, what’s wrong with that kid?” Someone yelled out as they watched Adrian sprint towards the brick wall.

Just as Adrian was about to slam into the wall, his body stopped moving. The surroundings stopped. The time stopped moving, everyone, everything was frozen in place.

Adrian could only move his eyes, but not his head.

“Stupid, you think that will kill you?” A voice called out from the alleyway that was next to the building.

Adrian knew he heard that voice before, but just couldn’t remember. His eyes searched around, but he couldn’t see anyone.

If he wasn’t frozen in place, his skin would definitely be crawling right about now. Advertisement Previous

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Chapter RSS About the author 7 Fictions 7 Posts 4 Threads BlueFish Follow Author Friday, August 26, 2016 7:51:48 PM

Bio: Just ask me, my wisdom is larger than the ocean.

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